Chapter 53: So there are taunting weapons

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  Chapter 53 It turns out that there are still mocking weapons

  that have returned to the long-lost village.

  Feiniao stood alone in the middle of the road, watching the figure gradually disappear, and couldn't help curling his lips.

  A few minutes ago, he stood here and said goodbye to Ye Cang, who packed up his luggage and went to travel in the ninja world.

  It was said that it was to relax, but he knew from the murderous look in the other person's eyes that this guy was still a little annoyed at being betrayed by the village. There was no ambiguous
  element in the parting scene of the two, it was simple, after a few greetings and a hug, they Smiling and waving goodbye to each other.

  "You have to work harder!"

  Hearing Asuka's murmur, the orange cat lying on his head snorted disdainfully and said speechlessly.

  "Everyone is gone, when will you replace that blind eye?" "Of course

  it is now!"

  As he said, he took out a scroll from the ninja package, then opened the scroll and looked down at it. The black word [sealing] is on it, and your right hand is pressed on it.

  A burst of white smoke rose up, the seal disappeared, and a glass bottle containing a special potion suddenly appeared on the scroll.

  Looking at the eyeball in the potion, Asuka took a deep breath, touched his blind eyeball with his right hand, and then replaced the eyeball soaked in the potion.


  After using medical ninjutsu to repair the newly installed eyeball, Asuka took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked forward.

  "Sure enough, it's too hard to see things with one eye."

  Hearing this, the orange cat looked down. It watched Asuka's eyes turn black again and couldn't help but sigh.

  "Is this the BUG you are talking about?
  You Uchiha family can actually avoid the risk of blindness by changing eyeballs."

  As it said, it seemed to have thought of something, its beard moved slightly, and it asked in confusion.

  "By the way, since Ye Cang is always around, I have a question that I don't have the nerve to ask you.

  With your Uchiha clan's character, many people should be obsessed with such a powerful ability.

  Why haven't you seen anyone else use it?"

  "Alas. !"

  Asuka sighed, and he replied while adjusting his eyes.

  "After joining Konoha, a serious civil strife broke out within the family because of "Izanagi" (TV 558). Later, with the promotion of the senior

  Uchiha rulers, the family moved [Izanagi and Izanagi] The method of using [Zanami] has been sealed. Now there

  are very few clan members who know this pupil technique. I got this method by chance.

  Another reason is that the family's three magatama stocks were destroyed due to the civil strife. Everything is consumed.

  Now one of the three Magatama Sharingan is missing. No one wants to become a one-eyed dragon." "


  The orange cat nodded his head in understanding, and then his attention quickly became clear. Falling on the white eyeball, he exclaimed.

  "I didn't expect you to have a spare three magatama sharingan."

  Seeing Asuka suddenly become a little silent, the orange cat also became silent.

  It seems to know where these eyes come from.

  A battlefield?
  A moment later.

  Asuka shook his head, and after shaking out the image of his companion entrusting his eyes to him, he put the bottle back into the scroll and said with a relaxed expression.

  "Let's go back to Konoha."

  "Do you still have any in stock?"

  "The three magatama are gone, so Nanosuke entrusted me with one.

  There are still two second magatama."

  Upon hearing that Ermagatama was still in stock, the orange cat's eyes suddenly lit up. It stroked its beard and said with some anticipation.

  "Can the cat be replaced?"

  Asuka nodded uncertainly, thinking of Uchiha Itachi putting the Sharingan into the crow's eye socket.

  "What about me?"

  "You can't."


  Asuka looked the orange cat up and down, inadvertently showing the disgust that is unique to the Uchiha family.

  "It's so scary. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep at night."

  The orange cat was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses. It looked at the flying bird's back and slapped the ground with its paws, shaking the dust on the ground. said angrily.

  "Uchiha Asuka, you will regret it!"

  on the avenue. The cute girl's voice cursed and cursed for a long time but could not subside.

  When Asuka walked to the door of his house, he looked at the familiar door and suddenly remembered something.

  His system mission seemed to be completed, but at that time, because Ye Cang accepted his confession, he was so excited that he forgot about it.

  Thinking of this, he looked back at the orange cat who was sulking alone, closed his eyes, and called up the system.


  [Congratulations to the host for wisely realizing that by sealing the tailed beast in his body and borrowing the tailed beast's chakra, he can make himself like a humanoid fort without worrying about too little chakra. ]

  [Whether to settle the reward]

  The corners of Feiniao's mouth twitched twice.

  He always felt that the system contained himself.

  This method of sealing the tailed beast in the body can increase one's own chakra. Only individuals in the ninja world know it.

  Moreover, the little tailed beast chakra he sealed was all used to release [Forbidden Technique: Reincarnation], but it was not enough, so he had to borrow the chakra of the ninja cat.

  Suppressing the desire to complain in his heart, Feiniao took a deep breath and said calmly.

  "Settlement reward!"

  As soon as he finished speaking, a stream of heat flowed into Asuka's eyes again along the eye nerves.

  "This time."

  Asuka endured the stinging sensation in her eyes, a look of sadness appeared on her face.

  This system is finally useful.

  According to his estimation, the energy just now was equivalent to two months of hard training? ?
  Converting it into numerical values,
  he is probably about [4000/10000] away from opening the kaleidoscope's eyes now

  ! Hmm!
  It will take about three or four years before the kaleidoscope is turned on.

  "Good system!"

  After giving a thumbs up and some usual praise, Asuka turned his attention to the other two things.

  Taishu practice accelerator card (30 days): two questions and two answers.

  Question: I practice physical arts for one day, and others practice physical arts for three days. How many days should it take me to catch up with others' cultivation progress?

  Answer: With the extremely arrogant [Physical Arts Training Acceleration Card], one day of yours is equivalent to three days of others.

  Question: People and their physiques cannot be generalized. I once looked at the backs of geniuses and felt extremely confused, how can I catch up with them.

  Answer: With the [Taijutsu Training Acceleration Card] which has immediate effects, you can stand next to a genius in just one month.

  For a minute
  , Asuka stared blankly at the introduction

  Aren’t you just practicing the triploidy technique?

  This introduction is really deceiving.

  However, judging from the actual effect, this thing cannot allow him to speed through the Eight Doors Dunjia.

  Throwing it aside, he looked at the other reward again, feeling a little excited.

  A weapon similar to the Great Sword Samehada.

  The dark blue blade of Samehada, covered with barbs, can not only be used to cut people, it can also absorb the opponent's chakra and inject the absorbed chakra into the user's body.

  Moreover, it is a living sword that only recognizes the people it likes.

  Asuka twitched the corner of his mouth as he thought of the scene where Samehada knelt down and licked the Eight-Tails.

  He doesn't like licking dogs very much.

  Of course, licking yourself doesn't count.

  Thinking of this, Asuka lowered his head and looked at the introduction in his hand.

  [A weapon similar to the Great Sword Samehada.

  【Character: Arrogant personality, and often likes to laugh wildly like Uchiha, usually relatively normal, likes to scream after being aggressive, has a bad mouth, and mocks the other person from time to time. After Asuka read the introduction, he fell silent again


  For some reason, he now had a bad feeling in his heart.

  He always felt that this thing was different from what he thought.

  If I remember correctly, Samehada cannot speak, but the thing given by the system not only can speak, but the words it says are not good.

  Thinking of this, Asuka rubbed his aching forehead.

  Is there a type of taunt weapon?
  ps: I will post one chapter first, and the remaining chapters in the evening.

  (End of chapter)

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