Chapter 49 Betrayal

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  Chapter 49 Betrayal
  The next day, early morning.

  Since the sun was not out yet, the air outside was damp and cold.

  The moment those civilians who got up early opened the door to their homes, the cold air outside hit their faces, making them shiver subconsciously. Then they rubbed their shoulders and started a new day's activities.

  at the same time.

  The Kirigakure in Asuka's room also shivered.

  Her dull eyes gradually became clearer, scanning the empty room, and then her eyes fell on the bed.

  Did the person and the cat leave?

  After looking at the neatly stacked quilts, she walked to the mirror, took off her clothes, and looked at her smooth body.

  There is no trace of torture at all, so what happened to the pain I felt last night? Was it also an illusion?

  Boom! Boom!
  At this time, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  She put on her clothes unhurriedly and opened the door. She looked at the guy with short black hair standing at the door. His forehead protector was worn to the left. The lower half of his face and neck were wrapped in bandages. He had sharp teeth and spoke in a calm tone. road.

  "How did you find this place?"

  He looked at the other person up and down, and when he saw that the other person only looked a little haggard, he said coldly.

  "I just sensed a sudden burst of chakra

  from you. Yuri Lin, have you encountered an enemy?"


  "That's good, we have obtained the information about the evil god organization.

  Now we can return."

  Lin Yuyu nodded, and then took back the weapon in her hand. She looked at the cold eyes of her companion, subconsciously overrecognized, and a hint of apology flashed in her eyes.

  I gave a lot of information yesterday, but it seemed that all the information I gave was about Terumi Mei.
  Who made her a bloody ninja?

  It would be bad luck to betray information about the ninjas from the same village, but not the bloodstained ninjas.

  After finding a reason for herself, the eyes she looked at her companions also became cold.

  Then he thought about the guy who looked at him with pity yesterday, Yuri Lin's expression darkened, and he thought to himself.

  "I'm seriously ill and dying?"


  Feiniao picked his ears and looked at the orange cat in disbelief.

  "Her name is Terumi Mei?"


  the orange cat nodded firmly and confirmed.

  "She said her name was Terumi Mei." Asuka

  fell silent in a rare moment, thinking of the sharp teeth in that guy's mouth and his figure that was comparable to Sakura from the ninja school.

  If I remembered correctly, Terumi Mei didn't seem to have sharp teeth.

  The reason why she is not married is because of her mouth, but it definitely has nothing to do with her teeth.

  "By the way, why did you say she won't live long?"

  At this time, Asuka heard the orange cat's voice next to him. He shook his head, shook Terumi Mei out of his mind and said casually. .

  "She's seriously ill and won't live long.

  The disease is still in the incubation period and won't break out for a while."

  "That's really pitiful."

  The orange cat sniffed, smelling the faint smell in the air. Then he pointed to the northeast and said in a low voice.

  "Combining the information from the torture and the weak breath, Ye Cang should be in that direction."


  After saying that, Asuka attached chakra to his feet, and his figure disappeared instantly.

  As the sun rises, the morning fog becomes thicker.

  Especially in this valley surrounded by mountains, the thick fog seems to never dissipate during the day.

  Ye Cang looked at the steep rock walls on both sides. She looked at the thick fog around her and couldn't help but frown.

  The place chosen for this negotiation was really remote.

  Kirigakure actually chose this place for negotiation.

  Putting the ninja package in the most convenient position, she put the kunai in her hand, looked up at the fog in front of her, took a deep breath, and stepped into the thick fog.

  clatter! clatter! clatter!
  Everything around him was so quiet, so quiet that Ye Cang could only hear his own footsteps.


  At this time, there was a slight sound ahead. Ye Cang frowned, looked at the shadow wrapped in thick fog, and said calmly.

  "Shayin Village, Ye Cang is here to visit."

  "Your Excellency, Burning Escape Ye Cang!"

  The shadow in the thick fog took two steps forward, and his figure gradually became clearer. His eyes fell on Ye Cang, looking at The other party wore clothes inside out, had yellow-green hair, and had the Sunagakure forehead protector on her forehead.
  Sunagakure really sent her here. After confirming Ye Cang's true identity, the fog ninja suppressed the hatred in his heart and said with a smile.

  "I'm here to greet you. Just call me Mitani."

  Seeing the low-profile Mist ninja appear, Ye Cang nodded.

  Although she was a little dissatisfied with the many conditions the village had promised Kirigakure, after walking and thinking about this journey, she temporarily suppressed her dissatisfaction.

  She still knew the true situation of Sunagakure.

  Let's wait until it recovers for a while.

  Thinking of this, she looked at the smiling Kirigakure ninja expressionlessly and said slowly.

  "Thank you for your hard work."

  "It's okay!"

  San Gu scratched his head, walked to Ye Cang, and said a little shyly.

  "It's an honor to meet you.

  The village thought that the fog was so thick, and guessed that you might need someone to guide you when you first came to Kirigakure Village, so they sent me here." "It's

  just a valley, there's no way you can get lost. "

  Ye Cang didn't take it to heart at all about the goodwill behavior of Kirigakure Village.

  They opened their mouths to the lion of the village, but now they sent people to greet them. Do you want to show me?

  I'm just here as a formality.

  "You're right!"

  Mitani smiled awkwardly, then moved to the left, bent down and made a gesture of invitation, saying respectfully.

  "Please, Lord Ye Cang!"

  Seeing Ye Cang pass by him unprepared, Mitani suddenly took out a kunai from his waist and stabbed it towards the opponent's back.

  As a muffled sound sounded, Ye Cang felt a sharp pain in his heart, and this pain became more and more painful with every beat of his heart.

  With some difficulty in breathing
  , Ye Cang turned back with difficulty. She looked at the Kirigakure ninja who was smiling just now, with a ferocious smile on her face, and her tone was a little unbelievable.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Hahaha~ Your village sold you~"

  Mitani said with a ferocious smile, looking at the kunai that was half submerged in Ye Cang's body.

  "I want you to taste the pain that those companions who were tortured by Sunagakure Village felt."

  After saying that, he grasped the handle of the kunai with both hands and pushed it forward suddenly. With this power, his whole body Fly backwards.

  Ye Cang staggered forward a few steps and fell directly to the ground.

  Huh. It’s so hard to breathe. I can’t find the strength.
  From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Mitani running in the direction she came from, and kunai flying down from the cliffs on both sides. Although her brain issued instructions to avoid, her body could not react at all.

  puff! puff! puff!
  Ye Cang can no longer feel the pain that the kunai pierced into her body, and now the pain in her heart has made her numb.

  It seemed like he had been betrayed by the village.

  Give a moment.


  At this time, Mitsumi appeared in front of Ye Cang. He looked at Ye Cang who was exhaling more air than taking in air and said mockingly.

  "Don't get me wrong, it's impossible to eliminate the resentment of our village. Your death is just some comfort to us.

  Those senior officials of Sunagakure Village who handed you over must have thought so too.

  You are just a member of this short armistice agreement. Sacrifice."

  For the benefit of the village, did I become a bargaining chip in the deal with Kirigakure?
  Ye Cang understood.

  He was betrayed by his village.

  Like a revolving door in her mind, she recalled the first half of her life. Ye Cang asked himself that he had not done anything to regret the village.

  There was really no
  movement of her eyes. She looked at the proud expression of the Kirigakure ninja and felt a little desolate in her heart.

  Looking past him, Ye Cang looked in the direction he came from.

  That is the direction of Sunagakure.


  I don't know if it was an illusion before he died, but Ye Cang seemed to see the shadow of a flying bird in the direction he came from.

  It must be an illusion.

  He should be back in Konoha now, enjoying the warm greetings of the villagers.


  Thinking of what Asuka said to her while leaning on the sofa, Ye Cang twitched the corners of his mouth and felt his eyelids gradually becoming heavy.

  That shadow really looks like a flying bird.

  Now I want to hear the story of a young blood-successor ninja who died without ever falling in love.

  If I have a chance in my next life, maybe I
  will (end of chapter)

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