Chapter 38 Dreaming and Entering the Kitchen

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  Chapter 38 Dreaming and entering the kitchen
  [New task released: After you were recognized by Kakashi, many people in Konoha Village knew that you were as talented as Uchiha Itachi, and they began to educate their children to target you. .

  At the same time, there are many girls who are obsessed with your handsome appearance and seek advice from you, and you communicate closely in private.

  At this time, Uzumaki Naruto also noticed you. After thinking about it for a long time, he challenged you.

  The Uchiha pride in your heart makes you fearless of any challenge.

  You meet the opponent directly in a small forest and start the fateful first duel.

  But when you release C-level ninjutsu twice and one B-level ninjutsu consumes all your chakra, and the opponent is not only not frightened by your deliberately misplaced ninjutsu, but even steps forward and punches you, Six words come to your mind.

  Too little chakra!

  Because your own chakra growth is too slow, please find ways to increase your chakra in some way to deal with the situation of insufficient chakra. ]

  [You can choose to give up on this mission. ]

  [Rewards for this mission: deepen the progress of Sharingan eye opening once, taijutsu training acceleration card (30 days), and a weapon similar to the broadsword and Samehada.

  The system is still the same system, and the rewards given are very good.

  Feiniao stared at the taijutsu training accelerator card and pondered secretly.

  It shouldn’t be possible to quickly learn eight subjects in 30 days, right? ?

  Even if you can use that card one day as one month, that's only 30 months.

  For the Eight Doors, it would take more than 200 months of continuous practice? ?
  He looked away from the card and focused on the task.

  [Improve one's own chakra through external force]

  Asuka knows that there are several ways to increase chakra through external force.

  1. Capture a tailed beast, seal it in the body, and become a Jinchuuriki
  2. Transplant Hashirama cells
  3. Become the master of the ninja sword Samehada muscle, etc.
  The most powerful chakra battery in the ninja world should be the Kyuubi .

  Back then, Jinjiao and Yinjiao obtained the Nine-tails chakra by eating the flesh and blood of the Nine-tails, and were thus revered as the "two rays of light in the clouds." The Nine-tails.

  looked at the village, and thought of holding Nine-tails in his mind in the future. In the scene where he took two bites, he secretly smashed his mouth.

  Many people in the ninja world have done this kind of thing, but only two people have succeeded, and the rest have died.

  As for the Jinchuriha
  Feng Shuimon who eats Kushina every day, he still doesn't have any aura of tailed beasts in his body. Apart from having an extra pair of Sharingan eyes than the opponent and having some blood relationship with the old man of Six Paths, it can be said that he has no advantage.

  Convince Namikaze Minato to seal the other half of the Kyuubi to himself? ?

  It seems that a senior time traveler has done this.

  But as long as Namikaze Minato doesn't have a short circuit in his brain, he is unlikely to give the Kyuubi to Uchiha.


  It was dawn the next day.

  Feiniao sighed and walked out of the house and came to the elder's house.

  After thinking about it all night, he couldn't think of a good way to improve his chakra.

  This task is not difficult for the real Sasuke. As long as he is stimulated and opens the magatama in his Sharingan, he can surge a wave of chakra.

  But now that I am a three-magatama, it is not so easy to open a kaleidoscope.

  "Great Elder!"

  After seeing the Great Elder coming to the front yard from behind, Feiniao greeted him and explained his purpose.


  The great elder sat in the main seat, pondered for a moment, and then nodded.

  "There are indeed some things in the clan library, but most of them are ninjutsu collected by the family. Now that you want to pick something useful for your trip to Sunagakure, I'm afraid I will disappoint you. In the past, there were some forbidden techniques in the clan library, but it's a pity

  that He was taken away by Madara Uchiha."

  Thinking of the glorious history of the clan, the elder's eyes filled with tears, and he couldn't help but feel helpless in his heart.

  The family library used to be all-encompassing, involving several major attribute ninjutsu, and even some families' inherited ninjutsu.

  But the current clan library is a bit flashy.

  The current family library contains many weapons that decorate the appearance, and the detonating talismans look full from the outside.

  When he came back from the clan library with Feiniao, the great elder looked at the scroll in the other man's hand and felt a little emotional.

  "It's not like Madara didn't bring some benefits to the family. When he and the First Hokage had not broken up, he got some sealing techniques, but few people in the family learned these things. Later, the family began to improve many sealing techniques to make

  it Become more suitable for the cultivation of the clan.

  For example, the Uchiha Fire Formation."

  "Great Elder, farewell!"

  Seeing that the other party was about to recall family history again, Asuka twitched the corner of his mouth, quickly passed the old man, and was about to use the teleportation technique to leave here.

  He came to the family warehouse just to find the box, but after looking around and finding nothing, he just took a sealing technique and came out of it.

  After returning from Sunagakure, go to the clan leader's house to look for it.

  At this time, the Great Elder seemed to have remembered something. He waved his hand towards Asuka's back and said in an old voice.

  "There will be a clan meeting in the evening, and the village has approved Fugaku's application to go to the battlefield."

  Feiniao stopped and turned to look at the great elder, puzzled.

  "What kind of battlefield is this time?"

  "Although the Third Ninja World War is generally over, there are still some small local battles. Fugaku plans to take Itachi to the battlefield to see the war." "Tsk! Tsk!" I heard the meaning coming from Asuka's


  . With an unknown tsk, the great elder stroked his beard and said with a smile.

  "I've seen Itachi's talent. Although it's a little early to go to the battlefield at the age of four, the ninja world will probably be peaceful for a long time in the future. It might as well go and have a look now." Looking at the elder with a red light on his face

  , Feiniao curled his lips. He also understood what these people were thinking. They just wanted to exercise in advance.

  What you think is Itachi going to the battlefield: accelerating his maturity, opening his Sharingan, and then crushing the new generation in the village along the way, becoming the proud son of the village.

  But when he actually went to the battlefield, he suddenly discovered that war turned out to be hell, and began to think about the meaning of life, and from then on he became a peace-loving man.

  Even for the sake of peace, I will lift you all up.

  "Old man, I will go to the clan meeting in the afternoon."

  Feiniao waved to the other party and left the yard directly.

  He still has to give the last lesson to three students, and the next time he wants to come back to teach will be three months later.

  In the afternoon, Nanga Shrine.

  "Too lazy!"

  After a period of exercise just now, Feiniao now feels that he is too lazy.

  In the past few months after coming off the battlefield, he only trained his Sharingan regularly. As for other training, he had never touched it, which led him to find that his body was a little rusty.

  If he hadn't been about to go to Sand Hidden Village for friendly exchanges, his strength would probably have dropped to the level of an ordinary jounin like Kakashi in the future.

  Putting two fingers on the ground, Asuka did two-finger push-ups at the entrance of Nanga Shrine.






  After collecting 500, Asuka exhaled heavily, then moved each joint, and then picked up the daily training that had been left behind for nearly a year.

  Expecting to return to the level of a year ago in one day is a bit of a fool's errand. I can only adjust slowly, gradually
  sweating like a waterfall, dyeing the dry ground into a moist state.

  As time went by, jonins from the Uchiha clan also appeared near the shrine one after another.

  After glancing at Feiniao, who was sweating, they didn't say hello. Instead, they each found an empty corner and began to wait with their eyes closed.

  These people were not surprised at all as to why Asuka was training here. After all, as a representative of Konoha, the danger of going to Sunagakure for a communication mission could be understood with one's feet.

  At this time, if you restore more strength, you will have more chances of saving your life.

  Unknowingly, the time came to night.

  Elder Ryoichi looked at the already dark night. He turned to look at the elder sitting beside him and raised his eyebrows.

  "Old guy, did you remember the time wrong? Is there a meeting today?"


  The great elder nodded firmly. Although his face was completely indifferent, his heart was already beating.

  Now a full hour has passed since the agreed meeting time.

  Could it be that I really remembered it wrong?
  At this time, a strange smell interrupted the great elder's inner doubts. He sniffed hard, smelling the strange smell that suddenly floated in the air, frowned and looked at Elder Ryoichi sitting next to him, and said something unkind .

  "Ryoichi, did you fart?"

  "You just fucking farted."

  "Then what's this bad smell in the air?"

  After being reminded by the great elder, Ryoichi also noticed a sudden strange smell in the air. He turned to look at the other elder next to him and said with disdain.

  "Old man, how many days have you not washed your socks?
  This sour and sour smell makes my eyes hurt."

  "I don't wear socks!"

  He stretched his feet on Ryoichi's legs and wiggled his toes a few times before standing up. Standing up, the three Magatama Sharingan rotated crazily and shouted in the distance.

  "Go away and take a shit, do you think Nanhe Shrine is a toilet?" After

  saying it for a while, no one responded to him. Just when he thought the matter was solved, the weird smell in the air became even worse. thicken.

  "Who is it?"

  Ryoichi stood up and his Sharingan began to move. After scanning around, he looked at Asuka who was still eating vermicelli and frowned.

  "Boy, you don't have to worry about affecting your appetite when you eat here."

  "It's okay!"

  Asuka waved to the restless group of Uchiha elders, then he picked up the conch powder in his hand and continued to feast.

  He was hungry and tired after training. If the clan leader hadn't been late today, why would he have filled his stomach here.

  Asuka, who was too focused on cooking, didn't notice that all the Uchiha people around him stood up at this time, frowning deeply, and then their facial features were distorted, and their expressions were a little tangled and painful. If this was not Nanga Shrine, they would have really taken it seriously
  . He walked to his own hut.

  After searching around and finding nothing unusual, Ryoichi came to Asuka cursing and looked down at Asuka who was drinking soup.

  He was just about to pat the other party and give his grandson some chicken wings when he suddenly realized that the smell here was extremely strong.

  Liang Yi pinched his nose. He subconsciously lowered his head and put his nose into the basin in Asuka's hand, and started to smell it.


  Feiniao raised his head and exhaled comfortably.

  He looked at Elder Ryoichi sitting on the ground, saw the disbelieving expression on his face, and raised his eyebrows.

  "Elder, are you looking for me?"

  "You, you, you, what do you want to eat?"

  Ryoichi, who was trembling a little as he spoke, pointed at the empty bowl in Asuka's hand, and his body began to tremble subconsciously.

  He felt as if he had found the source of the strange smell. "This one?"

  Asuka's eyes fell on the empty bowl. He wiped his mouth, summoned another basin, and handed it to Ryoichi. The expression on his face suddenly became sad, and his tone was low.

  "Our clan is a clan of love, and no clan loves us more deeply than Uchiha.

  This is a food I developed, suitable for our Uchiha clan.

  It smells of love."

  Smelling the air The sour smell became stronger and stronger, and Ryoichi fell silent in a rare moment.

  Is the taste of love so sour?


  After a moment of silence, he didn't know what he thought of. He subconsciously took the pot of steaming snail and lion rice noodles with both hands, and looked down at the fungus, beans, green vegetables and other ingredients floating on it. After discovering that there was indeed no shit in it
  . , Ryoichi casually broke off two tree branches, picked up the vermicelli and took a bite.

  He mainly wants to taste what love tastes like.

  He has been out of love for many years.


  After taking one gulp, Ryoichi closed his eyes, and images of his fallen companions flashed through his mind like a lantern.

  Now I can eat such novel things, but they have already fallen asleep underground.

  Thinking of this, he picked another mouthful of vermicelli and put it into his mouth.

  This unpleasant smell is somewhat similar to the sour smell that filled my heart when I saw others holding hands while shopping.

  "Ryoichi, what are you eating?"

  At this moment, Ryoichi suddenly heard the frightened voice of the great elder coming from behind him. He cleared his voice that had become hoarse due to the chili pepper and said in a low voice.

  "We, the Uchiha clan, are a clan of love.

  And this vermicelli is full of the flavor of love. It reminds me of some things that I could never ask for. Recalling some of the heartbreaking things

  in the past, I take another bite of vermicelli now. , tasting the sour, sweet, spicy and other flavors in your mouth, the pungent sour taste rushed straight to your mind along your nostrils, and your mood now is the same as before. This

  food is really suitable for us Uchiha."

  As he said that, he took the noodles in his hand He handed it over and motioned to the elder to try it too.

  ? ? ?

  The great elder glanced at the strange-smelling vermicelli in Ryoichi's hand, and then he looked up at Ryoichi's eyes full of memories, and froze in his grip on his beard.

  Is this thing so evil?
  Do you want to try it?
  But when he looked at the leftover vermicelli in the bowl and at the half-left vermicelli in Asuka's hand, the great elder's expression darkened. As if he had made up his mind, he stretched out his old arms towards Asuka and spoke.

  "Boy, you must have made this thing, right?

  Bring me a new bowl."


  Feiniao looked at the great elder's expression of despair. After smacking his lips, he got another bowl of snail and lion powder for him.

  "Well, it does have some flavor. You all should come over and have a try."

  In line with the principle of sharing good things together, after the elder took a bite of the vermicelli, he waved to the surrounding tribesmen and motioned for them to come and eat together.

  As more and more Uchiha clan members were called by the Great Elder and Elder Ryoichi to experience the taste of love, the stench in the air became stronger and stronger.

  “We went inside the shrine to eat.

  If we continue to eat outside, others will think that our Uchiha family is cooking shit. "

  Under the leadership of the great elder, these Uchiha jounin all entered Nanga Shrine with their conch powder in their hands. Not to mention, it tasted

  pretty good.

  The taste of love.

  Sour and sour. .

  An hour later.

  Uchiha Fugaku's family of three came slowly from a distance.

  Itachi looked up at his father. Seeing that the expression on his father's face was a little gloomy, he asked in a low voice.

  "Father, the Hokage asked you just now. What do you want? Something?

  "Finalize the war. "

  "Father, where are we going? "

  The country of rain or the country of water, it depends on the border situation. "

  Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi nodded. He was very unfamiliar with war now. He only had some simple records in books. The

  torso was incomplete, and the intestines slowly slipped out of the belly. The body
  looked down at Uchiha Itachi's silent expression, Mikoto reached out and stroked his head. After a trace of distress flashed across her face, she became calm again.

  As the young leader of the Uchiha clan, these are things he must experience. A

  trip to the battlefield is also considered The first lesson in life is that you must experience something personally before you can become mature.


  Looking at the gate of Nanga Shrine being pushed open, Uchiha Mikoto looked at the clan members inside with a calm expression.

  As the clan leader’s wife, It had been a long time since she had attended a clan meeting.

  Today she wanted to come and see how that bastard Uchiha Asuka persuaded Fugaku to marry another woman in the clan meeting.


  Toilet smell???
  Uchiha Mikoto smelled the strange smell in the air. She stretched out her hand to rub her nose and frowned subconsciously.

  Is there something wrong with your nose?
  Logically speaking, there are no toilets near Minaga Shrine.

  But what's going on with this disgusting ditch smell?

  After sniffing a few more times, she looked at Itachi who was covering his nose and Fugaku who was a little confused, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face.

  It turns out that there is something wrong with my nose.


  A melodious sound of belching came. The elder patted his belly and stood up. He said in a hoarse voice, facing the clan leader and his family standing blankly at the door.

  "Clan leader, close the door first. Don't let people think that our Uchiha clan is cooking something indescribable." "


  Uchiha Fugaku nodded with difficulty. After closing the door with his hand, he stepped to the main seat. After sitting down cross-legged, he said calmly.

  "The smell here??"

  "The smell of love!"

  The elder nodded affirmatively. He rubbed his red eyes, then his eyes fell on Feiniao, he raised three fingers and said firmly.

  "Three bowls!"

  Just when the Fugaku family was a little confused, they saw Uchiha Asuka bit off his thumb, made a psychic seal, and slapped it on the table.

  With a flash of eyes, three large bowls filled with conch noodles appeared on the table.

  After placing three large bowls in front of Fugaku and the others, Asuka rubbed his red eyes and said.

  "Chief, tonight is Uchiha's night. The vermicelli is also filled with the flavor of love. Please taste it."

  He regretted.

  Dozens of people were eating snail and lion noodle in a secret room. The taste was too strong.

  The key is that one person eats more than one bowl.

  The smoke makes people's eyes hurt.

  ? ? ?

  Fugaku smelled the sour smell emanating from the bowl, and glanced at the family jounin below. He saw that they were all looking at him with red and swollen eyes. The look of anticipation in their eyes made people feel a sudden surge in their hearts.

  He hesitated for a moment, and out of trust in his tribe, he picked up the chopsticks and tasted it.

  The taste is acceptable.

  He thought so. Uchiha Mikoto smelled the sour smell that penetrated her nostrils. She rubbed her somewhat groggy head and looked straight at Asuka, as if she wanted to eat him.

  [How can I eat this kind of thing? Shit-flavored chocolate is nothing more than that.

  This is probably the true portrayal of Uchiha Mikoto's heart now.

  After quietly pushing the rashi powder in her hand towards Uchiha Fugaku, she subconsciously clenched her fists.

  So angry! !

  I really want to hit someone! !
  Because the smell in the secret room today was too exciting, Uchiha Fugaku said a few simple words after eating the snail noodles, and then let the group of Jonin who were almost stunned by the smoke leave.

  His eyes hurt now.

  When Uchiha Mikoto passed by Asuka, she gouged him hard with her eyes and let out a terrifying sneer.

  Not counting his opinions, I have been teased twice by the other party.

  The cakes tasted so bad the first time, and the fans smelled so bad the second time. It
  ’s really annoying.

  As time passed, it quickly came to midnight.

  at this time.

  Most of the Konoha Village fell into sleep.

  Uchiha Itachi stretched his hand to the side, and when he found that it was empty, he sighed softly in his heart.

  He will go to the battlefield tomorrow, and his mother said that he will sleep with him today.

  Are you leaving now?
  Uchiha Itachi slowly opened his eyes, and then through the moonlight shining in from the window, he saw that his mother had not left.

  He found that his mother just sat up, leaning her back against the wall, the Sharingan in her eyes kept spinning, and her face looked a little frighteningly pale.


  After hearing Itachi's voice calling her, her eyes fell on Uchiha Itachi from the direction of Asuka's house and she said coldly.


  "Mom, aren't you still asleep?"

  After hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto took a deep breath, closed her Sharingan, and patted Itachi's back with one hand.

  "Can't sleep."

  Uchiha Itachi looked at his mother with concern and puzzled.

  "Mother, what happened?"

  "I dreamed that when I entered the kitchen, the pot was boiling."

  As she said that, Uchiha Mikoto's Sharingan rotated in her eyes again. She looked hatefully in the direction of Asuka's house and turned her His lips were bitten until they lost their color.

  Uchiha Asuka, I'm waiting for you to come back from Sunagakure Village.

  ps: Two in one today.

  One chapter is 5800 words.

  (End of chapter)

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