Chapter 1 I am an Uchiha

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  Chapter 1 I am an Uchiha
  from the Fire Country, Konoha Hidden Village, and Nanga Shrine.

  Today is the time for the Uchiha family's monthly gathering.

  The purpose of the gathering was to cultivate feelings among the various factions of the family, to clear up the conflicts between family members, and to study how to enter the top ranks of Konoha and even become the Hokage.

  Although the current Uchiha clan is not favored by the high-level officials of Konoha, they are not in a life-or-death situation. Most of them just dislike each other.

  An Uchiha elder with white hair and white hair and a wrinkled face slapped the table and stood up. He glared at the clan leader sitting at the head and the group of elderly Uchiha old men around him. His voice became shrill because he was too excited. Much finer.

  "The position of the Second Hokage was personally handed over to his younger brother Tobirama by Senju Hashirama.

  Because of Uchiha Kagami's death, we watched helplessly as the position of the Third Hokage fell to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and now the Fourth Hokage The position of the Hokage has become Namikaze Minato again.

  What about the promised two-thirds and four-fourths?

  What kind of bullshit plan did you make?

  Decades have passed, and I haven't even touched the Hokage's chair once.

  " At this point, he saw that all the old men around him were looking at the ceiling or the floor, and no one even looked at him.


  Are you still going to charge for the position of the Fifth Hokage??

  He, Minato Namikaze, is only 24 years old this year. Looking at that guy's face of longevity, it will not be a problem to live for 50 years. 50 years


  Are you sons special ? Dead."


  Uchiha Fugaku sighed in his heart. He took out his hand from his sleeve and looked at the grumpy old man with a calm expression.

  As the leader of the Uchiha clan, he has seen this kind of thing all too often.

  The clan members were not in a very good mental state. They would overreact when things went wrong. Some even wanted to challenge his position as clan leader if they disagreed.
  a moment of silence, Fugaku pressed his hand towards the other party and motioned for him to sit down. Then his eyes fell on the clansmen in the hall.

  Those who can gather here are all members of the Uchiha clan who have activated the three Magatama Sharingan.

  "Elder Ryoichi, please sit down first."

  "I don't!"

  Uchiha Ryoichi waved his hand to reject the clan leader's kindness. He stepped in front of the old man opposite, held his collar with both hands, and gritted his teeth.

  "Old man, was it you who came up with the original plan of guaranteeing second place and fighting for third place and rushing to fourth place?" "

  That's right!"

  "Now the plan has failed."

  "Ryoichi, don't panic, I have a follow-up plan." "

  The follow-up plan is your grandfather's. "

  "My grandfather died when he entered Konoha with Madara-sama."

  After wiping the spit on his face, Uchiha Asuka glanced at the two quarreling old men next to him, then looked at the ceiling, and his brain slowly began to empty out.

  He has been in the ninja world for 18 years. When he learned that he had traveled through time and became the Uchiha clan, he was still a little excited.

  just after his first birthday, he wasn't excited anymore.

  Because of the Second Ninja War, he was the only one left in the family.

  When he gained the ability to move at the age of three and found out that he had no golden finger, he had already begun to think about how to break away from the Uchiha clan and go live somewhere else. At worst, he could become a member of another ninja village and live a prosperous life. .

  However, when he looked at his family history, he gave up the idea of ​​planting his seeds.

  There is no problem in defecting and hiding incognito, but after choosing to become the seed of another ninja village, not only will you be subjected to endless assassinations from Konoha, but you will also be hunted down by your family.

  In addition, there is a secret agreement between the great ninja villages that they will not accept any rebel ninja from the ninja village.

  It was very possible that the villages that took him in had killed him with a single blow after he left his bloodline.

  In the past, some members of the Uchiha family had defected and would often die inexplicably while walking on the road.

  Anyway, when he first saw the last paragraph, Asuka immediately started to have conspiracy theories in his mind.

  In order to prevent the Sharingan or Indra from getting out of his control, Black Zetsu, a dutiful son, might be secretly doing something behind his back.

  After realizing that farming seeds was too dangerous, he began to study business again.

  After studying for a few days, Feiniao once again strangled the way of doing business in his mind.

  The technology tree in the ninja world is really weird.

  Electric energy, chakra energy, and wind energy are all available.
  Light bulbs, white paper, and cement are all cheaper than before time travel.
  Farming, medicine and other industries are even more cheating. No machinery is used, and they all rely on a pair of hands to output magic.

  After being strangled to death by Shang Lu, he began to study the path of the ninja.

  It is said that hard work can change destiny, but this sentence is not very applicable to the ninja world. In the ninja world, blood changes destiny.

  He has the top bloodline in the ninja world. He has studied hard and practiced ninja skills since he was a child. He feels that he will definitely be rich or noble in the future and extraordinary. Even if he is worse, he will not be much worse than Uchiha Itachi. He should be able to protect himself. There is.

  But it wasn't until he went to the battlefield that he realized that he couldn't compare with the elder brother of Rokudo's biological son (Sasuke). That would simply lower his upper limit.

  [Uchiha Itachi went to the battlefield for the first time, and when he saw such a tragic scene, his Sharingan opened. 】 The first time he went to the battlefield, he felt numb when he saw such a tragic scene.

  [Uchiha Itachi saw the corpses of ninjas scattered on the battlefield and thought about the meaning of life.

  He saw the ninja corpses scattered on the battlefield, and thought about whether to defect now. The sword kunai had eyes, so don't die on the battlefield.

  [Uchiha Itachi saw his familiar companion die in front of his eyes, his Sharingan evolved, and his strength was greatly improved.

  He saw his familiar companion die in front of his eyes, his thoughts were sublimated, and his character was greatly improved.

  And everything that happened afterwards was in order, going to school - graduating - participating in the war - opening the Sharingan - participating in the war - opening the three Magatama Sharingan.

  After the Third Ninja War ended, he became one of the few Jonin in the Uchiha clan and gained the privilege to participate in clan gatherings.


  Looking at the group of quarreling old men, Uchiha Asuka's mouth twitched. Before coming to the gathering, he thought the atmosphere here was extremely serious, and the topics discussed were all related to the future situation of Naruto and Uchiha.

  After arriving, he discovered that the atmosphere here was extremely cheerful. The topic discussed could not be said to be related to Naruto, it could only be said that it had little to do with it.

  Also, these old men may have been talking about Naruto for decades, and the original novelty has probably long since passed.

  This episode is really boring.

  After noticing the protest from his intestines, Uchiha Asuka stood up and walked to the middle of the hall in order to end this boring meeting quickly, facing Fugaku and the group of elders.

  "Elders, stop arguing. I have a way to make the Uchiha clan become the Fifth Hokage."

  Huh? ?

  As this young voice sounded, the quarreling elders stopped instantly, and they all turned to look at Uchiha Asuka who had just spoken.

  Seeing that the person who stood up was the newly promoted Jonin in the clan, Ryoichi raised his eyebrows at Asuka and said doubtfully.

  "Tell me, let me see what interesting ideas the young Uchiha in the clan will come up with."

  "That's what I think."

  After taking in the expressions of the Uchiha clan jounin in the hall, Asuka touched his dry belly and took a deep breath.

  "Clan Chief Fugaku, should you consider divorcing, and then pursue Tsunade-sama, the current leader of the Senju Clan?
  Now there is only Tsunade-sama left in the Senju Clan. As long as the two clans get married, not only will the future fifth generation Hokage definitely belong to Uchi Waves, and the Senju of Mori will also be merged into Uchiha over time. During the

  Warring States Period, those tribesmen dreamed of annexing the Senju clan.

  But now, if the feat of annexing the Senju clan is achieved by the Fugaku clan, This is an achievement that can be engraved on a stone tablet and passed down to future generations."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he noticed that the hall had become unusually quiet. At this time, the sound of a pin dropping on the ground would be no less than that of a broken water glass. sound.

  The eyes of these Uchiha elders kept wandering back and forth between Fugaku and Asuka.


  An elder with scars on his face stood up, turned to face Asuka, and said in a low voice.

  "The noble Konoha clan actually has to rely on the clan leader to sell his body in order to serve as Hokage. Even if I agree to this bad idea, no one else will agree, let alone the clan leader." "That's right!" said


  man who was blind in one eye. The Uchiha elder also nodded in agreement.

  "What a bad idea, actually letting Uchiha and Mori no Senju mix together. Although our Uchiha plan to "protect two and fight for three and go four" failed, this does not prevent us from targeting the Fifth Hokage again." "Let you go.

  " Shit!"

  At this time, the elder named Liang Yi stood up again. He pointed at the blind elder opposite and gritted his teeth.

  "When Madara-sama was still here, we were targeting the position of Hokage. However, after the village was founded, Madara-sama and your fathers gave up the position of Hokage to the Senju family, and we started targeting the second Hokage again. As a result, the village was not built yet

  . Within two years, Madara-sama suddenly left Konoha and left.

  Our swords were broken.
  Later, after Uchiha Kage worked hard, he finally became the guard of the Second Hokage, and we started to target the Third Hokage. As a result, when he followed the Second Hokage to the Land of Thunder to negotiate, he died on the road. Not long after we repaired it. The sword was broken again.

  Later, at the end of the Second Ninja War, we hurriedly selected one person to act as the facade again, hoping to once again point to the position of the Third Hokage. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen's position was not yet firmly established at that time
  . That man was an idiot. He led his family's ninjas to fight for a year, and the number of wins was less than the number of times I went to the toilet in a day, which crazily lowered the family's reputation.

  After the Third Ninja War began, the clan leader finally got a chance to become a Hokage candidate, and we once again pointed our sword at the Fourth Hokage.

  As a result, the pervert Minato Namikaze appeared, and our swords were folded at the door of our house before they were even unsheathed. "

  Having said this, he swallowed his saliva, moistened his throat, and continued to point at the blind old man and spat.

  "You still want to take my sword and point it at the Fifth Hokage? ?
  Can I fuck you?

  Now if you rely on the clan leader to sell your body, you can be the Hokage. I admit it. When I go to the Pure Land in the future, I will kneel down in front of Madara-sama and explain this matter. "

  Looking at the Uchiha in the hall gradually divided into two groups, and there was a vague intention to take action, Asuka quietly retreated to the door, and while slipping out of the hall, he closed the door from the outside. "Tsk tsk

  ! "

  Turning his head to look at the group of people who were still arguing behind him, Asuka curled his lips and said nothing.

  The Uchiha people are somewhat mentally disturbed, and as a mentally disturbed family, the family's management is naturally unusually loose, so gatherings Not only can he talk freely, but he can even discuss physics and win or lose in ninjutsu.

  And the plan he just proposed to divorce the clan leader and marry Tsunade and become the Fifth Hokage in disguise has successfully detonated the clan members who pointed their swords at the failure of the Fourth Hokage.

  After saying that, Asuka left here in a flash. He was going to go back and pack his things. After witnessing the wedding of the Fourth Hokage, he defected.

   Alas, stop being tough and change it
  (end of chapter)

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