98. Chapter 98 Boy, come over and eat something

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  Chapter 98 Boy, come here and have some.

  It’s very scary for a country’s top military machine to be fully activated.

  After a long night of manhunt.

  early morning.

  After reading the information just reported, Namikaze Minato had a solemn look on his face.

  After reading it again, he handed the information to the Third Hokage sitting opposite.

  Sarutobi Hiruzen took the information, glanced down at it, took a deep breath of smoke, and handed it to Danzo next to him.

  Danzo didn't even look at the information and handed it over to the other two elders.

  Yesterday, one of his bases was raided, and the damage was secondary. He still doesn't understand how those people got in disguised as scientific researchers.

  According to the Jonin who was guarding the base yesterday, more than a hundred people ran out from the interior of the base.
  Didn't this mean he was treating Danzo as an idiot? ?

  This wall that I secretly guarded Konoha was infiltrated and turned into a fool without me realizing it.

  After this piece of information came back to Danzo, he looked down at it twice before handing it to Namikaze Minato.

  After last night's manhunt, seven couples were caught cheating on each other, two families who made and sold inferior detonating charms, and four people who peeped into other people's lives.
  Many were caught in a mess, but none of those people were caught.

  Secretly glancing at Hiruzen who looked thoughtful, he lightly tapped the ground with the crutch in his hand and said in a low voice.

  "I suspect that this matter has something to do with the Uchiha clan."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he saw everyone around him looking at him with doubtful expressions. Danzo immediately focused his eyes and said firmly.

  "Put the truth and evidence aside for now.

  This is my intuition."

  Suddenly, the surroundings were silent, and no one could refute.

  Namikaze Minato rubbed his head with a headache and secretly glanced at the Third Hokage with a pleading look.


  The Third Hokage blew smoke into the air and said slowly in an old voice.

  "Uchiha's suspicion has been eliminated."

  "Hiruzhan, you!"

  Danzo stood up and pointed at Sarutobi Hiruzen, the expression on his face clearly wanted an explanation.

  Hiruzen Sarutobi was already used to this scene.

  Then, he was seen placing the pot flat on the table very calmly, looking through the window at Konoha, which was getting busier outside.

  What happened yesterday has been restricted by them so as not to cause panic to the people of Konoha.

  After a moment of silence, his eyes fell on Danzo and he spoke slowly.

  "Of course, we can't rule out some people's intuition. It's really unreasonable and accurate." "

  But, after I trusted your intuition seventeen times..."

  Hearing this, Danzo stiffened.

  He looked around at everyone in the room, gently rubbing the pulp-covered conference table with his big hands, and suddenly recalled the first time the four of him sat here for a meeting.

  The memory from that time is a bit fuzzy now that I think about it, so that I can only remember some key passages.

  After a moment, a hoarse and gloomy voice sounded in the room.

  "Hiruzen, this is the last time."

  The Third Hokage couldn't help but glance at Danzo and shook his head.

  "I don't believe it!"


  Namikaze Minato let out a long sigh of relief when he saw Danzo sitting on the chair with an angry expression.

  Elder Danzo likes to throw dirty water on the Uchiha family. He has seen it in the past six months.

  Anytime, anywhere, never miss any opportunity, pick up dirty water and throw it over without even thinking.

  Seeing that the eyes of several people in the conference room were focused on him, Namikaze Minato crossed his fingers and held his chin, and his expression became serious.

  "Strict on the outside and strict on the inside, investigate secretly.

  Negotiations with Yunyin will be held soon. This matter should be suppressed for the time being and it is not appropriate to make a big fuss."

  At this time.

  In Konoha Park.

  A group of old people who came to the park for a walk in the morning moved their bodies and chatted about what happened last night.

  Although the searching ninjas were ordered to keep quiet by the higher-ups, with so many ninjas walking around the streets last night, looking like they were searching for enemies, the villagers still guessed something.

  However, when they carefully waited until dawn and opened the door, they were shocked to find that the outside was no different from before.

  Everything was so peaceful and quiet.

  If they hadn't seen his hands bruised and swollen, and hesitating, they would have thought they were dreaming last night.

  At this time, a sudden breeze blew by, rustling the leaves.

  The group of old men who were chatting looked up at the shaking leaves on the tree and saw a figure lying on the treetop, seemingly resting.

  "Today's young people have to choose such strange places to sleep."

  "Isn't it?

  My grandson took advantage of us sleeping in the middle of the night and ran directly to the kennel to drive the sleeping dog outside, and he got in. ."


  Listening to the old man's gossiping voice coming from below, the bird lying on the treetop couldn't help but roll his eyes.

  He just hadn't decided whether to go home or not.

  The old man opposite my house is a being who can make children stop crying just by mentioning his name.

  Although he sees Uchiha Madara's photos every day, and sometimes even has the idea of ​​meeting him, but if he can really meet him in person one day.
  Only a fool wants to see a real person.

  After Asuka said something bitterly, he stood up from the treetop.

  old man!
  When he thought that Ryoichi was still under the opponent's nose, and that there might be a risk of going to the Pure Land to meet his big brother at any time, Asuka licked his dry lips and walked towards the clan with a curse in his heart.

  Among his elders, except for a few who were sent to prison more than ten years ago, this is the only one left in the outside world.

  Uchiha Madara
  thought of the old man whose life breath was unusually weak, and Asuka's figure disappeared instantly.

  Uchiha clan land.


  A somewhat heart-wrenching voice came.

  Ryoichi lowered his head and looked at the window that had just made a strange noise.

  Before he could find out the cause of the abnormal noise in the window, Ryoichi discovered that there were suddenly a few sunken shoe prints on the wooden window frame.

  He immediately thought of what happened last night, and his face suddenly darkened.

  Those people are so indebted. If you go to the window, go to the window. Why are you stamping your feet here at my window?

  Ryoichi couldn't help but smacked his lips when he thought about the news he learned from the police department this morning.

  More than a hundred people lurked into Konoha at some unknown time, and then suddenly disappeared. Apart from leaving a harsh and weird laugh, there was no information about the whole process.

  I don’t know if those senior executives slept last night.
  Anyway, he slept very soundly
  Looking at the black shadow that suddenly appeared in front of him, Ryoichi took a step back subconsciously.

  When he found out that the black shadow was a flying bird, and that he was stepping on the window frame he had just wiped, he suddenly lost his breath.

  "It's not like I have no door at home." Asuka lowered his head and glanced at Madara Uchiha who was blocking the door, then without saying a word, he grabbed Ryoichi's collar with one hand and ran directly outside.

  The strong wind suddenly blasted in Liang Yi's ears, as if a person was standing on the coast of a typhoon, with strong wind and waves hitting his face, making it difficult to open his eyes.

  After he reacted, Ryoichi took off the plastic bag that was blowing in his face and shouted.

  "Boy, what are you doing?"


  I'm saving you, old guy."

  ? ? ?

  Ryoichi was dazed at this time.

  What does this guy want to do?

  I haven’t had breakfast yet, why don’t you give me some wind?
  help me?

  You want to choke me to death.

  Seeing himself getting further and further away from the family station, Ryoichi smacked his mouth, ate another stomach of wind, and sighed.

  "Really, I don't understand what you want to do."

  Thinking of this, he attached chakra to his two feet, twisted his body, and stood firmly on the wall with his feet.


  There was a sound of shredding fabric.

  Then, the sound of a wall collapsing was heard.

  Asuka, who was dragged staggering, stopped on the spot with his feet. He looked at the broken cloth in his hand, then looked at the collapsed wall and the angry owner of the house. "Old guy." glared at Ryoichi, and Asuka took it from his

  . He took out a stack of bills and walked towards the owner of the house.

  After watching Asuka deal with the compensation matter, Ryoichi tore off the torn clothes on his body, then came to Asuka naked and asked with a serious face.

  "Tell me, what happened?"

























  Then, Ryoichi suddenly looked up and down at Asuka and said in surprise.

  "Are you scared when you see him? Did you take me out to avoid him?"

  "The boy has quite a conscience."

  He chuckled, patted Asuka on the shoulder, then turned and walked outside.

  "Old guy, where are you going?"

  "Buy some food for my cousin, he won't live long.

  Don't be afraid, I'm here, you are safe."

  Looking at Ryoichi's leaving back, Asuka gritted his teeth and chased after him. .

  after an hour.

  Carrying things in their hands, the two returned to the Uchiha clan.

  Liang glanced at Asuka following him from the corner of his eye, and seeing his gloomy face, he couldn't help but comfort him.

  "Don't worry.

  In my cousin's eyes, both you and I are vulnerable. With his decisive character, he would have taken action long ago."

  Feiniao touched the sword on his waist and whispered.

  "Old man, I think we can beat him together."

  Ryoichi twitched the corner of his mouth and did not answer the boy's words.

  How could he have the confidence to beat Madara?

  This is like a final exam. Senju Hashirama scored 100 points, Uchiha Madara scored 99 points, and you and I both scored 5 points.

  Two 5-pointers join forces.
  What's the difference between the last and the second last joining forces and saying they want to surpass the first place in Ninja School

  After pushing open the door of his courtyard, Ryoichi's eyes fell on the old man in the courtyard. He shook the food in his hand towards Uchiha Madara and shouted.


  Uchiha Madara slowly opened his eyes, and after staying on the two of them for a moment, his eyes fell on the food.

  Sweets again
  "That's right."

  Ryoichi placed the food next to Uchiha Madara, and then pointed at Asuka, who looked wary, without hiding the truth at all.

  "Cousin, he knows your true identity."


  Madara Uchiha held the iron sign for the three-color meatballs in his hand in the air. The sunlight shone on the signature and reflected in his eyes, adding a hint of color. Cold light.

  Seeing Asuka staring at him with a wary expression, Madara suddenly raised his head and laughed.


  "Boy, come here and eat something."

  (End of chapter)

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