95. Chapter 95 He likes wives

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  Chapter 95 He liked the wife

  an hour later.

  Mikoto came over carrying a large tray.

  On the tray was a modest breakfast for two.

  Seeing Fugaku sitting cross-legged alone in the living room, she put the tray on the table and asked softly.

  "What did you talk about with him?"

  Fugaku looked at the documents in his hand carefully and asked without raising his head.

  "Some details about last night."

  Mikoto looked at the thick stack of documents in front of Fugaku. She walked to the side and started to help organize them.

  "This is..."

  Holding the invitation letter in her hand, she raised her head and looked at Fugaku, wondering.

  "Why did Orochimaru suddenly send this?"

  Hearing this, Fugaku put down the document in his hand and looked at the invitation letter.

  This was sent by Orochimaru shortly after Asuka left.

  The above content is also very concise, just inviting him and several other clan leaders to have a meal together.

  Have a meal?

  He felt a little strange about Orochimaru's behavior of assassinating a tribesman yesterday and inviting him to dinner tonight.

  However, Fugaku thought of Orochimaru's sudden strange behavior in recent years, and took the initiative to find an excuse for him.

  "There must be something going on.

  There's no need to cook tonight."

  Mikoto hummed slightly.

  She put the invitation back to its original place, not knowing what Orochimaru's intention was.

  It shouldn't be a simple meal, right?
  In Konoha, he sells a bowl of hand-beaten cooked rice for 15 taels, a cooked egg for 65 taels, and a bowl of ramen with nothing on it for only 60 taels.

  The price of a copy of "Konoha Shimbun" is 10 taels, which is equivalent to two-thirds of the price of cooked rice.

  Asuka left Fugaku's house, and after having a simple breakfast at Tezuna, he took a few coins and bought a newspaper from the newsboy.

  Obtaining information from Granny Cat is certainly more complete than from newspapers, but the cost is naturally much higher.

  Unless it was war time, he still liked to buy a newspaper.

  He looked at the contents of the newsboy's book pocket and found that there were several colorful books in it.

  The cover of the colorful book shows several big sisters, and the seductive and delicate painting style makes people know at a glance that this is not a serious book.

  It must have been created by Chanel. She would never waste so much ink on her face.

  "Kid, why would the bookstore owner give you this kind of book?"

  The child put the coins in the iron box and patted his schoolbag nonchalantly.

  "He can't watch me starve to death.

  I still have a sister to support."

  "Then let's get another one."

  Asuka bought another newspaper from the child and planned to give it to the old man Ryoichi when he went back later.

  He looked down at the newspaper he just bought.

  [The respectable Konoha ninja troops, led by the Fourth Hokage, successfully defeated the Cloud Hidden Village, captured a large number of Kumo Hidden Ninjas, and rescued several of our ninjas. In the near future, the Cloud Hidden Village will open an alliance with Konoha
  . The final negotiation and the final direction of this negotiation will determine whether the extinguished war will be rekindled.

  After reading the news in the newspaper, Feiniao clicked his tongue and rolled up the newspaper.

  The last village in the ninja world that has not signed an armistice agreement with Konoha will sign an agreement this time.

  If we fight again, it will be the Fourth Ninja War.

  His thoughts were interrupted by the orange cat that suddenly jumped up to his shoulder. Asuka tilted his head to the right, looked at the panting orange cat on his shoulder, and teased.

  "Fei Fei, it's time for you to lose weight. You've just run a long way and you're out of breath like this." The

  orange cat rolled its eyes at him, then poked his belly with his paws, a look of human pride on his face.

  "The plump figure shows the curvy beauty of this cat, which is very attractive."


  Asuka twitched the corner of her mouth as she thought of the cat's U-shaped curve after its transformation.

  It is the most confident of all the cats I have ever seen.

  "That's right."

  The orange cat that was licking its fur seemed to have remembered something. It put its head against the bird's ear and whispered.

  "Orochimaru sent an invitation letter to Fugaku and invited him to dinner tonight." "

  The action was really fast."

  "So, you said you asked Orochimaru to pay for the meal?? You just asked him to invite Fugaku and others to dinner??" "

  Otherwise Well, we have no need to socialize, and the food at home is much better than outside." "

  That's right."

  Thinking of the top-quality cans in half of the house at home, Fei Fei nodded in agreement.

  A meal outside costs more than a canned meal at home.

  However, it suddenly pinched its belly with its paws, and the whole cat couldn't help but become depressed.

  A plump body is nice.

  But isn't it better to be plump and slim?
  At this time.

  Hokage Building, top floor.

  Sarutobi Hiruzen had a smoking pot in his mouth and was looking down at the flying bird that just passed by.

  His old eyes watched him disappear from his sight.

  The sounds of animals and human voices on the street were faintly heard, which made it seem a little quiet here on the top floor.

  It would be quieter here without some noisy old guy around.


  Watching Hiruzen Sarutobi exhale a puff of smoke into the air, Danzo stood beside him and said calmly.

  "Hiruzhan, you know.

  I emphasize the word "stable" in my work. I am not 98% sure and will not take action easily.

  As long as I take action, it will be followed by a series of back-up moves.

  You see, he can still be on the street now. If you eat good meatballs, you will know that this matter has nothing to do with me."

  Hearing this, Hiruzen put down the cigarette pot in his hand and glanced at the old man.

  I know his character clearly over the years.

  Even with a 98% certainty, it was a huge risk for him.

  As a true ninja, he will not take action easily if he is not 100% sure.

  After a moment of silence.

  He thought of his apprentice and said in a low voice.

  "Did Orochimaru and the others have any grudge before?"


  Danzo said without hesitation. Then he raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky carefully.

  After he noticed that his eyes were starting to sting, he narrowed his eyes and explained.

  "He stole Orochimaru's love."

  A burst of smoke did not come out, and it got stuck in his throat, causing Sarutobi Hiruzen to cough violently.


  Orochimaru is looking for a wife?
  "Danzo, Orochimaru, he. Who does he like?"

  Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was still immersed in shock, Danzo's eyes narrowed and he said seriously.

  "You know Orochimaru doesn't like women,

  You also know that he likes Kusanagi sword. Whenever he gets news that the Kusanagi sword has appeared in the ninja world, he will set off to find the people who own the Kusanagi sword and successfully impress them through various methods.

  Hiruzen, think about it.

  If a person, because of a piece of news, can make you put down what you are doing and control your happiness and sorrow, he will work tirelessly to travel thousands of miles just to meet each other and hold the other person in his arms.

  Is this something that only couples in love can do?
  The process of him chasing and collecting the Kusanagi sword was like falling in love.

  Starting from collecting information about the other party, thinking about him day and night, until he holds the other party in his arms, accompanying him every day, that sword is his wife. "

  Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen also came to his senses.

  After all, it turned out to be a sword.

  He looked at Danzo with a strange look and said with some uncertainty.

  "So, Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword In the hands of Uchiha Asuka? "


  That's no ordinary sword. "

  He corrected Hiruzen's statement and said in a low voice.

  "That is the beloved who has been with Orochimaru for many years.

  Hiruzen, think about it, how humiliating it is for a man to steal another man's love.

  Moreover, he usually carried Orochimaru's beloved on missions together, and at night he would hold her in his arms and spend all night together.

  This shows that he is very satisfied with Orochimaru's true love.

  What man can stand this? "

  Looking at Hiruzen who suddenly fell into silence, he felt that he had almost exonerated Orochimaru.

  Danzo coughed lightly and said.

  "The context of this matter is very clear, and there is no conspiracy in it.

  It is the conflict between two men because of their "love".

  After what happened last night.

  Orochimaru realizes the damage his reckless behavior has caused to the village.

  Let him apologize and leave the story." After saying that, Danzo   Shimura

  showed emotion on his face. The dignified Sannin of Konoha assassinated a jounin of a family in the village.   The other party was a jounin of the Uchiha clan.   The key is not yet there The assassination was successful, and the identity of the other party was discovered.   He did not discuss it with himself in advance, leaving some backup plans.   This matter was not handled well, but it was a big deal that would cause the world to fall.   In order to silence the mouths of many ninjas in the village, he did enough. It took me a full night of thinking before I came up with such a reasonable excuse.   As for this excuse, Hiruzen can't say it, and Orochimaru can't say it. He can only say it himself.   I have worked hard for Konoha   and think about my reputation in the future. Will add another nonsense, secretly change the concept, Danzo's eyes subconsciously fell on Hiruzen.   Seeing Hiruzen staring at him with complicated eyes, Danzo squeezed the crutches with both hands, with a trace of calmness on his face, She turned around, waved to him, and said calmly,   "Remember to approve the funding slip. "   In the evening.   After once again helping Uoyue Xiyan clean up the mess, Feiniao shrugged his arms and walked toward the family listlessly.   "Fei Fei, I feel like I have found a job for myself. "   The orange cat lay on Asuka's head and said equally tiredly.   "No way, who asked you to let that half-baked apprentice out.   "Didn't I go out half-heartedly at the beginning? " "   As he said that, he saw Uzumaki Kushina walking towards Uchiha Mikoto on her arm.   "Kushina-sama! Mikoto-sama! "   Feiniao raised his head and said hello to the other party.

  Seeing someone greeting her, Kushina was about to reply politely, but when she raised her head and saw that the other person was Uchiha Asuka, the smile between her eyebrows froze.

  "Pervert who steals other people's wives."

  As these words came out of his mouth, the air around him seemed to solidify.

  The atmosphere is somewhat silent.

  Asuka looked up at Kushina and said expressionlessly.

  "Kushina-sama, please don't talk nonsense."

  Hearing this, Kushina pointed at the Kusanagi sword hanging on Asuka's waist and sneered.

  "Elder Danzo has already said everything about you."

  ? ? ?

  Asuka looked at Uchiha Mikoto in confusion and said.

  "What's going on?"

  At this time.

  Mikoto's expression was also a bit disgusting, and she looked at Asuka as if she were trash and said.

  "You like married women."

  Hearing this, Feiniao was stunned for a moment.

  When did you fall in love with a wife?

  But when he saw the disgusted expressions on the two people's faces, Asuka immediately cheered up and decided to go back and investigate.

  However, now
  he looked the two fat men up and down. In order not to lose his momentum, Feiniao took off the orange cat on his head and threw it to the ground, and gave instructions.

  "Fat Fat, change your body and let some self-righteous wives look at themselves in the mirror."

  The words just fell.

  Kushina and Mikoto looked at the U-shaped cat girl opposite, and they froze on the spot.

  Then, their faces instantly turned a little dark.

  They saw that the cat girl was bulging out her belly and shaking the fat on her belly vigorously, which instantly made people lose any desire to get close to her.

  Feiniao rubbed his fat hair, looked at the two fat men opposite him for a few times, and said with a look of disgust.

  "Facing some wives, I am more saint than saint."

  After saying that, he looked down at Feifei and sighed.

  "It's time for you to lose weight. I feel like you're going to cause cervical spondylosis."

  Fatty gave Asuka a white look, then stretched out three fingers on his chubby hand and said softly.

  "It will be reduced tomorrow, but we will add dinner tonight!"

  "Add your uncle."

  "My uncle is your grandfather's psychic beast."

  "Fart, your uncle is Uchiha Izuna's psychic beast."

  "Uchiha Izuna. " It's your second grandfather."


  As he said that, Feiniao didn't even look at their dark faces, turned around to face the sunset, and walked towards home while quarreling with Fei Fei.

  ps: To be honest, I think Danzo is more "steady" in his work.

  The battle in Tobirama was "stable" back then.

  When Konoha collapsed, it was "stable".

  The formation that Payne invaded was "steady".

  It's not appropriate for the character to say that he is a coward. Let's use the word "stable".

  (End of chapter)

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