89. Chapter 89 I will give you a rough introduction

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  Chapter 89 I will give you a rough idea of
  ​​how you are bullied in reality, but do whatever you want in the dream.

  In reality, you are inferior to pigs and dogs, but in dreams, you are superior.

  You are poor in reality, but rich in the world.

  In reality, you are an underappreciated genin, but in your dream, you are a respected Hokage.

  When the sentient beings in the ninja world experience the beauty they have never had before, feel the scenery they have never seen before, and know how great it is to become a master, how many people will stand on Hashirama's side?
  What can he do to make these poor people give up their dream life and return to the cruel reality to work like cows and horses?

  Hashirama's style really has no appeal in front of "Infinite Tsukuyomi".
  "Old man."

  "Old man."

  Uchiha Madara, who was imagining his future life, suddenly heard a familiar call, and he slowly opened his eyes. , withdrew from the dream.

  Looking at the ceiling above his head, his vision gradually became clear from blur.

  Turning his eyes slightly, Madara looked at Asuka who suddenly appeared beside the bed and said calmly.

  "You came quite early."

  Feiniao nodded, then handed over the tissue in his hand and said with emotion.

  "Wipe it.

  That's one thing that's not good about people as they get older. The skin on the face is loose and the muscles are less controllable by oneself."

  Madara took the toilet paper and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth without changing his expression.

  "I'm used to this rotten and often out-of-control body."

  Listening to the old man's indifferent voice with a hint of having had enough, Feiniao secretly checked the other person's body, and then shook his head.

  He is too old and all his body organs are at their limit.

  If he hadn't died suddenly, he would have had more than ten days to live.

  And it was already the end of June.
  Seeing Uchiha Asuka slowly shaking his head, he slowly stood up and said in a low voice.

  "It seems that you know that I don't have much time."

  Then, he came to the window and pushed it open, took a few breaths of fresh air outside, and watched the scenery of Konoha.

  He and Hashirama had a good vision at the beginning and chose this place for Konoha Village.

  Madara's eyes fell on Hokage Rock, and after stopping for a moment on the stone statue of Senju Tobirama, the old voice continued.

  "I don't have much time left. How much you can learn next depends on your ability."

  Asuka came to Uchiha Madara's side, put his hands on the window sill, and said a little embarrassedly.

  "Old man, take advantage of this last moment to talk more?
  I'll copy it first and learn slowly."

  ? ? ?

  Uchiha Madara's brows were tightly knitted together.

  I'll give you my head.

  He actually said more.

  At this moment, the door across the street suddenly opened.

  Seeing a man and a woman walking out, Uchiha Madara shook his head and said.

  "Ninja, you shouldn't focus on things between men and women, love and love."

  Hearing such inexplicable words suddenly come out of the old man's mouth, he followed Madara's gaze and looked across.

  When he saw the limping Kurenai Yuhi leading the limping "Uchiha Li" out of his house, Asuka had a look of surprise on his face and explained.

  "The relationship between us is very pure.

  She was careless yesterday and was kicked in the thigh by me, and it became like this.

  Of course, she also kicked me."

  Thinking of the fight in the office yesterday, Feiniao curled his lips. Didn't go on.

  If he hadn't suppressed his strength, he definitely wouldn't have been kicked yesterday.

  It was easy for Yuhi to become popular. With his Chuunin strength, he defeated himself who had suppressed his strength to that of a Genin.

  "Of course I can see that nothing happened between you."

  Madara Uchiha said solemnly, looking at Yuhi Kurenai's leaving back.

  "But I want to say that
  sometimes a woman will not be your help. She may become a stumbling block for you to implement certain plans."

  Thinking of Obito who hesitated before losing a woman and became stronger and more decisive after losing her, Madara suddenly turned his head to look at Asuka, looked at him up and down, and asked.

  "Is there an unattainable woman in your heart?

  The kind that you always love but can't touch."

  An unattainable woman? ?
  After muttering a few words, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

  Doesn't this mean Bai Yueguang?

  The old man is really a gossip.

  Thinking of this, Feiniao shrugged and said casually.

  "Does it count if it's rotten?"

  Madara's brows furrowed tightly again and he asked doubtfully.

  "What do you mean?"

  Asuka pursed her lips in the direction of Hokage Rock and continued.

  "I was still young at that time. I saw Tsunade's heroic appearance and admired her. Sometimes I dreamed about her.

  But when I discovered the other side of her, she became rotten in my heart."

  "Forget it."

  Uchiha Madara shook his head and shook the thought out of his mind.

  He had also investigated Asuka a long time ago.

  It turns out that he really doesn't have anyone he has a crush on and is worth protecting like Obito.

  After a moment of silence.

  Madara tapped the floor with his cane, his expression suddenly turned serious.

  "The reason why you want the current patriarch to divorce is to solve the family's dilemma, right?"   He said it casually because he was going to defect

  to solve the family's dilemma .   But after the system came, his defection plan was postponed for some years.   Now that he heard the old man talking about himself as being so high-spirited,   Feiniao suddenly stopped laughing and said very seriously.   "That's right.   That's what I thought."   Hmm!   Uchiha Madara hummed slightly and said calmly.   "Since your purpose of doing this is to get Uchiha out of trouble.   Then, listen to me tell you."   Duang!   Asuka moved a chair and placed it behind Uchiha Madara's buttocks, then sat next to him, as if he was listening attentively.   In the entire Uchiha clan, not only did no one support his proposal, there was no one who even gave him advice.   The only ninth generation Uchiha, he still sat behind him in the clan meeting because he didn't like others. After Uchiha Madara sat down, he looked at the slowly moving white clouds in the sky, with a smile that only a wise man could have on his face, and said.   "After a brief thought just now, I have made a simple plan for you.   The steps are divided into three steps.   Separation - separation - divorce."   Hearing this, Feiniao looked at the old man in front of him with strange eyes.   Has this guy had similar thoughts before?   Why do you say it so skillfully?   Madara couldn't help but chuckle when he saw him sitting upright next to him like a good student.

  Why don't you just advise others to get a divorce?
  All the fuss.

  When Senju and Uzumaki were getting married, what idea did the Uchiha family not have in order to break up the marriage between the two clans?
  He suppressed the smile on his face, rubbed his crutches with both hands, and said slowly.

  "It's easy to separate a couple.

  All you need to do is make one partner alienated and suspicious of the other." "

  The easiest way is to [have someone outside]."

  ? ? ?

  Feiniao slapped his mouth and didn't answer his question.

  I always feel like this old man is having an idea.

  He also knows that this is a way to separate couples.

  who can seduce the patriarch of the Uchiha family? ?
  Who can seduce the wife of the Uchiha clan patriarch? ?

  He knew he was handsome, but Asuka felt that he was not good enough.

  When Uchiha Mikoto saw him now, there was murderous intent in her eyes.

  How is this seductive?


  Madara chuckled and continued to talk to himself.

  "Feiniao, I wonder if you have ever thought about establishing contact between your clan leader and other clan clan leaders?" "


  Feiniao shook his head sincerely.

  At this time, I heard Uchiha Madara continue to speak.

  "After all, Konoha is the Konoha of the ninja clan. If you don't improve the impression of other clans on you, the situation of Uchiha in Konoha will still not be very good." "Go. Go and create a situation for the clan leader to contact other ninja clan clan


  . Opportunities.

  For example, dinner party."


  Feiniao hesitated and said doubtfully.

  "Old man,

  what you are talking about seems to have nothing to do with the word [centrifugation]."

  The smile on Uchiha Madara's face froze. He looked at Asuka's confused eyes and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

  What I said is not that profound.

  It should be easy to understand, right? ?
  After a moment of silence, he clenched the crutch in his hand and said expressionlessly.

  "A man who drinks too much will inevitably do something that he will "regret" afterwards." "


  Asuka let out a long oh, he understood now.

  Looking for my sister.

  Seeing the old man looking at him as if he were a fool, Feiniao twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly.

  "Old man, no one who can become the leader of a clan cannot control his lower body."

  Uchiha nodded in agreement.

  "You're right."

  Then, he slowly stood up, his eyes fell on the Hokage Building, and continued.

  "The first time, maybe because they were unfamiliar, they couldn't let go.

  The second time, maybe because they were wary, they couldn't let go.

  The third time, maybe because of face, they still couldn't let go.

  But what about the fiftieth time

  ? How about a hundred times?"

  Feiniao rubbed his chin with one hand and said subconsciously.

  "What if you haven't let go yet??"


  Madara looked at this stupid grandson with a look of hatred that steel cannot be made.

  "Uchiha Fugaku has eaten with other clan leaders a hundred times, and he has long been familiar with the other ninja clan clan leaders. They have

  drunk wine a hundred times and can still control themselves, so let them control themselves.

  Your ultimate goal is to resolve the family's predicament, not to cause the clan leaders of the Konoha Ninja Clan to collectively cheat on you. "

  Hearing this, Feiniao immediately gave the old man two thumbs up and praised.

  "So that's it. "

  Humph! " "

  Uchiha Madara snorted in his heart and turned his head to the other side.

  As for how to bring together many clan leaders to have dinner together, that was what he considered.

  He just gave the other party an idea .

  Asuka stood up and walked to the door. He suddenly stopped and turned to look at the old man standing in the room and asked.

  "Is this the only way? "

  Hearing the other party's voice questioning him, Uchiha Madara's eyes widened and he sneered.

  "If you really want them to divorce, add a certain toad to the dinner. "

  That's it."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Asuka looked at the crutch flying over. He quickly closed the door and left here.

  Looking at the crutch that fell to the ground, Uchiha Madara put his hands on the window sill, and then looked He yelled at the flying bird that ran to the street.

  "Get out of here!"

  "Don't be angry, old man. I'll bring you signature ramen tonight. "

  (End of chapter)

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