82. Chapter 82 Secret Ninjutsu: Tiger Landing Style

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  Chapter 82 Secret Ninjutsu: Tiger Landing Style

  Seeing Asuka looking at him with a relaxed expression, the red figure froze, then raised his left fist and struck it.

  The fist was caught.

  Feiniao clenched his fists and spoke softly.

  "I'm curious, why do you Uzumaki clan steal people's children?
  There are too many intermarriages within the clan??"

  "Who stole the child?"

  Seeing that the other party blocked his fist so easily, the red figure's face sank, and he subconsciously pushed back , wanting to pull back his two palms.

  At this moment, Feiniao let go of one of the other's hands, then stepped forward, grabbed the gray beast skin on the guy's body and pulled it down.

  What was exposed was a girl with waist-length red hair.

  For some reason, this girl always gives Asuka an awkward feeling.

  "Hey, isn't this what you are like?"

  Hearing this, the girl bowed slightly, spread her arms, and a red light flashed in her bright eyes.

  The girl plowed a deep ravine into the ground beneath her feet. She opened and closed her two palms up and down, heading straight for the birds.

  Looking at the dots of golden light on the opponent's palm, Feiniao turned slightly to the left and easily avoided it.

  The girl jumped over the flying bird and crashed directly into a mud house on the opposite side.

  The entire house was destroyed, and the huge inertia made the girl rush out for a long way. How far
  to run? ?
  Looking at the girl running further and further away, Asuka narrowed his eyes and disappeared in an instant.

  Just now, I was on guard against the other party using the sealing technique, but I didn't expect that the other party would be so cowardly.

  "Where do you want to run?"

  Looking at the Konoha ninja who suddenly appeared in front of her, the Uzumaki girl said with some fear.

  "Are you here to catch me?"

  "To catch you?"

  Feiniao scratched his cheek and explained.

  "This village has lost a lot of children, and I'm here to find them."

  Hearing this, the girl seemed relieved, but her muscles were still tense.

  Konoha sent Jonin over because there were a few children missing outside. This matter was suspicious no matter how you thought about it.

  After a moment of silence, seeing that Asuka had no intention of taking action, she explained while looking for an escape route.

  "I didn't steal the child."

  Well! Um!
  Asuka nodded, not talking to her, not even looking at the girl.

  His eyes continued to glance around, and his muscles were also tense.

  How could a group of Uzumaki tribe members only have such a weakling?

  Although the opponent has Chunin level strength.

  But such a weakling looks like cannon fodder sent out to explore the road.

  Where are the rest of the Uzumaki clan?
  Where are they ambushing me?

  The two people with different thoughts got into a strange stalemate.


  Seeing himself taking a step to one side, the Konoha ninja took a step in the same direction.

  If you take a step forward, the other person will take a step back.

  If you take a step back, the other party will follow you.

  He didn't give himself a chance to escape at all, and he didn't hit himself, as if he just wanted to spend time with himself here.

  Asuka also frowned at the Uzumaki tribesman.

  She neither used the sealing technique of [King Kong Blockade] nor surrendered. She just went back and forth here to test, as if she was stalling for time.

  "Are you stalling for time, waiting for your companion to come over?"

  Two voices, a man's and a woman's, rang at the same time.

  The atmosphere in the air suddenly became a little awkward.

  He slowly tightened his grip on the kunai, his Sharingan spinning wildly in his eyes.

  "Forget it, it seems your companion won't come over."

  After waiting for so long and still not seeing her companion appear, Asuka felt that the Uzumaki clan members might have given up on this guy.


  That group of people now became frightened birds.

  When he sees something is wrong, he is likely to run away.

  Kunai is an ordinary kunai, and ninja is not an ordinary ninja.

  The moment Asuka's Sharingan turned, the girl's body was obviously excited, and the hairs on her body stood up.

  The blood-red light in the other person's eyes, combined with the afterglow of the setting sun, gave people the illusion that life was about to disappear.

  As a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, she knew the basics of certain family ninjas.

  For example, what does the three magatama represent in the other person's eyes?

  He is also a jounin of the Uchiha family.

  The girl wanted to run away now, but she found that whenever she had a tendency to move, the blood-red eyes would look over first, as if locking herself.

  Her powerful senses had already issued an early warning.

  Can't run.

  If you run away, you'll get stabbed.


  "I surrender!"

  ? ? ?

  Before Asuka could finish her words, the Uzumaki girl knelt down on the ground. She was breathing heavily and wiping the cold sweat from her forehead.

  "I surrender."

  A burst of white smoke rose.

  Asuka saw that the Uzumaki tribesman's belly suddenly swelled so high.

  Dry. Catch one get one free.

  Now he finally knew where the awkward feeling came from. It turned out that the other person actually had a life in his belly.

  The Uzumaki clan member held his stomach with his hands and muttered softly.

  "Damn it, I was too nervous just now and my stomach hurts."

  At this time, Uoyuki Xiyan also helped Hinata Huahua and came over.

  Asuka looked at Hinata Huahua, who looked a little pale, and said.

  "Huahua, do you want the teacher to help you treat it?"

  Hearing this, Hinata Huahua quickly covered her chest with her left hand. She looked at Asuka as if she were a pervert and refused.

  "Xiyan will help me."

  "Then you are in pain."

  Thinking of Uoyue Xiyan's half-hearted medical skills, Asuka shrugged.

  Although he is a famous teacher, sometimes his apprentices are too stupid which affects his reputation in the education world.

  Thinking of this, he looked at the Uzumaki tribesman squatting on the ground and asked.

  "Tell me, who are you?

  What are you doing here? Why are you stealing
  a child?
  By the way, tell me about your tribe."

  "My name is Uzumaki Kana. I come from the country of bears. I have no purpose in coming here. I just can't stay in the country of bears. I wandered here with my family.

  I didn’t steal the child. I

  came down from the mountain this time just to find some food and leave the Country of Fire.

  The child is about to be born, and I want to provide him or her with a stable environment. He (she) lives in a dark cave just like me."

  Family? ? ?

  Asuka's focus fell on the word "family". He raised his head and looked around, frowning slightly.

  If you think about it with normal thinking, you will know how ordinary people can let pregnant women run around.

  There must be people from the Uzumaki clan around.

  "There's no need to look for it, I'm the only one left now."

  Uzumaki Kana slowly stood up and leaned against the tree, with a tone of begging in her tone.


  Can you let me give birth to the child, and then catch me again?

  I can feel that he (she) is about to be born."

  Seeing her holding her belly with both hands, she looked at herself with begging eyes. Man, Hinata Huahua felt soft in her heart.

  No wonder when she was observing with her white eyes just now, she found that the red-haired woman surrendered without much resistance.

  Seeing the red light and shadow emitted by the setting sun shining on the opponent, Hinata Huahua looked up at Asuka and whispered.

  "Teacher, what she said should be true.

  Why don't we let her go?

  Anyway, she is not within the scope of our tasks."

  Hearing this, Feiniao looked at Huahua in surprise and praised.

  "Huahua, I didn't expect you to be able to tell whether the other person was lying. I'll

  recommend you to the torture department when I get back."

  Sensing Asuka vigorously rubbing his hair, Hinata Huahua rolled his eyes at him and said calmly.

  "My duty is to protect the clan."

  "When will your rotten system be changed?"

  Asuka said, turning around and walking in the direction he came from, stroking the other person's hair as he continued.

  "Do you want to consider supporting Uchiha to become Hokage?

  When the time comes, we will rely on our Sharingan to control the clan and help you break up the caged bird restrictions.

  You know, Uchiha is the strongest in Konoha." "


  Hinata Huahua shook her head and said angrily when she realized that she didn't throw Asuka's big hand away.

  "Hinata is the strongest."

  "Hey, shouldn't your focus be on liberating the caged bird?

  Besides, Uchiha is the strongest."

  "Hinata. That's Hinata."

  "Xiugao, touch your conscience. Tell me, are Uchiha the strongest?"

  "Well, it's hard to say."

  "Xiyan, do you know why you haven't been able to grow?"


  "Because you have big breasts and no brains. I didn't expect you. He actually grew a brain and started to argue on such an obvious issue."

  "Asshole teacher"


  Uzumaki Kana looked up at the backs of the three people leaving, looking at the three long shadows that were stretched out, A wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  A carefree life is really happy.

  She stood up and was about to identify the direction leaving the Country of Fire, when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.


  After letting out a painful moan, Uzumaki Kana felt her eyes go dark, and her consciousness fell into darkness.

   It’s the end of the month!

    Dear readers, please give me your monthly votes and recommendation votes!

    Thank you! Thank you!
  (End of chapter)

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