155. Chapter 155 Giant, it’s in the eyes

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  Chapter 155 Giant,

  Konoha is in the eyes, the land of the Uchiha clan.

  The moment Kyuubi ran towards him, Shukaku blinked and hesitated for only a second before jumping down from the roof.

  It was seen that its arms were back, its posture was low, its legs were quickly thrown out of the afterimage, and it ran in the other direction without looking back.

  "Old man, if you don't want to die, run quickly."

  When he was about to pass Ryoichi, Shukaku looked back at Kyuubi, who was getting closer and closer. Then his eyes fell on the old man who was running extremely slowly, and he kindly reminded him.

  "The smelly fox is coming soon."

  The next moment, they saw the yellow civet cat surpassing them and running further and further away.

  Ryoichi stopped where he was, rubbing his chin with one hand and frowning.

  "I suspect that Kyuubi is here for that tanuki."

  Hearing that he was still in the mood to doubt this, Uchiha Madara glanced back subconsciously, and then found that the distance between himself and Kyuubi was already clear. I saw the saliva dripping from its mouth.



  At this time, the people living in the Uchiha tribe also discovered that something was wrong.

  At first, they just thought there was an earthquake, but when they left the house, they saw a huge thing coming towards them in the distance.

  Looking at Kyuubi's tall body, scarlet eyes, and the chakra emanating wantonly, people's legs weakened, and they no longer had the courage to resist. They had only one idea - to escape.


  Hearing the noisy sound on the street outside, Uchiha Madou pushed open the door of his room and looked out at the street. When he saw these people with frightened expressions and running away in the same direction, a flash of light flashed in his eyes. A hint of doubt.

  Running so fast, is there a dog chasing you?

  At this time, a beast roar with sound waves came over.

  Madou followed the beast's roar and looked back. He blinked at the Nine-Tails that was about to rush into the clan, and then his face was covered with a shadow.

  The next moment, he quickly took out his little grandson who was still sleeping in the house, and then ran with the crowd on the street without any hesitation.

  Why did Kyuubi come out?

  What about the jinchūriki?


  While Madou's mind was racing, out of the corner of his eye he saw a mother and her son not far away being pushed down by the crowd.

  Seeing the mother kneeling on the ground, using her delicate body to protect the child, Madou wiped away the runny nose, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the mother and child.

  "Get up!"

  Pushing through the crowd and coming to the pair of mothers, he exerted force with his right arm and lifted up the mother and the child from the ground.

  The two people who survived the disaster quickly bowed to Madou and thanked him.

  "Thank you."

  "Thank you, elder."

  After waving to the two of them to hurry up, Madou hugged her grandson and turned to face the direction where Kyuubi came from.

  at this time.

  The frightened crowd had no time to care about Madou's identity. They ran forward without hesitation, regardless of whether there were obstacles in front of them.

  boom! boom!
  Under the constant collision of the crowd, Madou's body swayed from side to side from time to time, and he was even almost knocked to the ground a few times.


  After straightening up, Madou looked at the tribesmen who were forcibly pulling away from the crowd and desperately trying to squeeze into the front of the fleeing crowd. Then he looked at the Uchiha, the most powerful tribe in Konoha, who had frightened eyes and could only run
  . , It’s really embarrassing.


  Madou laughed freely, then put his grandson on the ground, patted his shoulder and smiled.

  "Zhi Shu, do you still remember where the refuge that grandpa told you is?"

  Zhi Shu nodded and said with a smile.

  "I know!"


  A pleased smile appeared on Madou's face. He looked deeply at Naoki, then forcibly turned his body around, pushed him forward, and shouted.

  "Go to the shelter and wait for grandpa."

  Naoki staggered a few steps forward, then turned back to look at the running big fox, and his eyes fell on his grandpa's rickety figure.

  Although he didn't know what the fox was, Naoki could feel that the fox was dangerous, super dangerous.

  "Grandpa, what are you going to do?"

  Hearing his grandson's anxious voice coming from behind him, Madou waved to him and said slowly in an old voice.

  "My current identity is: Uchiha Madou, the fifth elder of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Hidden Village." As soon as he

  finished speaking, his figure disappeared from the place in an instant, leaving only Naoki standing there blankly.

  When Uchiha Madou appeared again, he had already appeared on the roof at the gate of the clan.

  at this time.

  There are already many familiar people around.

  After Madou glanced at the group of people, his eyes fell on the elder who was leaning on crutches, and he grinned.

  "Great Elder, are you going to hit Kyuubi on the head with your crutch?"


  Saburo Uchiha threw away the crutch in his hand without hesitation, and then tore open his shirt, revealing his old but still strong body. , said lightly.

  "Kid, wipe your nose."

  The next moment, Madou wiped his nose again and said helplessly.

  "It makes me a little sad to think that I may never see Naoki again in the future."

  "Sad, why don't you turn on the kaleidoscope?"

  Hearing the sarcasm coming from behind, Uchiha Madou's face darkened, and he sneered without even looking at the person behind him.

  "My eyes will be opened when you die."

  At this time, Ryoichi jumped to Madou's side. He looked at Kyuubi who was close at hand and said sarcastically.

  "Madou, when did our relationship become so good?"

  Click! Click! Click!
  The great elder moved his muscles and bones, and his body, which had aged due to a long period of inactivity, made clicking sounds everywhere.

  "Come on, come on, I'll take the lead for you."

  The next moment, he bent his legs and jumped into the air. The house under his feet collapsed instantly because it could not withstand the huge impact.

  Looking at the bloodshot eyes of Kyuubi, the elder took a deep breath, his chest suddenly swelled, and chakra instantly gathered in his throat.

  Fire Release: The Technique of the Fire Dragon!
  He suddenly exhaled all the air in his chest, and a fiery red trace formed into a huge fire dragon in the air. It hit Kyuubi's face hard, instantly stopping its forward momentum.

  "Sanlang is desperate. He has no intention of calculating chakra."

  Looking at the huge fire dragon, Ryoichi shook his head, then stretched his muscles and said to Madou next to him.

  "His remaining chakra can at most support Saburo to use two more ninjutsus. Madou, you can blow me to the sky with wind escape." "


  Looking at the elder who didn't care about his own chakra, Madou smashed He smashed his mouth and said.

  "Actually, we are from the Sharingan family. I didn't expect to use this method to attack the Kyuubi." "No way, the

  three magatama has no effect on the Kyuubi."

  With that, Ryoichi jumped directly into the air.

  When the upward trend was about to reverse and start to fall, he felt another strong push coming from his feet, pushing him higher again.

  Huo Dunliang
  's cheeks swelled slightly, and he tilted his head back slightly, and the chakra from his throat spurted out as if it was free of charge.

  The fire is extinguished!

  A fireball the size of a small meteorite flew from high altitude to the ground and slammed into Kyuubi's back. While bending Kyuubi's back, it instantly spread to form a sea of ​​fire, burning the surrounding buildings crazily.

  A heat wave swept across the battlefield, rustling the clothes of the Uchiha ninja standing nearby.

  "Oh, everyone is dying. With your method of using ninjutsu, if each of you can release three or four, we have more Uchiha chakra than ordinary people." As he said this, Madou narrowed his eyes and pointed his index finger at the middle finger

  . Together, take a deep breath.

  As a family that has been in the ninja world for thousands of years, they have rich historical experience.

  When fighting the Kyuubi, you cannot hold back or think of any life-saving measures.

  is just a matter of one paw.

  If you can be a man for three seconds, then be a man for three seconds.

  Wind Escape·Tornado Hurricane!

  Madou blew out a blast of chakra from his mouth.

  The next second, a tornado emerged in the world, and the world itself was also affected, forcibly resisting the slapping attack of the nine-tailed demon fox.

  I can still be a man for two seconds! !

  boom! boom! boom!
  Looking at the scene in the distant sky with lightning and thunder, fire soaring into the sky, and the Nine-Tails roaring upwards, Naoki still stood there in a daze.

  From the back of his grandfather's decisive departure, he could feel that his grandfather seemed to be unable to come back.



  Hearing a familiar cry not far away, Uchiha Madara raised his eyelids slightly and looked at the house on the left. He saw a weak and helpless familiar figure, standing stupidly at this moment. The crowd was crying under the wall.

  He pushed aside the crowd and walked over.


  Hearing a cold voice from above his head, Naoki Uchiha wiped away the tears and looked up.


  Seeing this familiar figure, Naoki threw himself into Madara's arms.

  On the first day he listened to Madara Uchiha's lecture, Grandpa Ryoichi told him that this old man had no name, but it would definitely not hurt if you called him Grandpa.

  When he threw himself into his arms, Uchiha frowned slightly, raised his head and looked around, but saw no one coming to claim him.

  He has an impression of this kid, or he has an impression of all the kid in the Uchiha clan.

  Naoki Uchiha.
  "Where is your family?"

  Upon hearing this, Naoki pointed in the direction of the battlefield in the distance, his voice choked up.

  "Grandpa went there."

  Following his finger, Madara raised his head and glanced at the battlefield. Thinking of what Ryoichi said before leaving just now, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

  Then, he patted the child on the shoulder, pointed to the shelter in the cave ahead, and said calmly.

  "I will take you to the shelter. Your grandpa will come back."

  Uchiha grabbed Madara's clothes and pursed his lips.

  "Will grandpa really come back?"

  Ban looked forward with an expressionless face and said slowly in an old voice.



  Naoki lowered his head, his eyes filled with mist again. Grandpa probably won't come back.

  After Naoki staggered after being bumped into by the person behind him, he wiped his eyes in grievance, held Madara's clothes tightly with one hand, and continued walking towards the shelter with the crowd.


  At this time, a comic book slipped from Naoki's pocket and landed at Naoki's feet.

  When grandpa took him out today, he didn't have time to take anything. He only took out the comic book he cuddled up to sleep with every day.

  Realizing that the little hand holding the hem of his clothes had loosened, Uchiha Madara stopped and looked behind him.

  "Let's go."

  Hearing Madara's urging voice, Naoki bent down to pick up the comic, looked back at the gradually weakening momentum on the battlefield, grabbed the corner of his clothes again, and asked.

  "Grandpa, isn't the Susanoo of our clan capable of defeating tailed beasts?"

  Uchiha nodded lightly and said nothing more.

  Naoki held the comic book firmly in his right hand and asked again.

  "Then where is it?"

  Hearing this, Madara paused, looked down at Naoki's eyes where he had just cried, and said calmly.

  "In your eyes."

  In your eyes?
  Naoki blinked, feeling a little confused.

  Why didn't he know that Susanoo was in his eyes?
  "Then will it come to save us? Will it save my grandpa?"

  Madara Uchiha turned around and looked at the shelter ahead, his old voice said slowly.

  "Maybe, maybe not, who knows."

  At this time, the nine-tailed beast roar came again.

  Sensing the gradually weakening chakra on the battlefield, Uchiha Madara slowly narrowed his eyes and spoke.

  "Let's go, your grandpa will come back."

  He didn't wait for Naoki's response, but what he did wait for was a loosening of his clothes.

  When he turned around, he saw the kid who had just grabbed the hem of his clothes waving goodbye to him and shouting loudly while running behind him against the flow of people.

  "Since Susanoo is in my eyes,

  then I will save my grandpa, and I will protect you, grandpa."


  Uchiha Madara shook his head, turned around again and walked forward with the crowd. go.

  The next moment, he felt something being stuffed into his hand. Looking at the comic book stuffed in his hand, he looked at Naoki who was running back against the flow of people again, and frowned slightly.

  "Grandpa, if I die, please burn the comic strip to me, and then go to another world so that I can continue reading it. I admire the protagonist in the book who can stand up and save the world in times of crisis." Looking at it

  . The figure gradually disappeared into the crowd, and Uchiha Madara lowered his head to look at the comic book in his hand.

  As the roaring sound of Nine-Tails reached here, the comic book in his hand also flipped up and down along with the sound, and froze at the beginning of the first chapter.

  A handsome black-haired ninja stood on the top of the mountain, looking down at the tailed beasts wreaking havoc below, telling him why he wanted to fight the tailed beasts.

  [Protect the family, protect those familiar with him, protect those who agree with him]

  [It is precisely because he has people he wants to protect that he becomes stronger and stronger]

  "Although I can't activate Susanoo, and I can't A self-righteous guy with no ability, but when it comes to this, I will not back down.

  Just like the protagonist of this book."

  A boy about ten years old came to the dazed Uchiha Madara, and he looked After taking a look at the familiar comic book in the old man's hand, he patted the old man's shoulder and said coldly.

  "Old man, you are blocking my way to death. It took a lot of effort for me to make up my mind."

  As he said that, he pushed Uchiha Madara forward, allowing him to rejoin the fleeing crowd.

  After being pushed in, he looked down at the comic strip in his hand and was silent for a long time.

  "Grandpa, it turns out you also like reading books."

  A child riding on his father's back next to him said excitedly when he saw the comic book in Uchiha Madara's hand, his eyes seemed to be seeing someone of the same kind.

  "Grandpa, have you heard that in the latest comic strip, our family's Susanoo has changed into another form, you know, transformed. He has become

  super tall.

  I heard others say that it seems like Because as Uchiha Na (the protagonist) encounters more and more tailed beast tails, it is difficult for ordinary Susanoo to cope with them, so Uchiha (Nai)'s strength also improves. According to people who know the author of the

  manga It was revealed that the reason for the progress seems to be that the Five-Tails went to the Uchiha tribe to make a big fuss and injured Nai's younger brother. Then his younger brother gave up his power before his death in order to allow his older brother to better protect the people he wanted to protect. Leave it to Nahao
  who wants this kind of brother."

  At this point, the child's expression suddenly became depressed.

  He looked at the orange fox behind him and said in despair.

  "The comic book is really just a comic book. No one stood up to defeat the tailed beast Uchiha Nai, nor did he show up here with the blue giant, nor did he protect everyone according to the agreement in the book. When I dreamed at night, I also dreamed that I had transformed

  . He has become a hero."

  He looked at the old grandfather who was stunned on the spot, pinched his father's ears with both hands, and said doubtfully.

  "Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"


  At this time, Uchiha Madara breathed out softly. He raised his head and looked around, looking at the clansmen who were going against the crowd and following the crowd, and his eyes fell on the child's face. Go up, said lightly.

  "I also know some information that you don't know. What Nai actually wants to protect most is his younger brother and his brother's last wish, and I also want Nai's younger brother. In addition," he shook the comic book in his hand towards the


  . His expression turned serious.

  "The heroes who protect the Uchiha family in the book really exist."


  Seeing the grandfather turn around and leave against the crowd, a big question mark flashed in the child's eyes.

  Why does he know more than himself?
  But, where is the hero? ——
  [Onisan, look at the shuriken I threw. Is it handsome?

  【Not as good as the stones I threw. ]

  [Hey, I've obviously been practicing for so long. ]

  [Onisan, you are so busy today. I finally caught you. Let’s practice together. ]

  [Quanna, Nissan just completed a mission and is so tired. ]

  [But I just learned fire escape today. ]

  [Is that so? Then I won't give up. ]

  [Onisan, I always feel that you didn't use all your strength in the battle with Hashirama. You worked hard last time against the Hinata family. ]

  [Hahaha, I was discovered by you, Quan Nai. ]

  [Onisan, don't be deceived by them. All Uchiha clan members were killed by them. Have you forgotten? ]

  [Izuna, let’s leave the battlefield and go home first]

  [Onisan, I hope you can always regard Uchiha as the glory in your heart, inherit my power, take my share, and protect it.] [

  Izuna .]

  "Izuna, what if you saw the former Uchiha and abandoned your brother?"

  "Izuna: Kill him, don't even live anymore."

  Shaking out the fantasy images in his mind, Uchiha Madara chuckled, then raised his head to look at Kyuubi running towards here, and murmured.

  "Back then, you said you wanted my brother to stay away from the Senju, but he didn't do it." "

  Back then, you said you asked my brother to protect the Uchiha, but he didn't do it either." "

  Now, the Uchiha brats all regard you as one of them The hero in my heart, Izuna, your dream of protecting your family has been continued in the writings of Fei He's grandson." "


  Thinking of the little brats who might be disappointed with heroes because of today's events, Madara chuckled again Finally, his rickety body slowly became upright.

  He will use this broken body to cut off the cause and effect in this world, and at the same time bring a perfect end to Quan Na's story.

  stretched out his hand to push away the oncoming crowd and looked at the tailed beast jade slowly gathering in Kyuubi's mouth, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

  "'Heroes' do exist, don't they?"


  Lying in the ruins, Ryoichi coughed up a mouthful of blood. He looked at the tailed beast jade gradually forming in Kyuubi's mouth, and said with a look of death on his face.

  "It's over. The money hidden under the bed will turn into ashes this time."


  A chuckle came from the next door at this time. The great elder stood up forcibly, leaning his broken body against the ruins, holding only the left hand with his left hand. The right arm that was still connected to the skin and flesh was pulled off, and he panted.

  "I have more money that I didn't spend at home."


  Madou sighed at this time. He looked down at the hole in his stomach, feeling the loss of vitality. His face was pale as he looked at the more and more words in Kyuubi's mouth. The bigger Tailed Beast Jade swallowed dryly.

  "Now, my grandson may also come to accompany me."

  "Damn it, all the members of the family have been transferred to the ANBU."

  "Don't say that. Thinking about it now, that might be a good thing. After all, those are the remaining blood of the family." "

  Still unwilling to tell the truth, I haven't lived enough."

  The ground shook slightly.

  The group of old Uchiha men lying in the ruins, hanging with only one breath left, raised their eyelids slightly and looked at the Nine Tails condensed with the Tailed Beast Jade.

  Didn't it seem like it was stamping its feet just now?

  The ground shook again.

  Saburo Uchiha (the great elder), who was standing against the wall and preparing to face death, blinked and looked at the motionless Kyuubi with some confusion.

  This time the ground shook more violently.

  The great elder spat blood on the ground, then turned to look inside the clan.

  On the empty street, an old man with gray hair and a stooped body was seen, staying in the middle of the deserted street.

  His eyes swept over Kyuubi, with a hint of disdain in his expression.

  The next moment, the old man took a step forward.

  Blue energy instantly enveloped his body, making his rickety body stand tall and straight.

  Step 2.
  The blue energy turned into ribs and wrapped the old man inside. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes.

  Step 3.
  The blue ribs sprouted legs, blood and meat spread rapidly along the bones, and a giant like a god of war appeared in this world.

  Step 4.
  A layer of exoskeleton wraps the blue giant inside, making it plumper, more powerful, and more powerful.

  Step 5.

  A deafening roar that resounded through the sky came from the Uchiha clan.

  Uchiha Naoki, who had just run halfway, looked at the blue giant that appeared in front of him, suddenly stopped his feet, and his eyes shone with excitement.

  It turns out that
  the giant is really in my eyes.
  ps: I wrote too much without realizing it.

  Two chapters, 9K.

  I haven't had dinner yet, so I went to eat first.

  (End of chapter)

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