146. Chapter 146 Free big production

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  Chapter 146 Free Big Production
  The weather is nice today.

  The gentle breeze blows people's hearts, and although the sun hanging in the sky is dazzling, it doesn't make people feel hot.

  a certain old man with short silver hair had helplessness written on his face.

  He felt like he was not far away from heat stroke.

  At this age when he should have been enjoying his old age, he was holding a large cattail leaf fan in his hand and fanning it constantly. His arms had shaken out afterimages, just like a servant.

  The strong wind created by the cattail fan roared in his ears. He picked up his sweat-soaked clothes with his hands, then glanced at the surrounding fences and sighed.

  "Cousin, did you and the First Hokage ever consider finding some ninjas with blood inheritance limits from other countries and bringing them to Konoha Village??" Madara

  glanced at the sweating Ryoichi with a slight movement of his eyes. road.

  "In the beginning, there were only two families in Konoha, the Uchiha and the Senju.

  Those limited blood families all applied to join later. I don't need to look for them at all."

  Hearing this, he wiped his face Sweat, he said helplessly.

  "There are obviously so many blood-successor limited families in Kirigakure Village. It would be good to bring some here. Just like in this situation, if there is an ice shield ninja around, it won't be so hot." Madara looked up and looked at the busy ahead

  . people, the old voice said slowly.

  "At the beginning of the establishment of the village, Hashirama and I only wanted peace in our hearts."

  As soon as he finished speaking, when he saw the man walking out of the field in front of him, a light flashed in his eyes.

  He had black hair, black eyes, exquisite facial features, and fair skin. His hair and bangs were extended to the tail and gradually turned into broken hair. At this time, Ryoichi also
  noticed the black-haired man in the venue. The moment he saw him, his eyes widened. Bigger.

  Zhenxiang and his second cousin Zhenxiang
  turned to look at the silent Madara next to them, and he slapped them hard a few times again.

  The purpose of him and Madara coming here today, besides seeing the protagonist of the show, was to see how Asuka brought Susanoo to the screen.

  If he wants to drive Susan for filming today, don't blame me for stopping the filming plan.

  at this time.

  Everything is ready and all employees are present.

  As for
  the members it is naturally impossible for Hinata to support them. The reason for not causing trouble is because they have not discovered Asuka's filming plan for the time being.

  Thinking of this, he looked at the ninjas around him who used transformation techniques to become Hinata, and felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

  I have to say that this aspect of the ninja world is very good. If you need someone, you don’t need to find yourself. You can just find a ninja who is proficient in transformation. You can become whoever you want.

  As long as you have an external appearance, it doesn't matter whether you look like yourself on the inside or not.

  Anyway, they are just cannon fodder for a moment. The protagonist will never be them.
  At this time, a staff member came to Asuka with a sad face and said helplessly.

  "Lord Asuka, we have been discussing the special effects you mentioned for a long time, but we found that we don't have any ideas."

  Don't you have any skills?

  It seems that he overestimated the technology of the ninja world.

  Feiniao held his chin with one hand and thought for a while, then a look of surprise appeared on his face. He hit the script in his hand on his thigh with a snap, which startled the staff member.

  "Asuka Jonin?"

  "There is no need to do special effects. We ninjas are the biggest special effects."

  Then, Asuka pointed to the ninja cat and the staff who were about to transform into the two tails and ordered.

  "When you transform into the second tail later, don't use the tailed beast jade, just spray fire into the air if you have nothing to do.

  As for the scene where the building explodes, just put firecrackers into those buildings made of plastic.

  I'll find a lightning ninja to detonate the firecrackers secretly later, and at the same time, lighten the plastic buildings at the moment they collapse.

  Also, take out my Susanoo again. "

  Take it out?

  " Hearing these three words, Uchiha Ryoichi raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

  Can Susanoo be peeled off??
  Before he could imagine the scene of peeling off Susanoo in his mind, Ryoichi saw several people walking over carrying a large object covered with black cloth.

  "This is..."

  When it was carried to the front by several people, after lifting the black cloth on it, a blue skull as tall as a person appeared. He appeared in everyone's sight instantly.

  "Is this Susanoo?

  "Why do you look so ugly? " "

  "Maybe the workmanship is a little rough. "

  Hearing the comments from the people around him, Liang Yi raised his head and looked at the meridians and flesh and blood on the skeleton's surface. He smelled the smell of paint in the air, slowly narrowed his eyes, and said to himself. "Why, I feel

  that This thing seems to be a puppet? " Uchiha Madara's eyelids also twitched. He looked at the blue skeleton in the center of the field that looked like Susanoo's second form, and his face suddenly became a little dark, "It's a puppet, freshly painted.

  "Boring! " "

  Madara instantly lost interest in the film and turned around to leave.

  It was too fake.

  In order to show Susanoo's glowing effect, a lot of light bulbs were embedded in the puppet's body. Isn't this a joke?

  " Click! " Click!

  " Click! " Click! Click! "

  Asuka cut off the chakra line that controlled the puppet in his left hand, and looked at the blue two tails on the field speechlessly.

  "I've told you so many times, don't hit the puppet on the ground.

  I'm not a professional puppet master. I can't use this puppet to defeat a ninja cat with chunin strength.

  You are evenly matched with the puppet in the early stage, or even have a slight advantage. That's fine, but don't push the puppet to the ground and bang it. You make our Uchiha's Susanoo look as good as the Hyuga family's Byakugan." "Alas!" Thinking of the box of cans he was about to


  , The ninja cat that turned into the second tail shook his head and sighed.

  "Come again."

  "Continue, remember, according to the script, you can only hold on for two minutes, and the remaining one minute is my turn."

  Then, he connected the chakra line to the puppet again, and then asked someone to open the puppet. Light bulb switch on the back.

  In an instant, a skeleton with blue light all over its body stood up again.

  The tall puppet looked at the blue Nekomata in front of him, and punched his left hand tightly with his right fist, making the air tremble.

  Asuka glanced at the ninja who had just used the Wind Release Ninjutsu to cut the air, then he put a hand to his mouth and shouted.


  The next moment, the puppet leaned down slightly and started running forward, with the earth shaking with every step.

  Asuka pressed his fingers on the ninja who was shaking the ground with his Earth Release, signaling him to lower the shaking frequency.

  Then, he gestured to the white-eyed cannon fodder on the side, making their faces look shocked and horrified.

  "Let me in."

  Uoyuki Xiyan quickly hugged Hinata Huahua and warned.

  "Huahua, don't disturb the teacher's filming."

  Hearing this, Hinata Huahua kicked her legs in the air and said angrily.

  "Teacher, he made us Hinata look like fools."

  Seeing the thick blood vessels emerging from the corners of Hanahua's eyes, Iruka touched the certificate of successful promotion to Chuunin in his arms and persuaded with a smile on his face.

  "Huahua, the teacher has told you so many times not to peek into secrets with your white eyes."

  Hinata Huahua narrowed her eyes, looked up at the sky above her head, listened to the fierce fighting in the field, and took a deep breath.

  "I want to beat this Byakugan. If it weren't for Byakugan, how could he be promoted to Chuunin." "


  before Iruka could finish, he saw Hinata's colorful fingers pressed together into a palm, shining on his chest. Just photographed it.

  after an hour.

  Asuka pushed open the venue door and looked at the three little birds outside the venue with a relaxed expression.

  Xiyan's face is rosy, Huahua's face is a bit dark, and Iruka's face is a bit swollen.

  "Teacher, when do you plan to release these things you filmed?"

  Hearing the sound of Hinata Huahua gritting her teeth, Asuka scratched her head and said after some calculation in her mind.

  "You can see it everywhere in the ninja world in about half a month.

  And I don't plan to charge. How much money can a child have?"


  Seeing Iruka jumping up with joy, Asuka secretly gestured to him. Yes.

  As a loyal fan of the [Giant of Light] comic strip, this guy specifically asked [Madara Uchiha] for an autograph for this purpose.

  (End of chapter)

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