142. Chapter 142 Fishing Law Enforcement

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  Chapter 142 Fishing Law Enforcement




  "Home address."

  "Holy land - Ryūchi Cave."

  "Family members."

  "That's too much."

  Seeing Ichikishima Hime slamming the table and standing up, glaring at him with big eyes, Asuka paused with the pen in his hand and continued.


  "I am extremely honest and will say whatever comes to my mind."


  "Don't ask."

  ? ? ?

  Two black lines appeared on Asuka's forehead, then he tilted his head and looked at the floating Ichikishima Hime, and sneered.

  "You call this extremely honest?"

  Ichikijima Hime rolled her eyes at Asuka and said plausibly.

  "As I said, I will say whatever comes to my mind, but I never think about age."

  That makes sense.

  Feiniao felt his head hurt. He put his hand between his eyebrows and asked again.


  ? ? ?

  After a brief silence, Ichikishimahime floated to Asuka. After observing him up and down for a while, his expression suddenly became serious.

  "Are you checking your household registration?"

  Feiniao poked the table with a pen, "As my future fighting partner, I must at least know your basic information, right? My first partner is Fei Fei, who signed a contract with me at the beginning. At that time, he even told his grandfather’s information.”

  Are there such simple psychic beasts?

  Hearing this, Ichikishimahime gave up the authority to control the floating and began to rock up and down and left and right in the room.

  She needed to think about it.

  Asuka looked at the broken light bulb and frowned.


  Asuka's face darkened when he heard the sound of plates falling to the floor in the kitchen.

  Ichikishimahime rubbed her head after bumping into the cabinet, then looked down at the white paper on the table and said.

  "I'll do it myself."

  As she said that, she swam to the Asuka table, picked up the carbon pen and started filling in the white paper selectively.


  This concubine didn't want to think about it.


  I don't want to think about this either.


  This concubine couldn't even think about it.


  Under the immortal
  ! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
  Seeing Ichikishima Hime lying on the table busy filling out forms, Asuka stood up and went to get a broom, swept the broken plates in the kitchen and put them into boxes, then turned and walked outside.

  Although she has never seen the other party's appearance after transformation, as one of the top executives of Ryūchi Cave, she is known as the elder-level confidant of the White Snake Immortal. She has extremely powerful fairy chakra in her body. After transforming back to her original body, her figure should
  be It's not much smaller than Wan She, right?
  Wan Snake seems to be taller than Toad, Toad seems to be lower than Shukaku, and Shukaku seems to be about the same size as Kyuubi.

  When you see toads or tailed beasts in the future, summon them directly.
  Before Asuka could continue to think about it, he caught a glimpse of a fat red man appearing in his sight out of the corner of his eye.

  Looking at Kushina, whose pregnant belly was becoming more and more obvious, his eyes became complicated again.

  Now the medical department doesn't have any information about the other party at all, and things like pregnancy checks are under the control of the ANBU. He is the monitor of Konoha's medical class and the head of the wartime medical force. He has never even touched the belly of the fourth wife.

  There is no point in being the medical monitor at all.

  As if she noticed something, Kushina raised her head and glanced ahead suspiciously.

  Seeing Asuka standing there not far away, staring at her with complicated eyes, Kushina's face couldn't help but darken.

  What kind of look is this?
  Pity, restlessness, emotion, depression, regret, and disgust
  are just like the child I am carrying is related to you.

  Muttering in her heart, Kushina stepped towards Asuka and said calmly.



  Asuka also greeted her politely, and then his eyes fell on the other person's belly, and he could no longer look away.

  Looking at his growing belly, his brows furrowed into the character "Sichuan".

  He was still on the battlefield when Kushina was pregnant, so he couldn't figure out how many months she was pregnant.

  But looking at this belly,
  it should be the day is approaching.

  Seeing Asuka's eyes getting closer and closer to her belly, Kushina's eyelids twitched slightly, and she couldn't figure out why the other party cared so much about her belly.

  The most important thing is that she didn't sense that Asuka had any evil thoughts towards her.

  It seems like she is just worried about her belly.

  What a pervert.
  Shrinking back, Kushina looked at Asuka who was staring straight at her belly and said in a deep voice.

  "Aren't you a little rude, Mr. Asuka?"

  Asuka came to his senses at this time, scratched his head and said in an apologetic tone.

  "Ah, sorry."

  He felt that his medical level was still low, and he couldn't see anything after looking at it for so long.

  Tsunade should know when the other party will give birth, but Tsunade probably doesn't want an Uchiha to know about it.

  After a moment of silence, Kushina stroked her belly with both hands, then raised her head and stared into his eyes and asked.

  "Why does Mr. Asuka care so much about my belly?"

  Asuka glanced at my belly again and shook his head.

  "It's not a big deal, just seeing that Kushina-sama is about to give birth to a child, I suddenly feel that the burden on my shoulders is a lot heavier."

  ? ? ?

  Hearing these words, Kushina looked suspicious of life.

  But the moment she raised her head and looked into the other person's eyes, she began to doubt her life again.

  Because Uchiha Asuka's serious expression couldn't be more genuine.

  It was as if after her child was born, the burden on the other person's shoulders would really become heavier.

  What does my child have to do with you? ? ?
  After recalling the time when she and Minato slept in the same room, when she was pregnant, and where Asuka was during that time, Kushina breathed a sigh of relief and shook her head.

  "I don't understand what Asuka-kun said."


  Asuka also sighed, thinking about how to tell her about Kyuubi.

  It's clearly stated that it's definitely not possible, and you can't take it out yourself.

  His relationship with the couple wasn't good enough to spare him.

  After thinking for a while, his eyes fell on Kushina's belly again and he hesitated.

  "Kushina-sama, Mikoto-sama's last birth accident."

  At this point, Asuka twitched the corners of her mouth, and then swallowed the rest of the words.

  He could help Mikoto if she had a difficult childbirth, but it was estimated that this matter would fall on Kushina. Even if she died in childbirth, Konoha would not be able to let Uchiha deliver her baby.

  Seeing that the other party stopped talking mid-sentence, Jiuxin frowned slightly and began to think.

  Meiqin's production accident?
  Why can't the baby come out halfway through giving birth?
  Her face darkened, and her anger suddenly rose.

  This guy is cursing me.

  After Kushina stared at Asuka for a while, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

  The other party had no ill intentions and was not a curse.
  For a moment, there was a hint of embarrassment in the air.

  After a while.

  Just when Kushina was about to end this awkward question and answer, she looked up at Asuka, and saw him scratching his head hesitantly, his eyes scanning her stomach from time to time, as if he was struggling with something inside.

  Then a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in her mind, and she suddenly thought of the rumors about wives that Danzo had mentioned.

  The old guy Danzo said that Asuka Uchiha liked women of high status, and then he set his sights on Orochimaru's wife, and he also took action, which made Orochimaru so angry that he went to assassinate him in the middle of the night. And now the most distinguished woman in Konoha is Sarutobi Biwako,
  but Sarutobi Biwako is 55 this year, and she is only 24 years old.

  She believes that as long as he is a normal man, given the above two options, he will definitely choose the younger one.

  Although he showed that he disliked fat people very much and had no feelings for fat people at the beginning, it has been a long time since then.

  Coupled with the fact that the other party just mentioned Mikoto and how he couldn't stop looking at her belly... he

  likes women of high status... he only likes the belly of noble women... there doesn't seem to be any conflict between the two.

  After taking a deep breath, Kushina took a step back, stared into Asuka's eyes, and asked tentatively.

  "You stared at me for so long because you were afraid that I would have difficulty giving birth and wanted to deliver the baby yourself?"

  he once had that idea.

  But now after turning on the kaleidoscope, he just wanted to cut off Kushina's belly, and then when Obito passed, let him look at the upper and lower parts of Kushina's body and doubt his life.

  Forget about
  the production of Jinchuuriki, how could Konoha's top management let Uchiha get close to Kyuubi.

  My brain is broken.

  After no longer hesitating in his heart, Feiniao's expression suddenly became serious and he refused.

  "As the monitor of the medical class, I know that there are many excellent female medical ninjas in Konoha, and they have much more experience than me. Just

  leave things like delivering babies to them.

  As the monitor of the medical class, what if If you do everything yourself, the medical class will never fulfill Tsunade-sama's dream."

  ? ? ?

  Seeing Asuka suddenly seeming to be a different person, Kushina was stunned for a moment and said subconsciously.

  "You don't want to deliver the baby?"

  Feiniao shook his head and said directly without thinking.

  "There are many people in Konoha who are better than me. Just leave it to them. And I'm not an obstetric ninja, so I don't know much about it." At

  this time.

  Kushina seemed to see Asuka exuding the aura of a gentleman, and even his eyes were emitting a soul-stirring black light.

  What a gentleman.

  just now, the other person's behavior of staring at her belly for so long gave her a lot of doubts.

  Who is the gentleman who stares at others for so long?

  At this time.

  Uzumaki Kushina thought again of Tsunade-sama's comments to him before leaving, and her heart suddenly moved. Then she took a step forward and asked in a low voice.

  "Asuka-kun, I heard that your medical ninjutsu has surpassed Tsunade-sama?"

  Hearing this, Asuka said humbly.

  "Absolutely, we are evenly matched."

  Kushina narrowed her eyes. She thought of Asuka's behavior just now, then pointed at her belly and pleaded.

  "Can you check me out now?"


  Asuka's eyes lit up, and even the way he looked at the fat red-haired man became much softer.

  Knowing Kushina's delivery time, you can pretend to be someone else and intercept Obito on that day.

  Aren't many senior time travelers doing this?

  Then, he was seen holding his chin with one hand, pretending to think for a moment, and then nodded.


  After hearing this, Kushina put her hands on the corners of her clothes and lifted up her clothes very slowly.

  Seeing Asuka's eyes getting brighter and brighter, the smile that could not be concealed no matter how hard she looked, and her fingers starting to move, her eyes gradually narrowed into a slit.

  It's right, it's exactly what Tsunade-sama said, the evil Uchiha Asuka.


  When Asuka saw that hint of belly, he couldn't help but let out a breath, and then noticed that Kushina's movements were getting slower and slower, so he couldn't help but urge her.

  "Lift it up a little more."

  Kushina stopped moving at this time. She poked her belly with her finger and said expressionlessly.

  "Asuka-kun, that's all."

  Really conservative.

  When he saw the other party, he lifted up the corner of his clothes, curled his lips, and then stretched out his hand.


  Thinking that the first time he came into contact with Naruto was in such a strange way, Asuka couldn't help but feel a flash of excitement and emotion in his eyes.

  Son of Destiny, let me see when you will be born...

  Asuka stretched out her hand towards her belly without any hesitation, and when her fingers touched her belly, her face was filled with relief, emotion and excitement of touching her belly.

  "Asshole, touching my sister's belly excites you so much, doesn't it?"

  The next moment, Kushina clenched her fist tightly and punched her with lightning speed.

  The fist was mixed with chakra and wrapped with the fist wind, and instantly hit Asuka's chest.


  A dark figure flew towards the sky like a cannonball.

  on the ground.

  Uzumaki Kushina arranged her clothes, then covered her forehead with her right hand, looked up at the small black dot in the sky, and said with disdain.

  "I was just wondering why your behavior was inconsistent with the rumors, and I was almost deceived by you." "I

  really agreed with Tsunade-sama's words. The evil Uchiha is actually so obsessed with the belly. Half

  a day later.

  Ichikishima Hime General He placed the completed form on the table, then turned to look at Asuka who was wrapping a bandage in front of the mirror, tilted his head and said.

  "You were beaten? "

  Being cheated. " "

  Asuka took a breath. He looked at the man in the mirror whose chest was wrapped with a bandage again, and gritted his teeth. Hearing this,

  Ichikijima showed a curious look on his face. She knew the strength of this man, and even When she tried to stealth and attack without success, how did that person succeed?
  "How did you get tricked? "

  Thinking of the scene where he was fished, Asuka's cheeks suddenly turned red and he said bitterly.

  "I was too focused on touching the woman's belly and was hit in the chest with my fist. "

  Touch someone's belly?

  Ichikishima-hime subconsciously thought Asuka was a gangster.

  After all, how could a decent person touch a woman’s belly?


  She floated to the mirror, lowered her head and glanced at the muscles of Asuka's abdomen, and asked.

  "Is that woman sexy?"

  He turned to look at Ichikijima Hime and asked doubtfully.

  "In your dictionary, the only word to describe someone else's flesh is [bomb]?"

  Ichikijima Hime floated behind Asuka and asked.

  "Then what should I say?"

  Feiniao stretched out a hand and said a few words to her casually.

  "Plump, tender, juicy, sweet, crispy, smooth and tender."


  She looked at Asuka again and asked.

  "What words should be used to describe that woman?"

  Feiniao took a deep breath and said expressionlessly.

  "I didn't feel it. As soon as my fingernails touched my belly, I took off."

  ps: This chapter was updated late.

  Coded for four hours.

   Let me go, I changed this chapter and lost all the comments.

    Dear readers, if you think there is something wrong with this chapter, please bring it up. I have been researching it and making changes all morning.

    Don't worry, I didn't block the ban package, I really feel free to speak.

    There was no one to talk to, so I was very panicked.
  (End of chapter)

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