129. Chapter 129 Unlucky Fugaku

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  Chapter 129 The Unlucky Fugaku

  The next day, it was early morning.

  When Nana Sarutobi opened the door, she saw Asuka had already packed his packages and was standing in the yard waiting for her.

  "What's wrong with your face?"

  Looking at Asuka with a bruised nose and swollen face, she looked at the small mountain of Rain Country specialties next to her and frowned.

  "Did you have a conflict with the ninjas from the Land of Rain?"

  "Nothing, just a knock."

  Asuka rubbed the bruises on his face, took a breath of air, and made up an excuse casually.

  She is really a changeable woman, you are obviously the one you want to buy.

  I blocked her
  even twice, but it didn't stop you from buying her a gift.

  It's really simple.
  Thinking of Ye Cang who is a little too simple, Asuka plans to draw some "knowledge" for her alone when she goes back.

  After standing in the yard for a while.

  Seeing that he didn't mean to say more, Nanahua simply moved her joints and said.

  "The matter of Orochimaru has been taken over by Lord Jiraiya. He is now chasing Orochimaru and has left the Country of Rain. And we also received an order from the village yesterday. We can go back now." "Okay!" Half an


  later , somewhere on a hillside.

  Ye Cang stood on the hillside wearing an auspicious cloud robe and a bamboo hat, looking at the flying birds and the four people in the distance.

  "Is he leaving?"

  Hearing Xiao Nan's cold voice, Ye Cang's face turned red when he thought of the gift he sent yesterday, and he nodded without saying anything.

  Wow! Wow!
  As the rain fell harder and harder, the birds disappeared into the thick rain and fog.

  When the flying bird disappeared completely, Ye Cang asked hesitantly.

  "Xiaonan, haven't you opened yesterday's gift yet?"

  Open it?

  Thinking of what she found when she opened the gift box yesterday, Xiaonan took a deep breath and glanced at Ye Cang secretly.

  Seeing the hope in the other person's eyes, Xiaonan couldn't help but hesitate.

  If she found out that the gift he sent out looked like that, Ye Cang would be very embarrassed and then go to the stall owner to argue.

  In that case,
  Ye Cang didn't know how long he would feel guilty.

  Thinking of this, she turned her head to look at Ye Cang, a smile appeared on her face, and she said gratefully.

  "Ye Cang, thank you for the gift you gave me. It fits well and looks good."

  ? ? ?

  Seeing Ye Cang looking at her blankly, Xiao Nan tugged her arm and changed the topic.

  "We went to rescue Orochimaru."

  "No, do you really think that gift is very good and suitable?"

  "It's very good."


  "Do you look at me like I'm lying to you?"


  Uchiha clan land.

  The rising sun shone on the old people, dispelling the chill in their bodies.

  Facing the sun, the great elder strolled leisurely on the streets of the tribe with his hands behind his back. Looking at the bustling scene in the tribe's market, he couldn't help but sigh.


  "The earth gradually wakes up, a ray of morning light breaks the silence of the night, the fervent heart is beating, praying for peace to come, we pursue together, the future is filled with thorns and dangers." Listening to the strange singing voice of the great elder,

  Uchiha Madara turned to look at Ryoichi and said coldly.

  "What are you yelling about?"

  Ryoichi smacked his mouth and explained in embarrassment.

  "When Asuka sang it, the old guy thought it was pretty good. He would hum a few words when he had something to do."


  Madara glanced at the elder dissatisfied. Because his gaze was too sharp, he instantly caught the other's attention.

  It's not appropriate to go out today.

  The great elder saw Uchiha Madara looking at him as if he were a fool. After hesitating for a moment, he walked over with trembling steps.

  One minute later.

  When he walked up to Uchiha Madara and secretly observed him, his eyes fell on Ryoichi and he pretended to be calm.

  "I'm just lamenting that peace is hard-won."


  Madara sneered and turned his head to the other side.

  There are not many people in the clan that he likes. The talent is not good, the strength is not good, and politics is not good.

  The elder froze, then pinched his trembling thighs, winked secretly at Madara, and said silently while his teeth were fighting up and down.

  "How's it going?"

  Liang nodded and laughed silently.

  "The body is not bad and I can live for two or three months."

  ? ? ?

  Hearing this, the great elder's eyes widened, and he covered his chest with both hands. He could clearly feel that Zhire's heart suddenly stopped beating for a moment.

  Three months ago, you said you could live for two or three months. Three months later, you said you could live for two or three months?
  Why can't he, Uchiha Madara, die?

  Looking at the horrified expression of the great elder, Ryoichi shook his head regretfully.

  I never lie.

  My cousin just died and was revived.



  At this time, there was a sound of shattering plates, breaking the somewhat awkward atmosphere here.

  Following the sound, Ryoichi looked at the big house on the right and said in surprise.

  "Is this the patriarch's home?"

  The elder nodded and sighed.

  "Alas, the patriarch's family has not been peaceful recently."

  Ryoichi said, stroking the beard on his chin.

  "What should I say?"


  The elder cleared his throat, put his hands behind his back, and then slightly raised his volume so that his voice would not disturb Madara Uchiha but could still be heard clearly.

  "Isn't this Orochimaru's defection?
  Because of Orochimaru's defection, Fugaku has been implicated a lot.

  You know, the village's attitude towards us is very average.

  Before Orochimaru defected, he often invited Fugaku to dinner. This It just makes him somewhat suspicious."

  Liang nodded, listening to the quarrel coming from inside, he wondered.

  "What does this have to do with their quarrel?"

  the elder guessed as he looked at the house on the right.

  "Maybe it's postpartum depression.

  Some time ago, Fugaku and Orochimaru had dinner together, and they often got drunk.

  Now, Fugaku has to explain Orochimaru's affairs to the village's senior officials. One day at Danzo's place I had to explain so many times that I was exhausted both mentally and physically. I almost didn’t have time to care about Mikoto and the child.

  Originally, Mikoto was also very considerate.

  Maybe it was because I was so unlucky during this period, and I had just given birth to a child, and I had accumulated a lot of trouble in my heart. A lot of anger broke out all at once."

  "That's really unfortunate."

  Thinking of what Mikoto had encountered recently, Ryoichi couldn't help but sigh.

  It's all Orochimaru's fault. If he hadn't come here to assassinate him in the middle of the night, how could such a thing have happened.

  Before Ryoichi could continue thinking, he saw the door of Fugaku's house opened from the inside.

  Looking at Fugaku coming out, except Uchiha Madara, the two of them greeted each other.

  "Clan leader!"

  Fugaku hummed with a cold face, and after his eyes glanced at the old and unattractive Uchiha Madara, he turned around and looked at home, then walked directly outside the clan.

  A tiring day started with a quarrel at home in the morning.

  Looking at the back of the clan leader who left in anger, the great elder and Ryoichi stood together and sighed.

  "Saburo (Great Elder), I don't think we can't stand behind Asuka."

  "Ryoichi, tell me."

  Before he finished speaking, the corner of his eye suddenly glanced at Uchiha Mikoto in the courtyard, and the Great Elder immediately changed his approach. Words, shaking his head.

  "What nonsense are you talking about?"

  "Old man, do you want to fight??"

  "Come on."

  Seeing that the elder suddenly became tough, Ryo turned around and looked at Fugaku's home.

  The open door allows people on the street to have a clear view of the courtyard.

  I saw Uchiha Mikoto standing in the yard, holding a broom in one hand and a trash can in the other, looking here expressionlessly.

  Ryoichi glared at the great elder, turned around and left without any hesitation.

  (End of chapter)

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