106. Chapter 106 What is a T0 level medical ninja in the ninja world?

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  Chapter 106: What is a T0-level medical ninja in the ninja world

  ? "It seems like there is trouble!"

  Midway, Asuka stretched out his hand to pull his hair and looked ahead with a troubled expression.

  I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it!

  No, Indra's chakra must be sick.

  Hasn’t Uchiha Madara died several times?
  Shouldn't Indra's chakra have left him when he died for the first time?
  Even if he didn't leave the first time, Uchiha Madara was really dead the second time.

  Aren't you leaving yet?
  Thinking of what someone on the post forum said, the corner of Feiniao's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

  During the Fourth War, why could Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke, both reincarnated by Indra Chakra, still be able to coexist?
  [Because, after the resurrection, Uchiha Madara no longer has Indra's chakra in his body. Indra's chakra has long been reincarnated into Sasuke's body with the death of Uchiha Madara, and the reincarnation of the dirty earth, It's just Uchiha Madara's own soul and the power he had during his lifetime. ]

  Now Uchiha Madara has been resurrected twice. Especially
  at this time.

  Asuka looked up at the blue sky and subconsciously thought of this scene in his mind.

  Originally, Indra's chakra had left Madara's body, and then flew into the air through the wall, flying towards Mikoto who was waiting for delivery in the hospital, but because Uchiha Madara was suddenly rescued by him through forbidden techniques, it is now floating in the sky
  . The Indra Chakra in it is in trouble.

  He didn't know whether to go to Uchiha Sasuke's body or return to Uchiha Madara.

  This also caused Mikoto to have a difficult delivery, and so many medical ninjas in Konoha were collectively helpless.

  Um! !

  This was the only logical and self-consistent statement he could think of.

  When he arrived at the medical department, he saw a bunch of people standing in the corridor in front of him with anxious faces, and there was no gap left.

  After reaching out and grabbing a medical ninja, Asuka asked.

  "What's going on now?"

  Looking at the sudden arrival of Asuka, the medical ninja felt certain in his heart, and his ugly face suddenly softened.

  As a medical ninja who had contact with Asuka, he knew that the other party's medical level was very high.

  There is much more than meets the eye.

  This time the deputy minister nominated him as the medical class monitor, and there were very few objections from the entire medical department.

  Tsunade had been gone for too long.

  Thinking of this, he pointed his hand inside and lowered his voice.

  "I heard something happened."

  Something happened? ?

  Asuka looked at this guy in confusion.

  I asked you what happened, and you said something happened?
  If you don't know, you don't know.
  As if he could see the speechlessness on Asuka's face, he scratched his head and stammered.

  "It seems to be stuck. Only those obstetric ninjas know the specific situation."

  ? ? ?

  Asuka rubbed her chin with one hand, the expression on her face was very intriguing.

  He has been a medical ninja for so many years. Although he is not an obstetrician, he has also gone to the obstetrics department. The usual way to deal with a stuck fetus is to perform a lateral incision, then apply forceps and increase abdominal pressure.

  In the extreme case, it would be time to have a caesarean section.

  The people in the obstetrics department have more experience than him, and they must have tried various methods.

  But it still stuck.
  Thinking of this, Asuka pushed through the crowd and squeezed to the front.

  The deputy minister looked at Asuka with sweat on his face and said anxiously.

  "You're here!"

  Looking at his shiny head, Feiniao praised him reflexively.

  "Minister, you are full of wisdom."

  "Stop boasting!"

  The deputy minister twitched the corner of his mouth and said speechlessly.

  "Look how long it's been."


  Feiniao sneered. He looked at the ungrateful old man and said.

  "Old man, I admire your leadership skills. You always find things for me to do.

  Forget about resigning and give me the position of deputy minister."

  "Let's not mention this."

  With that, the deputy minister pulled Feiniao aside. , whispered.

  "An accident really happened this time, and those in the obstetrics department can't do anything about it."

  Hearing this, Feiniao's face became serious and he frowned.

  "What's the specific matter?"

  "Everything was going well, but an hour ago, Uchiha Mikoto felt cramps in her abdomen.

  It wasn't a big deal at first. The people in the obstetrics department are very experienced.

  It's normal for pregnant women to have some pain during childbirth.

  But it's strange. The strange thing is that people inside said that the child in Uchiha Mikoto's belly has chakra.

  Isn't this nonsense?"


  This is not nonsense at all.

  He is originally the reincarnation of Indra Chakra.

  Feiniao took the white coat handed to him, pushed open the door of the delivery room, and decided to go in and explore the situation.

  "Squad leader!"

  "You're finally here."

  "I'm so anxious."

  Looking at the medical ninjas surrounding the delivery table, Asuka waved to them and walked over.


  As soon as they reached the delivery table, a piercing scream came over.

  Looking at Uchiha Mikoto who suddenly screamed, Asuka frowned and said.

  "What's your name? I'm a doctor now, and I'm still the number one in Konoha's medical department. Don't think of me as one of your clansmen." Seeing

  Asuka approaching her, Uchiha Mikoto subconsciously clasped her legs together, scrambling to catch something. Something covers his body.

  "Don't come over."


  Asuka's cheeks twitched, his feet stopped in place, he picked up a piece of cloth nearby and threw it to Uchiha Mikoto.

  After seeing her cover her body, Asuka walked over and asked.

  "Mikoto-sama, do you feel anything strange in your body now?"

  Uchiha Mikoto saw Asuka looking at her with clear eyes. She took a breath and said softly.

  "Just now, I suddenly felt a cramping pain in my abdomen.

  Then, I suddenly didn't want to have a baby.
  Can I delay it by two months?" Listening to Uchiha Mikoto's angry and silly voice, Asuka smashed her head. mouth, stood up and walked aside.

  Pregnant women's IQs become stupid.

  How do you put this thing back?

  At this time, a medical ninja walked by and whispered into Asuka's ear.

  "Monitor, the main problem now is that Mikoto-sama has two kinds of chakra in her body, one of which belongs to the newborn, and the other belongs to Mikoto-sama.

  And these two chakras are strangely connected.

  If If the labor is forcibly induced, Mikoto-sama will definitely be harmed.

  This kind of situation where a newborn has chakra before he is born is something we have never encountered before."

  Asuka leaned against the wall and looked at the energetic girl Uchiha Mikoto had a look of surprise on her face.

  Two strands of chakra.
  One of them belongs to Uchiha Mikoto, and the other probably belongs to Indra, right?

  Therefore, now that Indra's chakra has come over,
  I don't know if it has come over
  . Since the nine tails can be divided into two halves, who knows whether Indra's chakra is complete?

  You're already here, but I still don't care whether you want to give birth or not.

  Thinking of this, Asuka called these medical ninjas closer and gave instructions.

  "You all get out. I'm about to perform my family's special move. It's not suitable for you to see."


  "Squad leader, is there something wrong with this?"

  "It's okay, Nonoyu stays."

  "Okay." ."

  After driving the group of people out, Feiniao locked the door from the inside.


  As the lock sounded, Uchiha Mikoto raised her head and looked indoors.

  Where are people?

  Seeing that Asuka and Nonoyu were the only two people left in the room, Mikoto frowned and said in confusion.

  "Where are they?"

  Feiniao made up an excuse casually.

  "Oh, we're going to eat. Let's chat with you."

  Seeing Asuka walking towards her, Uchiha Mikoto shrank back and said warily.

  "I don't need you to accompany me. Just ask Fugaku to come in and accompany me."

  "You talk a lot!"

  Asuka and Nonou said, as if they had reached an agreement, they quickly tied Uchiha Mikoto's limbs to the delivery table.

  Before she could react, Asuka stuffed another piece of white cloth into Mikoto's mouth.

  Seeing Uchiha Mikoto looking at him with frightened eyes, Asuka lifted up the white cloth covering her body, curled up and then covered Uchiha Mikoto's head, covering her eyes.

  Since you are afraid of being seen by me, just cover your eyes.

  If you can't see that I can see you, that means I haven't seen you.

  After it's over, blame the whole thing on No Naiyu.

  After everything was ready, he looked at Uchiha Mikoto's bulging belly, took a deep breath, and spoke.

  "Nonou, prepare hot water. The towel boy will be here soon"

  ? ? ?

  Nonoyu looked at Asuka in confusion.

  Is caesarean section so fast?

  Before she could ask her doubts, Asuka put her palm on Uchiha Mikoto's belly and moved it back and forth, as if to determine the position of the fetus.

  "Can I help?"


  As soon as he finished speaking, Nonou saw him gently poking Uchiha Mikoto's belly with his two index fingers and scratching lightly with his nails.

  Uchiha Mikoto's belly was cut off.
  Cut off
  ? ? ? ?
  Seeing Asuka casually cutting off Uchiha Mikoto's belly, Nonoyu rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then looked over again.

  She watched Asuka walking towards her with his big belly in his hands, and Nonoyu's eyes became frightened.

  But her good professionalism made her try again.

  This is an illusion. This is an illusion.
  After messing with her chakra, she opened her eyes again and looked at the flying bird.


  A piercing scream came.

  at this time.

  He saw No Naiyu covering his mouth with both hands, his eyes filled with fear, and he subconsciously stepped back.

  Seeing Nonoyu sitting on the ground, Asuka picked his ears with some dissatisfaction and said speechlessly.

  "Stop screaming, this is medical ninjutsu, medical ninjutsu, Uchiha Mikoto is not dead."

  As he said that, as if he was afraid that Noonoyu wouldn't believe it, he stretched out his hand and twisted Uchiha Mikoto's thigh.

  Nonoyu's eyes became even more frightened as he looked at his trembling thighs.

  The thigh that has lost its body but is still shaking
  is this a supernatural incident?

  At this time, Asuka patted Nonoyu on the head and said calmly.

  "Prepare hot water."


  Nonoyu was stunned for a moment. She saw Asuka looking at her calmly, and then looked at Uchiha Mikoto, who was lying on the delivery table struggling, and said in a suspicious tone.

  "She's really not dead?"

  Feiniao lowered his head and glanced at the belly on his hand, then said to himself behind him.

  "You're not dead. This is my newly developed medical ninjutsu. Remember to keep it a secret for me."


  Nonoyu was shocked for a long time. She pressed hard on her chest with her right hand and slowly stopped her rapidly beating heart. Smooth.

  Is this medical ninjutsu?

  How scary.
  Looking at Asuka's focused look, Nonoyu swallowed subconsciously and murmured in his heart.

  "Tsunade-sama shouldn't be so miraculous. No. Tsunade-sama definitely doesn't have such miraculous medical ninjutsu." "Has he

  surpassed Tsunade-sama?"

  Thinking of the little boy standing at the door of the hospital with an angry look on his face. Now he has grown to such an outstanding level. He
  is truly an outstanding Uchiha.
  She blinked and looked at Asuka's back again, when a bright light suddenly reflected on her lenses.

  Do I need to tell Danzo about this?

  ps: This chapter is updated late.

  (End of chapter)

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