102. Chapter 102 The sudden completion of the task and the bad news

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  Chapter 102 The sudden completion of the mission and the bad news


  Just when Asuka just walked out of the forest, he suddenly heard a sigh in his ears.

  Looking around, I saw a child leaning under a big tree, imitating an adult, with a thinking expression on his face.

  A four-year-old kid has nothing to think about all day long.

  When he was four years old, he was taking his clan friends to fight with the children of the Hyuga family.

  "Good morning, young patriarch!"

  Itachi heard someone greeting him next to him. He quickly stood up and said very politely.

  "Good morning."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he looked up and looked ahead, and saw that the person greeting him was Uchiha Asuka. After Itachi hesitated for a moment, his good family upbringing did not allow him to behave like turning around and leaving. .

  Although his mother didn't let him talk to him or play with him, Itachi felt that the other person was not as sinful as his mother described.

  "Young clan leader, what are you doing here this morning? Are you practicing?"

  After looking around and seeing that there was no shadow of Uchiha Mikoto around, Asuka walked up to Itachi and spoke to him.


  Itachi shook his head.

  He has been a little upset while reading recently, and there are many things he can't figure out.

  So he took advantage of the morning training to come to the forest to think about the doubts in his heart.

  "Jonin Asuka, can I ask you another question?"

  "Just ask."

  At this time, Itachi was seen leaning on the big tree, looking up at the rising sun on the horizon, his tone full of doubts.

  "Does it make sense to get married?"

  Get married? ?
  Seeing this four-year-old guy thinking about the topic of marriage, and thinking of the village's high regard for Itachi, Asuka spat in the direction of Tsunade's house without thinking.

  I was also four years old.
  When I was thinking about this problem when I was four years old, you called me an evil Uchiha, and no one who knew about it in the village refuted it.

  At the age of four, Uchiha Itachi was regarded by you as having an adult mind, good at thinking, and full of wisdom.

  A bunch of double-standard dogs.

  After cursing in his mind for a while, he turned around to look at Uchiha Itachi's inquiring expression and shrugged.

  "I can't tell you whether marriage is good or not.

  But I can tell you some popular sayings in the ninja world, and you can refer to it yourself.

  After all, you have an adult mind and should be able to distinguish good from bad."

  Itachi was silent for a while . Later, I asked for advice.

  "Jōnin Asuka, please speak."

  "The first argument is that the essence of marriage is to squeeze women. After marriage, women have to give birth to children and take care of them, turning themselves into a yellow-faced woman. In the end, men will not You must always treat yourself well.

  Especially some men want women to coax them, which means women will do everything after marriage! They may not be able to please you. If you are a princess before marriage and a nanny after marriage, what is the point of getting married? "

  Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi subconsciously smacked his lips.

  How did he feel that the other party was talking about his mother?

  Thinking of her mother who had worked hard for the family for several years, she not only had to take care of her father's emotions, but also of her clan members. Some of her anger could only be kept in her heart and she couldn't express it even if she wanted to.

  It is said that my mother was not so gentle.

  After a moment of silence, he looked up at Asuka and continued to ask.

  "What's another way of saying it?"

  "The second way of saying it is that the essence of marriage is to exploit men.

  After marriage, many men have to work hard to support their families and have to be disciplined. Women even ask for the management of men's wages. Men have to get women's consent for any money they use. In divorce, if the property is divided and one person is half, the man will also suffer. It is very likely that a man will lose. Lose everything and become pauper in an instant. "

  Itachi blinked, and couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

  Why is it that in marriage, either the man suffers, or the woman suffers?
  Isn't there a marriage in which both people suffer?

  Thinking of this, he looked up at Asuka and asked in confusion.

  "Is there any? Neither party suffers? "

  Yes!" "

  Feiniao nodded affirmatively, then pointed in the direction of his home and said proudly.

  "When my parents got married, it is said that no one suffered a loss, and both of them felt that they had made a profit. "

  Itachi's mouth twitched.

  He couldn't refute this answer.

  Then, he saw his fingers gently licking the bark of the tree behind him, and said with some hesitation.

  "Asuka Jonin, the book said that the Senju clan disbanded their families and merged into the wood. Ye, what's the point of them marrying ordinary people? "

  Seeing Itachi asking himself this in a roundabout way, Asuka thought about the book drawn by Kana in his mind and explained.

  "If you follow what you just said, then the meaning of marriage is to reproduce.

  The reason why everyone in the Senju clan has a family is because they are rushing to reproduce and expand Konoha.

  But you don’t necessarily need to get married to have offspring. You will know this when you grow up."

  After saying that, Asuka waved to Itachi and left here.

  This time he was not afraid that Mikoto would find a family, and he did not teach Itachi anything bad. , just give the other party some of the most popular sayings in the ninja world for his own reference.

  It is impossible to entrap private goods. Uchiha Itachi

  looked at Asuka's leaving back and slowly closed his eyes.

  Recently, he had read too many magazines about the Senju clan's "strengthening Konoha", and it was inevitable that he would have some doubts in his heart.

  Why do the Senju clan work so hard, day and night, regardless of their health to strengthen Konoha?

  Their family can abandon their family for the sake of the village. This is the will of fire.

  Their clan leader, the First Hokage, also said that back then. [Whether they are friends, brothers, or my own flesh and blood
  , I will never forgive anyone who is an enemy of the village! !

  This is also the Will of Fire.
  Village Family
  an hour later.

  Asuka moved a small stool and sat next to Uchiha Madara, looking like he was listening.

  The old guy began to instill private goods into himself.

  He knew that this old man must not be holding anything back.

  "The original intention of me and Hashirama when they established the village was to protect important people and allow them to live in peace.

  But now you, the descendants, have died generation after generation.

  I heard that your generation has been discontinued?"


  Feiniao nodded heavily.

  Now in the huge Uchiha clan, he is the only ninja who happens to be 18 years old.

  Throughout the three wars, several age groups in the family were directly wiped out.


  Uchiha Madara sneered.

  Konoha's Will of Fire was a mistake after Hashirama became Hokage.

  Back then, Hashirama was willing to sacrifice his life for the sake of peace between the two races and abandoning hatred.

  At that time, it was Hashirama's most glorious moment.

  However, later, after Hashirama became Hokage, he began to change.

  He became willing to do anything for the sake of the village.

  He sacrifices others to achieve so-called peace.

  The so-called peaceful
  Hashirama has forgotten his original intention.

  Waiting for the day when my "Eye of the Moon" plan succeeds, I will resurrect Hashirama and let him see his
  heart and re-firm his plan. He turned his head to look at Asuka who fell into silence, and said slowly in an old voice.

  "Have you ever thought about the day when the ninja world will be completely peaceful?"

  After hearing this, Asuka said directly without thinking.

  "Eternal peace is a false proposition."

  He traveled through time and thought about everything but "peace."

  Develop productivity?
  It was not like there were no wars in those wealthy places in the previous life.

  Unify the ninja world and establish a dictatorship?

  Life will eventually end, even if you can live forever, who knows whether the dictator will destroy that country with his own hands in the end.

  Anyway, those senior time travelers who come to the ninja world to make peace are not very reliable, they are too idealistic.

  Wherever there are people, there will be disputes, unless people are collectively uploaded to the computer and each person stays in an independent space.

  But isn’t this just Infinite Tsukuyomi?
  Damn it! !

  Asuka cursed inwardly and looked at Uchiha Madara with admiration.

  He must be the great grandfather, whose thinking is far ahead of the ninja world.

  Madara enjoyed Asuka's admiring gaze. Although he didn't know why his grandson suddenly admired him, it showed that he was still worthy of admiration in his heart.

  Then, he was seen sitting up from the chair, staring at the flying bird, and said seriously.

  "What if I told you that eternal peace can really be achieved?"

  Madara chuckled as Asuka's expression gradually changed from calm to surprise, and finally became very suspicious.

  "Go and practice your Sharingan. You are still too weak now."

  After saying that, Madara waved to Asuka.

  This guy's current thoughts are the same as Hashirama's, he just wants peace for the people around him.

  Only when his thoughts are sublimated can he be told the beginning of the Eye of the Moon plan.

  As time goes by.

  June was quickly turned off the calendar, and the time came to July.

  When the time came to July 22nd.

  Asuka lay on the chair and looked at the sky with a bored expression.

  After nearly a month of devil training, his pupil power has been greatly improved. Although he has not yet turned on the kaleidoscope, it is not far away.

  Bai Piao is a success.

  He even got two good ninjutsu from Madara Uchiha.

  Asuka was a little frightened by Madara's attitude of not asking him to do anything and just teaching him things.

  If the other party asked me to implement the "Eye of the Moon" plan, then I would be prepared in my heart.

  But now the other party won't let him do anything, and he is trying his best to give benefits to others
  He thought of the Uchiha family's long-lost Uchiha fan and murmured.

  "The Uchiha rebound looks pretty cool!"

  The next moment, when Asuka was distracted, his body couldn't help but stiffen.

  He raised his head, looked at the air in front of him in confusion, and called out.


  [Congratulations to the host.]

  Before he finished speaking, Asuka saw a black ninja cat suddenly appear in front of him.

  The black ninja cat narrowed his eyes and looked at Asuka, with a hint of sadness in his old voice.

  "Little Asuka, old man Ryoichi is dead."

  (End of this chapter)

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