Chapter 9 Execution

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  Chapter 9 Execution
  "I lost, Your Highness, let's do it."

  Heinrich stopped trying to pick up the tomahawk on the ground. The wrist of his dominant hand was broken, and he could not use this weapon with one hand.

  And it was useless even if he was in perfect condition. The red dragon not far away had killed all his subordinates and was slowly approaching here.

  He took off his helmet on his own initiative, half-knelt down in front of Princess Zhenna and bowed his head.

  This was his last salute, and he was also asking the other party to give him a good time.

  Zhenna clenched the sword in her hand, and now she could chop off the opponent's head with a single wave of her hand.

  But she did not take action immediately. Li Yuan in the distance noticed her hesitation, and just when he was about to take action directly for her, he heard Zhenna say: "Heinrich, you betrayed me and your crime is
  unpardonable. But now If you are willing to go back with me and accuse the mastermind of all this, I can give you another chance!!"

  Heinrich raised his face in surprise after hearing this.

  Li Yuan also stopped and watched the changes.

  It wouldn't be a bad thing for him to let Zhenna take this knight away. They can bring the truth back to that country, digest their internal political struggle internally, and stop involving him.

  But after being surprised, Heinrich showed a wry smile:

  "Thank you for your magnanimity, Your Highness. But please allow me to give you one last piece of advice. Once you leave the border this time, don't go back to the imperial city again. I think, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back with your life. If I go back with you, you will end up with the same fate. Your Highness Fred is serious this time!" Zhenna frowned. The person who issued the assassination order was indeed the one who ordered the assassination

  . Her biological sister, the First Princess Fred!
  It seems that besides Heinrich, she also arranged other assassination methods.

  Although the imperial sister had been alienated from her for so many years, she had never taken any obvious action against her.

  Now he finally took action, and he was going to kill her as soon as he took action.

  "I have committed a major crime of betrayal and insulted the honor of the knights. There is no reason to be forgiven." Heinrich lowered his head again, "Do it, Your Highness."

  Zhenna lowered her eyes and fell into silence.

  Heinrich had determined that she had no chance of winning against the imperial sister, and continuing to be loyal to her would mean a narrow escape, which might also affect her family members in the imperial city in the future.

  Zhenna could not make any refutation to this. The imperial sister's power had reached the point where she could dominate the world with one hand. Even she thought that she might not be able to win against that perfect sister.

  "If you don't want to do it, let me do it." Li Yuan couldn't help but break the silence.

  Zhenna shook her head expressionlessly and raised her sword with both hands.

  Heinrich looked relieved and closed his eyes.

  The sword flashed, Heinrich's head fell to the ground, and the gushing blood dyed the floor tiles red.

  With a cold expression, Zhenna watched Heinrich's body in steam armor collapse.

  "Are you okay?"

  Li Yuan asked, walking slowly towards Zhenna.

  After solving the immediate crisis, he wanted to get some more information from Zhenna.

  He has now become an insider of this assassination, and no one can guarantee that the mastermind of the assassination will not try to kill him again.

  But his actions aroused Zhenna's alertness. Zhenna turned her head and glared at him, shouting sternly: "Don't come over!" "Don't be nervous

  , I told you that I don't plan to fight you."

  Li Yuan said and transformed into a human form . , to prevent Zhenna from feeling pressured by the dragon's form.

  He could understand the woman's reaction. By killing their common enemy, they also lost the basis for cooperation.

  For Zhenna, the biggest threat has become his evil red dragon.

  She had just been betrayed by one of her own cronies, how could she trust an evil dragon's verbal assurance that he would not take action?

  "Then just stand there and don't move!" Zhenna emphasized.

  While staring at Li Yuan, she slowly moved towards the exit of the tower.

  "Don't leave yet, I want to ask you something..."

  Li Yuan tried to persuade Zhenna to stay, but suddenly noticed the spots of blood left by Zhenna when she moved.

  Blood was seeping out of the gaps in her armor and dripping onto the ground.

  "Your wound is open?" Li Yuan noticed what was going on.

  In Helganon's memory, Zhenna also started to bleed in the middle of the battle.

  These words set off alarm bells in Zhenna's heart. The red dragon realized her weakness, and the probability of launching an attack would undoubtedly increase greatly!
  She immediately turned and ran, rushing into the aisle leading to the exit.

  Li Yuangang wanted to chase, but stopped again.

  In this situation, if he pursued her, it would only intensify Zhenna's panic.

  Zhenna now is like a cat with explosive hair. Casual contact will only cause unnecessary conflicts.

  He invoked the authority of [Watcher] in his mind, and a spherical projection immediately appeared in front of him.

  Before receiving Zhenna, he tried to keep the permission letter in a safe place, but Shitou explained to him that due to the symbiosis contract, he and the permission letter had actually become one.

  The permission book will disappear as long as it is five meters away from him, and he can summon the permission book at any time with his consciousness.

  As for the permissions that have been opened in the permissions book, he can call them at any time with just a thought.

  He saw Zhenna escaping outside the tower in the projection. Zhenna ran straight in the direction she had fled from, and soon found the fast horses tied together by the knights.

  She mounted a horse and galloped away from the Endless Tower, glancing back uneasily. Soon she was approaching the edge of the watcher's surveillance range.

  Listening to the conversation between the princess and the knight, she had nowhere to go, and with such injuries, how long could she survive escaping like this?
  Li Yuan stared at the screen for a while, and then shouted: "Stone!"

  In the big hole Heinrich had just smashed, earth and rocks came up and gathered into human shapes, and hurried towards Li Yuan: "I accept your call, My Lord, your most loyal servant is here! Congratulations on your successful elimination of intruders! Do you want me to do a victory dance for you?" "Stop playing tricks, you clean up

  here, I want to go out."

  After speaking, Li Yuan strode towards the gate of the tower.

  Zhenna was driving the fast horse in the forest, with cold sweat all over her face.

  The wound on his back was stabbed by a magical weapon and could not be healed by Holy Light.

  The battle with Heinrich caused the wound to open again, and now she is losing blood.

  But she didn't dare to stay. The red dragon had already noticed her weakness. If the other party wanted to take her life, she wouldn't stand a chance.

  You must first run away and find a safe hiding spot before treating the wound.

  It's just that her body is worse than she imagined.

  With blood loss, vision gradually blurs, and limbs become numb starting from the fingertips.

  Unconsciously, she deviated from the path she had escaped from. A steep slope suddenly appeared in front of her, cutting off her path.

  The horse reacted first, raised its front hooves, and stopped sharply.

  Zhenna couldn't maintain her balance, fell off the horse, fell heavily to the ground, and rolled down the slope.

  The fall made her dizzy and her body lost consciousness.

  In the end, she still had to die here...

  Black mist filled her eyes, and her consciousness gradually sank.

  Being targeted by blood relatives, being betrayed by people you trust, betraying all relatives in the true sense, and finally dying alone like this, leaving your body exposed in the wilderness.

  In the hazy moment, a sense of helplessness suddenly gripped her tightly.

  Who can come and save me...

  The weakness she had buried deep in her heart, which she had made up her mind to abandon a long time ago, resurfaced after many years.

  When her consciousness dissipated, she vaguely saw a figure falling from the sky through the tree canopy and standing next to her.

  (End of chapter)

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