Chapter 59 Even my father never beat me

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  Chapter 59 Even my father never beat me.

  Zhenna let go of Ganon and asked Isabel seriously: "What happened?"

  Her tone became obviously softer.

  This topic obviously touched Isbel's sadness. She suddenly lowered her head with a look of sadness on her face: "Everything can't go back... my kind father, my gentle mother, and my king who is always kind to me." Brother, no more."

  These words resonated with Zhenna, and she immediately remembered that she had a warm family when her father and mother were still alive.

  Fred and her were still relatively normal sisters at that time. Their relationship could not be said to be very close, but it was actually not bad. Fred would play with her, read books, and drink with her whenever the whim struck her. Tea.

  After her mother died of illness, Fred and her gradually became estranged. Finally, when her father fell ill, Fred finally chose to give up family ties in order to protect his power.

  That warm memory can only be remembered now.

  "So, what happened?" Ganon also tried to ask.

  After a while, Isabel began to tell the story with a gloomy face:

  "On that day, the palace held a Holy Day ceremony, and everyone gathered in the temple. The queen mother decided to let me preside over the ceremony to worship the goddess of life for the first time, but when it came to the temple At that time, I realized that I had forgotten to bring the Holy Goddess Scripture that I would use in the ceremony. I was going to go back to get it, but my maid rushed over and said that she had brought it for me. As soon as I saw the 'Holy Scripture', I I almost had a black eye..."

  "What's so good about this?" Ganon was puzzled.

  "What she brought was not a holy book at all, but my 'treasure' with the cover disguised as a holy book!" Isbel's face was full of regret, "I just used that book before going to bed the day before..."

  With stunned expressions, Ganon and Zhenna were both petrified on the spot. This unfolding was completely beyond their imagination.

  There were so many flaws that Ganon didn't know where to start.

  After coming here for a while, he asked with a complicated expression on his face: "Why don't you put that thing away? Why are you pretending to be a Druid holy book?" "Do you think I have so much

  ? Where to hide things? There are more than fifty books in my collection. How can I hide them all? I can only disguise some of them and put them outside! Isn't there a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place?" Iss. Bell defended confidently.

  "The maid took it out. Isn't it unsafe at all? What happens next?" Ganon continued to ask the follow-up question.

  "Then I rushed to grab it. Unexpectedly, the maid was frightened by my rushing action and tripped. The book... the book flew out, flew to the altar, and opened it. Everyone present I've seen it all! Wuwuwuwu..."

  When it came to the most unbearable part, Isabel lowered her head and burst into tears. If her hands hadn't been hung, she would have covered her face with her hands and cried bitterly.

  After a few seconds of silence, Ganouen and Zhenna said at the same time: "Aren't you bringing this

  upon yourself?" Zhenna even felt like she had been fooled. She had just developed a resonance with Isabel, and the result was true. Is this the reason?

  She even felt that comparing their experiences together was an insult to herself.

  Isabel cried for a while, and then said:

  "The queen mother was furious because I read the dark elf cult and defiled the sacred sacrifice. She ordered my collection to be searched out and burned. I only kept the deepest ones. She also banned me from approaching the temple anymore. My father ordered the news to be blocked, but at least half of the guards in the palace knew about it on the spot. Brother Wang has been avoiding me since then. , refused to say another word to me..."

  At this point, both of her eyes lost their luster at the same time: "My life has ended early from that moment."

  Ganouen finally fully understood Yi The most fundamental reason why Sibei would choose to abandon everything and run to her own territory - in the palace, she had already died on a social level.

  The fundamental reason that drove her to take such action was not her sexual fetish, but her brokenness.

  "So, red dragon Ganon, don't worry, please just ravage me, no one will care about me at all."

  Isbel showed a bitter smile of self-destruction to Ganon.

  "Stop making trouble. How could your family give up on you because of such nonsense?" Ganon shook his head.

  He didn't feel any sympathy for Isabel's self-inflicted situation, and it could even be said that he wanted to laugh a little.

  Just being seen to the extent of collecting pornographic books, no matter how hard you think, the parent-child relationship will not be severed. Otherwise, Isabel would either be kicked out of the palace or grounded.

  Zhenna fell into silence on the side, her face a little solemn.

  "You don't understand at all. Now, the queen mother and brother Wang have even left the palace. I summoned up the courage to ask my father and the others, but no one would answer me directly. They must be disgusted with being under the same roof as me. !" Isabel said lowly.

  "Then what if I send a message and they are willing to come and pick you up?" Ganon asked.

  "How is that possible..." Israel muttered, and then her tone took on a hint of complaint, "And if they really come to invite me to go back, I won't go back! I've been living like a rat crossing the street for the past few days. No, they still treat me like that! I have already decided how I want them to love me. I have severed ties with them and will stay here from now on. You can’t even think of driving me away—" Snap

  Before she could finish speaking, Zhenna suddenly stepped forward and slapped her.

  Ganon looked a little surprised by Zhenna's sudden attack, but soon regained his composure.

  Isabel, who was slapped, was stunned on the spot: "You, what are you doing all of a sudden? Even my father has never slapped me!" As soon as she finished speaking, Zhenna slapped her

  collar He grabbed it.

  "Stop acting like a child! What do you think of your family? Are you severing ties... just because of your crappy books? You are obviously the one who did the wrong thing! You have to make everyone regret it. Are you satisfied?"

  Zhenna glared at Isabel and shouted.

  Isabel remained silent, she was frightened by Zhenna's gloomy face and ferocious aura.

  Then Zhenna let go of Isbel, turned around and walked outside the torture room. When she passed by Ganouen, she said, "I'll go out and calm down." "

  Okay." Ganouen replied calmly. Finished sentence.

  When Zhenna's footsteps disappeared from the dungeon, Isbel finally regained consciousness, frowned and complained: "It's inexplicable! Why did she suddenly get so angry?" "Zhenna's parents are both dead

  . , her biological sister wanted to kill her before to consolidate her power. She was forced to live with me and couldn't go back. She didn't even see her father for the last time before he died. She always felt very sorry." Ganouen said expressionlessly. explain.

  Isabel was stunned.

  "Because of the internal struggle for power within the royal family, she lost almost all her family members and had no choice but to stay with me. What you casually discarded is a regret that she will never make up for in her lifetime." Ganouen continued. said.

  Isabel was completely speechless. The political environment in Mu Xia is far less complicated than that in the Dragon's Back Empire. Before that damn little pornographic book was discovered, her relationship with her family had always been harmonious. Zhenna's experience was unimaginable to her. .

  Ganouen could sympathize with Zhenna to a certain extent. During this time-travel, he was forced to give up his emotional ties in another world. It was impossible to say that he had no regrets.

  "Do you really want to sever ties with your family?" he asked, staring at Isabel.

  "I..." Isabel hesitated.

  Ganon let out a sigh of relief when he saw this, thinking that there was still hope.

  To put it bluntly, Isabel's behavior was that of an immature girl who ran away from home for a while and did some self-conscious things to get angry with her family.

  When her mind cools down, she will probably regret it.

  "Go to sleep first and think calmly. I will still contact your family to pick you up. Until then, just wait here with me." Ganon said and ordered the stone to be untied.

  Isabel had calmed down a lot at this time, and caressed her wrist that was tangled in chains, without raising any objection.

  "There is no other suitable room for the time being. Why don't you sleep in my room on the second floor." Ganon added.

  "You, your room?" Isabel was a little confused for a moment.

  The red dragon had just said that he would not take action against her, so why did he want her to sleep in the same room with him? Could it be that... you changed your mind again?

  Her mind is still a little confused now, but when she imagines a scene that suits her sexual fetish, her heartbeat still inevitably speeds up.

  "Don't think too much, I usually sleep in the cellar." Ganouen could see her thoughts at a glance.

  (End of chapter)

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