Chapter 55 I have never heard such a strange request in my life.

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  Chapter 55 I have never heard such a strange request in my life.
  "What are you doing?"

  Ganon continued to use [Watcher] to observe the opponent's movements. Before taking off to approach the opponent, he found that the female elf was heading to the Endless Land. The tower suddenly stopped halfway.

  After searching around, the female elf found a camphor tree with a thick trunk.

  After confirming that no one was around, the female elf raised her hand towards the camphor tree.

  A few seconds passed, and the camphor tree suddenly started to move, and then the trunk seemed to open its mouth, tearing open a huge tree hole.

  The female elf threw the package she was carrying inside, and then the tree hole closed automatically without leaving any trace.

  Manipulating trees, this is the ability of druids, Ganon has heard about it from Cohen.

  A druid at the master level can activate and deform trees, uproot them from the ground and turn them into tree-men at their command.

  If it weren't for the surveillance of the [Watcher], Ganon would never have discovered that she had done such a thing.

  What dangerous thing is hidden?
  Ganon was alert.

  "Shitou, you saw what happened just now, right?" he said.

  The golem butler immediately appeared in front of him and saluted respectfully: "Yes, please give the order." "Go and

  see what she has hidden in that tree, and I will arrest her."

  It's not clear yet. What was the female elf hiding? There might be some danger in touching it rashly, so it would be safer to let the stone golem check it out.

  Ganon gave the order and sprouted wings from his back, flying quickly in the direction of the female elf.

  He knew that druids had the ability to sense life, so he simply did not hide his whereabouts deliberately, and rushed towards the target as quickly as possible, striving for a quick victory.

  Soon, he approached the opponent from above.

  In the [Watcher] screen, the female elf suddenly raised her head and looked at him. The druid's life perception made her immediately aware of the dragon's power in Ganon, and she immediately turned around and ran away.

  She seemed to be caught off guard and stumbled a bit while running. She did not use her druid ability to transform into an animal form that was good at running.

  He was so intimidated by the dragon. Is this guy really a strong man in the master realm?
  Ganon wasted no time and flew directly towards the female elf.

  He controlled his strength and pounced on the target from behind, forcing him down.

  "Don't make any unnecessary resistance. You should be able to see what I am."

  After holding down his opponent, he lowered his voice and said while further releasing the dragon's power.

  "Well..." The female elf breathed rapidly.

  I haven't even run a few steps, so why am I out of breath so much? Ganon thought.

  "Who sent you here, and what is your purpose?" Ganon began to ask.

  "Humph, I won't tell you!" the female elf replied in a stern tone.

  "Do you want to suffer a little?" Ganon's voice suddenly turned cold.

  "What's the trouble?" The female elf's tone suddenly rose.

  Ganon was stunned for a moment. He felt that he had heard wrongly. The female elf's voice just now seemed to be a little...


  The female elf also paused, and then suddenly changed her tone: "No, no matter how you humiliate me in the future, I will not give in easily! Just try it if you have the guts!" Why did this female elf feel weird when she spoke


  Ganon frowned in confusion.

  "What are you hiding in my territory?" Ganon tried to ask again.

  "Wha, what are you hiding!?" The female elf suddenly panicked, and Ganon could tell that this panic reaction was real.

  It seemed that the biggest problem was the pile of things she had hidden in the tree trunk. It was right to ask Shitou to confirm in time.

  However, Shitou's efficiency on horseback was naturally not as good as his ability to catch people. It would be some time before Shitou arrived at the scene and chopped down the tree to find the package.

  Before that...

  "Let's go to the dungeon to entertain you first!"

  Ganon said, tearing off a piece of the female elf's cloak and stuffing it into her mouth, then tearing off another piece and covering her eyes, carrying her and flying away. got up.

  With the help of [Watcher], Ganon bypassed other people in the territory, quickly returned to the Endless Tower, directly entered the dungeon torture room, and roughly threw the female elf to the ground.

  "Cuff him." Ganon ordered.

  "As you command, my lord!" The golem immediately appeared, shackled the female elf's hands, and then hung her up to force her to stand.

  The female elf twisted her body and made a "wuwu" sound from her gagged mouth, and then her body began to tremble.

  Already starting to get scared? It seems that he is just trying to be brave.

  Ganon imagined the other party's fearful expression and reached out to remove the cloth strips covering the female elf's eyes and the cloth stuffed in her mouth.

  Then he met the female elf's gleaming eyes.

  Ganon was stunned on the spot.

  The female elf noticed something and immediately put on a gnashing expression: "You damn evil dragon, what do you want to do to me?" Just as Ganon was about to

  speak, the female elf suddenly said again: "Wait a minute, Are you really a red dragon?"

  "What do you mean?" Ganon asked, staring at the female elf.

  "You, change your body first and let me see it. At least change it into a dragon head! This look alone cannot... scare me!" the female elf said loudly.

  "Why should I listen to you?" Ganon asked.

  The female elf's words were a little out of context, and it was impossible to tell whether she was scared or not.

  Could it be that you are stalling for time?

  He became alert, turned to Shi Shi and whispered: "Shi Shi, help me get Elmira's magic weapon." "

  As you command!" Shi Shi stretched out his hand toward the floor, and soon a bracelet fell through the gap in the floor tiles. was spat out.

  It was the cursed magic weapon that Green Dragon Elmira used to control slaves before. She used this magic weapon to torture and kill disobedient slaves.

  Later Ganon discovered that this was a good torture tool.

  Ganon put on the bracelet and began to use the magic weapon to cast spells.

  "Give you another chance." Ganon stared at the female elf and said, "Tell me, why did you break in here?" The

  female elf pursed her lips and said nothing, and stared at Ganon's bracelet with burning eyes.

  Ganon didn't say much, and directly activated the magic weapon to impose a curse on the female elf, and then immediately caused the curse to occur.

  The runes of Abyssal Language appeared on the female elf's neck, and then a severe pain comparable to an electric shock appeared. The female elf immediately opened her eyes and let out a scream, and her whole body tensed up.

  "Stop, stop! Stop!!" the female elf shouted.

  Ganon immediately paused the spell: "Humph, are you ready to do it?"

  "No, no, this is too painful and too exciting!" The female elf shook her head, "Let's do it step by step, can we try some other tricks? ?"

  What is this guy talking nonsense about? Think this is ordering food?
  Surprised by the strange reaction of the female elf, Ganon asked tentatively: "What do you want?" The

  female elf fell into thinking for a moment, and then said in a suggestive tone: "Look, you are a male Red dragon, I am a female elf, think about it for yourself, what else can you do?"

  This question did not bother Ganon for too long: "You...want me to eat you!?" How about

  asking a red dragon ? What can you do with a female elf?
  Of course, they treat each other as snacks.

  In the past, the red dragon Helganorn's most unforgettable food was the meat of elf girls.

  This female elf actually asked the red dragon to eat her? Ganon had never heard such a strange request in his life.

  "If you have the guts, try 'eating' me and see if you can make me surrender!" The female elf raised the corners of her mouth with a burning gaze, as if provoking the red dragon.

  I'll really chew you up later and ask you if you accept it, you'd better be able to answer it! Ganon cursed in his mind.

  Fortunately, this female elf was still entertaining him and delaying his time.

  He didn't say much, and was ready to activate the curse again with the demonic weapon to continue to force a confession.

  At this moment, Zhenna's shout came from the entrance of the cellar: "Ganoun, are you down there?"

  (End of this chapter)

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