Chapter 35 Why don’t you kill the giant?

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  Chapter 35 Why don’t you kill the giant?

  Actually using a human body to directly resist the roar of a dragon?
  Although he had already heard relevant information from Zhenna, Li Yuan still felt that it was quite outrageous when he saw it with his own eyes.

  This war cry also seemed to stimulate the physical potential of the flying dragons. He could clearly feel that the flying speed of the flying dragons had increased.

  The flying dragon Lucio was riding climbed up. The two bipedal flying dragons that did not carry the knights had been following him closely, but at this time they circled to both sides of the red dragon.

  The two knights carrying the crossbows began to lower their height, trying to get under the red dragon.

  Li Yuan understood part of the opponent's tactical intentions. Lucio attacked from above where the red dragon could see and launched a frontal attack, while the knight below waited for an opportunity to attack his throat and abdomen from the blind spot of his vision.

  As for the two-legged flying dragons that circled to both sides, he could not tell what their intentions were yet.

  With the attack power of a flying dragon, no matter what angle it attacks from, it is not enough to pose a sufficient threat to a giant dragon.

  The function he could think of was to let them wait for an opportunity to attack Zhenna who was riding on his back and forcefully pull her off.

  But logically speaking, the empire's troops should not have thought that Zhenna would fight alongside the red dragon at first.

  Without much time to think, Li Yuan responded and climbed up to fly upwards with Lucio's flying dragon.

  He has experienced the power of the Dragon Hunting Ballista. As long as it exceeds a certain distance, the damage the ballista can do to him will become very limited.

  The two knights below just need to keep a distance from them, and they will not approach him rashly.

  With Zhenna's ability and the secondary artifact in her hand, she shouldn't be easily killed by the sneak attack of the two flying dragons.

  He just needs to focus on dealing with Lucio!
  He and the flying dragon climbed closer and closer. When the distance was about sixty meters, he aimed at the flying dragon and released the brewing dragon flame bomb.

  The fireball shot out like a cannonball, leaving a blazing red trajectory and hitting Lucio at high speed.

  But as early as the moment the red dragon opened its mouth, Lucio reacted and pulled the reins of the flying dragon, and the flying dragon was like a part of his body, immediately rotating its body and shifting its direction.

  They easily dodged the dragon flame bullets and rushed straight towards the red dragon. The distance between the two sides quickly shortened to less than thirty meters!

  Li Yuan's failure to hit Lucio was expected. The trajectory of the dragon flame bullet was very fast, but the brewing time was longer than ordinary breath.

  According to the information provided by Zhenna, Lucio once killed a red dragon that was approaching old age, and he had dealt with even more changeable breaths.

  With his reaction speed, he could basically predict the range and timing of the breath by just observing the changes in the red dragon's throat.

  Li Yuan also guessed that it would be impossible to hit his opponent this time. He had not accumulated all his strength for this dragon flame bullet, and he still had some breath ready to go.

  Less than twenty meters away, Li Yuan released the remaining breath, and the cone-shaped flames surged towards Lucio, forming a straight wall of fire in front of him. The range of this attack was determined by the flying ability of the bipedal flying dragon. It is difficult to escape completely.

  At this moment, Lucio suddenly glared hard at the flying dragon's back and jumped forward with all his strength.

  The force of this kick was so great that it caused the huge flying dragon to sink quickly. The flying dragon also folded its wings and fell, and it happened to avoid the cone-shaped flame breath range.

  Lucio's jump caused him to brush the edge of the flame breath from above, but his body drew a throwing line in the air, and he would fall into the breath again before he saw it.

  "Ganoen!" Zhenna reminded.

  With the remaining twelve meters away, Lucio aimed at the red dragon's head and swung his sword forcefully!
  The sub-artifact Sky-Breaking Sword in Lucio's hand has the effect of swinging an invisible flying blade. The cutting effect of the flying blade is the same as the slashing made by the user at close range.

  To put it simply, it can extend the attack distance of the slash.

  There are actually many magic weapons with similar effects, but the power of this sub-artifact is that it can withstand even the "God of War's Blow" exerted by the legendary strongman with all his strength, and transmit the slash.

  This means that Lucio can launch a fatal attack on the red dragon from a distance of more than ten meters!
  A terrifying chill suddenly gripped Li Yuan tightly. He subconsciously closed his mouth and twisted his body and neck to dodge in the air.

  Zhenna put the sword on her back and held only the shield, holding on to the roots of the red dragon's wings with her gauntlets to prevent them from being thrown off.

  While the world was spinning, she heard a hard and crisp knocking sound from Ganouen's head, like the sound of swords clashing.

  "Are you okay?" Zhenna exclaimed worriedly. The sound just now meant that the red dragon was hit.

  "Fuck!" Li Yuan cursed.

  His eyes caught a glimpse of something falling from his head. It was the tip of one of his dragon horns.

  The previous chop cut off half of the horn on his head.

  At the same time, the information about the attack just now suddenly flooded into his consciousness:
  "The God of War's strike, the special ability of warriors above the extraordinary realm, allows his next attack to be blessed by the God of War, greatly strengthening the damage caused by the attack. Effect.

  The additional attack effect will change according to the weapon used. Fists and blunt objects will produce bludgeoning effects, whips will cause tearing damage, spears and arrows will have piercing effects, and blades such as swords will naturally cause cutting effects. The effect of the attack.

  The power of the attack is determined by the user's own strength and realm, as well as the limit of the weapon."

  This information comes from [Watcher], Shitou once mentioned to Li Yuan that with the repair of the tower [Watchman] not only improves range, but also functionality.

  The current [Watcher] can see through the abilities used by enemies within the surveillance range with a certain probability. This tower that enshrines the main gods corresponding to each profession seems to also store information about the abilities held by each god-given profession.

  Even without this information, Li Yuan felt it with his body. Lucio's slash with the sub-artifact was enough to cut off the dragon's horn.

  If this chop was on the neck, his head would fall to the ground on the spot.

  Considering that Lucio can use his ability at least seven times, but the power he received can only be used three times, he saved his trump card first, not expecting it to be so dangerous.

  Can this kind of monster really be considered a human being? He couldn't help but have this thought.

  But even such powerful humans still cannot fly freely in the air.

  When he dodged, he distanced himself from Lucio, and Lucio's body was falling downwards.

  He couldn't breathe out for the time being, and he didn't dive in to pursue it.

  You must know that if Lucio prepares for the next attack during the fall, a sword can cause fatal injuries to him within a distance of fifteen meters.

  And if it falls at this height, even a legendary warrior will probably still be disabled without the means to deal with it.

  At this time, Li Yuan saw the two bipedal flying dragons that had been idle approaching Lucio at the same time, as if they wanted to catch him.

  But with the distance between them, it seems that they may not be able to catch up.

  Lucio started his armor, and with the sound of the engine starting, his armor released steam.

  He stretched out his hand towards a bipedal flying dragon, and a hook was launched with a bang, and was caught by the well-trained flying dragon.

  He used the rope connected to the hook to swing over, and the armor's mechanical device quickly shortened the rope.

  The armor burst out with a large amount of steam, and the propulsion device mounted on the armor helped him adjust the direction of the rope, and the flying dragon also cooperated with his movements.

  In the blink of an eye, he swung half a circle from under the talons of the flying dragon and landed on the back of the flying dragon.

  Li Yuan looked at Lucio's aerial acrobatics in surprise, and suddenly recalled the works he had seen when he was still a human:

  For example, the superhero who was bitten by a spider in one work, or the overhead mechanical device specially used to kill giants in another work.

  Damn, you're so awesome, why don't you switch sets and kill giants?

  He shouted to the King of Knights in his heart.

  (End of chapter)

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