Chapter 17 Prisoner's Contract

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  Chapter 17 Prisoner's Contract
  When Li Yuan returned to the lobby on the first floor, he heard the roar of animals and the sound of chains.

  "It's awake." Shitou walking in front of Li Yuan said.

  The land dragon is in the corner of the hall. All varieties of land dragons have no wings and look a bit like dinosaurs. Although they are far inferior to real dragons, they are also quite ferocious carnivorous beasts.

  While it was unconscious, Shitou used the shackles taken from the dungeon to tie its legs, and the other end of the chains was tied to the pillar.

  Lu Xinglong, who woke up now, was desperately trying to break free from the shackles and biting the chains with his teeth.

  The sharp teeth of Lu Xinglong can bite through long swords made of ordinary steel, and can also easily penetrate light armor.

  But the shackles used in the Endless Tower are obviously not made of ordinary materials. It has been struggling for a long time, but to no avail.

  Lu Xinglong suddenly sniffed his nose in alarm, smelling the scent of other creatures.

  It loosened the chain in its mouth, turned its head suddenly, and saw Li Yuan, who had transformed into a human form, slowly walking towards it.

  It growled warningly but did not rush forward immediately.

  Although Li Yuan's true identity has not been seen, it is highly domesticated by humans and will not easily attack humanoid creatures.

  And its instinct was telling it that something seemed wrong with the creature in front of it.

  "Do you still remember me?" Li Yuan greeted.

  At the same time, his eyes shone with amber luster, and his pupils became slender.

  Just releasing part of the dragon's power made Lu Xinglong shiver on the spot.

  The effects of the stimulant had long since faded, and without the master's command, the real dragon's might instantly aroused its instinctive fear.

  Lu Xinglong turned around and ran away, then tripped over on the spot due to the shackles on his legs.

  After tripping, it struggled to get up, continued to try to escape, and then tripped again.

  This was repeated twice, and finally its legs were tangled in chains and it could only roll back and forth on the ground.

  Doesn't look very smart... Li Yuan thought to himself.

  The difference between sub-dragon creatures and real dragons is not just in strength. They do not possess intelligence in the true sense. Their intelligence is not much higher than that of horses and hounds that can be domesticated.

  Li Yuan searched Helganorn's memory and tried to speak in dragon language for the first time.

  This is a pronunciation that humanoid creatures absolutely cannot make. His voice rings like a bell, and every syllable carries the majesty of a king. It finally forms a simple and clear command: "Yield to me!" Dragon language


  a This special language is built on the basis of dragon roar, which can stimulate the instinct of dragon creatures to a certain extent.

  Just like wild beasts, they can learn that a low roar represents intimidation and a high-pitched howl represents fear. It is an instinct engraved in the blood.

  Even if a true dragon has no acquired knowledge, it can still understand and express some of the simpler general meanings in dragon language, and use this to communicate with other true dragons.

  The sub-dragon creatures cannot speak dragon language, but they can understand the intentions expressed by dragon language users on an instinctive level.

  Upon hearing the order to surrender, Lu Xinglong immediately laid down with his head in the direction of Li Yuan, his chin and neck pressed tightly to the ground, and roared "woo woo" from his throat, which was a signal for dragon creatures to express submission.

  "My lord, what shall I do with it?" said the stone.

  Li Yuan began to think about it. It was impossible to release the land dragon. This land dragon was a knight's mount tamed by the empire. If it escaped back to the empire and was discovered by others, it would basically be equivalent to letting someone go back to report to the dragon-slaying team. News of annihilation.

  Killing them is a good option, and they can also be used as food rations.

  True dragons would not mind cannibalism at all, let alone eating sub-dragon creatures. For Li Yuan, neither his human consciousness nor dragon instinct would resist eating this land dragon.

  However, there may be other better options.

  "Stone, can [Prisoner's Contract] work on this kind of creature?" Li Yuan asked the housekeeper.

  "Theoretically, it can work on any creature that has the ability to be domesticated. The contract can be directly instilled into the subject's consciousness." Shitou replied.

  "Then give it a try." Li Yuan said, and began to target Lu Xinglong to obtain the authority of the prisoner contract.

  With such an experimental subject in front of him, it was a rare opportunity, and he planned to experiment with his newly acquired permissions.

  A ball of flame appeared in front of Lu Xinglong, without any words in it.

  But under Lu Xinglong's surprised gaze, strange and bizarre scenes began to appear in the flames, and Lu Xinglong immediately fell into a hallucination.

  In the hallucination, it saw two different futures in which it was enslaved by the red dragon and killed by the red dragon.

  [Prisoner's Contract] expresses the multiple-choice question before him in the most intuitive way:
  A. Surrender; B. Death.

  The instinct to survive made him make an immediate decision, and Lu Xinglong let out a long howl.

  "Choose A! AAAAA!!" Its long howl at this moment basically represents this meaning.

  Li Yuan sensed that the prisoner's contract took effect on the spot, so he asked Shi Shi to untie Lu Xinglong's chains, and then ordered Lu Xinglong: "Get up." Lu Xinglong

  stood up, but still lowered his head to Li Yuan.

  Li Yuan tried to call up the permission book in his mind and checked the page showing the repair progress.

  The repair progress has not increased at all and is still stuck at 6%. It seems that letting this land dragon sign a slave contract does not have much significance in the repair of the tower. It only adds one more manpower.

  "From now on, you will be responsible for guarding the outside of the tower. You will patrol the surroundings once in the morning and evening, and guard the entrance at other times. During the patrol, you will hunt and bring the prey back. Do you understand?" Li Yuan further ordered Lu Xinglong


  This order is basically beyond what Lu Xinglong can understand, but the [Prisoner Contract] can convey the content of the contract into Lu Xinglong's consciousness, and naturally he can convey his order in the same way.

  Lu Xinglong let out a short roar to express his acceptance of the order.

  "Very good, let's get to work."

  Li Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to the door of the tower.

  Lu Xinglong strode towards the gate of the tower, then crouched down outside the gate. At the same time, he stretched his neck and began to carefully monitor the surroundings.

  "My lord, what are your plans next?" Shitou asked respectfully.

  Li Yuan still has a lot of things he wants to do and a lot of questions he wants to ask.

  But right now, what he wants to do most is...

  "I'm going to rest." Li Yuan answered.

  After working for such a long time, the accumulated injuries and fatigue made him want to fall down immediately and take a good rest. If there was anything else, let's talk about it tomorrow.

  "The living room and study room for the tower owner are on the second floor. Please come with me and I will prepare it for you immediately." Shitou saluted Li Yuan and walked towards the stairwell.

  Li Yuangang was about to follow, but somehow, the treasures kept in the cellar suddenly appeared in his mind - the treasures collected by Helganorn.

  No, those treasures are his now!

  He suddenly began to care deeply about those treasures.

  Wanting to sleep on the treasures he collected - Li Yuan found that after gradually adapting to the body of this red dragon, various natures belonging to the real dragon began to emerge.

  And he remembered that the source circle that Shitou mentioned was bound to his life was also in the cellar, right under the pile of treasures.

  "I won't go to the second floor." Li Yuan suddenly changed his mind, "I'm going to sleep in the cellar today."

  (End of Chapter)

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