97. Chapter 97 Just right stupid

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  Chapter 97 Just the right amount of stupidity
  That night, Ganouen led Anya to the top of the tower that had just been sealed on the seventh floor, and strong winds from high places blew in her face.

  "Let you try it out first." Ganon said, taking out the permission letter and handing it to Anya.

  "Yes." Anya took the permission letter nervously.

  This nervousness was not an act. After arranging around the red dragon for so long, she finally touched the permission letter for the first time.

  But to be honest, the other party's promise was easier than she thought, which even made her a little suspicious.

  If she could find the right opportunity to distance herself from the red dragon now, she could take this treasure away on the spot.

  "Let me see which direction is more suitable." Ganon turned around and began to look around.

  The moment the other party looked away from her, Anya noticed an opportunity appeared in front of her.

  She is an assassin at the pinnacle of the master realm. It only takes about two or three seconds to enter the invisible state after leaving the opponent's perception range.

  After entering the hidden state, even if she re-enters the other party's field of vision, the other party will still need a delay of one second to notice her presence. This time should be enough for her to escape.

  Agreeing to hand the book to her might be described as letting down one's guard. It was a bit abnormal to reveal such a big flaw when handing it to her for the first time.

  Moreover, she didn't know enough about this magic book, and if she rashly jumped against the red dragon, she would inevitably get into an accident.

  Sensing something was wrong, Anya suppressed the idea of ​​taking action immediately.

  "You should inject your will into the Book of Authority first, and you should be able to feel it." Ganon said.

  "Is it okay if I have practiced a little bit of the sorcerer profession?" Anya asked cautiously.

  "It's no problem. This is different from ordinary artifacts. You'll know after you try it." Ganon encouraged.

  "Okay." Anya nodded and began to try to use the magic book in her hand like a magic weapon or artifact.

  But after trying for a while, she discovered that the book was unable to circulate magic power at all, and it was completely unresponsive.

  It turned out to be like this - she understood in an instant that this was a little test from the other party.

  "Huh?" She pretended to be panicked and handed the book to Ganouen with an uneasy look on her face. "Husband, it doesn't seem to work...there is no response at all." "Really?" Ganouen frowned


  "Could it be that I... am not qualified to use it?" Anya timidly handed the book back to Ganouen.

  "No, there is no threshold for using the Book of Authority. The magic power that drives it comes from the reserves of this tower. You can't use it just because..." Ganon suddenly laughed and took out another book from his body. The exact same book came, "This is a replica, this is the real thing."

  Sure enough! You actually do such a boring little trick, do you really think anyone will take the bait? Anya was a little disdainful of the red dragon's cleverness.

  However, this way it seems a little more reasonable.

  "Really, you still don't believe me that much, do you?" Anya said angrily.

  "Haha, it's just a little joke. This is the real thing, take it." Ganon handed the magic book to Anya.

  The little cleverness just now was naturally to paralyze Anya. He had to act stupid enough in front of Anya, but this stupidity should be just right. If his trust in Anya was overdone, it would be unnatural.

  Such a deliberate flaw would make it impossible for Anya to take the bait, but it should be enough to make Anya feel that a dragon is smart, and that's about it.

  This time Anya took the Book of Authority and injected her own will into it.

  Suddenly, the contents and functions of the Book of Authority emerged in her consciousness, and she realized that she could control the tower's defense system.

  She can now use the magic power stored in the tower to convert part of the tower building into a golem for her to drive. She can also call up the magic circle in the five-story temple. The holy light spells that can be used include the Ring of Judgment Angel, the Brilliant Holy Sword, Innocent protection, evil-breaking holy light, and seraph wings, there are five types in total.

  In addition, she discovered that she could actually activate a perception spell called [Watcher]. She could summon a projection to monitor an area of ​​about two kilometers around the tower.

  These are actually just some of the authorizations granted by Ganon. Ganon allowed her to call up these five defensive spells, as well as a small number of [Watchers]. Anya can monitor some areas around the tower, but cannot see through the interior of the tower. Condition.

  "You should have found the feeling. What you can call now is only part of the function, and some protection will appear after holding it for a period of time. Now, in that direction, you call the Ring of Judgment Angel once and give it a try." Noen smiled and put his hand on Anya's shoulder, raised his hand and pointed away.

  Recall the "Circle of Judgment Angel" - Anya tried to call out with her consciousness somewhat uneasily.

  In the past, when using magic weapons or artifacts, the props would only respond after injecting a large amount of magic power. If it is a sub-artifact, it will not only consume a lot of money, but also have corresponding backlash effects depending on the gap between profession and realm.

  As for this magic book, just calling it with consciousness will produce a similar response, and there is no sign of needing to pay a price, which makes Anya a little uncomfortable.

  But when the dazzling halo appeared on the side of the tower according to her thoughts, all the uneasiness disappeared.

  Two seconds later, a blazing white pillar of fire blasted towards the direction designated by Anya. The dazzling fire light illuminated the surrounding area in pale white. The fountain-like pillar of fire surged towards the sky for several kilometers before attenuating.

  The bright light made Anya narrow her eyes subconsciously. Although she had seen the power of this technique from a distance once, Anya was still quite shocked by observing it at such a close range and controlling it personally.

  After a while, she suddenly came back to her senses and tried to stop the spell.

  Soon the pillar of fire subsided, and then the ring of angels gradually dimmed until it disappeared.

  "That's amazing!" Anya sighed.

  This is not a compliment, but her true feelings.

  The scale of the spell just now can be said to be impossible even for priests and paladins in the legendary realm to perform.

  This is an effect that can only be achieved with high-level artifacts, or... that can only be achieved by the legendary strong men in the divine realm.

  Holding this tower is enough to deal with thousands of troops. No wonder the legendary strongman of the empire was defeated and returned home.

  "Want to try something else?" Ganon asked.


  Anya tried to call the "Brilliant Holy Sword" this time. Two seconds later, six light-forged holy swords comparable in size to city gates appeared around them, standing upright and surrounding them.

  Anya controlled a holy sword to fly into the distance. The holy sword flew away, and when it was about to leave the control range, it suddenly exploded and turned into a ball of sky fire with purifying effect.

  The holy shield made by the holy light is unbreakable, and the holy swords cast by it also have indestructible strength. Not only that, these holy swords also have the high temperature of heavenly fire.

  If struck by such a holy sword, even the ancient dragon would suffer considerable damage.

  Anya glanced at Ganonn beside her carefully.

  If it were this red dragon, one blow should be enough to cause serious damage. The high temperature of the holy sword is useless against the red dragon, but its strength is enough to break through the defense of the dragon scales.

  But she calmly realized that it was unwise to take action against the red dragon now. She could feel that the other party's eyes were always staring at her every move.

  Judging from the previous attempts, the scale of spells that this book can summon is staggering, but the response speed is actually much slower than actual spell casting.

  With the distance between the red dragon and her now, just the hand on her shoulder could kill her instantly.

  She realized that Ganouen was actually observing her. If she did anything abnormal here, such as holding the Book of Authority to find an opportunity to distance herself, the other party might become suspicious on the spot.

  So she calmly took back all the holy swords, causing them to gradually dim and disappear: "It's really amazing. No wonder both the empire and Mu Xia have to be afraid of you, my husband." "This is just an external thing, this

  book The Book of Permissions can actually be used by anyone." Ganon replied.

  "In any case, everything a person controls is a symbol of his status. What can be more powerful than treasures and collections to prove the power of a giant dragon?" Anya said, hugging Ganon's neck and looking at her affectionately. Looking into the other person's eyes, "I am lucky to be your partner in my life." "

  You really know how to choose what I like." Ganouen laughed.

  Starting from the treasure, Anya had obviously studied the art of talking to dragons.

  Then Anya let go and handed the book of authority back to Ganouen: "Husband."

  "Is it enough to try this far?" Ganouen said this, but took the book back naturally.

  "That's enough. After all, the magic power stored in the tower is not unlimited. And when it's not necessary, it's better to leave such an important thing to your husband." Anya answered respectfully, trying not to show any objection to authority. The persistence of the book.

  Ganon looked at Anya for a while and grinned: "Well, you are very good! I really like you very much."

  Anya breathed a sigh of relief, and she realized that from this moment on, this red dragon was truly a real person. Trust her enough to entrust her with the Book of Authority.

  "It's my honor." Anya bowed in the dark elf custom.

  "So, should we make good arrangements for tonight?" Ganouen stretched out his hand to lift the other person's chin.

  Does this red dragon only think about mating every night? Anya spat inwardly.

  But she still put a smile on her face and responded: "Husband, my body has almost recovered. But we have to fight tomorrow. It is more appropriate to do such things when it is worthy of celebration. I will wait for your triumphant return tomorrow. , wouldn’t it be better if I wait here for you to come back and serve you well then?”

  "It makes sense, we should celebrate it then!" Ganon laughed.

  Anya also smiled in apology, but there was no smile in her eyes.

  To her, in a sense, tomorrow night was indeed worthy of a celebration.

  Don't worry, Red Dragon, I will definitely "serve" you well when the time comes!

  (End of chapter)

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