79. Chapter 79 Tower Defense Shocking

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  Chapter 79 Tower Defense shocks
  the Endless Tower.

  Ganon stood in the hall, looking at the projection of [Watcher] with Zhenna with a stern expression.

  At sunrise that day, a force of a hundred people suddenly broke into his territory.

  "They all carry dragon-slaying weapons, and the models of the weapons are the same as those used by the Empire Central Committee." Zhenna carefully analyzed the information inside, "Isn't this flag the Principality of Xihe?" "Last time I was in the Muqiu Walled City

  . The defeated troops outside were holding this kind of flag." Ganon explained.

  "Xihe is a principality under the Dragon's Back Empire. It's not surprising that it participated in the war with Mu Xia. But the war is over. Why are we here to attack you? It seems like an unauthorized action by the principality." Zhenna thought while thinking He said, "Do you want revenge?"

  The value of the dragon-slaying weapons carried by these 100 people could almost buy two towns.

  But to be honest, the configuration of these hundreds of people made her feel a bit random. It seemed that they were simply piling up equipment and the same number of people, and the personnel did not seem to be elites carefully selected.

  Even if you don't take into account the various abilities that Ganon currently possesses, and just treat him as an old red dragon, it is difficult to say the success rate of this team's dragon slaying.

  The Principality of Xihe seemed to be in a hurry to kill Ganon, and hurriedly spent money and money to form such a crusade army.

  It was as if...he was eager for revenge.

  "Ignore the reasons for now, these people need to be dealt with first." Ganon said.

  At this time, Isabel walked into the study from outside.

  "Has the letter been sent?" Ganon asked.

  He asked Isabel to use the News Eagle to send a letter for help to Mu Xia.

  "Well, they said they would be there soon." Isabel replied.

  "Looking at the situation, we can probably handle it without them. These people don't even have an air unit." Ganon said.

  The number and equipment of this dragon-slaying force were of high quality, but they seemed to only consider breaking into the dragon's lair to fight.

  They don't know the existence of [Watcher], nor do they know that they are now exposed under the eyes of the evil dragon.

  More importantly, these people have no idea what it means to be within range of the Infinite Tower.

  "If they form a formation to deal with it, it would still be risky to rush over directly." Zhenna advised seriously.

  "Need help?" Isabel asked.

  "I can handle it, you guys take care of the house first." Ganon said and left the tower.

  He transformed into a dragon and flew into the sky, approaching the army.

  When he was still more than three hundred meters away from the target, Ganon locked the position of the target troops and began to mobilize the tower's defense measures.

  After such a long period of accumulation, the magic power stored in this tower is now quite sufficient.

  "Recall the interception technique and the Ring of Judgment Angel!" He ordered the tower in his mind.

  Outside the fifth floor of the tower, a huge halo appeared. Under the adjustment of Ganouen's will, it slowly aimed at the advancing troops.

  Give this dragon-slaying team a bit of tower defense shock!
  Ganon released the spell as soon as he was ready. The blazing white fire pillar drew a long trajectory and sniped downwards at the dragon-slaying team several kilometers away.

  The pillar of skyfire rushed into the enemy's array. More than a dozen people were swallowed up by the flames on the spot, and a large number of people around them were affected.

  In order to defeat the red dragon, the Dragon Slaying Team actually took certain measures to resist the flames.

  But after sustaining a sky fire attack that exceeded the specifications of the legendary realm, the person caught in the sky fire was still seriously burned on the spot.

  The most important thing is that this sudden attack caught them off guard.

  The Dragon Slayers messed up their formation and even trampled on each other when they dispersed.

  Ganon naturally did not miss this opportunity and continuously released dragon flame bombs with poisonous mist, causing explosions one after another.

  In the end, he simply activated the power of "Guardian" and rushed down, crashing into the chaotic dragon-slaying team like a meteorite.

  A few soldiers who reacted tried to attack him with large-caliber dragon-hunting ballistae. Another commander activated his steam armor and tried to shoot a spear made of mithril.

  But in the face of the holy armor's defense, these attacks didn't even have a chance to leave traces on his scales.

  Ganon hit the ground and immediately rolled several times. Under his weight, screams broke out one after another. In the blink of an eye, more than 60% of the people died under his roll.

  Then he stood up and let out a dragon roar, and the power of the dragon surged out of him. The soldiers, who were already in complete chaos, could no longer resist this suppression with their will, and fled in different directions abandoning their armor.

  The sound of horse hooves was approaching, and the reinforcements from the Dusk Summer elves also arrived at this time.

  "Please help me and catch all the intruders." Ganon said and flew into the sky again, and began to use the [Watcher] to hunt down the escaped people everywhere.
  [Watcher] On a mountain peak outside the surveillance range, Anya led two dark elf subordinates, hiding herself with anonymity, looking at the figure of the red dragon circling in the territory in the distance.

  Because she had spied on the news early that the Principality of Xihe intended to send a dragon-slaying team to kill the red dragon, she had a good position to watch the battle not long after the troops of the Principality of Xihe were dispatched.

  She did not dare to get too close to the Red Dragon's territory. In the process of inquiring around for information, she unexpectedly discovered that the intelligence network deployed by the empire could not detect much information about the Red Dragon's territory.

  Since the Empire and the Red Dragon were hostile, they must have tried reconnaissance. No useful information could be obtained. It can only be said that the reconnaissance failed.

  This is a dangerous signal. There may be some kind of counter-reconnaissance method in the Red Dragon's territory, so it's better not to approach rashly.

  You can actually get a lot of information just by watching the battle from here.

  For example, what happened to the huge halo and the pillar of fire that just emerged from the tower? Anya also felt a bit of tower defense shock.

  That is obviously the Holy Light Technique. In terms of specifications, even the Paladins or Priests in the legendary realm may not be able to summon this technique. I am afraid that only angels who are the followers of the Sun God can use it.

  Moreover, that red dragon can really make itself emit dazzling holy light when fighting.

  The secret of his ability to use Holy Light... I'm afraid it's in that tower!

  He seemed to be able to operate the mage tower at will without paying a price.

  After a long time, she saw the red dragon flying back to the tower. She turned to her subordinates and asked, "How's it going? Have you caught it?" "

  No, there hasn't been any news from below." The subordinates shook their heads.

  They laid an ambush on the main road leading to the Principality of Xihe in advance, in order to rob the soldiers of the Principality of Xihe half way through their retreat after the red dragon defeated the troops of the Principality of Xihe. The two of them then tried to find out more specific information about their battle with Ganon.

  However, after waiting for so long, they could not catch a single soldier from the Xihe Principality.

  "Does it mean they were all caught?" Anya was a little surprised.

  The red dragon was able to catch all those who escaped, which meant that he had a clear grasp of all the situations in that territory.

  It seems that it is inappropriate to directly break into the red dragon's territory to spy.

  If you want to investigate the secrets of that tower, you may have to take some risks and have direct contact with the red dragon.

  (End of chapter)

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