71. Chapter 71 After the war, it’s time to go back to your hometown and get married.

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  Chapter 71 After the war, it was time to return home

  . Two months after getting married, Ganon, Zhenna, and Isabel sat down to dine together at the dining table of the Endless Tower.

  Shitou presented Zhenna with bread, half-boiled fried eggs, and then a stew made of mutton, wild vegetables and mushrooms. For Isabel, he presented unleavened cakes made by elf craftsmanship, fried asparagus with mushrooms, and radishes. Pea soup and an apple.

  Ganouen's breakfast is the simplest, consisting of a pig and a sheep: a roasted suckling pig with a crispy skin, paired with a pot of peppery lamb soup made from a whole lamb, the ingredients mainly coming from his ranch.

  After the Temple of the Earth Mother began to operate, the flora and fauna of the pastures and farmlands began to grow and develop at an astonishing rate.

  Ganon's territory has more and more contacts with Muxia, and has also begun to trade with the villages and towns on the western border of Muxia. This has made the dishes on the table of the Endless Tower richer and more diverse.

  "Did you hear any new developments when you went back this time?" Ganon asked Isbell about business at the dinner table.

  "The negotiations with the empire are over. How should I put it? The result is a little better than expected." Isabel answered simply.

  "Then this matter has finally come to an end." Ganon nodded thoughtfully.

  The ceasefire between the Dragon Back Empire and Mu Xia happened a week ago.

  After confirming the alliance with Mu Xia, Ganon actually only participated in two battles.

  One time was to relieve the siege of Muqiu City. He easily defeated the Xihe Principality's troops and killed the top commander of the army on the spot.

  When he rescued another city for the second time, there was basically no fighting. Just when he showed up, the empire's troops began to retreat quickly. He and the elves' troops pursued and killed thousands of people. .

  After the news spread that a red dragon was supporting Mu Xia in the western region of Mu Xia, the empire seemed to abandon this offensive route, and Mu Xia's western region was never attacked again.

  About half a month later, reinforcements from the Element Federation were officially put into the battlefield, and Mu Xia's side launched a counterattack.

  After a period of tug-of-war, the battle lines between the two sides gradually stabilized. Then, with the mediation of the Elemental Federation, Mu Xia and the Empire sat on the negotiating table.

  As Ganon expected, Muxia inevitably lost the battle. During the negotiations, the empire exchanged the withdrawal of troops for several mineral-rich territories on the border of Muxia, including a precious secret. silver mine.

  However, compared to the land currently occupied by the empire and the foreseeable cost of counterattack, this price is actually relatively small.

  To a certain extent, the Imperial people who sat at the negotiation table were more talkative than the Summer Elves expected. Originally, they thought that the Imperial people would aggressively go to all the territories they had occupied and demand an additional compensation.

  The war between the Empire and Mu Xia has come to an end, but if the Empire continues to develop at this pace, if Mu Xia, which is relatively slow to develop, does not have the protection of the Elemental Federation, it may continue to be invaded in the future. As the saying goes, if you fall behind, you will be beaten.

  The Queen of the Empire, Fred, advocates using the technology of dwarves and alchemists to develop steam machinery to strengthen the army. Such technological progress will inevitably bring about a military rise to the empire. When they have enough conditions to popularize the new technology into production

  ... Norn couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis.

  "There is another piece of news." Isabel thought of something else. "I heard that the Queen of the Empire and the general who led this war are officially married. The general is still a legendary strong man. Now he has been named Commander-in-Chief and Prince. It seems to be called..."

  "Lucio?" Ganon said.

  "Yes, that's him, Lucio from Rift Valley!" Ibebel replied.

  "This is probably one of the purposes of the imperial sister launching this war. Let Lucio secure the top position in the military world, and she can use Lucio to more firmly control the empire's army." Zhenna tore her hands

  . Bread interjected without changing his expression, "Although Lucio is a legendary strongman, he was born as a commoner. He only had the title of earl before. He was promoted by the imperial sister all the way, and I'm afraid it will be the same this time. He must be promoted. There is nothing more fitting for a soldier than military exploits.”

  "What a good move..." Ganon sighed with emotion.

  The benefits obtained from Mu Xia were only one aspect. Fred's victory in the war against Mu Xia greatly enhanced his reputation in the country after he had just ascended the throne, as well as his appeal to local nobles.

  At the same time, she also logically allowed her husband to officially secure his position at the top of the Central Army with the help of his military exploits. Her dominant position in the empire was suddenly strengthened.

  Ganon knew very well that sooner or later, this pair of bad guys and men would pose a fatal threat to him. With the rise of the empire, he must also improve his ability to protect himself as soon as possible.

  "Speaking of this, isn't there a saying that after the war, you should go back to your hometown and get married?" A meaningful smile suddenly appeared on Isbell's face.

  Ganon felt that he had guessed what Isabel was going to say next, but then Isabel pointed at him and Zhenna back and forth:
  "You guys, should you have a ceremony or something?"

  After living together for nearly a year, Two months later, she finally discovered that the relationship between Ganouen and Zhenna was actually much more normal than she imagined.

  Zhenna, who was drinking soup, choked on her mouth.

  "Do you need to worry about this matter?" Ganon looked at Isabel suspiciously.

  "I still understand the order of first come, first served. After Zhenna, it's my turn naturally, isn't it?" Isbel put her hand on her chest and directly confessed her purpose, "Zhenna shouldn't have it either. What's your opinion?"

  Zhenna looked at Isabel with a complicated expression for a while, then sighed: "If Ganon agrees, what can I say? I'm just a human being, and Ganon still has at least two thousand years left. I don’t intend to restrain him, the problem is..."

  She said and turned her eyes to Ganouen with sharp eyes.

  "What's wrong?" Ganon read that she seemed dissatisfied and blinked.

  "Have you ever considered such a thing?" Zhenna whispered.

  Ganon thought for a while and said to Zhenna: "Then will you marry me?"

  Zhenna covered her forehead with a headache, thinking that she really couldn't expect a dragon to have any romantic thoughts.

  She knocked on the table with her fist and said sternly:
  "Are you kidding me? Don't talk about such things while chewing pig legs!!"

  She didn't have such serious ritual feelings, but at least she couldn't compromise to this. situation.

  "Okay, I'll think about it carefully later." Ganon replied with a smile.

  He flashed through several scenes in his mind. He knew exactly where the scenery and atmosphere were around here. In the afternoon, he asked Cohen and the others to help make some arrangements in advance. In the evening, he took Zhenna there. .

  "Ganoen, I don't have to go to so much trouble. You can be more direct with me." Isbell rubbed her hands expectantly and cast a suggestive look at Ganon.

  "To be honest, I don't have any objections at all as long as you curb your quirks a little bit, but do your family members agree?" Ganoen looked at Isbell suspiciously, "I remember your mother seemed to mention You should think about it for at least three months, right?"

  "You can't be so rigid, Ganon." Isbell shook her finger at Ganon, "As long as the rice is cooked, there won't be any problems."

  "It doesn't sound like there is any problem at all..." Ganon complained calmly.

  "Don't worry, they will definitely agree." Isabel smiled meaningfully.

  Ganon suddenly felt something was wrong.

  At this time, [Watchman] reacted.

  "Another letter has come. Shitou, please read it for me." He felt another Speech Eagle flying in the direction of Mu Xia, and now his contact with Mu Xia had become very frequent.

  "Yes." Shitou replied. After about a few minutes, he explained to Ganon the content of the letter he received, "My lord, Prince Lampard of Muxia, invites you to meet at the old place at noon. One side."

  (End of chapter)

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