69. Chapter 69 It’s really your style

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  Chapter 69: You really have your style
  . Ganon found the imperial troops attacking Muqiu City and swooped down to launch the attack.

  The empire probably didn't know about his alliance with Mu Xia yet. His appearance on the battlefield was an unexpected situation for the empire people.

  These imperial people came to attack the city. They had prepared strategies to deal with the city walls, elves' magic, and bows, but they probably had not thought about dealing with a dragon.

  This is a surprise attack, and a surprise attack must be as fast as possible!
  When watching a red dragon swoop down, Delos, the commander of the Xihe Principality, was not sure whether he should take the initiative to attack the red dragon.

  Of course, he would not immediately think of such a fantasy as a red dragon coming to support the elves. The first thing he would think of was that the dragon wanted to rush into the battlefield to fish in troubled waters.

  It is not unprecedented for real dragons to invade the battlefield and plunder during the war. If this is the case, the red dragon's first target should be the resource-rich elven city. If they attack rashly, they may anger the other party.

  According to his observations, this should be an old red dragon. His troops have not specially prepared measures to deal with dragons. It is absolutely unwise to provoke a monster of this level!
  But when the red dragon exhaled its first breath, and the compressed fireball drew a red trajectory like a cannonball and hit the center of his troop array, Delos's most optimistic assumptions were directly shattered.

  "Airborne enemy attack!!" The watchtower sounded the alarm.

  At the same time, the red dragon began to hover above the principality's army, and more fireballs were fired at various parts of the imperial array like a barrage of cannons. The bodies, weapons, and dust of the soldiers rose together with the continuous explosions.

  The red dragon roared, and the ferocious dragon power pressed down from above, arousing waves of panic. The panic instantly turned the originally orderly troops into a mess.

  "What a good time!!"

  Seeing the figure of the red dragon, Jamil, the garrison officer of Muqiu City, couldn't help but be overjoyed, and at the same time a little confused.

  Is it an illusion? You always feel like you are a lot bigger than the last time you saw me?
  But no matter what, the red dragon's appearance here in compliance with the covenant is tantamount to sounding the clarion call for counterattack for them.

  "Druid vanguard troops are ready, cavalry array! Prepare to leave the city!!" He gave orders to the bottom of the city wall.

  This red dragon... why did it target the siege party in the first place? Delos was a little surprised.

  Do you not want to share your plunder targets with others, or do you simply want to enjoy the slaughter on the battlefield?
  He had no time to think about the opponent's motives, so he could only quickly order a counterattack: "Everyone disperses the formation! At the outpost position, the artillery target turns to the red dragon! Siege crossbows! Load all the siege crossbows for me! Repel the red dragon !!"

  They didn't carry any special dragon-slaying weapons at all, so they could only deal with it with the siege weapons they had on hand.

  He didn't shout "Kill that red dragon" because he himself thought about how difficult it would be to kill the old red dragon in this situation.

  At this time, a dragon flame bomb exploded not far away, and the deafening sound made everyone present subconsciously want to cover their ears.

  "What...what smells like this?" Delos' adjutant exclaimed.

  The pungent smell spread with the explosion. Some soldiers who were close to the explosion but not directly involved in the explosion suddenly covered their throats as if they were suffocated. Their eyes shed tears, and they fell to the ground and rolled convulsively. After a while, It stopped moving.

  "Poisonous fog?" Seeing the light green fog spreading not far away, Delos felt that his common sense had been subverted.

  It was the poisonous mist breath that only green dragons could exhale, but what they saw just now was clearly the red dragon spitting out fireballs.

  The fireball was actually mixed with highly toxic mist. This was simply not something a red dragon could do!

  Ganon continued to bombard the Empire's array with his breath. This surprise attack was quite effective, causing more than 500 casualties in the blink of an eye.

  The red dragon's flame breath does high damage, but when it comes to area-wide damage to multiple targets, the green dragon's poisonous mist is obviously more suitable.

  The spreading poisonous gas will remain lethal until the concentration is completely diluted, and the average human body has no resistance to this level of toxicity.

  The Imperial Array's Dragon Roar Cannon turned its muzzle and tried to attack him.

  These powerful siege weapons could theoretically cause damage to him - but only in theory.

  Those few artillery pieces were designed to target the immovable city walls. Facing the dragon flying at high speed in the air, the only way to hit them was to rely on Ganon to deliberately hit them.

  Facing a giant dragon, the difference in difficulty between those with and without dragon-slaying weapons can be said to be worlds apart.

  Let's not talk about the problem of resisting the dragon's power. Without weapons to break the dragon's defense, it will just give the dragon its head.

  It can even be said that the thousands of infantrymen in this army are not as threatening to Ganon as a knight carrying a dragon-hunting ballista. Now Ganon can no longer be damaged by ordinary dragon-hunting crossbows. Got it.

  Garnon didn't even care about the siege weapons of these outpost arrays, focusing his attacks on the rear area.

  He didn't want to make the empire's frontline troops filled with poisonous gas, which might affect the performance of friendly forces.

  Soon, Muqiu City took the initiative to open the city gate as he thought, and the druids and elven cavalry who transformed into beast forms poured out and launched a counterattack against the imperial army that was in chaos.

  When he heard this report, Delos's mind went blank for a moment.

  He noticed the fact that the elves and the giant dragon were cooperating to attack his troops. Otherwise, the elves would have been in chaos when the dragon appeared, and they would not have been able to take the initiative to rush into the chaotic battlefield.

  Is this red dragon here to support the elves? Can such nonsense really exist in this world?

  "Flying dragon troops, attack with all hands!!" There was not much time for him to hesitate. He issued a new order and at the same time ordered someone to bring his flying dragon mount over.

  He must personally lead the flying dragon cavalry to take risks. Without him personally supervising the battle at this time, the troops would not have the morale to deal with this old red dragon.

  If we don't deal with this red dragon as soon as possible, they may all be wiped out!

  When Ganon saw about thirty flying dragons soaring into the sky from the imperial array, he knew that the main event was finally coming.

  When Lucio came to deal with him, he only brought five wyverns, but the number of wyverns was meaningless in front of the giant dragon. At that time, the only one who really threatened Ganon was Lucio.

  Ganon already had experience fighting the flying dragon cavalry, so he moved outside the dragon's encirclement in advance and was the first to let out a dragon roar.

  Delos, who personally led the flying dragon troops, also raised his spear and responded with a fearless battle cry.

  However, at least half of the flying dragons fell into panic on the spot and flew away with the knights out of control.

  They didn't expect to face a dragon, and they didn't prepare any stimulants for the dragon's mount.

  Delos's fearless battle cry was not comparable to Lucio's, and he could only allow some of the flying dragons and cavalry nearby to survive the influence of the dragon's power.

  Ganon, a warrior in the extraordinary realm, immediately made a preliminary judgment on Delos's level, and at the same time, he immediately locked onto the knight wearing steam armor.

  This is the strongest person in this flying dragon cavalry unit, and he should be a commander with a high status.

  Kill him and this dragon force will become vulnerable!
  About a hundred meters away, Ganon aimed at the opponent and spit out five dragon fire bullets in succession, but Delos immediately pulled the reins and used a command to make the flying dragon fold its wings and turn its body violently, evading all the attacks.

  One dragon fire bomb accidentally hit another pair of flying dragons and cavalry, and they were shot down on the spot.

  At the same time, Delos began to order the knights to counterattack with shoulder-mounted artillery.

  This was originally used to let the flying dragon cavalry attack the target at the top of the city. Now facing this giant dragon, they can only use it to replace the dragon hunting ballista, and use the dead horse as a living horse doctor.

  Ganon adjusted his posture and used the scales on his side to withstand the salvo. He realized that this warrior seemed to be quite good at controlling the flying dragon. Compared with other flying dragon cavalry, he was not so easy to be hit.

  But he also has other long-range attacks.

  Ganon lowered his height, and Delos suddenly noticed a person sitting on the back of the red dragon!

  Before, he was either looking up at the giant dragon's huge figure from below, or he was blocked by the red dragon's wings and didn't see this person at all.

  It was a female elf wearing a ranger cloak, her face covered, only a pair of beautiful eyes exposed.

  However, no matter how seductive Delos was at this time, he had no intention of admiring the other person's eyes. He noticed the bow and arrow in the elf's hand aimed at him.

  Fortunately, when the arrow flew toward his mount's eyes, he ordered the flying dragon to turn sharply and avoid it.

  "This guy is a bit difficult to shoot..." Isabel, who was riding on Ganon's back, muttered and suddenly had an idea.

  She suddenly pulled away the "Master's Order" that had become a sub-artifact in her hand, and aimed at another flying dragon cavalry near Delos and shot an arrow.

  The secret arrow of "The Lord's Order" drew a bright trajectory and hit the flying dragon impartially.

  The flying dragon suddenly neighed, lost control and rushed directly towards the flying dragon Delos was riding. No matter how hard its owner pulled the reins, it was of no avail.

  "Is this?" Ganon didn't understand what Isbel had done for a moment.

  "I used the 'Dominator's Order' to force the female flying dragon to go into estrus. Of course, it will desperately seek the strongest male of its kind nearby." Isabel explained with a smile.

  "You really have your style..." Ganon commented.

  (End of chapter)

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