289. Chapter 289 The Mistress of the Night Blade Family

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  Chapter 289: The Mistress of the Night Blade Family

  traveled nearly twenty kilometers from Shaman City to the village where the Master lived in seclusion, making Ganon feel a little tired. This fatigue was not physical, but reflected mentally.

  After crossing over, he almost never walked or cycled more than five kilometers continuously.

  With a pair of wings, he has become completely accustomed to the way flying creatures move. Moving on the surface was okay for short distances, but long distances like this that took several hours really tested his patience.

  Fortunately, they returned to the village with the young mage before nightfall.

  Ganon saw a lot of lights from a distance, and even bonfires were placed at the entrance of the village as street lights. This is rare in desert areas with scarce resources. Even in Shaman City, except for taverns and hotels at this time, most places and Most of the houses have their lights turned off.

  The villagers who were keeping vigil at night sat chatting by the campfire, wary of thieves who might raid at night. When they saw the young mage walking into the village, someone said hello to him.

  After entering the village, Ganon noticed that there were no water sources such as rivers or lakes near the village, but there were more than one well.

  "These wells were dug by the teacher." The young mage noticed Ganouen's sight. "She used elemental magic to find underground water sources. At first, she just dug a well for her own use. Later, more people defected, and the size of the village When it got bigger, she dug two more holes."

  "Only mages in the extraordinary realm can do this, right?" Ganon asked smoothly.

  "Even an ordinary extraordinary mage can't do it." The young mage's voice was filled with a smile and a sense of pride.

  Extraordinary realm, mixed blood... The details revealed by this apprentice have almost revealed the identity of this reclusive mage.

  The young mage brought them to an old-looking house with lights on inside, and then he motioned the two of them to wait outside for a while.

  "The teacher is still giving evening classes to the junior apprentices. It should be over soon. Could you please wait here for a moment." The young mage said with an apologetic look.

  Ganon just nodded, indicating that he didn't mind waiting.

  "My heel seems to be a little worn out. I'm sorry, but where can I get a bandage here?" Anya asked.

  "There is no doctor here who specializes in treating diseases, but when you go over there and turn left, there is a family with a green curtain hanging at the door. They sell medicinal herbs. You can go and ask." The young mage pointed casually.

  "Thank you." Anya nodded and walked over there.

  Ganon can tell that this village should be considered quite peaceful. In a desert area where thieves are rampant, there should be few settlements that allow outsiders to act so brazenly inside.

  Anya moved quickly as soon as she disappeared from the opponent's sight.

  Her mission here was to connect with her subordinates and investigate the village personally.

  When it comes to meeting the mage, Ganon alone is enough. This time they are not only here to confirm whether the mage is Amanda Axe, but also to confirm whether the mage is related to the Dragon Order.

  Ganon has basically convinced that Amanda is related to Dolan Sloane, and there must be a reason why Amanda has stayed in this land with difficult conditions for decades and has not returned. Perhaps it is with Dolan Sloane. Loni, or it may be related to Dragon Ascension's Lair.

  The Dragon Ascension Nest, which used the Night Blade Family and the Fenglong Order to expand its intelligence network to the civilized world, caught the signal that the Dragon Spine Empire was becoming stronger, and initially began to launch operations into the civilized world.

  Caught between the two, Ganoun couldn't help but have a sense of crisis. Regarding Dragon's Lair, Ganoun turned the blue dragon Claleg into his spy, but a low-level blue dragon was obviously not enough. .

  He needs a deeper source of information, and Dolan Siloni and the Fenglong Order are a suitable breakthrough point.

  Dolan Siloni knew about the existence of the Endless Tower but chose to conceal it. Her attitude seemed very ambiguous. However, Ganon still could not judge her true position. He had to investigate from all aspects.

  Anya used the communication function of the Endless Tower to communicate with her subordinates, and quickly found a house near the edge of the village. She knocked on the door with a coded signal, and the door opened.

  "Mistress." Her men saluted her as she entered.

  "Portrait." Anya ordered her subordinates without wasting any time.

  The subordinates invited Anya to the table, and lit a dim oil lamp on the table. The windows of the room were sealed with black curtains, not casting any light.

  There are also several charcoal sketches spread on the table. The lines are very simple, but a few strokes can completely capture a person's characteristics and charm, and the other person's face can emerge in the mind at a glance. These are the results of Anya's subordinates lurking in the village these days. She will remember all the people in the village who are suspected of being related to the mage or working for the mage, and then draw them one by one based on their impressions, and then Anya will identify them personally.

  Anya had previously investigated Dolan Siloni and the Fenglong Order, and knew the faces of many of the main members of the Fenglong Order. If there were people from the Fenglong Order in this village, she could basically confirm the investigation of this mage. It’s valuable.


  Anya quickly matched the three people in the portrait with their appearance in her impression. She had been trained in the maze and was very accurate in recording and identifying portraits. In just a few seconds, she found the three people. Followers of the Fenglong Order.

  The mage here is really related to Dolan Siloni!
  "You did a good job." She nodded to her subordinates, "You continue to stay here and wait, and I will give you new instructions later." "

  Understood." The subordinates saluted again.

  At this moment, both of them turned their heads alertly.

  There was a rustling movement just now that moved against the wall of the house. It was difficult for ordinary people to hear it, but they could pick it up with their keen hearing developed through rigorous training.

  Anya's men were temporarily living in the village as a wanderer. The settlers in the village allowed her to live in an empty house on the edge of the village. There should be no one else living nearby.

  Anya was not worried about the conversation being overheard. She and her subordinates had been using lip language to communicate with the authority of the Endless Tower, and they had not made any sound at all.

  The problem is that the other party is eavesdropping here. Either she is being targeted, or her subordinates are exposed while performing their tasks. This is a big problem.

  She winked at her subordinates and motioned them to check the situation.

  The figures of her subordinates immediately disappeared in front of Anya. The door opened and closed silently and she rushed out of the house, chasing the direction of the previous sound.

  At the same time, Anya did not wait in the room, but immediately turned on hiding and rushed to the window.

  She used "Shadow Assault" on her whole body. At that moment, her body turned into a shadow that seemed to have no fixed shape. It just passed through the narrow gap between the curtains and the window and came quietly. Outside the house.

  Then she turned around and rushed in the opposite direction to her men.

  It was impossible not to investigate the movement just now, but it might be a trap that lured them deeper. Anya did not hesitate to sacrifice her subordinates and went to meet Ganouen herself.

  "I knew you would choose to do this." A familiar voice suddenly came from behind. The voice was very close, almost following Anya closely.

  Anya's whole body trembled. The opponent was able to get so close without being noticed. As an assassin, her stealth ability completely suppressed her.

  Considering that the opponent was a transcendent assassin, this was only natural.

  The mistress of the Night Blade family, her biological mother, actually appeared here in person to arrest her!
  The ability to detect danger made Anya aware of the surprise attack from behind, and she turned around to dodge. Although she was suppressed by the realm, her skill and reaction speed were not enough to prevent her from being unable to dodge even a single blow.

  But at this moment, a feeling of powerlessness suddenly emerged, making her reaction slow down by half a beat.

  She was struck by the Warlock's curse of weakness, and it wasn't just a supernatural assassin who ambushed her, but a Warlock who followed.

  The delay in movement caused by this weakness was fatal. The blade in the attacker's hand broke through her skin. The dagger that stabbed her was actually a magic weapon, and the powerful electric shock immediately penetrated her body.

  Anya's body was forced to straighten up, and she fell down heavily as if she had been hit by a stick, causing her to almost lose consciousness on the spot.

  The opponent's attack left absolutely no room for her to react, and she didn't even have time to call "Teleport".

  The other party reached out to support her and whispered in her ear: "The farce of running away from home is over. It's time to go home, Anya."

  "Ganoen..." She subconsciously called out in her heart, Anya's Consciousness completely fell into darkness.

  (End of chapter)

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