282. Chapter 282 The reclusive mage

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  Chapter 282: The reclusive mage

  Ganon released Claleg on the same day and asked him to return to the Dragon's Lair to perform the mission of a spy.

  This blue dragon was naturally reluctant, but the constraints of the contract made him helpless. He had to bear the risk of dying on the spot when he was discovered, and he had to report remotely to Ganouen through the contract whenever something happened.

  Less than half a day after Claleg left, Anya and Satya, who had gone to Sandman City to deliver goods and gather information on the way, came back.

  Anya found Ganouen in the study and reported that she might have found Amanda Axe.

  "Maybe?" Ganon raised his eyebrows.

  "That means I'm not sure. I found out about a mage who has lived in seclusion in a village about thirty miles northeast of Shaman City for at least more than ten years. No one knows her name, and people in the village call her the master. According to Information about the caravan that had contact with that village, the mage usually covered his face, but he could be identified as a female, his voice sounded older, and his ears seemed to have elf blood." Anya answered.

  "Every feature matches." Ganon pondered, "How is her level?" "

  At least it's not bad. She protected the village where she lived in seclusion. It was said that the village was originally abandoned, and a group of them were later sold to Shaman City. The slaves escaped to that place and were protected by her. Both the original owners of those slaves and the gangs who had the idea of ​​​​the slaves had been to that village, but no one succeeded in recapturing even a single slave. The village existed for more than ten years Years ago, this was rare in that area," Anya said.

  Ganon also experienced the "simple folk customs" of that lawless land. Even inside and outside Shaman City, there were rampant thieves and robbers. On the edge of the desert in the northwest, dark elves from Nitrilan and refugees who had lost their homeland gathered. , desperadoes wanted by the civilized world, explorers who want to find treasures... Although there are few decent strong people here, it still requires some skills to stand alone in a place like this.

  To be able to fight one against ten, one must at least be at the master level.

  Amanda Ax Hill is an extraordinary mage, so it should be easy to protect someone in that kind of place.

  The only question is, since exploring the ruins of the Endless Tower is blocked by the existence of Dragon Ascension Lair, why does she still stay there? Those troublesome dragons may not disappear in her lifetime.

  Even if she doesn't want to return to the Federation of Elements, an extraordinary powerhouse like her should be able to receive a certain level of treatment no matter which force she goes to join in the civilized world.

  "Have you found out that the mage or her village has any contact with the Fenglong Order?" Ganon asked again.

  If that mage is Amanda, and if she still has contact with Dolan Siloni, then maybe this village will also have contact with the Order of the Dragon.

  "Fenglong Order?" Anya was a little surprised that this matter might be related to Fenglong Order, and immediately shook her head, "There is no such sign yet, maybe... you can also ask Angst." "

  You Have you visited that village?" Ganon asked again.

  "Not yet, I'm afraid of alerting the enemy. The villagers in that village are willing to take in those poor people who are really desperate, sold slaves, displaced refugees, orphans... they can all stay in the village. But it's not easy to meet the mage, that The mage basically only sees a few specific people on weekdays, and most of the time he is not in the village." Anya answered.

  "That village is under her protection. Wouldn't it be easy for the village to be ruined when she is not there?" Ganon asked.

  "That mage has many apprentices. One of them seems to be at a mid-level level. He is a well-known mercenary in Shaman City. Now the village basically does not need to worry about threats such as bandits." Anya said.

  "Then is there any way to contact that mage?" Ganon asked.

  "I investigated and found out that the apprentice who works as a mercenary in Sandman City seems to have long-term rewards for acquiring magic books, scrolls, and magic weapons from the information dealer. The magic knowledge required for the rewards is spells above the master level. I think this should be the request of the mage, maybe you can start from here." Anya analyzed. Apprentices with only a mid-level level will naturally not be able to learn complex spells at the master level. This seems to be what the mage ordered - she wants to collect spell knowledge and magic weapons.

  Ganon couldn't help but become confused when he heard this.

  If she wants to study magic and obtain magic weapons, wouldn't it be more appropriate for Amanda to return to the Federation of Elements?
  This mage may not be Amanda Ax Hill.

  However, this gave Ganon an idea to contact the other party. Perhaps he could meet the mage in the name of trading magic weapons and magic knowledge. He had these things in his collection, and it was not difficult to find channels to collect them.

  "I'm going to find an opportunity to meet that mage." Ganon directly stated his plan.

  "Yes, yes, I want to accompany you again." Anya looked troubled.

  "It's not necessary. Don't you have someone stationed in Shaman City? Just ask your subordinates to take me there." Ganouen shook his fingers.

  Anya was stunned for a moment, then said with a straight face: "I haven't conveyed the information to her yet. If she doesn't do things reliably, wouldn't it be more troublesome for you to complain? Forget it, let's just..." Ganouen blinked

  . Listening to Anya's words with eyes closed, she suddenly said unexpectedly: "You actually want to go with me, right?"

  Anya's eyes widened as if she had been stepped on. Just as she was about to speak, Ganouen pointed at her. He ordered: "Tell the truth."

  "Yes..." Anya responded as if reflexively, and nodded at the same time.

  The next moment she seemed to wake up with a start and gasped.

  She opened her mouth again, wanting to deny it, but she couldn't say it because of Ganon's order. After holding it in for a long time, her face started to get hot.

  A smile appeared on Ganouen's face, and alarm bells rang in Anya's heart.

  "Angst told me some things before, some and the other, and I just listened casually. Anya, what do you think of me? Tell the truth." Ganouen tried to ask what happened.

  "You, you..." Anya held it in for a while, as if she was fighting some thoughts, and finally tried to shout out, "You are a bastard!!" "What I said is..." Ganouen also wanted to

  say Keep asking questions.

  Anya realized that she didn't dare to stay here any longer, so she turned around and ran away.

  Ganouen watched with a smile as she pushed open the study door and ran away. He didn't get up to chase her, nor did he give any order to force her to stay. He just said, "You can't escape now if you run away." Anya was still confused

  . If he didn't return, he would fly away.

  (End of chapter)

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