258.Chapter 258: Taking advantage of cats and tigers

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  Chapter 258: Playing like a cat and a tiger
  Facing Zhenna's request, Salil was suddenly confused. Of course, she could see that when Zhenna withstood the attack, it was a good opportunity for her to counterattack.

  Although Angost said that she could naturally use the huge magic power in her body to use abyss spells based on her talent, she had not yet fully adapted to the power of the devil. To open the gate of the abyss, she relied on the guidance of the endless tower's reserve spells. Cast successfully.

  At this time, a large group of demons besieged Ganoen. Those puppet-like clones split from Hilmeria were even directly under the control of Hilmeria, and they used their flesh and blood to block Ganoen from the front without fear of death. Norn.

  Hilmeria, on the other hand, approached the high dome of the main hall and prepared to go out through the wall.

  In desperation, Salil suddenly remembered the "curse of pain" that Hilmeria had cast before, and the runes that appeared on her body. She felt at that time that she seemed to be able to analyze the way this magic worked.

  She tried to manipulate the magic power in her body and at the same time targeted Hilmeria and the maids.

  The runes of "Curse of Pain" suddenly appeared on their bodies.

  "What!?" Hilmeria made a surprised sound when she realized that she had been returned by the same spell.

  Severe pain came, and Satya, who was aiming at Zhenna's breath, wailed and rolled on the ground. The other maids besieging Ganon also fell to the ground.

  The abyss spell that Salil cast was also at the level of the legendary realm, and they had no way of resisting it. Only Hilmeria could maintain some ability to think. She glared at Salil angrily, with fire almost coming out of her eyes.

  Salil didn't feel any sense of accomplishment after successfully casting the spell.

  Seeing those maids in pain, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes.

  She could tell that these maids had the same life experience as her, and they were all her descendants created by Hilmeria using powerful creatures.

  They were used as tools by Hilmeria. When Hilmeria escaped, she did not hesitate to sacrifice these daughters and used a devil's contract to force them to do the work of ending their lives.

  If she was taken away by Hilmeria, she would probably suffer the same fate.

  Ganon rushed towards Hilmeria, who suddenly stopped due to pain. There were swarms of demons between them, most of which were clones of Hilmeria. Hilmeria regarded them as Using their own human shields, Hilmeria asked them to bring weapons and attack Ganon's eyes from the front.

  Ganon released a large number of fireballs created by his flame shaping, knocking down large swaths of demons.

  Angst noticed Hilmeria's stagnation and felt that she had caught an opportunity.

  This time she directly threw out the disintegration blade in her hand, and the activated disintegration blade began to spin, arcing through the air at high speed, bypassing the gaps between the remaining demons like a light flying swallow, and flew towards Hilme at high speed. Leah.

  The assassin's "Kill Tracking" allows the weapon he throws to fly along a flexible trajectory according to his will, and continues to track the locked target until the kill is completed.

  But Hilmeria still remained conscious, and she caught Angost's attack intention in advance.

  Under the control of her mind, the surviving clone rushed towards the disintegrating blade like a moth to a flame.

  She used hypnosis and dreaming on these soulless clones, putting them in an almost sleepwalking state, completely subject to her own conscious control.

  Six clones rushed over from different directions, surrounding the disintegrating blade. Then, the moment they came into contact with the whirling blade of the disintegrating blade, they all turned into flying pieces of meat at the same time.

  The activated power of the disintegrating blade was expended on these human shields. Angst made an unhappy "tsk" sound and chose to change the flight path of the disintegrating blade so that it flew back to her hand.

  But Ganon had already prepared his breath at this time, and aimed a dragon flame bullet of sky fire at Hilmeria. Hilmeria had no time to use the Gate of the Abyss to reverse the attack, so she could only endure the severe pain and dodge, barely missing the huge fireball.

  But at this time, Ganon suddenly used the magic-like ability of flame shaping to detonate the dragon fire bomb in advance. With a deafening explosion, Hilmeria was violently blown away by the air wave of the explosion, fell from the dome, and hit the ground. on the ground.

  Angst’s contract should have been cut off immediately!

  Hilmeria's current thoughts are regrets, very regrets.

  She thought about the possibility of the other party using the Angost Contract to sneak in, but she still had a bit of luck.

  She was reluctant to give up Angost's soul, nor was she willing to take back the chance to take back her best work.

  If she could realize the crisis and let go of it all, the other party would have no chance of finding her hiding in the abyss.

  As a result, the red dragon suddenly came in like this, and she couldn't resist it at all.

  Hilmeria, who fell to the ground, caught a glimpse of the half-dragon daughters who had lost their minds due to the "curse of pain" and could only roll on the ground. She immediately used a large-scale hypnosis technique to hypnotize them to temporarily forget their pain.

  At the same time, she discovered Zhenna, and she realized that this paladin should be the weakest among them.

  "Hold the red dragon!" She once again issued a death order to her daughters, and then rushed towards Zhenna.

  If this paladin could be captured and used as a hostage... Although she didn't dare to expect the red dragon to care about the life of this woman who was probably just a slave, she had no other way to escape now.

  This time, the white dragon Satya led her maids to pounce directly on Ganon, risking their lives to stop the powerful red dragon. This was almost a life-threatening move, but they could not escape the shackles of the contract.

  Zhenna once again supported the shield and released the divine shield of the sub-artifact.

  Hilmeria flapped her wings and charged while releasing the "Rain of Chaos". Shadow's arrows hit the holy shield one after another, and cracks appeared on the surface of the holy shield within a few hits.

  Zhenna struggled to support the operation of the "Innocuous Blessing" and endured the burning pain of the sky fire. She was almost reaching her limit. This sub-artifact allowed her to transcend the realm and use the legendary level of the holy shield, but Hilmeria The abyss spells are also of legendary level.

  At this time, Hilmeria saw the back of the holy shield, and Salil raised her hand towards her.

  Salil observed Hilmeria's spellcasting, imitated it again, and successfully summoned "Rain of Chaos".

  Shadow arrows appeared above and in front of Salil, and then fell quickly.

  Hilmeria had no choice but to interrupt her charge and quickly retreat. She said angrily with a ferocious face: "I should have tried to kill you when you were about to be taken away!!" Before she could

  finish her words, a strong light enveloped her. covered the entire space.

  Ganon released the power of "judgment" this time, and the demons on the scene were cleared until only Hilmeria and several of her half-dragon maids were left. Now she has no human shield to block her.

  Hilmeria immediately started to wail when she was illuminated, and the sky fire burned brightly on her body.

  (End of chapter)

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