256. Chapter 256 Your duplicity did not surprise me.

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  Chapter 256: Your duplicity did not surprise me.

  In the palace of the abyss, Hilmeria curled up like a baby, soaking herself in the amber eggs created by the tears of the mother goddess.

  After taking a shot of "Judgment" released by Ganon, her whole body was burned by the sky fire. Soaking it in the Mother Goddess' Tears and re-incubating it allowed her to quickly recover from her injuries.

  She closed her eyes and seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but in her dream, her mind was more active than usual.

  She finally found the precious "work" she had lost in the past. What was gratifying was that the work turned into a Seraph. After awakening her bloodline, she should have transformed into a great devil on par with her.

  Tears of the Mother Goddess can exert certain restrictions on the offspring she creates. As long as she can capture the opponent and find a way to make the opponent sign a subordinate contract with herself, she will have a powerful combatant - if it is really difficult to control, she can also choose Devour each other.

  I don't know why her work ended up in the lair of a red dragon. That red dragon was very special. Not only did it escape her charm enhanced by the artifact, but it almost killed her.

  She was very interested in the red dragon. It was a powerful enough creature. As long as she could get the other party's materials, she could use the Tears of the Mother Goddess to create better offspring.

  She was a little concerned that her contractor Angest would appear there. If Angest was with them, the worst case scenario, if the other party was decisive enough... She suddenly opened her eyes


  The amber egg suddenly shattered. She broke free from the egg and shouted majestically: "Everyone is on alert!!"

  Strange demons poured out from all directions in the main hall of the palace, the most conspicuous of which were a large group of looks and Hilme. Leah's succubi are identical to each other. Their eyes are empty, their expressions are mechanical, and they act like sleepwalkers. These are soulless clones that Hilmeria directly split with the tears of the mother goddess.

  The leaders are four strange-looking succubi. Their faces are very similar to Hilmeria, but the horns on their heads are exaggeratedly large, and the wings on their backs are one size larger than ordinary succubus wings. Their eyes are gray-white, with an icy and cruel chill. The backs of their necks are covered with white bone crowns of thorns, and the lines of white scales can be vaguely seen on their cheeks and forearms on both sides.

  Half-Dragon - These succubi all have dragon blood. They are the descendants of Hilmeria who used the material of a white dragon and blended it with the tears of the mother goddess.

  They are both Hilmeria's maids and her daughters. Their dragon bloodline has given them naturally powerful bodies. Coupled with the continuous evolution of hunting demons, they have all evolved to a level of power that can compete with extraordinary realm warlocks.

  A large cloud of black mist suddenly appeared around Hilmeria, and Hilmeria immediately flapped her wings and flew into the air.

  It actually came...

  Hilmeria bit her lips.

  The other party used Angost's contract to reversely locate her and open the gate of the abyss, and then attack her territory. Although she was prepared for the worst, the other party chose to invade her territory after only one day. , time is still too tight for her. She still needs to recover from her injuries, and the countermeasures she can deploy are also limited.

  Four figures emerged from the black mist, and Hilmeria immediately ordered without hesitation: "Concentrate your firepower!!" With a

  simple chant, she released the abyss spell "Rain of Chaos", and with a wave of her hand , the energy arrows composed of shadows were scattered like raindrops, leaving almost no gaps for shelter.

  Other demon guards also attacked from all directions. The space in the main hall was limited, and almost all the elites in her territory were concentrated here. The daughters of Hilmeria chose to open their mouths and spit out the ice mist breath of the white dragon.

  Pure white ice mist surrounded them from four directions, with a low temperature that could instantly freeze the blood, and formed a whirlwind storm like a blizzard, covering the four people who had just emerged from the black mist in the blink of an eye.

  Hilmeria knew that red dragons were immune to high temperatures and flames, but their resistance to freezing was relatively weak.

  What Hilmeria wants to seize is the moment when the opponent crosses the gate of the abyss to launch an ambush.

  The other party locked her coordinates through Angost's contract and opened the door to the abyss - presumably it was her daughter who had just awakened her bloodline. Angost might be able to come to her side quietly, but there was no way she wouldn't notice it if someone else opened the door to the abyss through her contract.

  The moment when the opponent has just passed through the gate of the abyss and has not yet reacted, this is her biggest chance of victory!

  A dazzling bright light suddenly appeared, dispelling the black mist. A protective shield made of holy light covered the four people who emerged from the black mist. It also blocked them from the rain of chaos and the blizzard.

  The humanoid Ganon stood in the center under the protective shield. When he raised his head, he caught sight of Hilmeria suspended in mid-air.

  They used the Gate of the Abyss to teleport here, and Angost detected the strong danger just before arriving and issued an early warning.

  Ganon immediately understood that there was an ambush and activated the "Guardian" power without hesitation, summoning a protective shield covering everyone.

  Why can this red dragon use Seraph-level Holy Light Technique? Hilmeria felt strangely surprised.

  No, the intensity of this Holy Light Technique has surpassed the level of ordinary Seraphs! Hilmeria, who had fought against Seraph before, made a quick judgment.

  She turned to charm, trying to incite the red dragon's reproductive instincts.

  The troops she deployed here are still concentrating fire attacks. As long as the red dragon is distracted a little and his spells are interrupted, their firepower will be able to cover the intruders.

  But Ganon remained unmoved. Before passing through the Gate of the Abyss, he had used the power of "War Song" once. Before the effectiveness of "War Song" faded, they could completely resist Hilmeria. The charm.

  Ganon suddenly opened his mouth and let out a majestic dragon roar, and then quickly transformed into a huge dragon shape.

  The protective shield of the Holy Light also expanded with his transformation. He covered the other companions with his body, and opened his mouth to spit out blazing white sky fire dragon breath around him.

  A half-dragon maid within the attack range reacted quickly and dodged, but the other demons under her command were not so lucky. The sky fire ignited several lines of demons at once, and the piercing screams of the demons dying could be heard endlessly.

  "A golden red dragon with holy light all over its body?" Hilmeria felt that she had really experienced a lot.

  Ganon suddenly swept the dragon's breath in the direction of Hilmeria. Hilmeria, who was well prepared, raised her hand and used magic to distort the space in front of her, temporarily creating an unstable abyss. Door.

  A large black mist-like chaotic energy appeared in front of her. Ganon's breath was sucked in instantly, and then refracted to another random direction, burning other demons.

  As soon as Ganon's breathing subsided, Hilmeria immediately raised her hand to prepare the next spell.

  Without any warning, a figure appeared out of thin air on Ganon's back. Angost, who was in a hidden state, suddenly appeared and threw several daggers at Hilmeria from another direction at lightning speed.

  The surprise attack was so seamless that if it weren't for an assassin of Angost's level, he would almost certainly be hit. However, Hilmeria reacted in advance and dodged the continuous daggers.

  The dagger with a weak point-breaking effect hit the obsidian demon statue on the distant stone pillar. Suddenly dense cracks covered the statue, and the solid obsidian turned into fragments and collapsed.

  "Your duplicity doesn't surprise me, Angst." Hilmeria said, "But have you forgotten that I have a mark on you?"

  (End of Chapter)

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