238.Chapter 238 Fallen Heaven

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  Chapter 238: Fallen to Heaven
  What is going on?

  "Go and have a look. It's just a dream anyway." The voice sounded in Salil's heart.

  She couldn't help but want to confirm. Her consciousness was like an incorporeal ghost floating in the direction of Ganouen, passing through the floor, passing through the area dedicated to the Creator on the fourth floor, and then passing through to the third floor. Arrive at the temple dedicated to the Lord of the Abyss.

  In the darkness, she vaguely saw the mural dedicated to the Lord of the Abyss, and the eyes in the gate of the abyss stared at her.

  Somehow, this time she was not so disgusted with the mural. But she still didn't want to look any further, so she immediately turned her attention away from the top and quickly continued to drift downwards.

  Salil, who was in a dream, did not notice that something flickered vaguely on the altar in the Abyss Temple.

  At the same time, the pair of wings on the body she was lying on began to flicker violently.

  After passing through the third floor, she finally arrived at Ganon's room on the second floor.

  In his blurred vision, he could see Ganon and Isabel lying together. Above them, she could see two floating energy aggregates.

  And that sweet and tempting aura emanates from the aggregate above Ganon.

  Salil suddenly became dazed and couldn't help but move closer.

  As she approached, her consciousness was suddenly sucked in by this energy.

  She panicked for a moment, and then found that she seemed to be sucked into a passage, and the surrounding scene kept changing. Then, she found that she fell into a strange world.

  She saw a town with strangely styled buildings and roads, with signs written in a language completely unfamiliar to her.

  When she looked at the earth from Paradise Mountain, she had seen many civilized towns, but she had never seen anything like this.

  "Who are you?" Ganon's voice suddenly came from behind.

  Salil turned around suddenly and saw Ganouen in human form standing at the intersection not far away, looking at her warily.

  Could this be Ganon's consciousness, his dream? Salil guessed in surprise.

  She actually dreamed that she entered Ganon's dream, which was really strange.

  The sweet scent suddenly became extremely strong, drifting continuously from Ganoen's side.

  Salil suddenly discovered that this smell was very similar to the smell of the food she tasted at the table in the Endless Tower.

  Ganon now seemed to have a food-like allure to her—extremely delicious food!

  "Get close to him, Salil, and find a way to make him obey you! You know what to do to him!" A voice in her heart began to persuade her to take action.

  Salil was stunned again. Inexplicably, the plots in those books flashed through her mind.

  But this time, she quickly came to her senses.

  "No, what am I thinking!?" Salil was surprised by the idea that just came to her.

  She actually wanted to...seduce the other party?
  Ganon, who was in a dream, observed the existence in front of him doubtfully.

  A very vague figure seemed to be obscured by a mist, and only a slim figure could be vaguely seen, carrying an extraordinary temptation.

  But instead he became a little alert, and he instinctively sensed some danger.

  "Who are you!?" Ganon's voice rang like a bell, and this time he unleashed the power of the dragon.

  After obtaining artifacts one after another, he has now reached the level of growth of an ancient dragon. The majestic dragon power is concentrated on Salil. The strong pressure catches Salil off guard, and a huge thrust comes from Ganoen. It attacked her over there, pushing her consciousness violently out of this world.

  Ganon opened his eyes suddenly on the bed, and the light of lava burst out from his eyes. At this time, he was still in the state of releasing the power of the dragon. Isabel, who was lying next to him and sleeping soundly, felt the dragon's power keenly, shuddered and opened her eyes.

  "Ganoen?" She rubbed her eyes and looked at Ganon who sat up in confusion.

  Ganon looked around cautiously.

  He had just had a strange dream, in which he unleashed dragon power on a woman wrapped in mist.

  This dream was inexplicably real, and he suddenly had a very strange idea - this was not just a dream.

  "My Lord." The sound of stone came from outside the door.

  "Have you noticed anything? Stone." Ganon called out the door.

  "I have no right to enter your private space or monitor it, so I don't know what happened in the room. However, not long ago, the 'Watcher' discovered that a spirit floated down from upstairs and entered your room. Room, I was about to call you when the spirit suddenly came back." Shitou reported what had just happened to Ganouen.

  "The spirit body? It floated down from the eighth floor? Could it be that the death knights are causing trouble again?" Ganon sighed.

  His first suspicion was Raymond and the others. The last time they used the energy of the divine seal to summon evil spirits for fun, the result was that the tower was filled with howls of ghosts and ghosts. In the end, they were beaten up by the angry Zhenna, and the evil spirits were purified.

  But Stone gave an unexpected answer: "No, that spirit... came from the fifth floor, Miss Salier's room." "

  What?" Ganouen was surprised.
  "Ah!!" Salil screamed and sat up suddenly from the bed, gasping for air.

  It took her two seconds to recover and realize that she had just had a strange dream.

  Damn, this dream was so weird... and so real.

  There was a sudden knock on the door, and Zhenna's voice came from outside the door: "Salil, I heard you shouting, what happened?" "Nothing

  , I just-" Salil said mid-sentence. Pausing, she remembered that normally, angels don't dream when they meditate.

  "What's wrong with you?" Zhenna asked again.

  "I'm fine!" Salil responded quickly, then got up from the bed and opened the door.

  Why does her body feel a little heavy...

  She opened the door and met Zhenna who summoned the holy light on her hand outside the door.

  She was thinking about how to explain to Zhenna what she had just screamed, and then she saw Zhenna's eyes suddenly widened.

  "You...are you?" Zhenna gasped and looked Salil up and down, "Are you Salil?" "

  Ah? What are you doing?" Salil's reaction to Zhenna Feeling baffled.

  There was a sound of footsteps approaching, and Ganon rushed along the corridor and quickly appeared behind Zhenna.

  The moment he saw Salil, Ganouen also gasped.

  "Red Dragon, why are you running here? You..." Salil felt something was wrong, "What kind of reaction is this? Why does it feel like seeing a ghost?"

  Then, Zhenna answered with a movement, with a full expression on her face. Shocked, she raised her hand and slowly pointed behind Salil.

  Salil turned her head slightly and saw her dark wings.

  (End of chapter)

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