231. Chapter 231 You are so annoying

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  Chapter 231 You’re So Annoyed

  After dinner, Ganouen arranged for Stone to fetch a fast horse to take Angost back to his residence, and asked the others to return to their respective floors. Then, together with Zhenna, he led Sally You go to the Temple of the Sun God on the fifth floor.

  The stone-controlled butler golem was holding a lamp in front. When passing by the third floor, Salil suddenly frowned sensitively.

  "What's going on on this floor?" Salil saw the clues just by looking at the entrance of the corridor, and her face suddenly darkened.

  The carvings on the doorposts were very similar to the abyss totems she saw on the stone slabs of Paradise Mountain. The obsidian sculptures looming deep in the dark corridor also made her feel that this place was closely related to the abyss.

  "It's better not to look at it," Ganon reminded.

  But after hearing this, Salil rushed straight inside, and then summoned a light from her hand to illuminate the huge space inside.

  "Holy Light!" She exclaimed after seeing the murals on the innermost wall of the temple.

  A dark door towering from the sky was carved on the wall. The door was half open, and the chaotic energy in the mural surged out like dark waves, mixed with hundreds of different types of demons.

  Deep inside the door, there was an eye staring at the door, and several dark tentacles stretched out from the cracks in the door and clung to the door leaf.

  The image of the Lord of the Abyss only appears in such a small part in this mural.

  But this was enough for Salil to prove which god this temple-style building was dedicated to.

  "Didn't you say that you worship the Sun God? Why is there the temple of the Abyss Evil God here?" Salil turned her head and glared at Ganouen.

  "I also said that there are many gods enshrined here, and I also said that you'd better not come in and take a look. The temple of the Sun God is on the fifth floor, but you have to go to the third floor to visit, so I think this is your problem." Gano En shrugged with an indifferent expression.

  "You mean this place is dedicated to the Sun God and the Lord of the Abyss at the same time? This is ridiculous!" Salil stared at Ganon in disbelief, "This is a blasphemy against the supreme light. This evil temple must Get burned!!"

  "You can't do it. The contract stipulates that you can't do anything that harms the tower." Ganon replied calmly, "And you can't think like that. Maybe it's a kind of blasphemy for those who have faith in the abyss. , after all, the floor of the temple of the Sun God is higher than that of the Lord of the Abyss."

  "Don't quibble! What do you think about enshrining the Sun God and the Evil God of the Abyss in the same building?" Salil asked seriously.

  "Do I need to explain to you?" Ganouen asked expressionlessly.

  Salil was startled.

  "Don't be too lenient. If you forget your position, would you like me to ask the two friends with long ears to come down and accompany you again?" Ganon continued.

  This angel seems to have a natural conceited mentality when facing the existence of the lower world. Even though she is essentially a prisoner imprisoned here waiting to be released through trade, she has the courage to point fingers at the layout of the temple in the Endless Tower.

  "I..." Thinking of the elf and the dark elf Sally, a chill ran down her spine. She realized that even if she questioned the red dragon, she really couldn't do anything to the other party. She reluctantly changed her words, "I just ...I want to find out the whole story..."

  "This tower is dedicated to all seven supreme gods. This is the situation here. Don't ask too much. Leave here now and follow me up." Ganon had no plans. He revealed too much to Salil and pointed upstairs.

  Salil realized that Ganouen didn't want to explain too much to her at all, so she could only follow him and leave quietly.

  When she was about to walk out of the temple, she suddenly felt a faint voice calling from behind. She turned her head subconsciously, only to see the eyes on the mural looming in the darkness, as if they were peeping at her.

  This damn place is so uncomfortable!

  Although I haven't seen it yet, is it possible that there are demons or cultists who believe in the abyss in this red dragon's lair?

  Salil frowned more and more as she thought about it. For angels, the most important beings in the world are the demons in the abyss, and the undead are only second. What do you think about worshiping the Lord of the Abyss in a place where the Sun God is worshiped?

  She arrived at the fifth floor with some resentment. However, when she arrived at the temple, her brows widened involuntarily.

  She saw the mural of angels chasing the sun, and also saw the suspended divine seal.

  When she saw the mural, Salil couldn't help but feel shocked.

  This mural is almost identical to the relief on the altar dedicated to the original holy fire, but the angel has never shown this picture to the lower world. Even the Papal State may not have a replica. Why is there one in the red dragon's lair?

  What surprised her even more was the suspended divine seal. After absorbing the divinity of "Judgment Day", the brilliance of the divine seal became more dazzling than before, and the entire hall was filled with warm golden color.

  Salil stood here, as if she were in front of the original sky fire, and the holy light was gradually filling her body.

  This temple is definitely not simple. These suspended runes are definitely directly related to the Sun God himself!

  Salil came to a conclusion in a flash.

  "What's going on here?" Salil looked back and forth at the temple. "This temple is a real miracle! Why is this temple in your lair?" "Don't ask too

  much, you just need to know the deal. When it's over, you can go back to Heaven Mountain. What it's like here has nothing to do with you." Ganouen didn't bother to explain.

  But this time, Salil stubbornly dug into the details: "We angels are the descendants of the Sun God, and we are the agents appointed by the Sun God. Now there is a miracle that we don't know about. How can I Maybe you don't want to ask?"

  Ganon stared at Salil for a few seconds, and finally completed the answer in three words: "You are so annoying."

  This angel is really lenient, and he seems to really think that Paradise Mountain is important to him. Everything left by the Sun God had direct jurisdiction, and as the only angel at the scene, she naturally assigned this jurisdiction to herself.

  But in Ganon's view, this was simply because he didn't see himself clearly. If he had the temperament of a true red dragon, questioning him with this attitude would have become a midnight snack.

  Salil's eyes widened on the spot.

  "You just need to know that you have nothing to do with me." Ganouen pointed into the room, "While I still have a little patience, go and choose an empty room to replace your cell." Damn evil

  dragon ... Salil had no choice but to remain silent in humiliation, suppressing the urge to conflict with Ganouen, and followed silently through the temple to the living area inside.

  She glanced at the spacious corridor and made her choice immediately: "The one closest to the temple is fine."

  This is also the largest room in this residential area.

  "Sorry, this is my room. All other rooms are empty except this one. You can choose whatever you want." Zhenna reminded.

  "You..." Salil turned her head and looked at Jenna, "Human, I remember you seem to be a believer in the Holy Light."

  She was impressed by Jenna's Holy Light technique, and knew that this person was probably the person in the Papal State report. The kidnapped human princess mentioned.

  "Yes..." Zhenna replied, and then she immediately realized what Salil was going to say and said, "But I won't give up the room to you."

  (End of Chapter)

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