229. Chapter 229 The Angel Eating for the First Time

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  Chapter 229:
  At the dining table of the Angel Endless Tower eating for the first time, Ganon sat at the same table as the members of the Endless Tower as usual.

  But today, there are two more guests, one is Angost, and the other...

  "Eating? Do you mean eating?" Salil, who was sitting at the table, folded her hands, "I don't need it. , we only need to accept the grace of the sun's rays to survive. We angels are different from you lower-world creatures!" Ganon heard the

  sense of superiority in her words, and joked: "It sounds a bit Like a plant."

  The others laughed when they heard this.

  "The dryads in Breeze Forest only need to bask in the sun to survive." Isabel also agreed.

  "Plants are plants, this is a completely different concept! We angels are extraordinary creatures that exceed the limitations of ordinary biological bodies, so we don't need to eat, we only need to absorb energy." Salil frowned impatiently.

  "In that case, there seems to be no difference from Raymond and the others." Anne Luojie said suddenly.

  "Ah? Who is that?" Salil frowned at Anne. She already understood the reason why Anne became a vampire, but due to the traditional concept of angels, she was still a little uncomfortable facing a vampire.

  "This..." Being stared at by Salil with such a stern look, Annie became nervous for a moment, got up and moved to Ganouen's side to hide, "I, I'd better tell him to come down." She used her death

  to The spirit contract echoed the order to Raymond on the eighth floor. Soon, footsteps approached the restaurant.

  "Hey Your Highness, could you not summon me while I'm lucky..." Raymond complained as he appeared at the door of the restaurant, then petrified when he noticed Salil.

  Salil stared at the death knight in shock. After a moment, she stood up and shouted angrily: "Where did the undead come from? Go to hell!!" "

  Where did the angel come from!?" Raymond also showed his expression. Parrying gesture.

  "Okay, stop it." Ganon said calmly.

  Salil, who was about to summon the Holy Light on her hand, immediately stopped moving. The contract of the Endless Tower prohibited her from attacking other members.

  "Red Dragon, how many undead do you have in your tower?" Salil asked Ganon.

  "They are Anne's bodyguards. Don't do anything with me." Ganouen signaled to Salil to be more honest.

  "Your Highness, why did you call me here? If this angel wants to kill you, there is no point in summoning me." Raymond commented to Anne.

  "I just want to introduce you to her." Annerogie replied.

  "What did you say?" Raymond couldn't understand his master's way of thinking.

  "Look, Raymond and the others are death knights. They don't need to eat. They only need me to provide magic power through necromancy, or absorb the death energy emitted by the gate of the underworld to survive. Isn't this similar to you angels? "Anne Luojie said calmly.

  The expression on Salil's face froze for a moment, and then veins popped up on her forehead, and she showed a twisted smile: "Red Dragon, can you temporarily terminate the contract? Let me clean up this vampire and all the undead here. !"

  "What's wrong with what I said?" Annie looked at Salil and then at Raymond with a puzzled look.

  "Your Highness, you are truly a provocative genius." Raymond commented.

  "Stop making trouble, let's eat." Ganouen said and gestured towards Raymond to signal him to leave.

  Raymond was eager to leave this place of right and wrong where angels existed, and quickly disappeared into the stairwell.

  At the same time, the stone golem walked out of the kitchen and served a sumptuous dinner to everyone.

  "Hey, is the food here so good? Hey, could this be... Night Shadow Bat Soup?" Angst looked at the meal presented to her and sighed, "Can I come here more often in the future?"

  This tower can even serve traditional Nitrilan delicacies. You must know that Night Shadow Bats can only be caught in caves in the northwest region and cannot be seen in this area. After she escaped to Late Summer , only when I go to Shaman City in person every once in a while can I have the opportunity to eat like this. "I occasionally go to Shaman City to sell some things, and sometimes I buy some unique ingredients there. The butler golem here can perfectly master the cooking methods of dishes from all over the mainland just by reading the recipes once." Ganon replied.

  "Oh? Is it to take care of Anya's taste?" Angst glanced at Anya with a smile, "It seems that she is quite favored, Anya." "

  He said it just by the way, I am not the only dark elf here. Anya muttered.

  Ganon did not elaborate further. He bought those ingredients to give himself a taste change - he thought some of the Dark Elf's delicacies were pretty good, such as fried spiders, which were very crispy and delicious. He ate them after turning into a red dragon. The taste of food has also become bolder, and you can take a bite of any creature.

  "Hey, I told you I won't eat!" Salil frowned and made an opinion.

  The butler golem presented her with a soup, a staple food and a dessert.

  "I made this according to the recipe. The traditional delicacies of the Papal States in the central region, lamb cream soup, Shenghui Island paella, and the dessert is golden apple pie. I hope it suits your appetite." The golem stood behind Salil and said slightly Lean.

  "Don't you understand what I'm saying?" Salil frowned impatiently, "Hurry up and pick it up...down..."

  She smelled the rich aroma of the food mid-sentence, and her speech slowed down. At the same time, he stared at the food on the table.

  She has been living in Paradise Mountain for as long as she can remember. The sun shines every day on Paradise Island, and the temple dedicated to the original holy fire also emits the sun's rays at all times. Angels can obtain energy as long as they receive the sunlight, and eating is simply unnecessary for them.

  In other words, this is the first time Salil has come into contact with the "food" of nether creatures.

  Can something like food actually emit such an alluring fragrance?
  "Try it." The voice in my heart began to stir again.

  "Salil." Ganon called out.

  "What, what are you doing?" Salil responded subconsciously. When she opened her mouth, she felt something coming out of the corner of her mouth, and she quickly wiped it away.

  "It's okay, just wipe it off." Ganon smiled, "You drooled a little bit just now." "

  Don't talk nonsense!" Salil almost jumped out of the chair, "How could I be so low-level? The original impulse?"

  "Hey, don't underestimate eating!" After hearing this, Mo La suddenly gave Salil a very serious look, "Eating is the foundation for the survival of living things and an important life ritual. You are not allowed to Take it lightly!"

  When it comes to eating, she values ​​it more than anyone else.

  "What does it have to do with you? I don't need to eat!" Salil dismissed it.

  "You obviously have an appetite. Don't deny it. The food is ready. Just try it. It's the most shameful thing to waste food!" Moura pointed at Salil and said.

  "You prepared this for me without permission. I didn't say I wanted to eat." Salil insisted.

  "Could it be that...an angel's body structure shouldn't be able to eat at all, just like a golem?" Mora questioned, "In that case, you can't even be considered a living thing." "I can't say that

  . You've never heard of it before! We just don't need to eat, it doesn't mean we can't eat!" Salil argued unhappily.

  "Then take a bite and prove it." Mo La spread her hands.

  "Just eat!" Salil picked up the spoon this time and scooped up a spoonful of soup into his mouth somewhat unskilledly.

  Then, she froze while holding the spoon in her mouth.

  (End of chapter)

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