194. Chapter 194 The Bad Influence of Dark Elves

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  Chapter 194 The Bad Influence of Dark Elves

  Ganon and his party were led to the conference room temporarily used to receive guests and waited at the door.

  Anya muttered next to Ganon: "I can't stand it anymore. There are annoying white-skinned elves everywhere. I feel so stressed. You want me to stay here for a few days to train them? Are you kidding me?"

  "You showed weakness so quickly?" Ganon glanced at her.

  "Don't use such low-level provoking methods. This is the lair of the elves. If I can feel comfortable here, it will be a ghost!" Anya glared at Ganon, "Do you have to torment me like this? Are you afraid that I will lose value to them later? Are you going to be killed by these elves?"

  "What can they do to you while I'm here? Don't worry, Mu Xia must give me face at least." Ganon replied.

  "Hmph, what happened to me really happened, how can you still fall out with them?" Anya dismissed it.

  "Yes, you don't want allies who don't know how to respect them. You are still mine after all." Ganon replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

  "They are your slaves and slaves!" Anya immediately corrected her, then turned her face away with a "hum", "That's nice to say, who knows."

  However, she did not make any new complaints. It's ironic to say that she usually tries her best to avoid realizing that she is the possession of this red dragon, but now on this occasion, this idea has become a reason for her peace of mind.

  After a while, a herald came to inform them and let them enter the conference room.

  Just like last time, Patriz sat on the other side of the round table in a dignified manner and waited.

  "Welcome to Sunset Grove, Muxia's distinguished ally, Mr. Ganouen. Welcome, Princess of Beishan Kingdom, Moura of the Golden Hammer Clan." Patriz paused for a while before turning her gaze. Anya said, "Welcome to you, Anya of the Night Blade family."

  "It's an honor to see you again, Your Highness." Ganouen greeted politely.

  Others returned the favor, including Anya, but she was expressionless when talking to Patriz.

  After some pleasantries, Patriz directly got to the point: "Thank you for coming to fulfill the terms of the deal. As mentioned before, we have selected the first batch of candidates to receive guidance and training. There are five senior candidates on both sides. Staff, and then fifteen apprentices, will receive two weeks of instruction, no objections?"

  Ganouen did not reply immediately, but looked back at Mo La and Anya, seeing that they both nodded, and then replied to Patri Now: "No problem, just follow the previous arrangements, Your Highness the Princess." "

  During this period, please ask Miss Mo La and Miss Anya to stay in the fortress. I will have people make arrangements later. Bei Er, you can do it now." You can go back to the palace." Patriz quickly made arrangements.

  "Where will Naganoen live? Doesn't he live in the palace?" Isabel suddenly asked.

  Patrice frowned slightly, but before she could say anything, Ganouen spoke first: "Letting a dragon live in the palace will cause all kinds of problems." "

  But he is also my fiancé after all. Ah." Isabel seemed dissatisfied, "His alliance with Mu Xia is so close, wouldn't it seem petty to still be wary now." "I will arrange for

  him to go to the palace." Patri Zi said calmly, "Because your father wants to see him."

  "Eh? His father?" Isbel looked very surprised.

  "What's wrong? He is your fiancé after all. Isn't it strange that your father has never seen him once? This also shows that we are assured of him, at least to a certain extent." Patriz said calmly.

  "It's an honor." Ganon responded calmly.

  He had actually expected this. Since he had an engagement with Isabel, it was only a matter of time before the Elf King wanted to see him.

  "That's okay...Father, doesn't he have any grudges about the engagement?" Isabel looked a little worried.

  "No, the engagement was originally his decision. You should also think about it yourself." Patriz said coldly. "Sure enough, I am still my father..." Isbell's eyes lit up, and she suddenly noticed that Patriz had a different look on her face, and immediately swallowed back the second half of her statement, "She loves me the most."

  "I've been hoping that you would become a little more reserved during this time, but it doesn't seem like that." Patriz looked at Isbell with a somewhat stern look.

  Isabel was afraid to speak.

  "Mr. Ganouen, have you really abided by our previous agreement?" Patriz asked Ganouen.

  "Of course." Ganon replied without blushing or heartbeat.

  To be precise, it was not that he did not restrain Isabel at all. He could not remember how many weird requests he had rejected when Isabel let herself go.

  "Could it be that she received some bad influence from other people?" Patriz said.

  Although she didn't go to see Anya specifically, Anya was still sensitively aware that the other party had intentions, and the finger seemed to be pointed at herself.

  "Mother, what do you mean by this?" Isabel asked bluntly, still not responding.

  "I just heard a report that you and Ms. Anya from the Night Blade family over there have reached the point where you can joke with each other. Do you have a good relationship?" "No..." "How is that possible



  Isabel Halfway through his answer, his voice was drowned out by Anya.

  Patrizi then officially turned her gaze to Anya, but didn't say anything.

  "Excuse me for being rude, Your Highness Princess Mu Xia, I didn't mean to interrupt casually, but what you said is really outrageous!" Anya said seriously.

  "So what is your relationship with my daughter?" Patriz asked.

  "To be honest, it's terrible." Anya said, thought about it, and then added, "But I think this is natural. Your Highness, how do elves and dark elves view each other? I think with your qualifications, you should There is no need to elaborate."

  After hearing this statement, Patriz nodded, seemingly satisfied: "I have to admit that I have deep prejudices against dark elves, and some of my deepest thoughts are not easy to access at all. Let me speak in front of you on the table. I think it is necessary to keep a distance. It would be great if you have a consensus. After all, the culture of your dark elves will have a greater impact on Bei Er." "Wait a moment, Your Highness,

  Princess ." Combined with the "bad influence" mentioned by Patriz, Anya suddenly realized something, "You don't think I did something to your daughter, do you?" "No, I don't doubt you, I just hope

  you Avoid 'do something.'" Patriz said seriously.

  Anya's eyes widened slightly, and she quickly understood Patriz's thoughts.

  When Isabel took out those "cult books", she claimed that they were the works of dark elves. Presumably Patriz thought so too.

  Patrice may have concluded that she had been "influenced" by this culture, and therefore concluded that she might have a worse influence on Isabel.

  To put it more simply and straightforwardly, that is - after the elf princess knew her daughter's true identity, she still felt that she, the dark elf, must be more perverted than her daughter.

  "Are you kidding me? I really can't accept this. Please take back this statement!" Anya suddenly started to argue over this issue.

  (End of chapter)

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