192. Chapter 192 Committing a crime against the odds

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  Chapter 192: Committing a Crime Against the Wind:
  "I don't have any grudges. He killed his father. I ate his blood, which made me feel relieved. But I have no interest in improving my bloodline, but I don't understand why this person would kill him for such a thing." We killed them all and suddenly asked me to be the ancestor?"

  Anne said slowly while looking at her heart. She was very puzzled by Prince Aliu's final attitude.

  "For him, reaching the peak of the vampire clan is probably more important than anything else." Ganon said.

  Before his death, Prince Aliu wanted to give his blood to Anne. Ganon saw it clearly through the "Watcher" at the time.

  Prince Aliu seems to have a special sense of superiority and obsession with the Vampires, which can also be seen from his encouragement to increase the number of Vampires in Dark Night City.

  His purpose seems to be to become the ancestor who has disappeared. It is unknown whether this is simply to allow himself to reach the peak of the power that symbolizes the blood clan, or whether he wants to use the ability of the ancestor to create a large number of vampire princes.

  Before his death, he wanted to let Anne Roger succeed him, but Anne Roger was not interested at all. Both she and her father had no choice but to transform into vampires.

  Of course, this thing itself is impossible to achieve. The divinity that can be transferred from the artifact to become the ancestor is in conflict with Ganon's purpose of repairing the Endless Tower.

  "I still don't understand, what's the benefit of being a vampire?" Anne Luojie shook her head slightly.

  Both she and her father were forced to transform into vampires, especially since her father, as a legendary monster hunter, hated vampires so much, but in order to save her, he lived as a vampire for hundreds of years hiding from the sun.

  "Because there are more meaningful things for you than pursuing this kind of power." Ganon said and touched Annie's head.

  "My father must have, but I really can't think of anything meaningful to accomplish..." Anne said.

  "Living in itself is meaningful. Your father hopes that you will live a good life even as a vampire. You also have the idea of ​​​​living. This is enough." Ganouen smiled.

  He felt that he was a bit similar to Anne Luojie. After coming to this world and becoming a red dragon, his purpose had always been to live well.

  He pursues power just to ensure this goal. As for being as proud of his race as Prince Aliu, he basically can't understand it.

  "It seems that this thing is not necessary." Anne Luojie began to think about getting rid of the heart.

  "No, in this case, I think it might be better to absorb it. You no longer have the protection of your father. The more power you have, the more secure your survival will be." Ganon suddenly said He made a suggestion, "Although I will protect you as much as possible, the power is most securely in my own hands." As long as

  Anne Luojie continues to absorb dragon blood, over time, she should be able to completely absorb her father, Prince Aliu, and the people who were killed by Aliu. With the source blood of other princes harvested by Prince Wu, her power will have a chance to reach the peak of the legend, and she can even compete with an ancient dragon.

  As long as Anelloje continues to be a member of the Endless Tower, it will be very beneficial for Ganouen if she becomes stronger.

  "Will you always protect me?" Anellojie opened her eyes and looked up to ask Ganouen.

  Ganouen's mere mention made her feel very at ease. During this time, Annie drank Ganouen's blood all day long and had close contact with him, and she had begun to develop a dependence on him.

  "Don't just pick the words that make you lazy." Ganouen smiled.

  "Okay, then I'll listen to you." Anne Luojie finally made her decision.

  She threw Prince Aliu's heart upwards, then summoned a blood sickle and swung it open, slicing the heart open in mid-air.

  The cut heart immediately turned into blood and was absorbed by the blood sickle, leaving only a dark red crystal, which is the source blood.

  As soon as the source blood left the heart, it turned into a floating blood mist. Anellojie leaned forward, opened her mouth and sucked the blood mist into her mouth.

  She closed her eyes and felt the new blood being absorbed into her heart. Then she opened her eyes again and looked at Ganon: "It seems it will take a long time to absorb it. I need your blood." She was very worried

  . He naturally came to Ganouen and stretched out his hands for a hug.

  "Okay, I got it." Ganouen had no choice but to pick her up and cut a wound on her neck. Anellojie couldn't wait to get closer and start sucking blood.

  "Are you just greedy for his body?" Isabel muttered to the side.

  Ganon looked at Isabel silently.

  "I didn't say I wasn't hungry!" Israel suddenly smiled and came over to hold Ganouen's arm. "We won the battle, shouldn't we celebrate it tonight?" "What I need now is to recuperate

  . ..." Ganon refused expressionlessly.

  Although the wound on the stomach was no longer serious, it is estimated that it will take a few days to recover.

  "What arrangements are you discussing?" Anellojie stopped sucking blood after hearing this and asked curiously.

  "It's too early for you, little girl." Isabel covered her mouth and smiled.

  "I'm older than you." Anne corrected seriously.

  "Okay, if you are interested in learning more, you can come to my room later. I have a lot of information for you to 'study'." Isabel was a little eager to give it a try.

  "It feels a bit troublesome, forget it..." Anne gave up quickly, partly because she felt it was troublesome, and partly because she had a premonition of something abnormal from Isbell's attitude.

  "What about the next few days? When can we do it?" Isabel continued to pursue Ganouen.

  "I'm afraid it will have to be suspended for at least ten days and a half." Ganon replied.

  "Are you kidding? Why do you need so long to recover?" Isbell's eyes widened.

  "But we will take Anya and Mo La to Muxia later to fulfill your mother's exchange conditions. Whether you want to stay here immediately or go back to your hometown, I have to stay in Muxia for a while anyway to avoid any accidents." Jia Norn replied.

  Patriz hoped that Anya and Mo La would provide some technical guidance to Mu Xia. Ganon felt that she should also stay there for a while. Mo La's side was fine. Anya, a dark elf, was sent to Mu Xia. Feeling uneasy, Ganouen thought it would be better to go and see it in person.

  "I'll go too..." Anne Luojie said suddenly.

  "You will cause big problems if you go to the elves' territory. Stay in the tower and I will leave some blood for you." Ganon immediately objected.

  "Then I will definitely choose to go back." Isabel said.

  "You'd better not be looking for an opportunity under your mother's nose..." Ganon was a little worried that the elf would do something out of his mind because he was too hungry.

  "How is it possible? I died when my mother found out! What do you think of me?" Isabel said angrily, "I have other serious things to deal with when I go back." "I just heard it from your mouth.

  " Seriously, it's quite strange, what do you want to do?" Ganouen asked.

  "I'm looking for some new books from the past. My collection hasn't been updated for a long time." Isabel said confidently.

  "Aren't you still committing crimes against the wind?" Ganouen was stunned.

  "I can only curse you a few times if I'm found out. Besides, if my mother wants to arrange for you, she won't have time to take care of me." Isabel had already begun to plan this matter seriously. "It's been so long. I don't know, Master Angst." Has a new work been released?"

  (End of chapter)

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