176. Chapter 176 Are you pregnant?

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  Chapter 176 Are you pregnant?

  Ganouen was relatively calm. He didn't think Prince Lampard was too talkative when he went back. Otherwise, Patriz wouldn't have wasted time asking questions now, and he would have started asking questions on the spot.

  Patrice did not directly answer Ganouen's rhetorical question, but began to lecture seriously:

  "Bell has gone astray in some of her thoughts, but I still hope that she can cultivate her moral character as much as possible, at least not to deviate too much from the right track. I hope that her other half can cooperate and guide her as much as possible, and I hope that I am not wrong about the person in this matter, Mr. Ganoen." "Don't worry.

  " Ganoen looked directly into Patrice's eyes. .

  Patrice looked at him for a while, but didn't see any clues, so she turned her gaze to Isabel: "Bell, you seem a little nervous today." Being

  questioned by her mother suddenly, Isabel was a little a little nervous. Caught off guard: "No, no!"

  Ganouen glanced at her and sighed inwardly. This girl's acting skills and psychological quality were so poor, especially when facing her biological mother.

  At this time, Patrice sighed suddenly: "It's been a while since I've seen you, and there may be many more days like this in the future. It's easier for you not to see me, right? ?"

  "Yes..." Isbel blurted out subconsciously, and immediately changed her words and waved her hands repeatedly, "No, no, no, how is that possible? I miss my mother very much too!!"

  Patriz's expression softened. Some, and then stretched out his hand towards Isbell across the table.

  "Queen Mother..." Isbel's expression relaxed slightly and she gently put her hand in Patriz's hand.

  "No matter what, you are also my daughter. Of course I will always care about you..." Patrice said softly, covering the back of Isbell's hand with her other hand.

  It was rare for her strict mother to show such a tender side, which made Isbell a little flattered: "Well, I know..."

  But after only two seconds, she realized something was wrong.

  She could feel that Patriz was using the druid's magic life detection on her through the hand she was touching.

  This technique allows the druid to check the target's life status and roughly find some obvious lesions or unusual conditions.

  "You...what are you checking, Queen Mother?" Isbel's eyes widened.

  Life detection is not that precise, so it shouldn't be able to detect that she has... But she still couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

  Patriz's expression gradually became serious, and then she suddenly slowly opened her eyes wide, looking at Isbel with obvious shock and... sullenness.

  "What's going on? Why are you pregnant!?" Patriz asked, glaring at her daughter.

  Ganon and Isabel were both shocked when they heard this.

  "Impossible, how could it be so fast!?" Isabel suddenly withdrew her hand and shouted in surprise, "I check it carefully every time!!" As soon as

  these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly froze. .

  Ganon has realized what's going on?
  Patriz suddenly calmed down her expression and her tone became calm: "I was joking."

  Isabel was petrified on the spot.

  "But what you just said may need to be explained carefully." Patriz stared at Isbell, her face gradually darkened.

  The gap between them is really not that small, Ganon thought to himself. "Uh..." Isbell's mind went blank and she could only look to Ganouen for help.

  "Bell was just kidding you." Ganoun spread his hands towards Patriz.

  "Yes, yes, I knew immediately that the queen mother was joking! Haha!" Isabel finally reacted in time this time, and smiled to deal with Patriz.

  "Her sense of humor may have been inherited from you." Ganouen said in as relaxed a tone as possible.

  "..." Patriz didn't reply, her eyes were still sharp, and she didn't seem particularly convinced.

  The atmosphere was very tense for a time, with Patriz looking suspicious, Isabel with a cold sweat on her face, and Ganouen pretending to be nonchalant.

  In fact, for Ganouen, being exposed is not a big problem. Now Patriz has nothing to do with him. As for what will happen to Isabel... she can only blame herself.

  Finally, Patrice let out a deep breath as if she was trying to calm down her emotions: "I hope you will be careful in your words and deeds in the future."

  "I understand." Isabel nodded like garlic.

  "As for your commission, I will arrange it properly and inform you of the progress later." Patriz said.

  "Your Highness, please hurry up. The empire may take action at any time." Ganon said seriously.

  "I won't let you down." Patriz said and paused, "I hope you will too."

  "Naturally." Ganouen stood up and prepared to leave.

  At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind: "My lord!"

  Ganon immediately became alert. This was the voice of the stone. The stone was communicating with him through the tower's communication function, which meant that there was an appearance on the Endless Tower. Something happened.

  "There is an intruder within the watcher's surveillance range!" Shitou reported to him.

  With some doubts, Ganon opened the Watcher.

  Anya's intelligence force is always monitoring the movements of Longkou Fortress, so the empire's dragon-slaying force should not be organized yet.

  Then, in the projection of the "Watcher", he saw a "dragon" made entirely of bones hovering at the edge of the territory. Its wings were actually only skeletons, but they seemed to have been forcibly repaired with other materials. .

  "Preliminary speculation is that this should be a necromancy creation made from the skeleton of a real dragon. It does not pose an obvious threat to the Endless Tower. If it comes close, it can be repelled with the help of defensive spells." Shitou reported to him, " But I feel the need to report to you.”

  After a short observation, Ganon discovered that the skull dragon was just hovering in the area at a long distance and did not appear to be close to the Endless Tower.

  Are you doing reconnaissance?
  After thinking for a moment, Ganouen saluted Patrizi: "I'm sorry, Your Highness, there seems to be something going on in my territory, and I have to rush back immediately." "You can know even

  here?" Patrizi She was a little surprised. She didn't know that the Endless Tower had communication and large-scale surveillance capabilities.

  "I will explain it to you carefully when I have time later. Please forgive me for being rude now." Ganon said, putting his hand on Isbell's shoulder, and then retrieved the permission letter in his consciousness, and then recorded it. On the page where the permission has been granted, the newly opened permission is called for the first time:


  (End of this chapter)

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