157. Chapter 157 Blood Prince

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  Chapter 157 : The Endless Tower of the   Blood Prince , the study room, a tea table, a pot of fine green tea, and nuts and waffles for tea in the bone saucer.

  Ganouen and Isabel were both sitting on chairs, smiling calmly and elegantly at the guests sitting opposite.

  "Actually, I just received the order from my mother to come and see how you are doing, so I hurried over here. Just this morning, I was inspecting Maple Leaf City..." The young and handsome male elf put down the tea cup, " I came in a hurry, so I shouldn't cause any trouble to you, right?"

  Elf Prince Lampard, the eldest son of the Elf King and Princess Patriz, and Isbel's brother.

  The letter in the morning was sent by Lampard, and its content was very simple. He just informed him in advance that he was ordered to visit the Endless Tower today, and first asked Ganon if it was convenient.

  He didn't say whose order he was taking, but the answer to this question didn't even need to be thought about. Who else could give orders to the prince in late summer.

  "There, you are Bell's family, and you are always welcome in the Endless Tower." Ganon raised his glass politely.

  "Brother Wang is so polite." Isabel also pursed her lips and smiled.

  She was wearing a dignified long dress and an elegantly crafted silver tiara. Her image looked very formal. The expression on her face was full of reserve. When she smiled, her teeth were too exposed and she would raise her hands to cover them. one time.

  After getting along for so long, Ganon almost forgot that Isbell still had such a face to the outside world.

  "Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye, the wedding date is less than two months away." Lampard said with emotion, "Knowing that your relationship has been cultivated so well, my mother should be relieved." "Brother Wang is

  really ." Isabel smiled.

  Ganon also smiled, and then exchanged glances with Isbell intentionally or unintentionally.

  Isabel blinked knowingly.

  In the late summer, after the wedding news of Ganouen and Isabel was released to the public, it was natural that there would be no follow-up. The wedding date was announced to the public in early winter.

  Due to various considerations, the Elf Royal Family has no plans to hold any public wedding at all. The union of the red dragon and the Elf Princess is not acceptable to everyone in Late Summer, and the Elf Royal Family does not want their daughter’s marriage to be used for public purposes. Looking at the excitement, this fixed wedding date is just to deal with the public's rhetoric.

  Ganon was too lazy to engage in such trouble, and Isabel was completely indifferent.

  But this pretentious wedding date was meaningful in the eyes of Princess Patrice of Late Summer. After the wedding date was set, she mentioned more than once in her letters to Isabel and Ganon that she hoped they would "get married" before they get married. "Restrain oneself and practice", "Restrain oneself and observe etiquette" and so on.

  Obviously, this is a request that Patriz made for her daughter after repeated consideration. Isabel once protested to her mother: "Didn't we agree to three months?"

  And Patriz's reply was also Very reasonable: "What I said at the time was that at least it was originally planned to be three years."

  Ganouen can still see Patriz's good intentions. This is probably the elf princess's intention to keep her daughter in the family. Before letting yourself go completely, make a last-ditch effort to retain even a trace of integrity and self-control in your heart.

  But she obviously overestimated her daughter. I am afraid that a long time ago, Isabel no longer had such a thing in her heart.

  Much of the courtesy in receiving Lampard was due to their own ulterior motives. They all knew tacitly that there were some facts that had happened here that were not suitable for Patrice to know.

  "Her Royal Highness the Princess still cares about Bell very much. Just to see how Bell is doing, I bother you to go all the way." Ganouen looked at Lampard and said with a smile. In his opinion, if Lampard could visit in person, it would probably not be just for such a private matter.

  Lampard immediately heard what he meant, nodded and started the topic: "Actually, there is something I want to discuss with Mr. Ganouen this time... I wonder if Mr. Ganouen knows about the Kingdom of Death?"

  " Did Mu Xia also get some news?" Ganon asked in return.

  The Kingdom of Death is far away in the south of the mainland, and like Mu Xia, it is relatively closed to the outside world. For Mu Xia, there is no special reason to have anything to do with this place.

  Lampard suddenly mentioned the Kingdom of Death. It was probably because Mu Xia discovered the fact that Queen Fred was trying to communicate with the Kingdom of Death when she was snooping around for empire information.

  "Yes, it seems that you are also aware of the latest trends in the empire. Could it be that you have sent people to the Kingdom of Death?" Lampard asked.

  "It's still on the way." Ganon replied.

  Muxia knew the fact that Ganon captured a group of dark elves and used them to form an intelligence force. Ganon did not hide anything about this, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and troubles in the future.

  Mu Xia didn't care how Ganon hired people, but Patriz reminded her to avoid contact between Isabel and the dark elves as much as possible. The reason was that Isabel had been led by those "dark elf cults" Wai, if you continue to come into contact with the dark elves, I'm afraid you will be further poisoned.

  Perhaps Her Royal Highness the Princess never dreamed that it was the Dark Elf who was influenced by her daughter.

  "We did get some further information here. The empire got in touch with a blood prince a month ago, and a week ago, it supported him in launching an attack on another prince's city-state." Lampard said.

  "The Vampire..." Ganon quickly searched for relevant information in his mind.

  The Kingdom of Death is actually a collective name for some city-states built around the gates of the underworld. These city-states are basically independent of each other and have different management systems and rulers.

  The rulers of the city-state are basically high-level necromancers or undead creatures. Some are necromancers and lichs, or their parliaments. Some are powerful enough death knights. There is also a special kind of existence, the vampire.

  Like angels and demons, vampires are also dependent creatures of gods, but they are not direct dependents of the god of death, but are derived from subordinate gods called "ancestors". Moreover, they are not directly created by gods, but transformed by humanoid creatures. .

  Although the vampires are undead creatures, they can transform other humanoid creatures into vampires with their first embrace. The closer the bloodline is to the ancestor, the stronger the vampire is.

  The first batch of vampires transformed by the ancestors were called "Princes", and they were born to be monsters comparable to ancient dragons.

  Among the many city-states in the Kingdom of Death, some are ruled by high-level vampires.

  "How do you know so detailedly?" Ganon couldn't help but ask.

  In his impression, Mu Xia's intelligence penetration ability was not strong, but the intelligence they had obtained now was obviously far more detailed than what he had found out.

  "Because just yesterday, a group of escapees came to Muxia and asked us for help." Lampard lowered his voice, "They came from the Red Moon City that was attacked by the empire and the blood prince Aliu." (End of this chapter


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