150. Chapter 150 The Dragon of Dispute

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  Chapter 150 The Dragon of Dispute
  If the extra 2% of the repair progress of the Endless Tower is related to the previous tower owner, it seems to be helping Ganoen, but Ganoen certainly does not think that this must be due to the other party's motives. Left with good intentions.

  It seems that he can't get a definite explanation at the moment, so he still needs to be more cautious.

  Ganon continued to flip through the book of permissions and found that after the tower's repair progress exceeded 20%, an additional item suddenly appeared in the permission column: [Communication] "Does

  [communication] permission mean that I can communicate with you in the future?" Tower contact?" Ganon asked smoothly.

  "Yes, in the future, even if you are outside the scope of the tower, you can always contact individuals who have signed a contract with the tower and the watcher, including me of course. You can also use the resonance clock of the tower itself to give your orders. The sound is emitted like that, covering the entire territory, and you can also use this function to remotely control the tower yourself." Shitou replied respectfully.

  "This is quite convenient." Ganon immediately tried to call up the [communication] permission, and the projection of the [Watcher] appeared in his mind.

  He found that in the Watcher's projection, the existence of all individuals who had signed membership contracts and slave contracts became obvious - these were the objects he could use [Communication] with.

  He thought for a while and tried to focus on Anya. A small projection window immediately appeared. At this time, Anya was in the room that was set aside for work on the seventh floor, having a meeting with her subordinates to communicate and organize. intelligence.

  "Anya." He tried calling.

  Anya, who was explaining the mission to her subordinates, suddenly heard Ganon's voice without any preparation, and held her breath on the spot.

  She controlled her expression and did not show any signs of impatience in front of her subordinates. Instead, she looked around calmly, looking for Ganouen.

  Normally, with her hearing, she could identify the original direction of the sound source even in a cave with echoes.

  But this time, Ganouen's voice seemed to ring directly in her head instead of reaching her ears from a certain direction.

  "You can hear my voice now, which means you are missing me deep in your heart." Ganouen said with a bit of teasing intention.

  This time Anya couldn't hold herself any longer, and her expression became obviously stiff.

  "Mistress?" Her subordinates were all very good at observing words and expressions, and immediately noticed something strange about Anya.

  "I'm not kidding you. This is a new function of the Endless Tower. I'm talking to you in the study now." Ganon also felt that his previous teasing was a bit "greasy", so he took the initiative to explain, "Finished. After the meeting, please report to me as soon as possible."

  After saying this, he cut off the communication, leaving Anya sitting there in confusion.

  "This function is quite convenient." Ganon commented.

  "Theoretically, when you repair the tower to 30%, you should be able to open the [Teleport] permission." Shitou explained.

  "You can teleport me directly to the location of the tower?" Ganon was a little surprised.

  "Yes, you can be teleported to the 'plane shuttle' array at the top of the tower, or to the location of the root array below, but this kind of teleportation will cause a greater loss of stored magic power." Shitou said.

  This is really good news. If he can return to the tower at any time, Ganon will no longer have to worry about being suddenly attacked when he leaves the territory.

  Ganon continued to flip through the book of authority and turned to the page at the back that belonged to the hymn to the God of War.

  The portrait of the God of War and two lines of hymns appear in the book. The content of the two lines of hymns is very simple and crude:
  "The mighty Lord of armies,
  conquer! Conquer!! Conquer!!!"

  Ganon went straight to it. The top of the tower transformed into the form of a giant dragon again.

  As his progress increased significantly, his body grew further. In addition to his body becoming larger, his scales turned crimson, and the lava light bursting from his eyes became even more dazzling.

  Now he has almost reached the middle to late stage of old age. If he uses the blessing of "Lord", he should be able to reach the growth stage of an extremely old red dragon in one fell swoop.

  He can clearly feel that his ability to sense and control flames has become more powerful. If we look at the scale of controlling flames, the fire spells he releases should be comparable to the fire magic released by a legendary elemental mage.

  Long Wei seems to have become more flexible. He now feels that he can lock on a specific target and release the pressure intensively, causing its will to collapse and temporarily obey him, achieving an effect similar to the control technique.

  But this is not the most important thing. The key lies in the new [blessing].

  "The mighty Lord of armies, conquer! Conquer! Conquer!!!"

  He tried to recite the content of the hymn silently in his heart.

  A strong and overbearing force ran through his body like an electric current. Ganon felt his bones and muscles making a strange noise. The horns on his head grew a bit longer, and his claws, spinous processes on his face and neck The crown of thorns on his body also grew, and the dragon scales on his body suddenly began to glow with a hard metallic luster.

  The blessed form of the God of War did not change his appearance greatly, but it only became slightly more majestic and more ferocious.

  Ganon flapped his wings and easily flew up to a height of more than ten meters from the top of the tower. He flipped around in the air, his muscle strength increased significantly, and his body seemed to become lighter, making his movements More agile.

  More importantly, the acuity of his senses has also been greatly improved, and he can clearly feel that he can see further.

  Perhaps his reaction speed has also been improved, which can make up for his lack of quick reaction speed.

  This is just the effect of his form change, the real [blessing] power is more than that.

  He tried to invoke the power of [Blessing], and a strong impulse burst out from the depths of his body. He immediately followed the impulse and opened his mouth, letting out a dragon roar that resounded through the sky.

  This dragon's roar was more powerful than usual and spread further. On this day, the Empire's Longkou Fortress also heard a loud rumble in the distance, but it was difficult to tell whether it was thunder or not.

  For some reason, everyone who heard this sound felt a little chill of fear down their spines, as if a sharp blade was on their necks.

  At the same time, all the members in the Endless Tower, including Zhenna and others, as well as the human prisoners in the dungeon and members of the Dark Elf Intelligence Force, were surprised to feel that vitality was filling their bodies, and an unprecedented fighting spirit was in their hearts. It rose up - even though they didn't see the shadow of the so-called enemy at all.

  But if the enemies of the Endless Tower appear in front of them at this moment, they know that they will definitely use all their body's potential to rush into battle without fear.

  Ganon had a similar feeling, with a steady stream of vitality being squeezed out of his body and surging inside him.

  From the projection of the watcher, he confirmed the effect. After the blessing is turned on, his dragon roar can stimulate the physical potential of him and his comrades who are kind to him, as well as all individuals who obey him, and stimulate their fighting spirit. It dispels fear and other negative emotions that are not conducive to combat. The effect is somewhat similar to a large-scale fearless battle cry and Jedi counterattack.

  This is undoubtedly an ability that can shine on a large-scale battlefield. Now he is a dragon of strife that can dominate the battlefield!

  (End of chapter)

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