147. Chapter 147 Happy Wedding

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  Chapter 147 Happy Wedding
  "What the hell..." Anya looked at Zhenna in surprise.

  I remember that when she woke up that day, her back was sore and she couldn't stand up, but it was said that she was a prank played by Isabel that time, and Zhenna's appearance... seemed to be real.

  "The bed inside didn't collapse, right?" Mo La teased.

  Isabel's eyes lit up as soon as she saw Zhenna, and she immediately moved forward with enthusiasm, helped Zhenna pull out the chair, stretched out her hand to hold Zhenna's arm to help her sit down: "Oh, my dear sister, you are here. ? Sit down, sit down!"

  "Uh..." Zhenna looked at Isabel and hesitated.

  "You must have been exhausted yesterday. Let me give you a massage later, and add some herbs to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis." Isabel took advantage of the situation and began to massage Zhenna's shoulders.

  "No... no need." Zhenna couldn't resist.

  "You're welcome, from now on we will be good sisters sharing the same dragon." Isabel smiled and put her face next to Zhenna.

  "Don't be like this, it's disgusting. What do you want to do?" Zhenna finally couldn't bear it anymore and pushed Isabel away.

  "Okay, actually I just want to ask a few questions." Isabel finally sat back in her seat and moved her chair towards Zhenna.

  "Come on, this is a rare opportunity, let's have a good chat." Mo La was also very interested in this topic and immediately moved to the seat on the other side of Zhenna.

  "..." Anya said nothing, but did not leave the restaurant. Instead, she carefully moved behind the three chairs and leaned against the wall, pricking her ears to listen.

  "To be honest, I don't really want to answer." Zhenna planned to refuse at first, but seeing the two people on the left and right approaching curiously, she could only sigh helplessly, "But you can ask if you want. Just ask, as long as it's not too weird a question."

  She knew very well that with Isbell's temperament, she would definitely pester her to get to the bottom of it. Instead of being annoyed by her all day long, it would be better to simply satisfy her.

  What's more, in her current state, she couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

  "Very good, then..." Isbell raised her hand and put it on her face enthusiastically, "Size?"

  "What are you talking about?" The first question made Zhenna a little overwhelmed.

  "What else can I say? Are you an experienced person asking me?" Isabel asked.

  Of course Zhenna understood what Isabel was asking, she was just frightened.

  "Vulgar! But I like it." Mo La commented on Isbell's question, then looked at Zhenna and urged, "Speak quickly!"

  Zhenna faltered for a while, and could only hold back one sentence: "I turned on the light at that time It's turned off, I didn't look at it..."

  "Dragons can transform. Considering Ganon's current maximum size, this upper limit is probably hard to imagine. What's the point of asking this?" Anya complained later.

  "That's true." Isbell thought about it again and asked again, "Then ask something practical..."

  She leaned into Zhenna's ear and asked a few more questions.

  Zhenna's face turned redder and redr as she listened, and then she was silent for a long time.

  "What's wrong with you? Tell me quickly." Isabel urged after waiting for a long time but didn't get an answer.

  "Actually, I lost my memory..." Zhenna looked like she was ready to wake up.

  "How can you be like this!?" Isabel shouted and put her arms around Zhenna's neck.

  "But your question is too strange, isn't it? What is the difference between dragon form and human form? How should I answer you?" Zhenna struggled hard.

  "There's something wrong with you." Moura looked at Isabel in surprise.

  "Oh, I'm an expert. Believe me, all the textbooks I read are like this!" Isabel vowed.

  "Stop it. Talking about this kind of thing with this pervert will distort your own perception. All she knows is learned from those cults." Anya couldn't help but speak.

  "Then it seems you know a lot about it, right?" Isabel turned to face Anya.

  "I don't understand, and I don't want to understand!" Anya replied coldly.

  "Let's continue asking the person involved." Mora raised her hand and held down Zhenna, who wanted to escape quietly while Isbell diverted her attention.

  "Let me go..." Zhenna's tone was a bit pleading.

  She really wanted to turn into a mouse and crawl out from under the table.

  "If you can't say anything, why not drink some wine to strengthen your courage?" Moura said, pressing the distilled wine bottle on the table.

  "You might as well give me a bucket." Zhenna replied with a dark face.

  "If you are so generous, why not just recruit them from the real world?" Mo La said.

  "Give me a bucket and I'll get drunk right away." Zhenna replied expressionlessly.

  "Zhenna, you have to see the reality clearly. When you wake up, you still can't escape, you know?" Isbel patted Zhenna on the shoulder and said sincerely.

  Zhenna sighed resignedly and replied: "In that case, I will only answer one question truthfully..." "

  Then..." Isabel opened her mouth and was about to come.

  But she was immediately interrupted by Zhenna raising her hand: "You can't ask! I have to decide whose question to answer." "

  Then I'll ask." Mo La took the initiative to take over.

  "It's not okay for you to watch the excitement and not take it too seriously." Zhenna replied firmly.

  "As you wish..." Moura said and turned around,
  Isabel also turned around, and their eyes fell on Anya who was leaning against the wall.

  "Me?" Anya took a second to react and opened her eyes wide.

  "Yes, you ask." Zhenna said seriously.

  "Why this black guy?" Isabel was a little unconvinced.

  Zhenna ignored Isbell. She chose Anya because Anya seemed to be the least interested in this matter among the people present, and the other party would probably not ask too much.

  "Anyway, I only answer one question, and it's up to you to ask this question." Zhenna said to Anya.

  "You must be interested in staying here and dig out some exciting information!" Mo La encouraged Anya.

  "Who's interested?" Anya muttered, but still thought about it seriously for a long time.

  Finally, she spoke under the gaze of Mo La and Isabel: "Now that you have come into contact with his true nature, do you think it is worth it? Do you have any regrets?" Zhenna unexpectedly turned her head when she heard this question and looked at it in surprise

  . Anya, but found that Anya's eyes were very serious.

  "This is not a question of worthiness or regret, but I expect this. This is out of my own wishes." Zhenna quickly answered.

  Anya looked at her for a while, then looked away: "Really?"

  "What a stupid question you asked. Isn't this obvious?" Isbel glared at Anya.

  Anya ignored her and seemed to be thinking about something.

  "I also want to ask..." Mo La tried to speak.

  "I won't answer." Zhenna said.

  "It's not an unusual question." Mo La smiled and waved her hand, "Did you sleep last night?"

  Zhenna was stunned, lowered her head and whispered back: "...No."

  Isabel and Mo La understood. The ground groaned.

  "No matter what, congratulations, happy wedding." Mo La smiled and poured wine for Zhenna.

  (End of chapter)

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