141. Chapter 141 If I don’t give any indication, I’m still a human being?

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  Chapter 141: If I don’t show any sign, I’m still a human being?

  In the Endless Tower, Ganon and all the members of the Endless Tower gathered in the hall. The stone golem gave Moura and Anya a simple examination, and finally came to the conclusion: "This is contaminated by chaos

  . But it can be cured with the power of the tower."

  "Chaos? What is it?" Ganon asked.

  "The memory I stored shows that it is an existence that can pollute life, spirit and even matter. Fortunately, both of these two people only have their life forms polluted. They only need to inject enough vitality to pollute their life forms. Make corrections." Stone explained.

  Ganouen was very concerned about the concept mentioned by Shitou, but now was not the time to get to the bottom of it, so he only asked the more critical question: "Can their physiques hold up?" He still remembered that

  Isabel deliberately As explained before, the druid's life healing technique actually has side effects. If the target's constitution is not strong enough to withstand the injected vitality, new lesions will appear.

  In this kind of emergency, there are just some risks, and you have to take them.

  Ganon was worried that the Life Healing Technique could not completely cure the condition, but instead caused other pathologies, ultimately worsening the condition.

  "Theoretically speaking, their condition is not caused by the implantation of parasitic eggs or seeds, but by Chaos contaminating part of their bodies, causing this part of the body to mutate. The strength of the mutated part is the same as their own body Yes, so the correction power needed should be within the upper limit of what their own physiques can withstand. In fact, Miss Isabel can cure them if she uses all her strength to perform the spell. However, there are two people to be treated, so it is better to use the divine seal. The strength is better." Shi Shi explained.

  "Let's put this kind of explanation aside for now. If you can cure it, give it to me as soon as possible!" Mo La couldn't wait any longer.

  "Indeed, once Ganon's flames stopped, that thing seemed to become active again." Anya also agreed with an uneasy look on her face.

  "Then please follow me." Shitou led everyone up the stairs, and finally arrived at the sixth floor of the tower.

  "Do we have to come here?" Anya sighed when she saw the temple dedicated to the Earth Mother Goddess, which she regarded as heretical.

  "It is most suitable to cast this kind of spell inside the temple of the Earth Mother, and it is best controlled by Miss Isabel, who is the priest." Shitou explained calmly.

  "Whether you want to be cured or not, you will be the one who dies in the end, not me." Isabel held her hands beside her.

  "To be honest, I'm a little worried about letting you do the magic..." Anya stared at Isbell.

  She and Isabel have never been on good terms. With the way of dark elves, it would be strange to not do anything at this time.

  Isabel saw what she was thinking, crossed her hands and said "hum": "Don't think of me like you, I will never take advantage of others. Although I have a lot of unpleasantness with you, to be honest, I actually don’t want you to die either…”

  When Isabel said this, she looked directly into Anya’s eyes, her face full of seriousness.

  This made Anya feel regretful and looked away: "Then I'll thank you first."

  Then, she heard Isabel smiling evilly and saying: "If you die, how can I see you being raped in the future?" The famous scene where Norn's training made her cry for father and mother?"

  "What the hell..." Anya glared at Isbell, and the little bit of goodwill she had for this elf disappeared in an instant.

  "Stop bickering, okay? Let's settle the fatal matter first before talking about anything else?" Mo La interrupted, interrupting the quarrel between the two in time.

  "Please two of you stand near the divine seal." Shitou guided from the side.

  Anya and Mo La stood still as told.

  "Next, just let Miss Isabel use the spell." Shitou said.

  Isabel stretched out her hand toward the divine seal and tried to invoke the authorized life healing technique.

  The divine seal began to shine, and a magic circle appeared on the ground of the temple.

  Isabel began to guide this large-scale spell, carefully controlling the scale and intensity.

  A spring breeze-like warmth began to linger around Anya and Mo La, then soaked into their bodies and flowed to their limbs.

  Previously, under the influence of Ganon's fire of life, the mutated parts of their bodies were obviously suppressed, but there were still residues.

  And now, under this strong warmth, the foreign object that stuck in their throats began to move violently as if they felt pain. However, this death struggle only lasted for a moment, then quickly subsided, and finally fell silent.

  "Haha, it's gone!" Mo La shouted happily. She had been frightened all the way that a monster might break out of her body, but now she was finally out of danger.

  Anya also let out a sigh of relief. The dangerous aura she felt had completely disappeared.

  "Ganoen, you are a good guy, you can get along!" The excited Moura suddenly rushed over enthusiastically, reaching out to hook up with Ganon, but she was not tall enough, so in the end she could only hold Ganon's arm.

  With their height difference, they looked a bit like a little bird clinging to someone.

  Anya frowned when she saw this scene: "Thank you, thank you. There is no need to stick with others. Don't get too excited." "What are you doing? It's just a

  hookup. My fiancée doesn't have any objections. What do you have to say? "?" Mo La asked immediately.

  "I..." Anya was speechless on the spot, and then continued stammering, "Just, just remind you."

  Yes, what I am dissatisfied about is none of my business - even Anya herself has to Admit that Mora is right.

  But just watching that scene, that sentence came out naturally for some reason.

  Zhenna and Isabel exchanged glances, and both of them vaguely saw something.

  "After all, I saved you, shouldn't you show some expression?" Ganon suddenly said.

  "Didn't you say that saving me is part of the contract?" Anya raised her eyes when she heard this.

  "In order not to delay rescuing you, I just checked the treasure house of Grand Duke Xihe and left without having time to search it. This loss is unreasonable and should not be expressed properly?" Ganouen said half-jokingly.

  Before leaving, he tentatively went to the treasure house of Xihe Castle. At that time, the door of the treasure house had been opened, and there was no need for Ganon to destroy it. He did not find anything similar to an artifact inside.

  He speculated that the helmet Baphomet got was stolen from the Archduke's treasury.

  Because of the situation of Anya and Mora, Ganon chose to rush back to the Endless Tower as soon as possible, without taking the time to search the Grand Duke's treasure house, and left directly after confirming that there was no artifact.

  "Don't worry, of course I have to give it to you!" Moura tightly held Ganouen's arm and waved her hand proudly, "This is a life-saving grace. If you don't give me some expression, you are still a human being?" (End of Chapter


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