133. Chapter 133 Sneaking into the Castle

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  Chapter 133 Sneaking into the Castle
  Outside the Castle of the Principality of Xihe, Ganouen and Anya in disguise were sitting in a tavern in a bustling neighborhood to eat.

  "Baphomet has been officially appointed as the leader of the Dragon Slaying Regiment. She seems to be preparing to reduce the number of vanguard troops." Anya conveyed the report she had just received from her subordinates to Ganon.

  "Do you want to start the dragon-slaying operation in advance?" Ganon immediately saw the other party's intention.

  The number of vanguard troops has been streamlined, and the required dragon-slaying equipment will also decrease. The most backward part of the dragon-slaying regiment formed by the Xihe Principality is weapons. Weapons that can pierce dragon scales must use legendary metals, and those who forge legendary metals The technology was only available to the dwarves and was limited to the production of mithril and orichalcum. This large order from the Principality of Xihe was completed very slowly.

  It seems that the druid named Baphomet doesn't care much about the success rate of the dragon-slaying operation. In comparison, she wants to move the operation as early as possible.

  This is in line with Ganouen's guess. She has no interest in the reward and the reward promised by Duke Dipu. Her real purpose is to use the troops of the Principality of Xihe to test the Endless Tower.

  So even though he didn't get enough accurate information, Ganon still decided to take action in advance.

  Rather than waiting for the opponent to be ready to attack, it would be more appropriate to take the initiative and catch the opponent off guard.

  "In addition, Baphomet has moved into the Grand Duke's castle and is said to have replaced the Grand Duke's personal doctor." Anya added.

  "In other words, there is a chance to get rid of her together, right?" Ganouen thought as he tore off the drumsticks of the roasted chicken, stuffed them into his mouth, chewed them together with the bones, and ate them.

  Killing Archduke Dipu is the first priority, but if possible, it would be best to also get rid of the Druid named Baphomet. Although he has never met him, his intuition tells him that this mysterious Druid is full of mystery. It's a thorny hidden danger.

  "I advise you not to act forcefully, just get rid of the Grand Duke first. If this Baphomet is not just a supernatural being, or has some tricky props, he might not be able to kill him easily," Anya advised.

  She did this not because she was worried about Ganouen, but because of her own safety.

  The Grand Duke of Xihe himself is a master-level paladin, and he has guards around him. Baphomet is suspected to be a druid above the extraordinary realm, and may also be hiding some special power.

  These two targets are not easy for Anya to deal with. If Ganon insists on killing Baphomet, the difficulty of this assassination mission will undoubtedly rise sharply. She does not want to sacrifice her life to Ganon anyway.

  "I will look at the situation myself. You don't need to kill anyone, so don't worry." Ganon could see Anya's concerns.

  "Just sneaking in is risky, okay? Can I count on you to save me if something happens?" Anya curled her lips.

  "You are still valuable to me. I will save you if you can." Ganon replied casually.

  "Who cares?" Anya said, turning her head towards the window. After a while, she said, "Here we come." Ganouen

  also cast his gaze over, and a carriage escorted by a guard of honor composed of knights drove through the square. Avenue, heading towards the castle.

  Anya could sense through the tracking technique that Mora was in that carriage, and they were waiting for Mora to enter the castle here.

  "Then I have to start working." Anya drank the rest of the soup, got up and went out.

  "Waiting for your good news." Ganouen replied and continued to enjoy his lunch.

  Anya went out and blended into the crowd, looking at the castle in the distance and opening the door, ready to welcome the carriage.

  At this time, the castle's security forces were basically concentrated near the city gate, and people in the square were also watching on both sides of the avenue. After Mo La went to the border and "thrown herself into a trap", the wedding was put on the agenda as normal, and many people knew about it. News, the anecdote that the Grand Duke is planning to marry a dwarf is discussed here.

  Grand Duke Xihe was publicly accused twice by his own people, and his habits were well known in his territory. Some people sympathize with the dwarf princess, but most of them do so with a mocking attitude.

  For example, Anya heard a person's speech in the tavern before:

  "This is the perfect marriage. The Grand Duke got the 'girl' with the longest shelf life that he had dreamed of. From then on, all the families who gave birth to daughters in the Principality breathed a sigh of relief." It's no wonder that Mo La wants to escape from the marriage. This is not just about marrying a disgusting person

  . In the decades since the old pervert hooked up with him, his life has become a joke in the mouths of some shameless busybodies.

  Everyone in the square focused their attention on the avenue and the castle. Anya quietly walked towards the towering clock tower on the square.

  The moment she left everyone's sight, she used invisibility, and her figure disappeared like a drop of ink melting into the water.

  She didn't really become invisible or disappear, but people without special sensory abilities still couldn't detect her presence.

  She walked quickly up the stairs, passed by the bell ringer who was resting on the lounge chair, and arrived at the top loft. She walked through the window to the top of the tower, and the strong wind from high up ruffled her hair.

  She tied her long hair up casually, took out a crossbow, and aimed at somewhere on the top of the castle wall to fire.

  A special crossbow arrow was fired with transparent spider silk behind it.

  The dungeon where the dark elves live is home to many monsters that live in the dark world, including some giant spiders.

  Dark elves raise these giant spiders, train them into hunting dogs and guard dogs, and extract silk from their silk sacs to use as props.

  These transparent spider silks are stronger than iron ropes, but so thin that they are difficult to detect.

  The head of the crossbow is fixed with a bird's egg-shaped silk sac, which breaks when it hits something hard. The spider silk mucus inside sticks to the wall and quickly solidifies.

  Anya fixed the spider silk, then used the spider silk as a zipline and quickly slid to the top of the castle without anyone seeing her. When she landed, she lit the spider silk with a match, and a small handful of flames floated in the air. In a flash, the spider silk disappeared.

  At this time, the carriage escorting Mora entered the castle, and the city gate slowly closed.

  Anya jumped off the city wall and prepared to go to the place where the carriage stopped. The first thing she had to do was to locate Mora in the castle.

  With her ability, she could only lurk in this castle for a day or two. It was not easy to determine the whereabouts of the Grand Duke of Xihe in the castle, so she had to use Mo La to fish the Grand Duke out.

  After all, the fiancée who was exchanged for a mine was sent to the castle, and the lecherous Grand Duke had to come to see her and "inspect the goods."

  Just as she was about to walk directly across the courtyard, a patrolling soldier walked past nearby.

  At first, Anya was prepared to ignore the soldier and quietly go around him. With her ability to hide, most people might not be able to sense her presence even if they watched her walking past. Unless She interferes with that person, or with something that that person has perceived.

  But at this moment, Anya sensed an unusual aura.

  She was slightly taken aback and carefully observed the patrolling soldier. Judging from his appearance, this soldier was just an ordinary guard in the castle, but that aura came from this soldier.

  The danger detection ability of the assassin profession is actually an intuition for the unusual things hidden inside things, such as abnormal magic flow, enemies lurking in the dark, hidden traps, etc.

  And they can only vaguely feel this unusualness with a certain probability. To analyze the source of this "unusual", they can only rely on knowledge and experience.

  Feeling this kind of aura from the other party does not mean that the soldier is a master of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. On the contrary, Anya can see from the other party's gait and eyes that the patrol soldier is very distracted, as if he is drunk. The wine is average.

  If someone has been cast under a spell or is carrying some dangerous item, the assassin's intuition may also react.

  After thinking for a while, Anya chose to avoid this person first.

  After the person completely disappeared from sight, she appeared and moved towards Mo La's position.

  (End of chapter)

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