126. Chapter 126 Life Healing Technique

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  Chapter 126 Life Healing Technique

  Xihe Principality, Capital Fortress.

  In the ward where the wounded were placed in the military camp, a woman wearing a druid robe stood beside the bed, and on the bed lay a noncommissioned officer who was in a semi-conscious state.

  The sergeant's right upper arm was covered with bandages. Two medical soldiers carefully cut and removed the bandages for him.

  A frown-inducing stench suddenly filled the air. There was a shocking wound on the sergeant's arm. Black gangrene had formed on the edge of the wound and could not be healed. The toxemia caused by the infection made him very weak.

  "This poor sergeant participated in the expedition against Mu Xia. An elf bow penetrated the gap in the armor and stabbed him. The injury was not serious. After the war, the medical soldiers gave him emergency treatment, but after that Afterwards, his wound became suppurated and repeatedly infected, making it difficult to heal. In the end, it became like this and he also collapsed." Murray, the general of the Xihe Principality, stood behind the woman dressed as a druid and gave a brief explanation

  . Then he pointed to the sergeant and said to her:

  "Unfortunately, this kind of injury cannot be cured by my Holy Light Technique. Our military doctor suggested removing the muscle. From now on, his dominant hand It will become a decoration. Miss Baphomet, you said you are good at healing. Can you handle this situation?" "

  Of course. He was hit by the Druid's debilitating spell, and the wound was caused by the decline in physical fitness. Recurrent infection. Using my technique to treat it can be said to be the right medicine." Baphomet said with a calm smile.

  "Then, this is your assessment project." Murray put his hands behind his back and stood aside.

  Baphomet stared at the sergeant on the bed who was shaking due to high fever, and nonchalantly covered the festering wound with his soft hand.

  A few seconds passed, and the muscles around the wound suddenly twitched violently. The sergeant's eyes widened suddenly, he howled in pain, and then began to struggle subconsciously.

  "Hold him down." Baphomet ordered calmly.

  The medical soldier on the side had to help quickly and stepped forward to hold down the sergeant who suddenly started twisting like crazy.

  The sergeant's frail body burst out with strong strength. Just from the strength of this struggle, the medical soldier could truly feel the pain the other party suffered.

  Murray frowned suspiciously. The sergeant's muscles were twitching continuously, and something seemed to be crawling under his skin. This scene looked a bit strange.

  Although there were druids in the empire, there were very few high-level druids above the master level. He had not participated in the expedition against Mu Xia. Before that, he had only seen a druid perform a healing spell once.

  In his impression, the Druid's healing technique shouldn't be so painful.

  He didn't have much trust in the woman who called herself Baphomet. He had never been to Shaman City in the northwest, but he knew that it was a mixed place. If the Grand Duke of Xihe hadn't insisted on it, he was actually opposed to recruiting mercenaries from that kind of place. To lead the principality's army.

  Moreover, this woman said that she was a Druid in the extraordinary realm, but she had obvious black scars on her face, neck and arms.

  A druid in the extraordinary realm can change his life form with a high degree of freedom. At least he should be able to remove the scars on his body.

  Regarding Murray's doubts, Baphomet's explanation was that the scars on his body were caused by the curse of a warlock he fought with in the past and could not be easily restored.

  After a while, the sergeant calmed down and gradually stopped struggling.

  The medical soldier pressing him clearly felt that his body was no longer so hot. As a large amount of sweat poured out of his body, his body temperature suddenly dropped to normal levels.

  He looked at the man beside the bed with wide eyes, and General Murray could see that the sergeant was regaining consciousness.

  Baphomet removed his hand, and General Murray was surprised to find that the wound had disappeared, leaving a new layer of pink skin.

  "Stand up," Baphomet suggested to the sergeant.

  The sergeant was still a little confused, but he did as he was told.

  He walked out of bed, suddenly feeling extra light and in surprisingly good condition.

  "What do you think, Sergeant?" Murray asked him.

  "Oh, General! I'm so sorry!!" Noting what a big shot he was here to visit him, the sergeant quickly saluted him.

  "Answer me, what do you think?" General Murray asked again.

  "Praise the Lord, I feel great. I thought I was going to die for the past two months, but now I feel like I have changed my body." The sergeant tried to move his body and was pleasantly surprised to find out his physical condition Seems better than before the injury.

  "Please take two steps around the room," Baphomet said with a smile.

  The sergeant walked a few steps as he was told, and suddenly made a sound of surprise, and a medical soldier also showed a dumbfounded look.

  "What's going on?" General Murray asked again.

  "Back to General, I... my old knee injury seems to have healed!" the sergeant shouted with surprise on his face.

  "This is a general. Sergeant, he has injured his knee before. It hurts on rainy days and he has a slight limp when he walks." A medical soldier explained to General Murray.

  General Murray looked at Baphomet in surprise.

  "With a little effort." Baphomet smiled and spread his hands, "Does this count as passing the test, General?" "There is

  no doubt about your strength, and you fully meet our conditions." General Murray nodded, "It's better to say , just asking you to lead an army of a thousand people seems a bit humiliating."

  A druid who is good at strengthening and healing spells, although not suitable for directly participating in battles with dragons, can provide powerful forces to the soldiers of the Dragon Slaying Regiment. The support greatly strengthened their physical fitness, treated the wounded, and directly raised the combat effectiveness of the Dragon Slaying Group to a higher level.

  When paired with warriors of sufficient level, they can also play complementary roles.

  "With all due respect, I would like to ask, Miss Baphomet, with your ability, you can get good status and treatment anywhere, why do you live like a bounty hunter in Sandman City?" General Murray asked bluntly. .

  "I wanted to study history and explore the hidden truth of the gods, so I searched for ancient ruins everywhere in the desert. I heard from some channels that there was a red dragon occupying a ruins in the border area, and then I happened to see it in Shaman City. The reward issued by the principality. You want to kill the red dragon, and I want to study the ruins. We have the same purpose." Baphomet replied with a smile.

  "So that's it." General Murray accepted the statement.

  "Of course, this does not mean that I am not interested in money and status at all. In addition to life healing, I am also proficient in medicine. If the general or the lord needs to recuperate the body, I will be happy to help at any time." Baphomet Said meaningfully.

  "Sooner or later, the Grand Duke will hear about your deeds. If he is interested, he will naturally meet you, but he is busy with everything, so it is hard to say." General Murray responded calmly, "Before that, you should stay in the fortress. "The recruitment of the Dragon Slayer Corps will take some time."

  "Understood." Baphomet bowed his head and saluted.

  "Come here, I'll ask someone to arrange a room for you." General Murray said and led her out.

  The cured sergeant had not fully reacted yet and could only salute the general who was leaving in a daze.

  After a while, he actually felt something moving in his arm. He touched it in surprise, but found nothing.

  Probably, it was just a slight muscle cramp.

  (End of chapter)

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