118. Chapter 118 Different worlds, same routine

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  Chapter 118 Same routine in different worlds
  "What's going on with these guys?" As the five people approached, Ganouen also noticed them and asked Anya, "Is it so chaotic here at night?" "It's very chaotic

  . , but it’s not common for people to gather together to cause trouble like this. If they make too much noise, they will be punished by the gang in charge." Anya quickly glanced at the five people.

  She noticed that among the two people following her, there was a short man who looked familiar. One of his hands was wrapped in a bandage and there was a faint trace of blood.

  "It seems to have something to do with the pickpocket I met today." Anya understood what was going on.

  This pickpocket seems to have his own small gang. These gangs should be large gangs that rely on local management. They do some chores for others, pay protection fees regularly to maintain their existence in the city, and then do some underground business or sneak around in the city. This is very common in Shaman City.

  "Man, you guys are causing some trouble." A man who seemed to be the leader said from the front.

  Ganouen ignored him at all and continued to whisper to Anya: "You can't steal things to seek revenge. How did a bastard fish like this survive here?" When the pickpocket came over in the afternoon, Anya used a dagger

  . After pricking her hand, the other party should have known with any brain that Anya was not an ordinary assassin.

  If you think about it further, you should also consider that the male humans around this dark elf female assassin may not be simple either.

  It's really hard to imagine how these people still dare to take advantage of them.

  "Usually these little characters don't take such risks, but if you bring too much money, it's inevitable that you'll catch a few thieves who can't figure it out. And as I said before, there are no real strong people in this poor place. I I rarely come here in person, who would have thought that there is such a super monster like you?" Anya answered.

  The biggest motivation driving this gang is not to help the members seek revenge, but what the pickpocket described to them, which is suspected to be a bag full of gold coins. For this small gang, this is a sum that can change their status in the city. The huge amount of money will inevitably make them want to take a risk.

  "Can it be killed?" Ganon tentatively confirmed with Anya.

  "Of course, who asked them to pick such a suitable place to start their own business?"

  This street intersection is very spacious, like a small square. It was full of stalls during the day, but became extremely empty after the stalls were closed at night. The surrounding shops also turned off their lights, and no one would pass by for a while.

  This group of people specifically chose this place to surround Ganouen and the two, which actually made it easier for Ganouen to take action.

  Some of the gangsters could no longer hold themselves back. Ganouen and Anya kept standing there whispering to each other, treating them like nothing. This was really irritating.

  The strong man walking with the pickpocket suddenly stepped forward, quickly approached Anya from behind, and was ready to hold the woman in a bear hug. He was wearing a chainmail armor, so he was not afraid of the other party's counterattack with a dagger.

  Ganon noticed this man's movements and suddenly stood between him and Anya.

  Anya looked at Ganouen's back with some surprise.

  "Go!" The leader immediately ordered his subordinates to follow him and draw their weapons and surround him.

  Seeing that Ganouen didn't even have a weapon on him, the strong man swung a punch and hit Ganouen in the face without thinking, but Ganouen raised his hand to catch it.

  At this moment, the strong man felt that he had punched the iron plate, and there was a dull pain in the bones of his hand.

  This kind of pain did not last long, because it was immediately covered by more severe pain - Ganouen held his fist and squeezed it slightly, accompanied by the crisp sound of broken bones, his fist was like clay It also transformed into an incredible shape in the opponent's hands.

  The strong man opened his mouth to shout, but no sound came out because Ganouen raised his other hand and stabbed directly into his neck.

  The sudden change caused the others to stop approaching Ganon. Before they could react, Ganon directly cut off the strong man's cervical spine with his fingers and pulled out his head.

  The strong man who had lost his head fell down, and the pickpocket faced Ganoen with a bloody human head in his hand. He was so frightened that his legs weakened on the spot before he could feel the power of the dragon.

  Fortunately, before he could control his urge to urinate, Ganoen smashed his head over to him. Ganoen's arm strength caused an afterimage that was difficult to see on the strong man's head, and only a "thud" could be heard. There was a loud noise, and the two heads collided and their skulls were shattered at the same time.

  The remaining three people had already started to turn around and run away. Flames burst out from Ganon's body, and three compressed fireballs gathered together.

  Spell-like ability, Fire Shaping.

  Nowadays, Ganon's growth level is close to that of an old dragon. He can not only release flames from all parts of his body, but also shape the flames, just like a mage who casts elemental spells.

  Under Ganon's control, the compressed fireball erupted a little flame towards the rear, turning into a bolide and accelerating towards the three of them.

  The two people running behind were caught up by the fireball before they could take a few steps, and the flames erupted and swallowed them up.

  The remaining leader seemed to have a profession such as a warrior or an assassin, and when he was about to be overtaken, he tried to turn over and dodge.

  However, a dagger suddenly pierced his leg, causing him to lose his balance.

  The dodging movement stopped for a moment, and he was also hit by the fireball and was swallowed up by the flames on the spot.

  The three people danced and struggled in the fire for a while, and then fell to the ground one after another. Ganouen and Anya just stood there and watched expressionlessly.

  "The folk customs are really simple. Can the population here really be maintained?" Ganon commented.

  In less than a day here, he killed ten people.

  "Don't worry, there will always be people who can't stay in the civilized world and drift here. The northwest is full of unexplored land, with many ruins and dungeons. Every year there are new fugitives, bounty hunters, and explorers. This is where the hell comes from." Anya replied and then looked at Ganouen, "What do you mean by just blocking me? Do I need your protection?" "You're

  not happy anymore, are you?" Ganouen looked at her.

  "Anyway, you'd better not think that you can sell me a favor like this." Anya said seriously.

  Although the red dragon said it would provide her with protection, Anya didn't believe in this promise at all.

  In the situation just now, even if Ganouen hadn't taken action, she could have killed all these little characters on the spot. At least it would have been easy to escape safely.

  When there was real danger, she didn't think Ganouen would be willing to take risks to save her life. When necessary, Ganouen would not hesitate to treat her as an abandoned child.

  Noisy voices suddenly sounded in the distance.

  "He's a patrolman. Playing with fire is too conspicuous." Anya patted Ganon's arm, "Hurry up and don't let the gangs who control this territory find you!" Ganon followed Anya on the night road

  . Run, quickly ran back to the Tequila Tavern, and then Anya signaled Ganouen to follow her to slow down her steps, and walked into the Tequila Tavern pretending to be nonchalant.

  "Will the gangs here investigate us?" Ganon asked Anya in a low voice.

  "There is no direct threat to interests, so they don't care about investigating the case. But martial law will definitely be enforced tonight. In order to avoid causing more trouble...it will be very troublesome for me to go out later!" Anya said with a bit of complaint in her tone, "It's all I blame you, I won't make such a big noise if I come to kill you!" "

  Then you can stay here, maybe there will be new troubles coming to the door in the future, and you can help me keep an eye on them." Ganouen said.

  After what had just happened, he realized that the security situation in this city was indeed a bit bad, and it was still difficult for a person to sleep with peace of mind.

  He is not worried about his personal safety, but he is still more worried about his money.

  "Finally, you started to coax me to sleep in a room. This is your purpose!" Anya glared at Ganouen and said.

  "Don't think so much?" Ganon replied.

  "Hmph, is the next step 'nothing bad will happen if you sleep on the same bed', and the next step is 'nothing will happen if you hug me for a while'... Anyway, you can't lie to me!" Anya stared at Ganou warily. kindness.

  "Do I really need to go to such trouble if I come?" Ganon raised his eyebrows.

  By the way, this world actually has this kind of routine?
  "Direct force will cause resistance, but adding layers of pressure can gradually lower the limit. Don't think I don't understand this method!" Anya said.

  "Since you know the tricks so well, why should you worry about being deceived? Let's go." Ganon didn't bother to talk nonsense to this overthinking dark elf, and directly pulled her upstairs.

  "No! Let me go!" Anya protested softly, trying to break free, but was soon forced to stop resisting because of the contract.

  Ganouen pulled her into the room, and then said: "While it's still early, let's take turns to rest. I'll sleep first, and you'll sit in the room and watch. We'll switch in the second half of the night." "I can sleep in the room while you are there

  . No, you can sleep on your own, I won't sleep and I'll help you keep watch." Anya muttered.

  "It's up to you, that's better." Ganouen was not polite and lay down directly on the bed, made a big sign and started to sleep.

  "Nasty guy..." Anya sat on the chair and stared at Ganouen warily.

  In fact, the hotels and pubs here are basically protected by local gangs. Ordinary thieves don't dare to get in. There is nothing to be wary of.

  To her, the one she should be most wary of was Ganon.

  She made up her mind not to sleep at all tonight.

  But only a few hours passed before sleepiness set in.

  Damn it, I haven't slept well in the past two days...

  After professional training, just staying up all night is nothing to her.

  But during this period of time, she was often nervous in the Tower of Endlessness, and was awakened by strange dreams that appeared from time to time, so she basically didn't get much rest.

  She held on for several more hours, and in the early hours of the morning, Ganouen, who was not used to this bed, opened his eyes early and saw a drowsy Anya.

  "I said if you want to sleep so much, just go to sleep." Ganouen sat up.

  "You don't have to worry about it!" Anya tried her best to hold up her eyelids.

  "Sleep well, this is an order." Ganon simply used the power of the contract.

  "I don't want to sleep..." Anya still wanted to resist, but she was forced to close her eyes. The strong sleepiness pulled her consciousness down, and she fell asleep quickly.

  "Good night." Ganouen threw the blanket on her.

  (End of chapter)

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