Chapter 72 Pang Lai’s Test (please read it!)

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  Chapter 72: Pang Lai's Test (please read it!)
  The old man's crazy expression, strange body language, and lack of clothes... he

  is very indulgent.

  Li Ran didn't care and just treated it as a bathhouse.

  "Are you looking at me with pity and pity?"

  "Stop acting, I've seen through you. You, like them, regard yourself as an envoy of gods, and you keep saying that you want to purify the whole world, but you don't know that you are also their puppet. Don't forget how you entered this world!"

  The madman danced in front of Li Ran and looked at Li Ran with wild eyes.

  The madman's words were extremely shocking, but Li Ran felt as if he had been seen through by the madman.

  Although I didn’t quite understand it, I didn’t realize it.

  He glanced at the madman and frowned slightly.

  Several lines of prompts appear immediately.

  (Madman: Pang Lai)

  (S-level spiritually infected body)

  (Cunning force value: 2000)

  (He believes that clothes are a constraint on human beings, and that the most authentic appearance of human beings is in their natural state.)
  (Hint: What he knows about His ideas are persistent and paranoid. If you deny him, he will prove it to you with practice, but you'd better not do this, otherwise you will die miserably.) (Tip: Never contradict or refute
  his ideas . , even if he says that he is a piece of shit, you must believe him unswervingly.)
  (Tip: In order to confirm his concept, he will test you. If you don’t have such a thing as the [Mirror of Reality], it’s best to leave quickly. This.)
  After seeing the prompt content, Li Ran frowned.

  This madman is actually an S level!
  No wonder Uncle Ge said it was best not to mess with the lunatic on the rooftop of Building 4.

  Damn it, any hint from this madman is almost a dead end for ordinary players.

  All the hints are like countless threads intertwined together. If you dive in, you can't find the end.

  Li Ran didn't want to answer any of the madman's remarks.

  "If one day you wake up and see the world clearly, don't panic or be afraid. All you have to do is follow the established procedures as usual. Don't do anything else. Don't resist or violate. Because your power is like a cricket shaking a tree in front of them."

  "It's sad, sad, you can't see yourself clearly, you are following the trajectory arranged by them." "

  You don't want to see the true face of this world. , you won’t agree with my point of view, because you have been brainwashed by them."

  Li Ran stood there, feeling like a primary school student who suddenly arrived in a university classroom, and it was difficult for him to understand those theories.

  However, he likes the feeling of knowledge flowing into his brain and flowing out of his brain.

  Seeing that Li Ran had no reaction, the madman put his dark and wrinkled face in front of Li Ran, widened his eyes and asked, "You don't believe it?"

  [Trigger mission: Pang Lai's test. ]

  [Mission reward: guile +200, points +2000, rare equipment *1]

  When the madman said those words just now, Li Ran could resolutely choose to leave and not accept this mission.

  But he didn't, he was here to do a mission.

  Li Ran smiled slightly and responded: "I believe whatever you say!"

  "You believe me when I say I'm shit?" said the madman.

  "Believe it!"

  Li Ran replied calmly.

  If it weren't for Goldfinger's prompt, he almost laughed out loud.

  Someone really compares himself to shit?
  But looking at him naked, you should understand that only he can understand the world of madmen.

  The madman shouted "Ouch", took several steps back, and looked at Li Ran in surprise.

  It seems that no one has ever recognized his ideas, and the handsome young man in front of me wonders if there is something wrong with his mind. He believes everything he says?
  "Interesting, interesting."

  The madman looked at Li Ran with interest.

  "Then take off your clothes too!"


  Li Ran responded decisively.

  He had no choice. The mission had been triggered. If he didn't take off his clothes, he would deny the madman's ideas and he would die miserably.

  Take off your clothes and return to your most natural state.

  It was those five inches that felt particularly cool and empty.

  The lunatic's eyes turned to admiration when he looked at Li Ran, and he said slowly: "Seven days ago, there was a woman who didn't know how to behave. I asked her to take off her clothes, but she refused to take them off. It made me feel like I wanted to molest her." "Later, I thought it was inappropriate

  . She was too noisy, so I threw her into that water tower to degrade."

  Li Ran looked at the water tower pointed by the madman, which was a water tower on the rooftop used for emergency water storage.


  Is that a living person, treated as garbage by a madman and degraded?
  What's even more terrible is that the water in the water tower is drinking water for every household on the floor.

  "I'll go. Fortunately, I don't live in this building." Li Ran said in shock.

  I think this madman must have some weird ability to disintegrate people.

  The more the madman looked at Li Ran, the more his eyes met, and his eyes became more and more fanatical: "Although I am old, my heart is not old, and you are not honest."

  Li Ran did not respond, and remained silent. The madman continued: "Follow me Come here."

  The madman took him to a large iron room built illegally on the rooftop.

  Tin houses built on the rooftops of many communities are used as warehouses or places to grow vegetables.

  But Li Ran felt like he had walked into a laboratory, and the area was quite large.

  There were bright spotlights all around, illuminating the tin house like daylight.

  "Did you see the water glass there?"

  the madman said, pointing to an area consisting of three long tables forming a "concave" structure.

  Li Ran looked around and found that things were not simple.

  I saw that the three tables were filled with round holes, and a small water cup was placed in each round hole. Each water cup was filled with the same volume of water, and was neatly fixed in the round hole. , under the spotlight, it is very dazzling.

  Li Ran took a quick look and estimated that there were at least a thousand glasses of water placed there.

  "There are a thousand glasses of water there, and one glass of water is different from the others. If you really agree with my philosophy, then you can find it, which shows that we are the same kind of people. Otherwise, you are lying to me. This old man!" The madman's tone became more serious in the second half.

  After Li Ran heard this, everyone was dumbfounded.

  A thousand cups of water, looking for a different cup of water?

  Does it make any difference?

  Isn’t it all water?
  Li Ran glanced at the thousand glasses of water on the "concave" table area.

  The transparent glass, the transparent water, and even the volume of the water in the cup are exactly the same.

  If I have to say something different, it should be that the light reflected into the eyes is different when the light is refracted on the surface of the cup.

  Of course, if you look carefully, you should also be able to find that the small bubbles in the water are also different.

  But the question is, who is going to tell the difference between clear water based on the bubbles?
  "You have a day to look for her slowly. If you still can't find her after one day, your fate will be the same as that girl's!" said the madman.

  Looking at the madman whose expression became serious, Li Ran thought for a moment that he was not crazy.

  An S-level infected body with a guile value of 2000.

  To be honest, Li Ran was not sure of defeating him.

  But he's not here to fight, he's here to complete a mission.


  Li Ran smiled in confusion: "I found it!"

   During this period of time, I was always very nervous when writing, because there were sheep all around me, and I felt like I was being surrounded by sheep.

    I don't think sheep are scary. What's scary is that sheep affect updates.

    Maybe, I am the legendary chosen cook.

    I suspect that I am a sheep, an asymptomatic sheep, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why I am running around but not a sheep.

    Just think of it as the initial symptom of sheep - a tough mouth.

    Of course, it’s better to be different than a sheep, and the same goes for all the big guys.

    However, I have a concern. If there are no sheep at this time, do I have to wait until the New Year sheep?
    Hehe, actually after saying so much, I still want to read it and vote for it.

    Thanks to Hua Wen Tian Xia, Xiang Gui Qing Meng, Book Friends 20221025112729059, Jia Zhi Xin, Jun Hao Club for their rewards, and all the big guys for their monthly votes.

    The fire is grateful!

  (End of chapter)

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