Chapter 555 City of Pain, Threshold of Happiness

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  "Because I'm not happy!" Li Ran said coldly.

  He didn't even look at Wang Xiaoxian's body on the ground.

  In his opinion, Wang Xiaoxian's presence here was unreasonable.

  Summon the people from Blue Star into the dungeon?
  Is this method more powerful than God?
  Of course, it is not ruled out that Bliss Company has the ability to transport real people into the copy.

  After all, there are no props to boast about planes.

  But when an unreasonable person appeared here, Li Ran instinctively regarded this unreasonable person as a weirdo in the dungeon.

  Whether true or not.

  The butler Li Cheng outside the door was slightly startled.

  "Are you unhappy?"

  "Yes." Li Ran said.

  "Happiness in life is nothing more than money, power, and beauty. You can experience it all here. You can even vent your true inner thoughts here. Isn't it happy to be your true self?" said the housekeeper Li Cheng.

  "I don't like to be restricted." Li Ran said.

  "No one is restricting you, we are just providing services." The steward said.

  "No, all your actions are restricting me. My identity, my need to choose, and the plots you promote from time to time are invisible shackles." "Including you trying to use

  my companions in the real world as guides The method of luring me into your little dark room with a fire rope is also a kind of shackles." "

  There are so many invisible constraints, and you say there are no constraints?"

  "This..." Butler Li Cheng was speechless when Li Ran asked him. , speechless.

  "Sorry, we didn't know we had caused you so much trouble." Butler Li Cheng and the beauties behind him bowed to express their apologies.

  "Let me leave here and I will be very happy." Li Ran said.

  Butler Li Cheng calmed down and said: "Sir, you are not allowed to leave before you have truly enjoyed the ultimate bliss. This will make it very difficult for me. We will give you some time to calm down. After you calm down, we will Continue to cooperate."

  The butler snapped his fingers and asked the beauties to leave.

  Then he also exited the door.

  Li Ran glanced at Wang Xiaoxian's body, which had disappeared without a trace.

  "Master, this city is really big. It feels so big that it has no boundaries." A

  poisonous voice came from the contract connection in his mind.

  "Any unusual findings?" Li Ran asked.

  "Does it count if the whole city is empty?" Hua Piao asked.


  Li Ran cut off the contact directly.

  "Do players in Paradise only have people who enjoy the services of Paradise?"

  From the beginning of this empty city, and also from the beginning of accepting investment from Paradise, the situation of responding to requests appeared.

  It's as if the entire city is tailor-made for players.

  No sleepiness at all.

  Moreover, Li Ran is not someone who just sits there and waits for death.

  He left the presidential suite and took the elevator to the hotel lobby.

  The entire hotel lobby is magnificent, but there is not a soul in sight.

  There was a line of words floating in front of his eyes, "Do you want to continue to enable the butler service of Bliss Journey, yes/no?"

  Li Ran ignored this line of words.

  "Tangshe, how are you doing there?"

  Tanshe's voice came from the contract connection.

  "There is no boundary between the sky and the earth. The whole city seems to have been copied and pasted. It is all urban area." Tanshe said.

  "Have you found Su Bingyao?"

  "No...but I found that this city is full of hatred!"

  Li Ran raised his eyebrows and finally discovered the difference.

  "How do you say it?" Li Ran asked.

  Tangshe's voice continued to come, and he said: "I can feel the power of hatred, and the power of hatred can be transformed into my devious power. The ubiquitous hatred in this city makes me feel like there are countless people there. It's like there's a lot of suffering in this city, but I just can't see them."

  Although I always felt that there was something fishy about this empty city.

  He tried various methods but could not find the trick.

  But Tang She could feel the power of hatred throughout the city.

  Is the so-called bliss based on the suffering of most people?
  There are actually countless lives living in this empty city, but he can't see them?

  "Keep looking. It's a good thing to have a breakthrough." Li Ran said.

  He planned to leave the hotel and walk around the city.

  He still didn't call for the butler service of Elysium.

  After walking out of the Yunjing Hotel, Li Ran took out a card.

  "The Immortal Guides the Way."

  This card is a reward obtained for lifting the curse of Duo Ranyi's fish.

  This prop has never been used until now.

  The reason is that the environment this card is suitable for is quite special.

  The function of eating cards is that when players are in desperate situations, dilemmas, mazes, illusions, secrets, etc., they can open this card to get some kind of instructions or help. It may be an idea or a clear path, which may change according to the situation. .

  And you can't rely too much on cards, because they only provide an idea like a breakthrough, but this breakthrough may not be the exit.

  Li Ran was eager to give it a try.

  "Turn on!"

  Turning on the [Immortal Guidance] card, a moving arrow immediately appeared under Li Ran's feet.

  The arrow is similar to the novice guide in the game. It always points in a certain direction and changes as the player's position changes.

  Li Ran didn't know where the arrow was pointing.

  It seems that this city of bliss is all the same, with high-rise buildings.

  Li Ran summoned the ghost horse and flew over the city following the arrow.

  That piece of information about Bliss Company's butler service seemed to be projected in his pupils, and he couldn't get rid of it.

  He never started the service of Paradise again.

  Although he had asked the housekeeper before if the money they invested needed to be repaid.

  The housekeeper also said not to return it, the purpose is to make the customer get the ultimate happiness.

  Li Ran believes that even in this strange world, all of this is outrageous and nonsense, but they are definitely not asking for nothing in return.

  If it really allows players to experience unprecedented happiness, why can Snake feel the hatred of the whole city?

  The people from Bliss Company also said from the beginning that the purpose is to keep players in this paradise.

  But Li Ran felt that they might have other purposes.

  If you accept their arrangement from the beginning, will you be manipulated by them and become their puppet if you indulge in excessive lust?

  Li Ran didn't know.

  So he needs to find a breakthrough here as soon as possible.

  Force seems to have no effect here, and it cannot find the entrance by directly destroying the entire Gold Coast like it did in the previous level of Evil Mirror Hell.

  Li Ran estimated that if he released a zodiac meteorite above this empty city with his peak force, the speed of destruction would not be as fast as the speed of copying and pasting them.

  Killing the housekeeper and those women had no effect at all.

  They can really do it thousands of times and keep copying it.

  I followed the arrow of [Immortal Guidance] and flew for a long time.

  Suddenly, Li Ran found that the arrow was pointing backward.

  In other words, he exceeded his position.

  "Scumbag, get down."

  Netherworld Ghost Horse took Li Ran to the bottom of the city.

  The City of Paradise looks like a bustling, technological metropolis.

  Even at night, the lights are as bright as the stars in the sky.

  The streets are spacious, bright and spotless, with no trace of dirt or garbage in sight.

  Even the alleys between high-rise buildings are brightly lit and clean.

  Everything is so perfect.

  Falling in the alley, Li Ran put the scumbag horse into the contract space.

  Follow the arrow pointing forward on the ground and walk deeper into the alley.

  The alley in front of him was definitely the cleanest and brightest alley Li Ran had ever seen. It made him feel like he was in a rendering. Paired with the street lights in the alley, it gave him a somewhat industrial feel.

  After walking in the alley for a while, Li Ran didn't find anything unusual.

  There were no common rats in the ditch, dirty trash cans, paper scraps, garbage, condoms and the like everywhere.

  It's as clean as walking down the small corridors of a manor.

  "Zizhi ~ Zizi ~~"

  Suddenly, at the end of the forefront of the leading guidance of the fairy's point of the road arrow, there was a street light at the end of the lamp that seemed to be short -circuited as if the voltage was not stable, accompanied by the current sound.

  "This is it." Li Ran said happily.

  The City of Paradise is so perfect that no flaws are allowed in the city.

  It is so detailed that even the texture of the ground does not allow for instability and asymmetry.

  However, in such a perfect city that strives for excellence, there is such an obvious lamp that is broken?
  Is this normal?

  Anyway, Li Ran felt it was abnormal.

  Moreover, the immortal guidance also provided a breakthrough in the dilemma.

  Regardless of whether this is an exit, the anomaly here must be extraordinary.

  When Li Ran came under the abnormal street light, the arrow pointing the way disappeared.

  This means guiding Li Ran to his destination.

  Standing under the streetlight with unstable voltage, Li Ran looked around.

  "What is this?"

  In the shadow under the street lamp, Li Ran finally discovered a trace of abnormality.

  Because the street lamp voltage is unstable, the lights flicker on and off.

  As a result, the shadow of the street light pole also flickered.

  It was during this process of flickering that Li Ran discovered a tiny crack.

  It feels like someone scratched the paper with a sharp knife.

  The cracks were as fine as hair. If it weren't for the extreme vision of Li Ran's ghost eyes, it would be difficult to detect the existence of such tiny cracks.

  "Space rift?"

  Li Ran slowly stretched out his hand and inserted his hand into the tiny space rift.

  The moment he reached into the space rift, a huge force sucked him into it.

  Then, Li Ran felt that the world was spinning and the stars were moving.

  The world before his eyes suddenly changed.

  The same alley.

  But the alley in front of me is completely different.

  A creature, whether it was a dead cat or a dead dog, fell in the corner, and water dripped from the eaves onto the ground that was already covered with moss and oil film.

  Trash is strewn in the distance, and the alley is dark and damp.

  The air was filled with a thick stench.


  Li Ran felt as if he had gone from heaven to hell all of a sudden.

  There was no reaction for a while.

  He left the coordinates of a teleportation stone in place.

  [Monster Boss Teleportation Finger] was repaired by Poisonous Ladle and recharged.

  He can now not only teleport at teleportation points, but also summon monsters to fight.

  In order to avoid finding the place when the time comes, it is necessary to leave a teleportation point in place.

  "It seems that this is the true face of the City of Paradise."

  After walking out of the dark alley, Li Ran immediately smelled the pungent smell of urine.

  Urine stains can be seen everywhere on walls and streets.

  It was so pungent that he almost had to wear a multifunctional mask to breathe.

  Li Ran flew directly into the air, overlooking this ugly city.

  He didn't see the tall buildings like steel jungles, nor the spacious and bustling streets.

  Instead, there are scattered large slum buildings.

  Streetlights seemed like luxury goods here, with few lights visible. The whole world was dark, damp, and full of filth.

  Unlike the City of Elysium, this city is full of ghosts and shadows in the dark night.

  "Hahaha, let's play a game and see who can escape this neighborhood?"

  Li Ran noticed that on an old street, a weirdo wearing a cowboy hat and a sweater with his hands with sharp knives was walking on the street. .

  People on the street screamed and fled, terrified of the weirdo.

  "Nightmare, reality, fiction and reality, can you tell the difference clearly?"

  The weirdo laughed and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

  The next second, a running figure floated strangely in the air, and his body was torn apart in the air.

  Seeing this scene, Li Ran remembered a movie called "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

  The people in this town can never escape the pursuit of a perverted dream killer.

  Li Ran continued to fly farther away.

  In a square, a blade windmill was found.

  The windmill is like a lawnmower, mowing madly in the square filled with dense crowds.

  The inhumanity of human beings is vividly reflected here.

  At the edge of the square is a towering wall. Those who escaped from the windmill climbed on the wall in heartbreaking despair, but in the end they could not escape the fate of being harvested by the blade windmill.

  In the sky, the bottom gate of an airship opened wide.

  Countless lives fell from the sky like black rain, finally falling on the Blade Windmill Square.

  "Isn't this Blade Hell?" Li Ran said with a shocked face.

  Life here is worse than death, miserable, and suffers the fate of being harvested all the time.

  Li Ran also saw a big fish in a dark river whose scales were all human faces.

  But the next second, the big fish was picked up from the river by a two-headed giant. The two-headed giant swallowed the strange fish full of human faces into its belly...

  "Is this the scene under the City of Paradise?"

  He felt It's like being in a real hell, where countless lives suffer torture and pain.

  And he finally understood where the hatred that Tang She mentioned came from.

  Under the city of bliss is a hell of suffering!

  Are these people the ones who stay in the realm of bliss?
  After staying, will it not be bliss, but endless torture?
  Thinking of this, Li Ran was glad that he could keep his head clear, and he was also glad that he could see the truth under the City of Paradise.

  If he was still full of illusions about the investment in Bliss Company before, now he is as sober as a basin of ice water pouring down from his head.

  Li Ran continued to fly over the city of pain.

  He once suspected that the City of Paradise was built on the City of Pain, existing like a reflection in water.

  The city is bright and beautiful on the ground, but its reflection in the water is ugly.

  "Will the exit of the Sea of ​​Dawn be here?" Li Ran thought to himself.

  At this time, a voice interrupted Li Ran's thoughts.

  "Commander, commander, are you there?"

  Suddenly, Sloan's voice came from the plane communication card that had not been moving for a long time.

  "Sloan?" Li Ran was delighted and immediately took out the plane communication card.

  This means Sloan is not dead yet.

  "Sloan, where are you?" Li Ran asked.

  "I have reached the state of bliss," Sloan said.

  "Is there anyone else with you besides you?" Li Ran asked.

  "I didn't see it. I thought I was the only one who survived. It's great. The commander-in-chief is also alive." Sloan's voice was choked up.

  "Listen to me, you must not accept the service of Ji Le Company and find someone else." Li Ran said.

  "There is a line in front of me. It's from Bliss Life Investment Company. Is it this?" "

  Yes, no matter what difficulties and obstacles you encounter, don't accept their help. You must remember it." Li Ran said.

  "Okay, okay, I remember it."

  "Commander, where can I find you."

  "Go to the Yunjing Hotel."

  The plane communication card only had one minute. After Li Ran said the address, the communication was cut off.

  He quickly left the hell of suffering and used the monster leader's teleportation finger to teleport back to the teleportation point.

  Then return to the City of Paradise through the space rift.

  The process of traveling is like entering a mirror space.

  It was as if gravity was reversed during the process, a very strange feeling.

  Back on the clean streets, a man appears in the alley.

  It's the steward Li Cheng.

  "It's rare that someone can peek into the ugly side of the City of Paradise."

  Butler Li Cheng walked towards Li Ran, with a sincere and polite smile still on his face.

  He didn't mind at all that Li Ran discovered the true face of the City of Paradise.

  "Since happiness and pain are contradictory, they also complement each other. If someone is happy, someone must be in pain. Some happiness is even based on the pain of others." Butler Li Cheng said.

  Li Ran's eyes became clear and cold.

  "You threw those who passed the trial into the City of Pain. Is this your final goal?" Li Ran asked.

  "Your idea is too one-sided. The fate of those who enter the City of Pain is already determined. If you look carefully, you will find that the people in the City of Pain are actually people who died in the triple hell."

  " Death in hell is not the end, but only the beginning of the journey to hell. They will suffer the torture of eighteen levels of hell, die and be reborn, reborn and die, over and over again, leaving no trace of their bodies, and suffering physical and mental torture. Double torture, you will never be able to survive."

  Butler Li Cheng came to Li Ran, looked at the angry Li Ran and said: "Although our investment will not require customers to repay, if the investment fails, the customer will be thrown into the city of pain. "."

  Li Ran said with a slight frown: "People like me, even if their investment failed." "

  No, your potential is far higher than anyone else, so your upper limit is obviously higher than our estimate. ." said the steward.

  "I resist your investment, don't cooperate with your script, and am tired of your so-called low-level happiness. I am so deviant. Do you still want to continue investing?" Li Ran said.

  "Mr. Li, you are right. We underestimated your happiness threshold, so our company re-evaluated your happiness threshold. The top management unanimously decided to increase investment in you so that you can achieve the happiness you want." Butler Li Chengyi Face said sincerely.

  "What happiness do I want?" Li Ran said.

  Li Cheng took out his tablet and swiped across it, and dozens of pictures appeared.

  He clicked on a screen at random and said to Li Ran: "I think you can find the answer from these friends of yours." "

  My friends?"

  Li Ran's first reaction was that besides Shi Long and Su Bingyao, there were others The Realm Lord survived.

  The person in the video is Su Bingyao.

  Su Bingyao was sitting in the small courtyard of a single-family villa, with a pot of rose tea brewing on the table.

  In the small courtyard, a husky and a corgi were playing and chasing each other.

  Su Bingyao took the scissors and cut the potted plants in the courtyard.

  "Her happiness is actually very simple, very comfortable, and easy to satisfy," the housekeeper said.

  Could it be that Su Bingyao is already immersed in bliss?

  Butler Li Cheng moved his hand on the tablet.

  In the picture is the Green Hidden Dragon.

  Green Hidden Dragon and a girl were sitting on a bench in the park. He held the girl's hand, and the girl leaned on his shoulder. The two of them clung to each other and sometimes heard the girl's melodious laughter.

  The girl is very similar to Lundifei, but only in spirit.

  "Your friend's happiness is also very simple. She resurrected her dead girlfriend."

  Li Ran understood why the Green Hidden Dragon had been taking care of Lan Defei along the way.

  Lan Defi looks like his dead girlfriend.

  The housekeeper slid the screen, and the next picture appeared in Li Ran's eyes.

  It is the luxurious life of a demon clan leader.

  He lives in a castle like a palace. When he wakes up, there are six beauties next to his pillow. When he gets up, he brushes his teeth, eats and wears, and is served by beauties. He even starts a pool party early in the morning. He is simply happy and carefree.

  "His happiness is actually very pure. This is also the happiness of most men. They are just addicted to beauty."

  The housekeeper said as he continued to slide the screen.

  The person in the picture was Hua Shuying, but when he saw what Hua Shuying was doing, Li Ran's mouth opened slightly, with a look of surprise on his face.

  "Is this the happiness of Hua Shuying?" (End of this chapter)

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