Chapter 552 Paradise Life Investment Co., Ltd.

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  Chapter 552: Paradise Life Investment Co., Ltd.,
  Gold Coast, Sales Department.

  "Tang Xiaozhi, your request for sick leave has not been approved. You will be treated as a miner for the rest of the morning." An old woman wearing a uniform and black-rimmed glasses said with a stern expression.

  "I was injured at work, so it's not a work-related injury. Why can't I be allowed to take sick leave?" Tang Xiaozhi sat in front of the computer station and looked at her manager incomprehensibly.

  What made her even more irritated was that she was treated directly like a miner.

  For this miner, her perfect attendance this month was completely gone.

  "What are you doing to be pretentious? Isn't it just scratching your skin? Asking for sick leave for such a trivial matter? It's nothing more than making excuses for your laziness. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can report it to your superiors. You don't have to act pitiful in front of me. Looks like." Manager Lou said.

  "I'm not..." Tang Xiaozhi was very angry and distressed.

  Manager Lou directly marked the word "miner" on her attendance record, smiled coldly, and left Tang Xiaozhi's workstation.

  This is not the first time she has been treated unfairly.

  Ever since she entered the sales department.

  Her superior, Manager Lou, always kept her under wraps, and there were rumors behind her back about her seducing the boss of a real estate developer in the Gold Coast. He also said that she only entered the sales department as a mistress.

  As a result, the rewards she gets no matter how hard she works at work are seen as unearned vases in the eyes of others.

  Her work here was extremely depressing, and she felt like she was going to be depressed.

  The looks in her colleagues' eyes, the manager's difficulties, and the way her colleagues looked at her when they were whispering made her feel like a thorn in her back.

  Suddenly, Tang Xiaozhi clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and slowly lowered his head on the workstation.

  After a few seconds, she raised her head again, her entire face became cold, and her eyes became clear.

  Manager Lou inexplicably felt a cold wind blowing from behind her on her neck.

  She turned around and saw Tang Xiaozhi appearing behind her.

  Before she could react, a keyboard was placed on her face, and her front teeth and all the keys on the keyboard flew out. Then she felt that she was hit in the face with a huge force, and her whole body The man flew away, knocking down several workstations before stopping.

  This move immediately attracted the attention of colleagues throughout the department.

  Seeing this scene, everyone's jaw dropped.

  "Tang Xiaozhi, are you crazy?" Manager Lou sat up from the ground and looked at Tang Xiaozhi who was walking towards her with a horrified look on his face: "Are you going to kill me?" "I not only want to

  remember you as a miner, but I also want to expel you. !"

  "You'd better think about the consequences of what you did. I will definitely sue you to the point of bankruptcy and make you pay for my medical expenses and mental damages for the rest of my life." Manager Lou calmed down quickly. She knew that Tang Xiaozhi was being manipulated. Her resistance after being bullied.

  As long as she realizes the seriousness of the situation, she will stop.

  After all, for a newly graduated college student, apart from being a bit pretty, she couldn't afford to lose.

  She knows today’s college students too well.

  But when she saw Tang Xiaozhi walking straight towards her and picking her up with one hand, Manager Lou suddenly felt that the situation was not simple.

  This is not a college student, she is simply a superwoman.


  With a scream, Manager Lou flew out of the three-story French window.

  All colleagues in the department were stunned.

  Tang Xiaozhi's actions were no different from murder.

  But when they saw Tang Xiaozhi floating in the air, and a giant 100-foot python appeared behind him, everyone turned pale with fear.

  "Dabai, destroy this place." Su Bingyao gave the order.

  Then, she flew out the window and flew straight into the sky of the Gold Coast community.

  "Black Fang."

  She summoned Black Fang, jumped lightly, and landed on the Black Thorn Winged Dragon.

  "Oh my god, man, what do you think I saw?"

  "Is that a pterosaur? Wait, why is there a person up there?" "

  No, what's going on? Did Wonder Woman break in?"

  Not far away There were loud rumbling sounds coming from the Huanghai Coast Sales Department.

  The sales department center with more than ten floors collapsed under Dabai's power and turned into rubble and collapsed on the ground. Some people in the building fled and some died tragically.

  But this is beyond Su Bingyao's control.

  She sensed Li Ran's aura at the commercial street restaurant.

  "Heiya, let's go find Li Ran." Su Bingyao said.

  Black Tooth turned into a black lightning and flew away, reaching the top of the restaurant in a short time.

  Then, a figure rose into the sky, it was Li Ran.

  "Have you completed the control of your consciousness?" Su Bingyao asked in surprise.

  Because she felt that Li Ran's aura completely enveloped the community, and the force value was not weakened, which meant that his power could be maintained and was not affected by regional rules.

  "Follow me."

  Li Ran flew directly towards the border of the fog.

  Arriving at the border, Li Ran told her the rules that players cannot touch the fog of death.

  Afterwards, Su Bingyao's consciousness sank into her body and Tang Xiaozhi took over.

  When Tang Xiaozhi came into contact with the empty boundary of the empty and unfinished map, he collapsed just like Pei Chuan before.

  "It turns out that everything in my life is fiction." Tang Xiaozhi said.

  She seemed to have thought through a lot in an instant. After a while, she thanked her seriously: "Thank you for standing up for me today. I am very happy. This is the happiest and happiest day I have ever had. I want to make this happy." A moment recorded forever.”

  At the same time, Tang Xiaozhi also realized that she was the one who occupied Su Bingyao's body.

  "Next, I will return my body to its original owner."

  Tang Xiaozhi closed his eyes and gradually relaxed his body.

  When he opened his eyes again, it was Su Bingyao.

  Both achieved complete ideological dominance.

  Li Ran took Su Bingyao's hand and said, "Actually, this place is like a microcosm of society. You can see all kinds of people here, and you can even find your own shadow." "I probably understand the rules of this hell

  . If you are not you, I will not be me?"

  "Actually, the meaning of this sentence can also be understood as breaking through oneself and regaining a new life."

  Su Bingyao looked at the Gold Coast community, and her heart was full of complicated things.

  Pei Chuan, he has always been the soft persimmon in the restaurant. He is restrained by many shackles and bumps into walls everywhere. As a result, he acts cautiously and dare not make any claims. He is deeply afraid of losing everything he has now if he does something wrong.

  But once he bravely stepped out of the quagmire that trapped him and bravely did everything he had never done before, that was rebirth and self-breakthrough.

  "Where are the others?" Su Bingyao asked.

  Her perception did not scan other players and realm owners.

  If consciousness does not switch, consciousness will die.

  It's difficult to switch consciousness.

  It is even harder to convince the physical consciousness to believe in itself.

  Not everyone's physical consciousness is easy to fool or deceive.

  Moreover, in order to achieve communication between the physical consciousness and the player's consciousness, it needs to be without outsiders.

  If there is someone around the physical consciousness all the time, the player's consciousness will not only be unable to communicate with them, but it will also cause the player's consciousness to die over time.

  This requires a certain amount of luck and a certain amount of wit.

  Li Ran can't care where other people are now, whether they are in other areas.

  Now he has to find the entrance to the next level of hell.

  "Where do you think the entrance to the next hell will be?" Su Bingyao asked.

  "Destroy this place and we will see the entrance!" Li Ran said firmly.

  "Did you see it?"

  "I guess, I think if there is no one here and the area here is destroyed, then there should be a passage to the next area." Li Ran said.

  Regarding the entrance to hell, his golden finger gave no hint.

  Maybe it's too broad to target.

  "Now that we have broken through ourselves and regained a new life, to the people here, the two of us are gods." "We

  can be the God of Creation or the God of Destruction!"

  Li Ran smiled slightly and said, "I should be the God of Destruction. God."

  He held Su Bingyao's hand and flew high into the sky, an evil purple light flashed deep in his eyes.

  "Sacred Soul Skill: The Secret of the Zodiac - Destruction!"

  The two of them flew high into the sky, and Li Ran used this exclusive divine soul skill for the first time.

  The moment the skill was released, a blazing light illuminated the clouds in the sky, and the clouds burned like fire.

  A fiery meteorite bursts from the sky and crashes into the heart of the Gold Coast.

  Suddenly, he was filled with anger and arrogance soaring to the sky!

  Their eyes were filled with white light on the ground.

  Everything on the earth disappeared as the zodiac meteorite fell!

  The power of the divine soul skill Zodiac Mystery changes according to the change of Li Ran's magic power.

  At this time, Li Ran only had 340,000 occult points, and the exclusive soul skill he released, the secret of the zodiac, could directly destroy a community.

  If this skill is released in the third form, the destructive power of the Zodiac Mysteries is simply unimaginable.

  Li Ran put a layer of black turtle shield on the two of them to resist the shock wave coming from below.

  After waiting for a long time, the white light went up and the flames gradually dissipated.

  A city below was completely destroyed.

  The entire community was razed to the ground, and a huge black crater appeared in the center of the community.

  "Li Ran, do you think that's the entrance?"

  Su Bingyao pointed to a blue light portal in the center of the crater and said.

  "Yes." Li Ran said.

  He confirmed through golden fingers that the portal was the exit from the Hell of Falling Evil Mirror.

  The two looked at each other and smiled.

  This means they will escape triple hell.

  As for whether there is a state of bliss under the triple hell, or is it leaving the ruins of Senluo?

  Li Ran didn't have much confidence in his heart.

  It would be great if we could leave Senluo Ruins directly.

  But generally all the information in the copy is not empty.

  Since it reveals the state of bliss, there should be such a place.

  The two came to the portal, and Li Ran held Su Bingyao's little hand.

  He looked back at the charred land. If it were in the real world, this move would undoubtedly be as sinful as massacre.

  But in this hell, after learning that these people were all fictitious, Li Ran didn't feel the slightest guilt.

  Soon they will be reborn again, reprogrammed with new identities and memories.

  "Let's go."


  Go through the portal.

  White light shone before his eyes, occupying almost all of Li Ran's field of vision.

  But when he opened his eyes again, Su Bingyao disappeared.

  To be precise, they were separated after passing through the portal.

  In front of you is an underground parking lot.

  He showed up in a cheap used car.


  [The monthly payment for your credit card bill with the last number 8856 is 20,400, and the repayment date is July 8th...]

  A message on the mobile phone interface appears on the lock screen.

  He picked up the phone doubtfully.

  Face recognition automatically unlocks.

  Then he saw more than a dozen repayment messages.

  In addition, Li Ran also found a dozen POS machines and a pile of bank reminder bills placed in the car's storage box.

  The balance on the card in his mobile phone was only 74 and a half yuan.

  "Isn't it the promised land of bliss? This start is burdened with millions of debts?"

  Obviously, he did not return to the real world, nor did he return to the reincarnation space.

  He is still in the copy of Senluo Ruins.

  He broke through the three hells and appeared in the place that was originally the paradise.

  But he appeared in a basement inexplicably, and seemed to be assigned an identity with a million-dollar debt.

  There were several lighters on the steering wheel, as well as two packs of cigarettes, one pack of Huazi and one pack of Hongtashan.

  The communication messages on the phone contain debt collection messages one after another.

  One of them: "Brother Li, can you please pay me the payment for that batch of goods? It's been unpaid for more than half a year. My company can't turn over now, employees can't pay their salaries, and I can't even turn on the fire at home. You keep delaying, do you want to force me to death?"

  Other messages are similar to this, almost all of them are reminders for others.

  Li Ran roughly understood his identity.

  The boss of a company was unable to move due to default on payment for goods.

  I borrowed all kinds of credit cards, online loans, and loan sharks, but they couldn't fill the hole.

  Reading between the lines of his message, Li Ran seemed to see the collapse and despair of an adult man.

  "Can this be called a paradise?" After learning his identity, Li Ran couldn't help but curse.

  At this moment, a line of words appeared in front of the car window.

  "Do you want to change the current situation?"


  Li Ran shook his hand to confirm that the line of words appeared out of thin air and was not affixed to the car window.

  "Humph, a routine, a trap?"

  Li Ran smiled disdainfully, feeling that there was something interesting about this level.

  In his opinion, the appearance of that line of text was most likely a fire pit.

  He wasn't going to pay attention.

  He got out of the car and put the two packs of cigarettes into the storage space.

  Can you use your magic power and storage space?

  "I can change the current situation with my own hands." Li Ran thought.

  He planned to look around and observe before making a decision.

  "Except for me and Su Bingyao, I don't know how many people can reach this level." Li Ran thought to himself.

  He summoned Xiao Yusu to possess his soul and flew out from the parking lot.

  Flying high in the sky, his expression changed slightly.

  A bustling metropolis suddenly appeared in front of him.

  High-rise buildings grow on the ground like a steel jungle.

  Overpasses crisscross the entire city, and light rail and subway tracks can be seen everywhere.

  But the strange thing is that there is no one else in this huge bustling city except him.

  "Spiritual sense!"

  Li Ran released his spiritual sense to sense the area as much as possible.

  The sense of spirituality extends infinitely outward, constantly extending beyond the limits of what he has ever perceived before.

  What surprised him was that this area had no borders!
  "An empty city?" Li Ran said in surprise.

  He originally planned to run like a hell according to the law, and directly hit the zodiac meteorite to destroy this area.

  Break out of the cocoon and be reborn, break through yourself.

  It doesn't matter if everything here is destroyed, it's all fake anyway.

  But this time, this city gave Li Ran an inexplicable sense of reality and emptiness.

  "Do you want to change the current situation?" The two lines of


  were still floating in front of his eyes.

  Visible but intangible.

  It seemed that as long as he didn't agree to that line of text, it would be engraved in his pupils like a projection.

  What shocked Li Ran even more was that he could see this line even if he closed his eyes.

  It feels like as long as you don’t agree or answer, this line of text will never disappear.

  Li Ran still didn't respond anxiously.

  He summoned ghostly ghost horses and wandered over the city.

  This city is really big. No matter how you fly or how long you fly, there are no boundaries.

  Originally, Li Ran thought that flying to the suburbs to meet the guild would have something like a fog of nothingness or a border.

  As a result, there is no way to fly beyond the border and no suburbs at all.

  This prosperous steel jungle is full of prosperous neighborhoods, like countless prosperous neighborhoods patched together, with no boundaries or suburbs at all.

  "If I don't respond, won't the plot advance?" Li Ran thought to himself.

  "It seems that this is the only option." After ruling out all possibilities, Li Ran could only develop according to the plot.

  Just like a role-playing game, when faced with a choice problem, if you don't make a choice, the plot will never advance.

  "Do you want to change the current situation?"


  Seeing this line of text, Li Ran wanted to know whether to choose or not and whether the plot would advance.

  The plot should also advance, and may gradually unfold around the dilemma of his life, allowing Li Ran to realize the dangers and reality of the human form.

  For example, debt collection, family members being blocked and threatened, etc.

  Forget it, it hurts to watch this kind of plot.

  Since it is a state of bliss, then let’s experience what bliss is.

  "Yes!" Li Ran responded looking at that line of words.

  After answering, the phone in his pocket rang.


  Li Ran opened his phone and saw a line of information.

  [Your income with the last number 6686 (remitted from other banks) is 200000, balance: 200074.25, the other party’s account name: Paradise Life Investment Co., Ltd....the other party’s last number is 0101] Li Ranba sighed: "Good guy, change the current situation

  . Just give the money directly, right?"

  "You don't have to pay back the money, I don't believe it."

  At this time, the line of words in front of him changed.

  "In order to allow customers to experience the ultimate experience of bliss, we will inject more funds when your money is about to run out. Letting you have a perfect experience is our aim. We provide three bliss guidance options."

  "A: Five-star presidential suite, 88888/per night"

  "B: A Rolex Submariner watch: 108888/each" "

  C: Stop a beautiful woman on the street and ask her to call her daddy, 1000/time."

  See This row of text appeared in front of Li Ran's eyes.

  His mouth opened wide with a look of astonishment on his face.

  I'll go and give you money for free?
  Will there be more capital injection if there is no money?

  Is there such a good thing?

  Seeing those three options, to be honest, he had never experienced those three options, especially the third one.

  Who said that he had no worries about food and clothing before, nor did he worry about the next life, but he had always been low on consumption and had never been extravagant.

  No matter, let’s experience it first.

  "Well, can I choose more than one?"

  "Of course!"

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  (End of chapter)

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