Chapter 486 The poison he took has nothing to do with me.

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  Chapter 486 The poison he took has nothing to do with me.

  Li Ran paused at the passage for a moment, thinking about what might happen.

  After that, I walked forward and passed through the long passage. There were two inner gate holy spring messengers guarding the cold iron door in front of me.

  Both of them were serious and serious.

  After Li Ran arrived, the two opened the iron door directly, and then stood aside motionless, as if they had known Li Ran would arrive.

  Walking into the iron gate, the iron gate behind him immediately closed.

  The only light was shut out, and the whole house fell into darkness.

  Darkness is nothing to a strong man. Even if he cannot adapt to the darkness, the demon sense, the eyes of ghosts and gods, and the sense of the gods can allow him to detect everything in the house.

  Li Ran stood in the darkness for a long time before a majestic and cold voice suddenly came.

  "Lu Zhaohui, you are a craftsman!"

  Li Ran looked around and gradually adapted to the darkness. He was in a small, square room. There was a huge black glass on the wall in front of him. There was a small door in the corner. This There is a simple table and chairs in the room.

  At a glance, it looks like an interrogation room.

  Seeing this scene, Li Ran realized that the so-called interview was actually an interrogation.

  Behind the wall in front of him was one-way glass. He couldn't see inside, but the people inside could see him clearly, and could see the expression on his face, every move, and even every detail.

  It was almost certain that Wei Zhang was standing behind the glass, observing him with his mind-reading skills.

  After the voice fell, a beam of light hit his face, which was extremely dazzling.

  Li Ran blocked the light beam with his hand and said loudly: "I am not Xiaozuo, I am a disciple of Shengquan Peak. Master Xuan, are you making a mistake?"

  Inside the one-way glass, Wei Zhangzheng was holding the table with both hands, leaning forward with his upper body. A sharp cold light shot out of his eyes. He continued to ask: "Who sent you to the Holy Spring Peak? What are the techniques and tokens you practice?" Who gave it to you?"

  Facing Master Wei Zhang's interrogation like a prisoner, Li Ran still stood there and said with a blank look on his face: "Master Xuan, no one sent me to the Holy Spring Peak. The skills and tokens are not joining. Is there one at Holy Spring Peak?"

  "You lied!" Wei Zhang questioned loudly.

  "Master Xuan, I didn't lie." Li Ran said.

  "You have been completely exposed. If I tell you who was behind your infiltration into the Holy Spring Peak, I might be able to leave you with a whole body." Wei Zhang said with a cold face.

  "Master Xuan, I am really a disciple of Shengquan Peak." Li Ran said with tears, and then he sighed and said with firm eyes: "I live in the south of Zulong City. I have a house and fields at home, and my life is full of joy. Who would have thought that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect would mysteriously descend from the sky, killing my wife, daughter, and parents, destroying my farmland and taking away my house..." "

  Shut up! What's this mess?" Wei Zhang touched his temples, feeling his head hurt.

  He had already used his mind-reading ability on Lu Zhaohui in the interrogation room, but this time it was strange that he could only see fragmentary fragments of Lu Zhaohui's work at Shengquan Peak.

  Participate in the encirclement and suppression of the intruders, follow Cao Kui to Dawn Peak, and participate in the encirclement and suppression of Beast Taming Peak.

  These memories are jumbled, like pieces of a puzzle.

  He didn't know if it was due to excessive use of his eyes recently, or if Lu Zhaohui's memory was already very confusing.

  Apart from this, he could not see any memory of Lu Zhaohui.

  The reason why he suspected that Lu Zhaohui was a trickster was because he had no memory of seeing him in Beast Taming Peak last time, and his mind-reading skills failed in front of Lu Zhaohui.

  He insisted that Lu Zhaohui was doing it carefully and had no substantive evidence. He just wanted to defraud him.

  As a result, Lu Zhaohui played a nervous part, Allegro?

  There must be something seriously wrong with this man's brain.

  "Master Xuan, my brain has been injured and my memory will disappear. I can only remember what happened recently, and I can't remember it all." "

  But I always remember my hometown, my parents, wife and daughter, and the purpose of joining Yuanxian Sect. I just want to learn the skills and kill those Ten Thousand Buddha Sects to avenge them!" At the last sentence, Li Ran made a sonorous and powerful voice of indignation, and his eyes became extremely red.

  Wei Zhang, who was behind the black glass, turned off the call switch and cursed.

  "Master Xuan, is this person a craftsman?" asked the inner disciple on the side.

  Wei Zhang rubbed his temples and said, "He's mentally ill!"

  "Then should this person stay or..." The inner disciple made a gesture of wiping his neck.

  Wei Zhang frowned slightly, raised his head and continued to observe Lu Zhaohui, who was stupid and dazed in the interrogation room.

  "Is there a record of this person in the disciple register?" Wei Zhang asked.

  "Master Xuan, have you forgotten? When you killed Wei Zhang, you destroyed the Holy Spring Peak household department." said the inner disciple.

  Wei Zhang slapped his head and became extremely annoyed: "My damn brain is becoming less and less memorable. I'm afraid I won't be able to use mind-reading skills casually in the future. The consequences will be too great." "Prying into people's hearts will hurt the enemy a thousand times.

  " The self-destructive technique, the Mind Peeping Technique, will drive you crazy if you use it too much. Master Xuan, you need to rest more." The inner disciple said with concern.

  Wei Zhang rubbed his temples, looked closely at Lu Zhaohui, and whispered to the inner disciples beside him: "The superiors asked us to speed up the progress, but the disciples of Shengquan Peak are becoming less and less, and the roe deer owls are coming more and more. The more disciples there are, the more disciples will die. On the one hand, we are required to eliminate the roe owls, adulterers and witnesses, on the other hand, we are required to continue to expand the inner disciples, and we are required to speed up the speed of breaking the sealed door." "The above is both

  . Who can stand it if you have to keep asking for more, I haven't slept for four days."

  "Expanding inner disciples cannot be used indiscriminately. If there is a problem, the plan to break into the door will be leaked."

  "This gives me a headache. But at the seal, only those who have reached the seventh level of the Holy Spring Ice Heart Art can withstand the impact of the Breath of the Earth Veins. The cultivation speed of the outer disciples is extremely slow. How can there be so many Tianzong A talented person, he finally became a disciple who has reached the seventh level of spiritual cultivation, but he is still a fool." "

  This Lu Zhaohui looks like an idiot, but his qualifications and spiritual roots are very good."

  Wei Zhang rubbed his temples and looked at the interrogation Lu Zhaohui, who was looking around in the room, said in a low voice: "Otherwise, just accept it."

  The inner disciple smiled slightly and said: "It's up to the master to make the decision."

  Wei Zhang seemed to have made a difficult decision. Then he turned on the communication switch again and said: "Lu Zhaohui, from now on you are an inner disciple." When

  Li Ran heard this, he said excitedly: "Thank you, Master Xuan, thank you Master Xuan, I was scared to death. I thought you really thought of me." We'll handle it carefully."

  Wei Zhang smiled, turned to look at the inner disciple aside and said, "Ah Bong, you are responsible for taking him to the sealing place and taking the Silent Silence Pill." The

  disciple named Ah Bang nodded. He said: "Don't worry, Lord Xuan, leave it to Abang."

  In the interrogation room, after waiting for a while, the small door next to it suddenly opened, and an arrogant-looking inner disciple waved to him: "Follow me."

  Lu Zhaohui nodded and followed him. As he moved, the black shadow under his feet also moved. I don't know if it was the flickering of the light.

  This inner disciple looked extremely arrogant and had a big nose ring on his nose.

  "You can call me Ah Bang, I am the general manager responsible for all the internal affairs of the inner disciples of Shengquan Peak." said the inner disciple with an arrogant face and a nose ring.

  Lu Zhaohui nodded and followed A Bong cautiously.

  In the shadow under his feet, if you look carefully, you will find a black bird in the shadow of his walking, following silently in the shadow.

  That was Li Ran who used the shadow bird to follow Lu Zhaohui's shadow.

  The Lu Zhaohui in front of him was actually a nightmare clone.

  Li Ran used [Trace of Memory] to design a set of memories for this clone that only acted within the Holy Spring Peak, and completely shattered those memories.

  Wei Zhang has the ability to read minds, and the memories he can read for this clone are also designed by Li Ran.

  That's why Wei Zhang felt that Lu Zhaohui's memory was very confusing.

  As for the dialogue, Li Ran himself was controlling the clone to speak. He had to be mentally ill, plus avenge his parents, and speak indignantly to persuade Wei Zhang.

  Wei Zhang may not believe it, but there is no evidence.

  There is another reason why Li Ran is not afraid of being discovered. He found in the clean and hygienic diary of Shengquanju that the household department of Shengquanju was destroyed, which meant that all the files of Shengquan Peak disciples were destroyed.

  It would be impossible for a fake spin master possessed by Wei Zhang to recognize all his disciples.

  And the mind reader couldn't see what he wanted to see, so Li Ran guessed that there was at least a 50% chance that he would pass Wei Zhang's "interview".

  The other 50% depends on Wei Zhang's character and whether he can truly eliminate suspicion.

  In other words, there are very few people who practice the Seventh Level Holy Spring Bingxin Jue. Once the disciples reach the seventh level, they will be summoned. Wei Zhang reads the memory to see if the person he uses is reliable and can control it easily.

  It's easy to see through the clone, but it can't be seen through wearing the nightmare skin.

  You must know that at Cangming Airport, Li Ran was confused by the Nightmare Demon. Even the Heart of Chaos could not identify the authenticity of the Nightmare Demon.

  At first, Li Ran thought he could see that the prompt was from the system or some kind of cheat. When he was at Cangming Airport, he was thinking that such an awesome cheat couldn't even identify the Nightmare. It was too exaggerated.

  Now I understand that the so-called golden finger is basically the talent of my heart. He is not a system or a golden finger, but a natural talent.

  It's not a panacea!
  After figuring this out, Li Ran wanted to scold her. She was also a time traveler, so she really didn't get any benefits.

  You still have to rely on yourself.

  Abang led Li Ran into a passage. At the end of the passage were two more elevators.

  "Lu Zhaohui, take this." Ah Pong stopped in front of the elevator and handed Lu Zhaohui a blue pill.

  "What is this?"

  "This is the secretive pill."

  Lu Zhaohui took the blue pill and looked at it doubtfully, and asked curiously: "What's the use of this?"

  Ah Pong stared at Lu Zhaohui with bull's eyes. He said arrogantly: "Our Secret Pill is made from the bone meal, brain marrow, heart, gluten powder of ninety-nine and eighty-one species of living things, plus water from the Wangchuan River. It does not require boiling water, no need to refrigerate, no need to add any preservatives It tastes like candy..."

  "Friends who take the secretive pill, as the name suggests, must not reveal even a word of secrets, or write down the secrets with pen and ink, otherwise they will die of ulcers all over their bodies. In fact, It is a necessary magic medicine for internal affairs agencies and overall management."

  Lu Zhaohui had a black line on his head.

  "Is it okay not to eat?"

  "No!" Ah Bang leaned over with his whole face and glared at Lu Zhaohui fiercely: "Open your mouth."

  As soon as Lu Zhaohui opened his mouth, Ah Bang grabbed Lu Zhaohui's hand and pulled it fiercely. The blue pill was slapped into his mouth: "Take it, you."


  Before Lu Zhaohui could react, the pill was slapped into his mouth.

  Moreover, the pill melts in the mouth and disappears in the mouth instantly.

  Abong pulled the elevator switch on the side and said to Lu Zhaohui: "From here on, anything, anything, or anyone you see, that is, everything you see, is not allowed to be disclosed to the outside world or a third person. A word."

  "Of course, if you want to die, you can just say it."

  Lu Zhaohui nodded seriously and then closed his mouth.

  The elevator continues to go down.

  Li Ran guessed that he had gone down to a hundred meters underground.

  The elevator descended very quickly, but it took a long time to reach the bottom.

  "Senior Brother Abong, can I be baptized by the Holy Spring today? I have been looking forward to breaking through to the ninth level." Lu Zhaohui said with great expectation.

  "Do you still want to break through to the ninth level?" Abong glanced at Lu Zhaohui?
  "Why not?" Lu Zhaohui asked.

  "You'll know in a moment." A Bang said.

  The elevator slowly reached the bottom, reaching an estimated 300 meters underground at Shengquan Peak.

  After following Ah Bang through a passage, an extremely vast space appeared in front of him.

  There are nine ditches on the ground. Looking down from the ground, the ditches form nine ditch frames, one frame within a frame, a total of nine square frames.

  There is black water flowing in the ditch. Among them, the water in the ditches in the outer six squares is dry. The ditches in the three inner squares are all black water. They are like smelly ditches. Like stagnant water, deposited in ditches.

  There is also an upright frame in the center of the nine frames.

  The frame is very huge, twenty meters high and five meters wide. Irregular objects are constantly falling from a luminous vortex at the top, and then stacked in the west. The objects are stacking more and more, almost filling the entire frame. box.

  There were dozens of inner disciples sitting around the huge standing frame, holding small notebooks and drawing or calculating something.

  Seeing the frame, Lu Zhaohui's eyes suddenly lit up.

  "Lu Zhaohui, what you are seeing now is the place where the Holy Spring of Holy Spring Peak is located." Abong said suddenly.

  Lu Zhaohui scanned the vast space in confusion, and asked doubtfully: "Where is the Earthly Holy Spring? Where is the spring?" "The

  black sedimentary liquid in the ditch under the inner three-frame channel is the Earthly Holy Spring." Abong said.

  Lu Zhaohui opened his mouth wide with disbelief on his face: "If you didn't tell me, I thought it was the stagnant water in the stinking ditch."

  "How can that stagnant water look like spring water?" Lu Zhaohui pretended to be confused, then opened his eyes and said, "Is the Holy Spring also cursed?" Abang smiled and

  led Li Ran across the dry ditch. Walk towards the giant frame standing in the innermost part.

  "Senior brother, what is this for?" Lu Zhaohui asked.

  There was a hint of cunning in A Pang's eyes. He pointed at the inner disciples around him and said, "They are all working hard to break the curse seal. Anyone who can break the curse seal will be rewarded heavily within the sect." "Currently, Holy

  Spring Feng has broken six layers of curse seals, and he still needs to break three layers to completely purify the Holy Spring and return it to its original appearance." Lu Zhaohui said with a shocked look on his face: "How

  could it become like this?" "

  Then. We have to ask the defected Frozen End Holy Dragon King. We have to clean up the mess it left behind. If the Holy Spring cannot be purified, once the cursed aura leaks out, the entire Yuanxian Sect and even the entire earth may be enveloped by the cursed aura. , by then, the entire world will become hell." Abong said.

  "This... is so terrifying." Lu Zhaohui exclaimed.

  Li Ran, with the shadow at his feet, was cursing in his heart: "Damn it, if I hadn't known the truth a long time ago, I would have been fooled by you." "

  What nonsense is the seal of the Holy Spring of Purification Land? This is clearly the seal of the Gate of Hell. These The inner disciples sit here and do nothing else. They spend all day thinking about how to break the seal." "

  Unexpectedly, six layers of the seal of the Gate of Hell have been broken, and only the last three layers are left." "The

  Holy Spring of Evolution Land is It's simple. Just throw the antidote prepared by Peach Blossom Fairy into the Holy Spring and it should be able to purify the Holy Spring." "

  It seems that we need to think of someone who can purify the Holy Spring without being seen through, and can also organize them to break the seal. There's a way."

  "Oh, it's another need and a need."

  Li Ran thought to himself, feeling that his task was not simple when entering the Holy Spring.

  Abang pointed to the aura of earth veins that emerged from time to time around the outside of the sealing formation and said: "The sealing array of the Earth Holy Spring is built on the earth veins, and underneath it is the extremely hot earth veins. The temperature here is as high as several hundred degrees, and the air is extremely hot. , the reason why you feel nothing strange is all due

  to the Yun Nian Bingchen on your body." "This is also the reason why the Holy Spring Bingxin Jue must be cultivated to the seventh level before you can become an inner sect disciple. Disciples who have cultivated to the sixth level Here, the skin will be burned, and it is impossible to stay on the earth veins."

  Lu Zhaohui nodded and said: "It's like a huge steamer, and we are the food in the steamer."

  A Pong's eyes lit up, and he patted Lu Zhaohui said over his shoulder: "Haha, your metaphor is good."

  "Then what do I need to do here?" Lu Zhaohui asked.

  Ah Bang pointed at the huge frame standing in the center of the sealing formation and said, "See this frame? This is the seventh seal. Unlocking the seal code can break the seventh seal." "I haven't unlocked one yet

  . This frame will change with each layer of seals. Through the unremitting efforts of the disciples of Shengquan Peak, the six layers of seals have been cracked."

  Abong looked at Lu Zhaohui and said with some hope in his eyes: "If you can unlock this seal code, The spin master will definitely reward you heavily. If you can unlock the remaining seals, the ghost... Qingcang Immortal Lord will personally grant you the supreme mental method to help you grow quickly." "If you want to be your

  wife To get revenge for your parents, just work hard and break the remaining seals. This is the fastest way for you to get revenge." "

  Remember, you have swallowed the pill of keeping silent. If you reveal the secret here, you will be killed on the spot."

  " Okay, why don't you just find a seat next to you and sit down, and study the seventh seal code carefully."

  Lu Zhaohui nodded, then found a relatively empty place to sit down, and looked at the standing sign seriously. The giant frame he had raised was drawn with his hands.

  Abang glanced at Lu Zhaohui and muttered: "What a fool, so easy to fool."

  When Abang left, Lu Zhaohui smiled slightly.

  "The poison Lu Zhaohui took has nothing to do with me, Li Ran."

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  (End of chapter)

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