Chapter 459 The Northern Territory Ghost Emperor’s sneak attack!

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  Black mirror space.

  "Yeah, we were almost discovered."

  The moment the Eye of God was destroyed, the first thought that came to Li Ran's mind was to escape into the black mirror space.

  Therefore, when choosing a place to use God's Eye, I chose a place with water stains under my feet.

  No matter whether the person standing in front of the mysterious stone tablet is Qingcang Immortal Lord or someone else.

  The strength of a person who can perceive such an ethereal thing as the Eye of God must be extraordinary.

  Once such a person feels peeping, they will immediately use their senses to explore their surroundings.

  Once he is detected, his situation will be quite dangerous.

  Fortunately, not everyone has the ability to be a mirror breaker.

  There are countless large and small mirrors floating in the black mirror space, some of which are irregular and wavy. Most of these mirrors are small puddles or pools on the road.

  Those round and oval mirrors are mostly full-length mirrors or vanity mirrors in women’s rooms.

  There are also some irregular mirrors that flicker and appear, which are temporary mirrors formed by the refraction and reflection of light.

  The last time I came to the Black Mirror Space, there was an SS-level Ice Qi Demon.

  But now the Bingqi Demon died in Wanlongyuan.

  Li Ran didn't know if it was the same one.

  However, if he meets the Ice Qi Demon again, he will not be without the strength to fight, and he can even face it calmly.

  The countless mirrors in the black mirror space are formed according to the landform of Yuanxian Sect, so the mirror surfaces are high or low, but the heights will not differ too much.

  Li Ran flew to a high place. Judging from his position, he was probably on the elevator to the cliff.

  Ahead is the red carpet avenue leading to Jumang Palace.

  Li Ran immediately built a three-dimensional palace in his mind, and presented the entire structure and distribution map of Jumang Palace seen in the real plane in the black mirror space.

  This requires extremely strong memory palace abilities.

  He must find the mirror closest to the mysterious stone tablet.

  If there is a slight mistake and you fall into the courtyard full of terrifying things, you will be in trouble!

  Li Ran used his own memory to construct a huge Jumang Palace in the black mirror space.

  Go through the red carpet passage and enter where the steps of Jumang Hall are.

  He flew directly to the sky, intending to look down directly from the sky and search for the location of the mysterious stone tablet in his memory.

  "Behind the main hall is a row of courtyards. If there is a zigzag-shaped backyard, there are two layers of courtyards inside and outside. The mysterious stone monument is in the center of the zigzag-shaped courtyard, so the location of the mysterious stone stele should be there!" Li Ran deduced in his mind at a very fast speed, using his own

  extreme Qiang's memory and Goldfinger's prompts confirmed the location of the mysterious stone tablet.

  But when he saw that location, Li Ran fell into deep thought.

  Because there is no mirror within a ten-meter radius of the location of the mysterious stone monument, not even a reflection from a puddle or wall.

  The mirror closest to the mysterious stone monument is nearly twenty-five meters away from the mysterious stone monument.

  Twenty-five meters is not a distance at all to Li Ran now. He got there as soon as he started.

  But the problem is that the nearest mirror is in a courtyard.

  According to the location I saw in my memory, the courtyard is where the strange blood tree is!
  "It's difficult. The nearest mirror is in the first courtyard behind the main hall."

  The courtyard where the blood tree is located is in the leftmost courtyard of the Hui shape, which is the outermost circle of the character "Hui", on its right side. There was another courtyard. Li Ran remembered that in this courtyard was a hanging evil sword, and further to the right was the mysterious stone tablet.

  In other words, when he comes out of the nearest mirror, he will enter the courtyard of the strange blood tree, and has to pass through two walls to reach the central courtyard where the mysterious stone monument is.

  "Use the Dark Night God to soar into the sky and then rush to the right to pass through the mysterious stone monument as soon as possible." Li Ran planned in his mind.

  Although this method is the fastest, it is also the most noisy.

  "Although this plan can quickly reach the location of the mysterious stone monument, what about coming back?" It's

  easy to get in, but not so easy to get out.

  Li Ran could almost imagine being surrounded by enemies when he came out of the mysterious stone monument.

  Therefore, it is not feasible to forcefully raid the location of the mysterious stone monument.

  "Then there's only one option left." Li Ran thought to himself.

  Shadow Bird and Invisibility Skills are in such a dangerous place, and anyone with a slightly higher guile value than him can detect anomalies.

  "Travel between different dimensions!"

  This is the safest method that Li Ran thought of.

  It’s not too late, just do it.

  There are also two mirrors about thirty meters away, but they need to pass through two walls, and the things in the courtyard inside also make Li Ran feel strongly uneasy.

  It's better to choose a closer one, start the interdimensional shuttle directly, and enter the courtyard where the mysterious stone tablet is located through the wall.

  Li Ran came to the mirror, and through the mirror he saw the courtyard dyed red by the blood tree covered with charms.

  He can directly see scenes in the real plane from the black mirror space.

  This is how Wang Xiaodong, the mirror breaker, spied on girls taking a shower, and it was extremely difficult to be discovered. After all, almost every girl's bathroom has a mirror, and the mirror breaker could even peek openly.

  Of course, if Li Ran wanted to, he could get a lot of benefits for free.

  But now time is of the essence.

  Look at the gross welfare.

  Looking out from the mirror, this blood tree is no different from an ordinary tree except for its strange and uncanny appearance.

  Still, it's better to take a golden look.

  (Hell blood tree.)
  (S-level monster.)
  (Cunning power:???)
  (Wherever it comes, disasters, plagues, and curses will follow. Its roots will grow indefinitely underground, madly absorbing all the energy in the area until the earth turns to loess, the lakes dry up, and the trees wither...) (
  Tip : Any life that is close to it will be attacked by it.)
  (Tip: Your contracted pet, the Dark Witch, seems to have a strong interest in it.)
  Seeing the prompt, Li Ran summoned Miss Saori.

  "Hell blood tree?"

  Miss Saori recognized the blood tree outside the mirror at a glance.

  "Do you have a way to solve it?" Li Ran asked.

  A smile appeared on Miss Saori's lips, and her eyes became excited: "There is simply no more suitable nourishment than it."

  Seeing the evil look on Miss Saori's face, it was simple.

  This tree no longer poses a threat to it, and can even be absorbed by Miss Saori.

  Although Miss Saori is the Dark Demon Mother, she is actually a demon tree. Her body is the pale blood tree. The more energy the blood tree absorbs, the stronger Miss Saori will be.

  The pale blood tree is also Miss Saori’s weakness.

  Next is the evil flying sword.

  Li Ran thought it didn't matter, the evil flying sword posed no threat to him.

  When the time comes, he passes directly through the void plane, and the evil sword may not even be discovered.

  "Give me your hand!" Li Ran said to Miss Shazhi.

  Miss Saori did not dare to disobey her master's order and took the initiative to extend her pale and bloodless hand.

  The first time I held Miss Saori's little hand, it was cold, soft, as if it were boneless, as if it could be easily crushed.

  Miss Shazhi's hands really had no bones. Li Ran had seen the skin under his skin, layer after layer, like an onion.

  "Master, it's been so long, don't you still have some thoughts about me?" Miss Saori asked with a wicked smile.

  Li Ran felt chills all over his body inexplicably, and Miss Shazhi actually had her mind set on him.

  He had no interest in knowing the mating methods of the Dark Mother.

  Holding Miss Saori's hand, they walked through the mirror in front of them.

  The two entered the courtyard where the Hell Blood Tree was located.

  The moment he appeared in the Blood Tree Courtyard of Hell.

  As if the Hell Blood Tree sensed an invading enemy, the strange red light surged, dyeing the entire palace courtyard a blood-red color.

  And Li Ran also immediately copied Miss Shazhi's skill [Void Dancer] and traveled directly to the void plane.

  Miss Saori faced the Hell Blood Tree alone. She slowly raised her slender hand, placed her jade-like index finger in front of her red lips, opened her teeth slightly, and said: "Shh!

  " The red light suddenly died down, and the bloody red light immediately became dim.

  The entire blood tree, from trunk to branches to leaves, started to tremble.

  Miss Saori's eyes became brighter and brighter, with extremely excited light in her eyes.

  "You are my food in hell. I never thought you would dare to come to the human world to cause trouble!"

  Miss Saori had a sly smile on her face and raised her slender hand slightly.

  Pale vines grew crazily on the ground of the courtyard as it trembled violently. The pale vines wrapped around the trunk of the blood tree like countless white strands, climbing up the branches and climbing to the crown of the tree.

  The blood tree trembled violently, and the blood light surrounding it quickly dimmed, as if it had seen a ghost, and it paralyzed with fear.

  "Puff, puff~!"

  The tip of the pale vine penetrated into the trunk of the blood tree as easily as a spear, sucking the blood in the blood tree crazily, and the pale vine squirmed quickly.

  Miss Saori looked excited, and her pupils became brighter and sharper. As the pale vine sucked crazily, another pupil regenerated on the edge of her pupils. The pupil grew rapidly, and slowly Slowly overlapping, forming three very symmetrical pupils!
  Three evil pupils!

  The moment it took shape, the Hell Blood Tree quickly fell off the ground like dried and broken cement fragments.


  Miss Shazhi let out an extremely weird and excited laugh, then got into the void and followed Li Ran.

  Li Ran originally planned to pass through the wall directly from the void, but when he passed the evil sword area, he unexpectedly discovered that the evil sword actually reacted to the fluctuations in the void.

  That's why he was delayed for some time, but Miss Saori easily solved the Hell Blood Tree.

  Seeing Miss Saori catching up, Li Ran noticed that her eyes had three pupils!

  Let’s look at Miss Saori’s attributes.

  Li Ran opened his mouth wide and was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

  [Dark Mother: Miss Saori (mutated)]

  [SS-level spiritually infected body]

  [Cunning power value: 150000+ (30006)]

  "What the hell, the magic power suddenly increased by 50,000?"

  "The special meow is also mutated. Come on!"

  Li Ran stayed for a long time.

  He didn't expect that Miss Saori could deal with the Hell Blood Tree so easily and that it could provide her with so much energy.

  Miss Shazhi saw Li Ran's doubts, smiled slightly and said: "In the hell demon tree world, it can be king only when I am gone." "

  There are no tigers in the mountains, so a monkey can be the king?" Li Ran said.

  "That's pretty much what it means." Miss Saori smiled.

  Moreover, the process of devouring the hell blood tree just now did not cause any movement, and no mysterious aura was leaked.

  Miss Saori's set of operations is quite explosive.

  "Hell Demon Sword!" Miss Saori said.

  "You know?" Li Ran asked.

  The two of them could see the Hell Demon Sword in the courtyard of the real plane from the void plane.

  Li Ran could force his way in, but it would definitely cause a lot of noise. He didn't want to be caught in a trap when he came back from the mysterious stone tablet.

  He just saw the hint through Golden Finger that the Hell Demon Sword has autonomous consciousness and can cut through the void.

  In other words, this magic sword can sense enemies in the void and attack.

  "The Hell Demon Sword is the spirit of the Demon Sword condensed from countless sword spirits in the Hell Sword Tomb. It has great evil thoughts and resentment, and is also very violent. It is very difficult to deal with it." "But you treat it like a wild dog

  . That's good." Miss Saori said.

  "Wild dog?" Li Ran looked surprised.

  He just passed Goldfinger's prompt and could use the dead souls to feed it.

  Because the Hell Demon Sword itself is made up of the resentment of countless sword spirits, resentment and dead souls are its food.

  But, it is a pity that the last batch of souls have been refined into mysterious medicine by Li Ran.

  "I have the soul of the dead." Miss Saori said with a slight smile.

  After saying that, she traveled directly back to the real plane from the void, and appeared directly in the courtyard of the Hell Demon Sword.

  The Hell Demon Sword immediately discovered Miss Saori emerging from the void, and endless evil energy immediately emerged from the entire Demon Sword.

  "You are so angry, can't you be gentler?"

  "Look what I brought you."

  Miss Saori pointed to the ground in the courtyard, and a pale demon tree grew on the ground, with leaves on the crown. As red as blood.

  A crack opened in the trunk of the pale demon tree, and wisps of innocent souls flew out of the crack.

  Seeing those innocent souls flying out, the entire sword of the Hell Demon Sword burst out with strong evil energy, like an excited wild dog, rushing towards those innocent souls crazily.

  Miss Saori smiled slightly, turned around and flew back to the void plane, and took back the pale demon tree.


  Li Ran took advantage of the opportunity when the Hell Demon Sword was eating and quickly walked through the courtyard to the courtyard where the mysterious stone tablet was located.

  "Miss Shazhi, please go back first." Li Ran said.

  "Okay, Master." Miss Saori nodded, but paused slightly and said, "I noticed that there are many monsters from hell in this yard. It seems that someone opened the door to hell and summoned them here." "If that's the case

  . If you say that, it means that this person has the ability to open the door to hell."

  After saying that, Miss Saori returned to the contract space.

  Miss Shazhi's words reminded Li Ran.

  Who has the ability to open the gates of hell?
  A person appeared in Li Ran's mind.

  But he didn't want it to be him.

  The Ghost Emperor of Luofeng Mountain! !

  This is the person who popped into Li Ran's mind many times.

  Because his methods and behavior, as well as the behind-the-scenes manipulation behavior, are almost the same as the behind-the-scenes manipulation in Fengquan Township.

  It's just that in the copy of Senluo Ruins, he is no longer behind the scenes, but in person, controlling everything!
  As the Ghost Emperor in charge of the Netherworld North Territory, he naturally has the ability to open the gate to hell.

  Why does the Ghost Emperor want to control Yuanxian Sect?

  What is the purpose?
  Is it to control Behemoth?

  Or he also discovered the secret of Yuanxian Sect and is trying to obtain that secret.

  At this moment, in Li Ran's heart, he was almost certain that the evil force from outside that had penetrated Yuanxian Sect was the Ghost Emperor.

  If he would eventually meet the Ghost Emperor at the end of his survival days, he would have no chance of winning now.

  Thinking of this, Li Ran came to the mysterious stone tablet.

  Come out of the void plane and stand in front of the stone tablet.

  (Mysterious stone tablet, full of energy.)
  Seeing this line of prompts, Li Ran's lips curled up slightly.

  He immediately placed his hand on the surface of the stone tablet, holding the source of time.

  The moment his hand touched the stone monument, the entire black stone surface rippled like black water.

  Li Ran stretched one of his hands in as if he were dipping into the water.

  "Sure enough, it's you!"

  At this moment, an elegant and majestic voice suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

  Li Ran's expression changed drastically because he had heard this voice before.

  In Luofeng Mountain, the Palace of Ghosts and Gods!

  This voice belongs to the Ghost Emperor!

  His pupils shrank suddenly, and he turned around to look behind him. A black mist came through the wall from the distant courtyard.

  "Northern Ghost Emperor!" Li Ran's expression suddenly changed.

  Although he did not see clearly the true appearance of the Ghost Emperor in the black mist, Li Ran did not dare to stay here.

  He quickly burrowed into the mysterious stone tablet.

  Almost as his whole body was about to go in, the dark claws clawed at his back fiercely.

  Li Ran felt a sharp tearing pain all over the back of his heart, and almost lost consciousness on the spot.

  But fortunately, at the critical moment, his body passed through the mysterious stone monument, and the ghost claw that injured him was blocked from the stone monument.

  "Heart of Chaos, I'm waiting for you!"

  After crossing the stone monument, Li Ran heard the teasing voice of the Ghost Emperor of the Northern Territory.

  Li Ran collapsed to the ground, and a ferocious bloody hole in his back almost penetrated his heart. He was only a millimeter away from having his heart ripped out by the Ghost Emperor.

  He had reacted immediately, but the Ghost Emperor's attack was as fast as lightning. Even if he reacted, he almost had his heart ripped out from behind.

  Li Ran's body trembled violently until the distorted and chaotic scene in front of him gradually disappeared and turned into a vast white space.

  There are countless doors floating in this vast white space, and these doors are of different colors.


  Li Ran coughed violently, and the blood holes in his mouth and back were bleeding.

  He didn't know why the passive life-saving skill didn't take effect.

  Blind guessing that the Ghost Emperor has a seal passive is an attack skill, so he was hit hard.

  He hurriedly took out a few bags of blood from the storage space, bit into the bags, and drank the blood like water.

  At this moment, the passive skill effect was effective again. The [Demon Growth] physique quickly repaired Li Ran's body after drinking blood, and the blood hole in his back healed visibly to the naked eye.

  "Oh no, I almost died again!"

  "I didn't die in the hands of Mo Luo, but in the hands of the Ghost Emperor. This is the worst!"

  Very early on, he traveled to Senluo Ruins and saw his own death. At that time, he also guessed whether the person who killed him was the Ghost Emperor.

  It turned out not to be, it was Mara!

  But now the Ghost Emperor has also appeared, proving that his intuition was right.

  When he was at the Luofeng Mountain Ghost Palace, he noticed something was wrong with the way the Northern Territory Ghost Emperor looked at him, even though he hid it very well.

  But the greed and desire in some people's eyes cannot be hidden.

  In the end, the Ghost Emperor still came and entered this copy of Ten Thousand Tribulations.

  Li Ran is now almost certain that the zigzag hell monster shelter surrounding the mysterious stone monument is also prepared for him.

  He had been extremely careful, but the Ghost Emperor still sensed it.

  The Ghost Emperor sensed it and killed him in an instant.

  The strength is not ordinary and terrifying.

  When passing through the mysterious stone monument, if Li Ran had hesitated for a while, he would be a dead man now.

  "Oh no, you will definitely be intercepted when you come back!" Li Ran cursed.

  The injuries on his body are almost repaired.

  He slowly floated in the time space.

  This time he still needs to find the door to the Senluo Ruins copy.

  The black door he had passed through three times.

  But this time it's not time to travel to the future, but to the past.

  Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the time and space on the door frame.

  "First find Daoyuan Immortal to learn how to swallow Behemoth's soul, and then think about how to deal with the Ghost Emperor." "

  When I find a way to deal with you, Ghost Emperor, it will be your death!" (End of this chapter)

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