Chapter 397 Sea of ​​Fear!

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  Chapter 397 Sea of ​​Fear!

  Su Bingyao, Zhao Yingzhi, Shi Long, and Chu Yuhao were all stunned.

  Everyone will die?
  Only Su Bingyao is alive?

  "Captain, your joke is not funny at all." Sloan smiled dryly, trying to ease the suddenly heavy atmosphere.

  What Li Ran said just now scared everyone, and Li Ran's expression was very solemn, not like he was joking at all.

  "What I said is true." Li Ran's face was solemn, and he repeated it again: "Everyone will die in the next dungeon, including me, and only Bingyao can survive." Su Bingyao's ice eyes flashed with shock, and she asked

  : "How do you know? Do you have the ability to predict the future?"

  Li Ran did not answer Su Bingyao directly, but planned to tell everyone the information he knew.

  The reason why he suddenly had such an idea was because he was inspired by the lip reading of himself resurrected in the future.

  Just now, he was hesitating whether to tell them not to follow him to die before setting off, because this time there was no return.

  At first, his idea was that he didn't know how to talk to them, so he just said that everyone would probably die in the next dungeon, so that his teammates would retreat.

  In this case, his teammates will regard his words as a joke.

  Until he thought of the lip words left by his future self, another idea suddenly popped into his mind.

  It's better to tell them the truth and let them know how they died.

  Then let them choose whether to team up with him.

  "Yes, I have seen the future. The next dungeon we are about to enter is called Senluo Ruins. We were killed by the enemy on the first day we entered the dungeon." "

  Shi Long, Zhao Yingzhi, Chu Yuhao, Zang Jiu, Hua Shuying, Ryan, and other players, including me, will all die!"

  "Only Bingyao is still alive, but Bingyao, you will collapse in fear and despair and choose to commit suicide!"

  After Li Ran finished speaking, several people present froze again.

  On the first day after entering the dungeon, the team was wiped out?

  What a joke!
  "With my personality, it's impossible for me to kill myself!" Su Bingyao said resolutely.

  Li Ran thought so too at the beginning. How could Su Bingyao's cold, aloof and strong character choose to commit suicide?

  That's because her heart has not reached the bottom line of collapse, has not reached the edge of despair, and has not been dominated by fear.

  "The enemy is far stronger than we imagined. It has reached the SSS level. With four dragons, those four dragons will destroy everything and kill us all. And I will eventually be burned to death on the edge of the cliff with my heart ripped out!" Li Ran told several people all the information he knew.

  Several people took a breath after hearing this.

  SSS level, with four dragon enemies?

  This is still a shame.

  Just GG.

  Li Ran will die in the dungeon. Aren't they even considered cannon fodder?
  In the end, even the living could not escape the fate of committing suicide.

  In other words, in the next dungeon, all members will be wiped out!
  The next copy will be their final destination.

  "Have you seen the future?" Su Bingyao asked.

  "Yes!" Li Ran said with certainty.

  Hearing this, everyone's expressions instantly turned ugly.

  If someone says they have seen the future, most likely no one will believe it.

  But Li Ran said that seeing the future, it was still possible.

  Although I don’t know how he sees the future.

  But if the future Li Ran saw was true, then everyone would die on the first day they entered the dungeon.

  "Then since you have already seen the future, why do you still tell us? Do you think that if you tell us, we will have a choice and we will shrink back?" Zhao Yingzhi said.

  "The dungeon transfer is about to begin. Whether to enter the dark sea or accept the transfer, we still follow you, commander. Damn the future. I didn't believe a word of it before it happened. I control my own life!" Sloan said.

  "I won't believe what hasn't happened yet." Chu Yuhao said.

  Li Ran said: "No, I don't mean to make you back down. I am telling you that I want you all to figure out how to survive this disaster." When everyone heard this, they all looked at each other and smiled


  The heavy and oppressive atmosphere dissipated instantly.

  "You initially wanted to leave everyone behind and face it yourself." Zhao Yingzhi asked.

  "I have this idea, but not much." Li Ran smiled.


  Li Ran smiled lightly and said, "I've been thinking about how to break the situation these days, and I'm so busy thinking about it. I still haven't thought of a way to 100% change the future." "So you want us to help you

  . I think you really made a good calculation." Su Bingyao said.

  Li Ran smiled, knowing that no matter how much he tried to persuade them, their minds would not change.

  Perhaps in their hearts, they have long been prepared to die when they venture into a strange world.

  "It's time for us to go." Li Ran looked at the time, and it was almost time for the dungeon to be opened.

  At this time, three people came not far away, namely Fusiya, Gadler, and Grace.

  "I hope we are not late. Let's form a team together for the next dungeon." Fusiya walked up to Li Ran and took the initiative to extend her white hand.

  Li Ran had no intention of shaking hands. He just looked at Fusiya and asked, "Where is the last Black Rubik's Cube you have?" "

  Tell you, can I go there right away?" Fusiya asked.

  "Yes." Li Ran said.

  Fusiya, Gadler, and Grace opened their mouths in surprise.

  "Even if you don't tell me, I can still find it. Moreover, for the purpose of this trip, my first task is to find the last Black Rubik's Cube. If you are willing to tell me or provide more details, I can save a lot of effort." Li Ran said.

  When Fusiya heard this, she bit the corner of her mouth and said, "Well, I don't know where you got your confidence from, but I believe you this time." "

  This last Black Rubik's Cube is in the copy of Beiyuan Island, where people live There are countless ferocious monsters, entering it is like a piece of meat falling into the mouth of a pack of wolves, and in the end there may be no bones left," Fusiya said.

  When Li Ran heard this, his brows jumped: "Are you sure it's Beiyuan Island?" "

  I'm sure, because I was sucked into the Rubik's Cube Prison just after touching this black magic piece. It is in the deepest part of the island, the cave with the densest concentration of monsters. Later, it became a pendant on the chest of the monster elite." Fusiya said with a look of fear, as if recalling the countless scenes of monsters, her face turned pale.

  "If we form a team, the next dungeon may not be Beiyuan Island. I'm worried..."

  Before Fusiya could finish speaking, Li Ran told him: "I will make the trip find a way to stop at Beiyuan Island on the way."

  Fusiya The three people were stunned for a moment, and they began to wonder if they had formed the wrong team when they came over.

  Is there any schedule to enter the instance?

  You are a bus.

  "But even if we get to Beiyuan Island, it will be difficult without a careful plan..." Fusiya thought that Li Ran had a way to get to Beiyuan Island, but it was still very difficult to get the Black Rubik's Cube. There were countless monsters. It was too difficult to deal with. She had risked her life to sneak in and almost died inside.

  "It's not difficult. It's very simple." Li Ran smiled slightly, and then said to Sloan: "Sloan, please tell these three people and Chu Yuhao what to pay attention to when boarding the ship later." "No problem." Sloan pulled the four of


  . Go to the side and talk about what to do as soon as you enter the dark sea.

  The four of them were dumbfounded.

  Can it still be like this?
  everything's ready.

  Li Ran took out the navigation map of the dark world and waited for the transmission of the strange world.

  Players who own this navigation chart can enter the dark sea and sail freely when the strange world calls. Players have the ability to choose their own dungeon.

  "Here it comes!"

  Li Ran raised his head and saw a beam of light falling.

  Several other people were immediately enveloped by the beam.

  When the light stopped, everyone disappeared into the reincarnation space.

  The scene in front of him suddenly changed, it was the vast and dark sea of ​​darkness.

  After the previous experience, Li Ran dived directly from the height this time.

  When approaching the sea, he immediately pulled out the stopper in the drift bottle and released the cursed ghost ship Hurricane.

  The cursed ghost ship quickly grew in size on the sea, and a cloud of fog was born, making the ghost ship look gloomy.

  After turning into the normal size of a mast ship, Li Ran landed on the deck.

  "Dark Shield!"

  This thing can protect the player's vehicle from the strange invasion of the dark atmosphere. At the same time, it can provide a defensive shield for the vehicle's energy value and resist three devastating strikes! The defensive shield will disappear after the energy value disappears or after three devastating blows are resisted.

  "Ram has met the master."

  In the lower cabin, Ram, covered in barnacles and corals, climbed up and came to Li Ran respectfully.

  "Ram, set sail!"

  "Okay master."

  Ram immediately came to the mast and raised the ragged sail.

  Although the sail was broken, it did not affect the kinetic energy it provided to the Hurricane.

  "Master, there is someone on the observation deck." Ram called, pointing to the observation deck.

  I saw a fair-faced monk sitting up there.

  "It's okay, just go about your business." Li Ran said.

  The person sitting on the observation deck was Zang Jiu. With his previous experience, Zang Jiu was already familiar with the ghost ship and was the second to arrive on the ship.

  Then Su Bingyao, Zhao Yingzhi, Shi Long, Ryan, and Hua Shuying arrived on the ship one after another.

  They were all experienced and familiar with the business, and they found the ghost ship immediately.

  Fusiya, Gadler, and Grace followed closely behind.

  He was also shocked when he saw so many people on the boat.

  Only then did I realize that there is such a group of people entering the strange world in this way.

  "Ouch, Wo~~~~ah~~~~~Wocao!!"

  A figure fell from the sky. Because it fell too fast, there was no time to slow down, and it fell to pieces on the deck.

  This man is a skeleton covered in human skin and is currently looking for hand and leg bones on the ground.

  "Old Mo, why are you here too?" Ryan asked.

  "Hen, I seem to have been teleported in with you, and then when I opened my eyes, I was above a dark ocean. I was scared to death. If I hadn't seen this ship, I would have gone straight into the sea." "Lao Mo said.

  "He entered the dungeon at about the same time as us and was very close to us, so he was teleported together. It can be regarded as a successful team." Zang Jiu's voice came down from the observation deck.

  After Ryan explained, Lao Mo didn't know whether he understood or not. Anyway, the skeleton was assembled.

  "Benefactor, benefactor, you are here too." Lao Mo ran to Li Ran's side excitedly.

  "It seems that your Nightmare Skin is well maintained." Li Ran said.

  "This layer of skin is my life now, Lao Mo, and I must take good care of it." Lao Mo said.

  During the conversation, three figures fell from the sky one after another.

  "Captain." Chu Yuhao recognized one of them at a glance, it was Taifu, the captain of the Mandalahua team.

  Taifu held a black cat with golden eyes in his hand and looked at the people on the boat with a puzzled expression. Half of them were familiar faces.

  "What's going on? Have you returned to the hometown of Fengquan again?" Taifu asked.

  "Captain, come here, I'll explain to you." Chu Yuhao pulled Taifu aside.

  The other two people scanned the people on the boat with wary expressions until they saw Li Ran.

  "Li Ran?" The veiled woman asked in surprise.

  Li Ran also noticed that these two people were Bill and Tang Qianlu who had done the Desert Death mission with him in the Guiding Land.

  He also wondered why these two people were in his team.

  Li Ran looked at Chu Yuhao and got the answer from him.

  (Taifu once donated blood to Chu Yuhao.)
  The premise of cross-border teaming is that one of the parties has the aura of the other party in the body, and the second is that the team can be formed in a small area near the time.

  In other words, Taifu was brought in by Chu Yuhao.

  Bill and Tang Qianlu were also pulled in because they were too close to Taifu and were close to each other in the dungeon.

  "Sloan, tell them the rules." Li Ran said.

  Sloan also knew the two of them, but was not familiar with them.

  After all, not many people survived in the Guiding Lands.

  Li Ran came to the rudder, controlled the rudder with one hand, and took out the golden compass with the other hand, thinking about the direction of Beiyuan Island.

  See the golden compass needle turning and quickly point out the direction.

  Li Ran immediately adjusted the rudder, filled the sails, and moved forward at full speed.

  He summoned Hua Lao's left hand.

  "After becoming a Realm Lord, can I ignore the dark virus Soul-Capturing Night Heron in the sky?" Li Ran asked.

  "Yes, sir." Hua Laiao climbed up from the ground to the rudder of the ship and said with wide eyes: "The fused soul form of the Sealing Master is also a spiritual infection, whether it is viruses, night herons, voids, or those weak and evil creatures. Monsters will no longer cause trouble for adults." "

  At the same time, the realm master also has an aura called realm prestige, which has the effect of deterring dark creatures. The stronger the guile, the greater the deterrent power of realm prestige. Even if you encounter The Realm Master can also judge the approximate strength of the opponent from the Realm Power of the other party."

  Li Ran nodded: "It seems that becoming a Realm Master has many benefits, and you can also have your own rule world." "

  How do you navigate in the Dark Sea? Do you rely on flying in the vast sea?" Li Ran asked.

  "Even as a Realm Master, flying requires energy. The Dark Sea is so big that no matter how powerful the energy is, it is not enough. The best way is to find a vehicle to sail like an adult. My vehicle is a flying gourd that can travel thousands of miles in a day. "

  The Green Hidden Dragon's vehicle is the Flying Sword, and the Nantai Fairy's vehicle is the Lotus Terrace." "The snake's vehicle

  is more domineering. His vehicle is his rule world." Hua Laiao said with his left hand.

  Li Ran still remembered the last time he was chased by the snake in the dark sea. The snake came with its rule world and was murderous and terrifying.

  Damn it, it feels like being chased by a planet, I still have lingering fears even now.

  "Why is the Sea of ​​Snake so special? It can move and become a vehicle?" Li Ran asked doubtfully.

  "It was originally a sea of ​​chaos wandering around. After it was conquered by Tang Snake, it became his rule world. He carried forward the chaos and ran rampant in the dark sea. Even if he encountered a strong enemy, he could still hide in his own rules. In the world, no one else can do anything to him, but over time, he has grown into the overlord of the party." Hua Piao said with his left hand.

  "After you have your own rule world, you have to abide by my rules even if the enemy breaks in, right?" Li Ran asked.

  "Yes, so even a strong person will not rashly break into other people's rule world, unless he is absolutely sure to break the rule world and then take it as his own. But this method is thankless, it is better to go It might be easier to find a masterless world to conquer," Hua Laiao said with his left hand.

  It was wise not to kill Hua Laiao's left hand at the beginning. Hua Lao did help him solve a lot of doubts along the way.

  He is a competent and dedicated guide.

  "Hua Piao, haven't you thought about resurrection?" Li Ran suddenly asked.

  Hua Laiao's left hand was obviously startled, and he whispered: "Of course I was thinking about it, but I lost too much this time, and even if I am resurrected, I will never have the same fighting power." "Listen to your tone, you are blaming me

  . ." Li Ran's eyes flashed sharply.

  "I don't dare, little one." Hua Laiao leaned on the rudder with his left hand. He was so afraid of angering Li Ran that he couldn't even move his hands.

  "Beiyuan Island is your rule world, right?" Li Ran asked.

  "Yes, sir." Hua Lao responded respectfully.

  Li Ran took out the Dark World Navigation Chart and spread it on the table nearby.

  Hua Lao jumped directly to the navigation chart, running his five fingers back and forth on it, and kept exclaiming in the palm of his hand: "Sir, how can you have such a complete navigation chart? I don't even have the Dark North Territory yet. Find out."

  "Where is Beiyuan Island?" Li Ran asked.

  Hua Lao climbed to the upper right corner of the navigation chart with his left hand, and finally pointed at a small island in the ocean with his finger: "This is it." Li Ran

  frowned slightly, and the location Hua Lao pointed to was between the northern and eastern areas of the Dark Sea. Although it is not that close to the Netherworld Continent, it is within the scope of the Netherworld Sea. Therefore, Hua Laiao will attend the installation ceremony of the new Ghost Emperor.

  "Hua Lao, let me ask you, did the Ghost Emperor ask you to take sides?" Li Ran asked.

  "No, no."

  "Then why are you so supportive of the Ghost Emperor in the Palace of Ghosts and Gods?" Li Ran said.

  "Because the Ghost Emperor promised to give me some cultivation resources, but I didn't know until I went to the hometown of Fengquan that the Ghost Emperor didn't want to give them to me at all, and even wanted to kill me." "Bah, I was wrong!" Hua Laiao said angrily with his left hand

  . said.

  Li Ran originally thought that Hua Laiao was siding with the Ghost Emperor, but now it seems that he made a mistake again.

  None of those realm owners were siding with the Ghost Emperor. The Ghost Emperor just invited them into his rule realm and almost killed them all.

  Li Ran looked at the navigation chart to find his current location.

  The location into the dark world is random, so he is not sure where he is.

  Through Goldfinger's prompts, Li Ran got the answer.

  His location is southeast on the nautical chart.

  To the west is the huge swirling dark abyss, and
  to the south is the Jialan Sea.

  The Cursed Hurricane now sails the Sea of ​​Terror east of the chart.

  Going all the way north, it takes 30,000 nautical miles to reach Beiyuan Island.

  If the ghost ship goes at full speed and everything goes smoothly, it can travel 50,000 nautical miles in a day.

  Although the distance is long, the boat is fast!

  It can be reached in just over half a day.

  In fact, there is a problem that Li Ran has never been able to figure out.

  If he took the people on the boat directly into Beiyuan Island and stayed there until the end of the survival day, wouldn't he be able to avoid the Senluo Ruins copy that caused his death?

  In that case, he and everyone would not have to die!


  Suddenly, a sharp cry came through the air and resounded throughout the dark sea.

  The expressions of everyone on the ghost ship suddenly changed, and they raised their heads and looked at the sky as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

  Then, everyone saw a scene they would never forget.

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  (End of chapter)

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