Chapter 267 The final crisis! (Please subscribe! Please vote monthly)

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  Chapter 267 The final crisis! (Please subscribe! Please vote)
  "Can you help me find the leader of the Moon Tribe?" Li Ran asked excitedly.

  The demon king nodded, and a fiery red feather floated in front of Li Ran. It was the ancient parchment scroll.

  Li Ran took back the ancient parchment in confusion.

  "This object is not a treasure. I return it to you. You need this object to find the Moon Tribe." The Demon Lord said.

  Of course it's not a treasure. How could Li Ran not know that this scroll is just a mission prop and has no grade.

  The demon king is very careful and only collects rare treasures.

  It can be seen from the countless treasures in the treasure pavilion, how many rare items there are.

  If I could get them all...

  I could only think about this idea.

  He stole two items and gave away four rare items. Although they were all things he couldn't use now, Li Ran still felt that it was not a good deal because he couldn't use the two items he stole. He didn't even know how to use them. use.

  Trading four for two feels like a huge loss.

  "Close your eyes!" the demon king ordered.

  Li Ran didn't dare to disobey and immediately closed his eyes.

  He felt the demon king walking around him in a circle, as if dancing like a great god, muttering strange spells in his mouth.

  "That's enough." Demon Lord said.

  Li Ran opened his eyes and saw Huo Yu's wings and gorgeous tail slowly closing on the demon king's body.

  To be honest, Li Ran felt astonished just by seeing the demon king's finishing move, like a peacock closing its screen.

  It's a pity that I didn't see the action of the demon king fully opening the screen, it will definitely be more amazing.

  "You can go, we will see you soon." The demon king said.

  Li Ran checked his whole body, but there were no changes on his body. He couldn't help but wonder: "I am still here and have not gone to the Moon Tribe."

  "It takes chance and opportunity to realize your wish, and it will come true when the time is right." The demon king said seriously.

  Li Ran sounded like he had met a swindling warlock on the street and had drawn a big pie for him.

  He still wanted to ask, but the curtains on the stand behind the demon lord were quickly closed, and the whole room became dark again, and the demon lord and the fire feather bead curtain disappeared before his eyes.

  Two beams of light fell from overhead.

  A beam hit him, and a beam of light lit up at the door.

  Li Ran clutched the ancient scroll tightly, sighed regretfully, and walked towards the door.

  "Can it be achieved when the time is right? What kind of opportunity is needed?" He

  walked out of the red door with doubts.

  The toad spirit and civet cat spirit outside the door looked Li Ran up and down.

  "What wish did you make? Come on, tell me." The toad spirit jumped onto Li Ran's shoulder and asked impatiently.

  The raccoon cat demon tried his best to widen his eyes and was very curious about what Li Ran's wish was.

  "Hey, let's not talk anymore. They are all tears." Li Ran sighed, grabbed the toad spirit from his shoulders and put it on the ground, then walked towards the elevator numbly.

  "What's wrong with him? Is it because his wish didn't come true or because the treasure couldn't reach the demon king's eyes?" asked the toad spirit.

  "Maybe only he himself knows." The civet cat said.

  "Next one," the Red Tower guard shouted.

  After taking the elevator to the first floor, Li Ran left the red building normally.

  Leaving the Red Mansion and leaving the Demon City, the process of returning the same way was very smooth.

  Li Ran returned to the woods where he first encountered the red and white collision.

  The woods have returned to their normal appearance. There is no black and white fog, and there is no scary and eerie atmosphere. It is as if the eerie road has never appeared.

  This time in the secret realm of the Red Mansion, he got two items.

  The Nether Key and the Cursed Ghost Ship.

  He played with the white bone-wing sword-shaped Netherworld Key for a while, but it did not open the passage to the Netherworld, nor did it allow him to pass through the gap in time.

  "Does it take a specific time to turn it on? When is the specific time?"

  (When the red moon comes!)

  A line of prompts appeared in front of Li Ran.

  "Red moon?"

  Li Ran looked at the sky, which was already darkening.

  But the sky was overcast and the air was very dull, making people restless.

  This is clearly the time for heavy rain.

  The moon won't come out in this kind of weather, so how can there be a red moon?

  Although I don’t know how to open it yet, at least I know when I can use it to open the channel.

  However, Li Ran may not be able to wait for this time in his lifetime.

  Li Ran has never seen a red moon since he was a child.

  Unless you enter the next dungeon, that dungeon has a red moon.

  Putting away the Nether Key, Li Ran took out the cursed ghost ship and observed the ghost ship in the bottle.

  "Unplug the cork, you should be able to release the ghost ship."

  (The cursed ghost ship cannot land, you can try it in the ocean.)
  Where can he find the ocean?

  The only ocean you can see in the Troll Land is in the Red Mansion in the Demon City.

  He had already seen the Guiding Land with the Eye of God. There were lakes in the territories of the four major camps, but no oceans.

  "I wonder if there is a dark continent or a dark sea outside the barrier?" Li Ran looked at the towering border curtain wall on the horizon in the distance.

  "It's time to go back. The devil's attack should begin soon."

  Li Ran took out the teleportation stone and planned to teleport directly back to the town.

  [The area you mentioned is not a safe area]

  A cold mechanical sound sounded in my ears.


  "The town is no longer a safe zone?"

  "Has the demon army already invaded the town?"

  Unable to use the teleportation stone to return to the city, Li Ran immediately summoned the scumbag.

  The ghost horse came from the battlefield at the door of the contract space and stopped in front of Li Ran.

  He jumped up and landed firmly on the back of the ghost horse.


  The ghost horse neighed with its head held high, its limbs spread out, and it started running wildly in the woods.

  Not far after running out, the ghost horse soared into the air incredibly, leaving a trace of horse hoofs with faint blue flames in the night sky.

  The Netherworld Ghost Horse is running in the air, and you can overlook the entire Netherworld Territory and the Demon Clan Territory.

  "Have the Netherworld players left the dungeon?"

  Li Ran saw many Netherworld players on the ground running towards the arena.

  "It seems that Youming also believes it."

  After being scared off by Li Ran when Youming invaded the human camp in the morning, he sent players to investigate the black mist over the territory and found out the truth that frightened them, so he ordered the commander of the camp to Under the leadership of , choose to evacuate the dungeon and go to the direction of the arena to defend.

  As for what they saw in the black mist, only the investigators and Zangjiu knew. After Zangjiu learned the news, his entire face turned pale.

  There are also players in the direction of the demon clan's territory who are gathering towards the arena.

  The demon camp had the smallest number of players. After discovering the truth about the Rooftop Abyss, they decisively gave up the defense of the main city and headed to the arena.

  "Hurry up." Li Ran spurred the ghost horse under him.

  Soon, Li Ran rode the Nether Ghost Horse to the sky above the arena. The human camp had already used the human stands as a city wall, and players were standing there from bottom to top.

  "The commander-in-chief is back." Someone in the crowd shouted.

  Li Ran drove his ghost horse to the stand at the top of the arena. From the stand, he could directly see the direction of the human camp's territory.

  Shi Long, Yang Feng, Li Renwei, and Fan Kai, several relatively authoritative players recommended by the players, immediately came to Li Ran's side.

  "The demonic attack began. All members of the human camp gave up the defense of the fortress wall and retreated to the arena to defend. As the commander expected, the demonic attack was intercepted by the aboriginal corps at the city wall. Even if the players did not need to defend, the city wall That is also the place where the fighting is the most brutal. Once the city wall is breached by the demon army, the demons will attack the town and come towards the arena." "

  However, some players have noticed that the indigenous people except for the corps will disappear when the demons attack . , will come out again after the demon siege is over, and they will deliberately avoid the demon attack." "There is

  news from spies ahead that the demon army has crossed the city wall and destroyed the city wall to a state of dilapidation. Now the army is approaching. Wild area."

  "The commander is really good at predicting things. Monsters in the wild will fight with demons. Especially the piranhas under the ice lake area consume a lot of the power of the demon army, plus the scarecrows on the ridges and the demon birds in the woods. , the demon army will consume most of its power when it arrives in the arena, and players only need to clean up the remaining demons."

  Sloan shared the information with Li Ran quickly and in a fluctuating tone.

  "How is the situation in the arena?" Li Ran noticed that there were no players dueling in the arena.

  Yang Feng stroked his goatee and said: "The commander is wise. The life and death battle in the arena ended at noon. The players in the arena walked out of the arena without any casualties. There were almost no casualties in today's arena showdown between the four major camps."

  "But..." Yang Feng frowned and his expression became serious.

  "What's wrong?" Li Ran felt bad, as if something new had happened.

  Yang Feng walked towards the inner stand area, pointed at the center of the arena and said, "Commander, look over there!"

  Li Ran stared away, looking at the central area of ​​the arena. Where the original eight arenas were, a dark figure appeared. big hole.

  "What is that?"

  Li Ran flew over the arena on a ghost horse, overlooking the big black hole in the venue, and his pupils shrank sharply.

  "This is..."

  I saw a pitch black hole appearing out of thin air in the center of the arena, impenetrable to any light.

  It seems like a bottomless abyss and a black hole that can swallow everything in.

  What's even more strange is that it is expanding outward, and the edge of the black hole is swallowing up the field bit by bit. At this moment, it is already as big as a basketball court.

  Li Ran noticed that one of the arenas was touched by the expanding passive edge, and the arena quickly collapsed and collapsed in.

  "What on earth is this? Is this copy disintegrating?"

  He didn't know if this understanding was correct, but everything he saw in front of him seemed like the copy was disintegrating, and the black hole was constantly expanding and swallowing everything.

  "How could this happen?" Li Ran said in shock.

  "After the life and death battle ended, it appeared. At first it was just a small black spot, no one cared about it, but in one afternoon, it became so big." Yang Feng's voice came.

  Players from the Protoss, Netherworld, and Monster camps also arrived at the arena one after another. When they saw the expanding black hole in the arena, everyone's expressions changed.

  At this moment, almost all the four major camps believed Li Ran's words.

  The God Clan has the largest number of people, the Human Clan is about the same size as Netherworld, and the Monster Clan has the fewest.

  The four major camps looked at the black hole with palpitations, and then looked worriedly at the demon army in the direction of the camp.

  Li Ran took a quick look and found that there were about 1,200 players from the four major camps in total.

  "Because the rules were broken, the world collapsed?"

  He was extremely shocked by the black hole that appeared. This was completely unexpected.

  Regarding black holes, he got no hidden hints.

  Probably because his eyes were swallowed by the black hole and he couldn't focus on it.

  Hidden cues require him to use his eyes to see, at least to see the physical object.

  "Commander, the devil is coming!" Sloan shouted.

  Li Ran rode back to the sky above the arena and looked at the distant horizon. Several black figures were running towards the arena one after another.

  There are more and more black shadows, scattered and running wildly in the territory.

  "The quantity is so small?" Li Renwei asked.

  It was completely different from the past. The demon army that appeared in front of everyone this time was very sparse. It was visually estimated that there were only a few hundred demons in the distance.

  You must know that before yesterday, the demon army they saw was still a mighty black torrent.

  When they saw the scattered demon army coming, all the players in the four camps were dumbfounded.

  "It turns out that the city can still be defended like this!" Fan Kai said in shock.

  "The monsters in the wild are consuming the demon's power. The demon army has been exhausted from the fortress wall to here." Sloan said.

  "If I had known we would have done this on the first day, we wouldn't have had so many deaths," one player said.

  "The power of wild monsters will also be weakened. If the demons are allowed to enter the territory on the first day, then on the second and third days, the wild monsters and indigenous people will not be able to stop the demon army. , it still depends on the players to defend with all their strength, but the demon attack on the last day is probably unprecedented, everyone has seen the trolls under the city wall." Yang Feng said with a solemn expression.

  "We have brought the battle line down here because we don't want human blood to be stained under the city wall and nourish the trolls inside the city wall. The more deaths there are, the stronger the trolls will be. We have been nourishing the trolls for five days. I can't imagine how they will wake up. What a horrific image," Sloan said.

  After everyone heard this, the atmosphere became very solemn.

  While their hearts were heavy, they were glad that Li Ran could discover the truth about the city wall. If the city wall was stained with blood for seven days, no matter how strong the survivors were, they would still be unable to defeat the troll who drank blood for seven days.

  They could only pray in their hearts now, praying that the troll who only drank blood for five days would not be so powerful.

  The same goes for players from other camps. Each camp has terrifying enemies that need to be faced.

  The fortress wall troll in the human camp!

  The terrifying insect demon in the abyss of the demon clan!
  The shadowless demon in the strange mist of the netherworld!

  The prairie fire demon in the death desert of the gods!

  This is the information Sloan gathered from various major camps.

  After the major camps got the news, they sent players to go deep into it to find the truth, and they got the terrifying truth. Every truth was no less than Li Ran seeing the eyes of the troll in the city wall.

  Every crisis is more terrifying than the demonic attack of the previous six days.

  The more players die, the blood, corpses, bones, and souls will become nourishment for the monsters.

  Fortunately, it was discovered early and the loss was stopped in time!
  There are only 1,200 players left who are praying that the crisis on the seventh day can be alleviated because they discover the truth in time.

  "The demons have been killed at our feet. Let's all come together and clear away the remaining demons!" Sloan shouted.

  There are less than a hundred demons entering this area of ​​the arena, which also means that all the monsters in the territory have been consumed by the demons.

  It is simply impossible to use monsters and indigenous people to resist the troll crisis on the last day.

  It can only rely on the players themselves.

  Advantages and disadvantages.

  At least today, the players had almost no casualties and retained enough combat power to face the final day.

  All players know that the last day is the most dangerous day in the dungeon. As long as they survive, they can leave the dungeon.

  There is no boundary gate in this dungeon, which means that players cannot return to the reincarnation space in advance by finding the boundary gate.

  You can only leave if you survive until the last second!

  Players from the four major camps rushed out of the arena and fought their way out.

  They were all little devils, and Li Ran didn't even see the devil elites.

  "The demon elites were jointly killed by the aboriginal hunter corps on the fortress wall," Sloan said.

  "I see, there are many powerful beings among the aboriginal people."

  Li Ran's mind flashed to the fishmonger Gao Qiang's sister at the market that he met in the woods on the first day, a little girl wearing a red hat. An S-level spiritual infection, an existence that can play tricks on wolf monsters.

  Li Ran has done missions in almost all four major camps. He has done relatively few missions in the wild in the human camp. He just met a little girl with a red hat who was S-level, and Liu Yuan, the S-level resentful spirit in the studio's shadow. , one can imagine how many terrifying things there are in the wild.

  After being consumed all the way, the demon army was still alive for a hundred people. This also shows the scale and power of the demon army. You must know that the demons are fighting against the power of the indigenous people and monsters in the entire territory.

  There were sounds of fighting in the woods ahead, and for the first time human players formed a situation where more people were fighting against fewer people.

  It took almost no effort to kill all the more than a hundred demons that rushed over.

  The same goes for the defense of other camps. Even the demon clan with the smallest number of players did not put in much effort.

  "Commander, the spies ahead reported that all the demon army has been cleared, and the town is now safe." Sloan said.

  Li Ran frowned and stared in the direction of the town, and said to Sloan: "Let all players stay awake tonight and complete as many tasks as possible until the seventh wave of trolls attack!" "Okay!" Sloan said


  There is no doubt that increasing strength can increase the chance of survival.

  Li Ran saw a white figure in the sky flying towards the town, and he couldn't help but smile.

  "Did Su Bingyao upgrade to the Mad Demon? I haven't seen you for a day, and the magic value has increased by two thousand?"

  Su Bingyao flew to the town at the fastest speed. After the demon attack is over, the aboriginal people except the corps will reappear, and players can go there to pick up the demon. Get the task.

  "This is a mission that doesn't stop for a moment."

  The young Su Bingyao impressed Li Ran. This is how the name of the strong woman Valkyrie was spelled out.

  "There is something in the black hole!"

  Suddenly, a protoss player flying in the air shouted.

  With this shout, the players from the four major camps flew towards the top of the black hole.

  Li Ran also rode a ghost horse and flew to the sky above the arena. He looked down with a solemn expression.


  Inside the black hole, a forest appeared from far to near. The woods were flipped over, like a surface of a forest filled with dense trees.

  However, Li Ran found that the forest was rotating, like a three-dimensional model that had been turned upside down.

  When the vast forest sea flipped, the pupils of all the players above the black hole shrank sharply.

  "Oh my God!!"

  (End of chapter)

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