Chapter 189 Conquer the humanoid pet! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

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  Chapter 189 Conquer the humanoid pet! (Please vote!)

  With the last shrill scream, the figure of the Dark Lord Demon Mother slowly fell on the sea in the distance like a falling leaf.

  Li Ran slowly floated towards the sea, staring indifferently at the Demon Mother floating on the sea like a dead body.

  "You can actually ask the ancient black turtle to help you!"

  Miss Saori was covered in ulcers, and many parts of her body were broken like torn pages of a book. A large piece of her left face was torn from the eye to the cheek, exposing the There was another layer of skin and eyes under the skin. Her double pupils were filled with disbelief.

  The ancient black turtle slowly swam closer, its huge golden pupils once again showing terrifying power.

  The Demon Mother turned to look at the ancient black turtle, with indifference and determination flashing in her eyes. She did not want to resist anymore, because in front of such ancient giant beasts, she was as weak as an ant on the ground.

  "Wait a minute." Li Ran suddenly stopped him.

  The supreme power in the golden eyes of the ancient mysterious turtle slowly disappeared. It looked at Li Ran doubtfully: "If you don't kill her today, there will be endless troubles." Li Ran nodded and said: "I know, I have no intention of killing her

  . , I plan to conquer her!"

  As soon as these words came out, the ancient black turtle's eyes widened.

  Even Zhao Yingzhi, Lan Defei, and Chi Tong on the shore looked up in surprise.

  Ms. Saori, who was floating on the water, had a face full of shock. Then she laughed, as if she had seen the most ridiculous thing in the world.

  "Conquer me? Hahaha, what are you going to do to conquer me?"

  Miss Saori laughed non-stop, looking at Li Ran as if she were looking at a clown.

  What are the conditions for subjugation?
  The own force value must be higher than the target, and certain conditions must be met, such as surrender, servitude, weakness, etc.

  Li Ran hasn't reached it yet, how can he conquer it?

  Moreover, her guile value is more than twice that of Li Ran.


  Even if the guile value condition is met, why should such a proud dark lord surrender to a human who is weaker than her?
  "You want to conquer her?"

  Even the ancient black turtle felt incredible.

  Li Ran nodded seriously, and slowly took out a contract scroll. With a faint smile on his face, he said: "Conquer her and become my contract pet."

  This contract scroll is also the best for clearing the copy of Happy Home. The rewards for achieving SSS have been retained until now, and no suitable contract pet has been found.

  When he entered the blood cave that day and accidentally saw the white jade girl lying in the white jade coffin, and after learning that she was the terrifying dark lord, the Demon Mother, Li Ran had a bold idea.

  What is it like to conquer a humanoid pet?
  Now he is approaching this goal. Thinking of this, he is inexplicably excited.

  "Idiot!" Miss Saori laughed disdainfully, looking at Li Ran as if she was mentally retarded.

  Li Ran didn't care at all and took out a card under everyone's doubtful eyes.

  "Attribute replacement!"

  Li Ran replaced all his agility points with guile.

  His own guile value is 8590, and the possessed state enjoys 50% of the little witch's guile value of 2250, so the guile value reaches 10840.

  The agility points are 4200, and all the guile points are replaced, and the guile value reaches 15040.

  "Strange, his strength has improved?" the ancient black turtle said in surprise.

  Miss Shazhi, the Demon Mother, also felt the increase in Li Ran's uncanny power. Although she was surprised, it was not much.

  Because in her opinion, Li Ran's increased sly power still did not pose any threat to her.

  If it weren't for the ancient mysterious turtle by her side, even her severely injured body could kill Li Ran.

  Li Ran looked at the Demon Mother. In his eyes, the Demon Mother's deception value was still full of question marks.

  This shows that his power level is still far behind that of the Demon Mother.

  But it doesn't matter, Li Ran still has a trump card to increase his power.

  He held another card and kissed that card.

  Just when everyone was puzzled, a spatial fluctuation appeared on the beach.

  A woman in white clothes walked out of the fluctuating space. The woman had a cool aura. The long eyelashes under her beautiful face shone in the sun, and a trace of doubt flashed in her frosty eyes.

  "Sister Bingyao."

  Zhao Yingzhi and Lan Defei ran down from the rock, holding Su Bingyao's arms on the left and right.

  "Honey, do you have any objection if I take over a human pet?"

  Li Ran turned around and said with a smile.

  "Is she great?" Su Bingyao asked.

  "Dark Lord, do you think he is powerful?" Li Ran said with a smile.

  "Well, as long as you're good, it's up to you." Su Bingyao smiled softly.

  The ancient black turtle stared at the three beautiful women on the beach, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice: "Good boy, you are going to start a harem!" "Haha, it's the first time I can't beat you

  and you still call me wife. "Will you call your son here later?" Miss Saori sneered. Li Ran's actions seemed ridiculous to her. Did she call her wife to the battlefield to cheer her up?

  "Hey, how do you know?"

  As he said that, Li Ran kissed the card again.

  Another spatial fluctuation appeared on the beach, and a handsome little boy walked out doubtfully.

  "Wow, it's so beautiful here."

  As soon as he walked out of the teleportation space, Li Ziyang was attracted by the scenery on the island.


  Then, Li Ziyang spotted Li Ran in the sky in the distance.

  When Li Ziyang shouted, the Demon Mother's face was covered with black lines.

  The ancient mysterious turtles on the side were also dumbfounded, and the whole family even screamed.

  "But what's the point of summoning your family to come and see how you act as a model of failure?" Miss Saori said.

  "Nothing else, I just suddenly felt that the scenery of this island is really good and suitable for a family vacation, so I took them with me." Li Ran turned around and waved to Li Ziyang: "You go and play with your mother."

  After speaking, Li Ran took out another card.

  "Phoenix Flying!"

  When this card is used in battle, and the couple is present at the same time, the player's attributes will increase by 50%, and will last for ten minutes. The cooling time is: one day.

  Putting aside the almost 50% increase in other attribute values, Li Ran's 15040 guile value will be increased by another 50%, and Li Ran's guile value will reach 22560. As for the [son inherits father's legacy]
  card Li Ran thinks it is completely unnecessary.

  He is not in a desperate situation, nor is he unable to fight.

  When Li Ran's guile value exceeded 22,000, Miss Saori's eyes changed instantly. She panicked. There was panic in her eyes and panic in her expression.

  When Li Ran looked at Miss Shazhi's guile value, it was already clear.

  (Dark Lord: Demon Mother)

  (S-level spiritually infected body)

  (Crookedness value: 22000)

  Li Ran raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "I wonder who is the idiot now?"

  The ancient black turtle's eyes widened in surprise, and he roared. He laughed loudly: "Good boy, I didn't expect you to hide such a skill."

  Li Ran took out another bundle of reins.

  [Item: Aged Slavery Reins]

  [Effect: The reins are placed on the target to achieve short-term servitude, limited to ten minutes.

  The prop he first obtained from the fortune teller in Happy Home, Li Ran has kept this prop to this day. This is the best prop for him to forcibly enslave his contract pet.

  Slavery Reins is not 100% successful.

  It will fail when the target's guile value is too high, or when the spirit is in an excited, excited, full, or unyielding state.

  If your own force value is higher than that of the target, and the target is seriously injured or weak, the probability of enslavement will increase.

  Now Li Ran happened to meet these two conditions. The magic value was higher than that of the Demon Mother, and the Demon Mother was severely injured by the ancient black turtle and was in a weak state.

  "You want to use that dirty rope to tie me up? Do you think I'm a horse?" Miss Saori began to paddle her hands in the water and couldn't stop exclaiming.

  His eyes turned frightened when he looked at Li Ran, like a chicken seeing an eagle. When he saw Li Ran waving the dirty reins in his hand, his pupils shrank, and he no longer cared about the dark lord's proud identity. He was so frightened that he jumped into the air and tried to escape.

  Suddenly, a rocky mountain wall rose up from the sea, blocking Miss Saori in front of her.

  She flew up high in panic, but another hill appeared above her head, pressing down on her.

  Seeing that there was no way to escape, she immediately escaped into the void.

  But the next second, a pair of terrifying and intimidating golden eyes flashed in the void, and a terrifying storm of power swept across the void in an instant.

  In that terrifying tearing storm, she fell from the void into the sea again, and her body was torn to pieces by that force.

  "I...I can't become a human pet!"

  "Then I might as well die now!"

  Miss Saori was once again shaken to her core by the terrifying power of the ancient black turtle. At this moment, she was in an extremely dangerous situation. A weak state.

  If she dares to do it again, the ancient black turtle will definitely beat her to death physically and mentally!

  Li Ran may not be able to kill the Demon Mother, but the Ancient Black Turtle can.

  The Demon Mother with 22,000 guile points was casually ravaged by the ancient black turtle like an ant.

  It's not in vain that he went through so much trouble to get the totem turtle back here.

  Under the extremely horrified gaze of the Demon Mother, Li Ran slowly flew above her and slowly pointed the aging reins at Miss Saori's head.

  "I advise you not to resist in any way, otherwise, I will not guarantee that the Black Turtle will kill you next time."

  Miss Saori's eyes were red and she stared at Li Ran angrily, but she did not dare to do anything. She resisted, letting the mouth of the aging reins fall on her neck bit by bit.

  Li Ran slowly took a step forward, pulled hard with the other end of his right hand, and tightened the reins around Miss Shazhi's neck.

  "It's hard for me to do this."

  Li Ran did not receive the message that the slave was successful.

  This shows that Miss Saori is still resisting in her heart and has never given in.

  "I think I'm still too kind."

  Li Ran gave the ancient turtle a look.

  The ancient black turtle's eyes once again burst out with terrifying golden intimidation.

  Miss Shazhi was so frightened that she trembled all over: "I...I, I won't resist."

  Li Ran grabbed the reins with one hand and activated the enslavement effect again, but it still failed.

  He frowned and his eyes became colder: "Miss Saori, this is very boring. My patience has its limit." At this

  moment, Li Ran was like the evil villain in the movie.

  On the contrary, Miss Saori looked pitiful in the water, like a weak person who was bullied by the villain.

  But everyone present knew how terrifying the Demon Mother Saori would have been if she hadn't been frightened by the ancient black turtle.

  Miss Shazhi's heavy, indifferent eyes slowly turned into a pair of pitiful black eyes. The arrogance on her face was also wiped away by the reins in Li Ran's hands at this moment.

  "Don't pretend to be pitiful for me!" Li Ran tightened the reins in his hands angrily and shouted: "I'll give you one last chance!"

  Li Ran still didn't feel the enslavement effect on the reins, and he didn't reach the state of enslavement or complete it. In the surrender state, the contract scroll cannot be contracted.

  As for loyalty, it's almost impossible.

  Even though the Demon Mother looks very weak now, as long as the ancient black turtle leaves, she can kill him in minutes.

  Li Ran would not give her a chance. If she could not be conquered this time, he would ask the ancient black turtle to kill her.

  Miss Shazhi also saw Li Ran's impatience. Tears of fear welled up in her eyes. She also saw the murderous intent in Li Ran's eyes.

  If she doesn't give in, she will really die!

  As a dark lord, as the Demon Mother of the Nightmare Legion, she had to surrender and obey a human being whom she once regarded as an ant?
  Her arrogant self-esteem does not allow her to surrender to such a person.

  But if she didn't do this, she would be beaten to death today, with no chance of resurrection.

  The Demon Mother was so frightened by Li Ran's murderous eyes that she had no intention of resisting. She slowly lowered her proud head and convinced herself to surrender to the human being in front of her.

  "Slavery successful!"

  The aging reins immediately fed back the message of successful enslavement.

  Li Ran was relieved.

  It would be detrimental to him to delay it any longer. With all his trump cards combined, the outbreak time would only last ten minutes.

  When ten minutes are up, if the guile value is lower than that of the Demon Mother, Li Ran will not be able to complete the contract even if the Demon Mother surrenders.


  Li Ran took out the contract scroll and activated it.

  A sigil beam flew out of the scroll, and the beam marked a sigil that resembled heavy pupils on the foreheads of Li Ran and the Demon Mother respectively.

  Immediately, the body of the Demon Mother gradually faded on the sea surface, as if it had entered some strange space.

  The contract process was simple, and Li Ran met all the conditions.

  Li Ran immediately entered the spiritual world. A sigil with heavy pupils was floating on a calm lake. After his consciousness continued to deepen, Li Ran saw a woman sitting under a pale withered tree demon. She was wearing black clothes. The devil mother.

  "You actually have your own contract space?"

  When you signed a contract with the little devil baby, the little devil baby also had his own space. You can return to the "safe house" through the dark door. The safe house is actually an extremely grand Rubik's Cube prison, which contains With countless demons.

  This time he signed a contract with the Demon Mother, and the Demon Mother disappeared directly in front of him and entered a strange space within the heavy pupil marks on his forehead.

  Li Ran's consciousness also entered this space at this time, looking at the girl in black under the demon tree on the calm lake.

  "Are you here to see my joke?"

  The Demon Mother sensed Li Ran's entry into consciousness, and whispered as she sat under the tree without raising her head.

  "I surrendered, but I didn't surrender completely." Li Ran smiled coldly, but he didn't care, the contract must be signed, and the contract pet cannot resist the player's consciousness.

  Unless the player dies, the contract will be terminated and the contracted pet will be free.

  At this time, Li Ran's various bonus effects disappeared, and his magic value returned to a little more than 10,000 in the soul-possessed state.

  The Demon Mother also instantly sensed that Li Ran's magic value had dropped by half. She raised her head and cursed angrily: "Despicable!"

  Li Ran smiled disapprovingly. After all, he had the person, and it was not him who had the final say on what to do.

  "If you let me know that you have different intentions in the future, I will let you know the consequences of disobedience!" Li Ran's cold words echoed in the space where the Demon Mother was.

  The contract mark is Sun Houhou's tightening spell. With this layer of shackles, he doesn't have to be afraid of the Demon Mother who has a higher guile value than him.

  The Demon Mother gritted her teeth, her eyes filled with hatred.

  "It seems you are still dissatisfied." Li Ran sneered.

  Immediately, there was a loud "bang" above the head of the Demon Mother, and a bolt of thunder struck down on her body.


  The Demon Mother screamed miserably, her whole body trembling.

  This is a thunder punishment from the contract. It punishes not only the body, but also the soul. The whole body is in severe pain and the soul is scattered!
  Miss Saori was in agony, it was a kind of torturous pain that even her soul was torn apart and whipped.

  She was scared. If she had to suffer such soul lightning strikes every day from now on, life would be worse than death.

  "Are you willing to accept me as my contract pet?" Li Ran's voice sounded like thunder in the space.

  "I wish... I wish, I wish!" Miss Saori's whole body was trembling and her voice was trembling.

  "If I order you to fight, will you dare to slack off?"

  "No... I dare not!"

  Li Ran's voice sounded again: "I can fully understand your thoughts. If you have other thoughts or different intentions, I will definitely let you know. You'd rather die!"

  "Don't dare, never again!" Miss Saori's head shook like a rattle.

  "Take good care of yourself and be obedient. I won't treat you badly." Li Ran said.

  "Yes, yes!" Miss Saori was lying under the tree and nodding her head like garlic. Her eyes were full of fear, and she didn't dare to feel any dissatisfaction.

  Li Ran exited the talisman space and looked at the nightmare army who had been frightened out of their wits in the sea.

  "Get out!"

  With one look from him, the nightmare army were all frightened. They all trembled and dived into the seabed. They didn't care about the others and ran away in a rolling and crawling way.

  What's the point of fighting? Their demon mothers have been subdued by the humans in front of them.

  "Dad, you are so handsome!" Li Ziyang looked at Li Ran's back in shock and said.

  "I feel the same way." Su Bingyao touched Li Ziyang's little head, but her eyes couldn't leave Li Ran's back.

  Not to mention Zhao Yingzhi and Lan Defei, both of them looked at Li Ran with admiration. They looked at Li Ran like a god, they could only look up!

  Even the Demon Mother with a force value of 20,000 was able to be subdued, and Li Ran almost never had to take action himself in future battles.

  One witch can kill a large area.

  Li Ran's strength once again opened a huge gap with the players.

  Zhao Yingzhi and Lan Defei only felt that the gap between them and Li Ran was getting wider and wider, but they admired him extremely.

  It would be great if I could always hold such thighs.


  At this moment, a ray of golden light in the sky shone on the huge stone gate on the beach, and a golden avenue paved towards the void on the sea.

  "The gate is open."

  Zhao Yingzhi and Lan Defei shouted.

  The two of them rushed towards the gate in excitement.

  Li Ran flew to the coast, took the hands of Su Bingyao and Li Ziyang, pulled them into his arms, and hugged each other tightly.

  "Honey, it won't be long before we meet in another way." Li Ran said.


  The ancient black turtle put its huge head in front of Li Ran and suddenly said: "They can leave first, you have to accompany me for a while." Hearing this, the faces of

  several people changed.

  (End of chapter)

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