Chapter 120 Super God’s Evaluation of SSS!

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  Chapter 120 Super God’s Evaluation of SSS!

  "Is he your son?" Zhao Yingzhi's eyes almost popped out of her head.

  All the monsters in the forest were dumbfounded.

  The one who pressed the snake god to the ground and rubbed him was actually the bed bug's son.

  "Well done, son!" Li Ran clenched his fist happily and shouted: "Brother, take out that stinking snake gallbladder for me to drink with!" "Okay,

  dad!" The ghost-hand devil boy nodded. , then, the two huge ghost hands on the back grabbed the body of the giant python and beat it wildly, making the snake demon howl and scream!

  At this moment, the monsters' faith begins to collapse!

  The snake god they believed in was beaten by a demon boy until the snake couldn't take care of itself.

  Su Bingyao pulled Li Ran towards the gate, looked at Li Ran tenderly and said, "Husband, it's time for you to go." "The

  snake god's target is you, so my son can take advantage of it."

  Li Ran also understood that Li Ziyang would become so strong. .

  Li Ran used the [Relative Summoning Card] and the Bond Card [Son inherits the father's legacy]. The

  Relative Summoning Card can summon relatives of different identities. It can be summoned to his side for one hour and has a one-day cooldown.

  Effect of bond card [Son inherits father's legacy]: When the father is in a desperate situation or is on the verge of death and is unable to fight, this card will be activated automatically. The son will inherit his father's guile value based on his original strength. It lasts for ten minutes and has a cooldown. Time: one day.

  After inheriting Li Ran's magic power, Li Ziyang's magic power surpassed that of the snake god clone.

  But in fact, Li Ziyang's strength is no match for the S-level snake body.

  Because the snake god's attention was on Li Ran, and Li Ziyang's sneak attack, he made a first move and suppressed it forcefully.

  When the snake god clone recovers, everyone will die!
  "Come with me." Li Ran pulled Su Bingyao towards the boundary gate.


  Su Bingyao nodded and let Li Ran pull her towards the boundary gate.

  Bathed in golden light, the ancient and vicissitudes of the world gate emitted a low and long-lasting mournful cry, like the roar of a dragon in the deep sea.

  The chill gradually receded, and Zhao Yingzhi also regained her mobility. She ran towards the boundary gate.

  Li Ran pulled Su Bingyao onto the golden avenue of void.


  Li Ran heard the sound of something being burned.

  He turned around suddenly and saw bursts of green smoke rising from Su Bingyao's delicate skin as if it was being burned in the golden holy light.

  But with such cruel skin-burning pain, Su Bingyao's face did not show any trace of pain. On the contrary, her eyes looked at Li Ran tenderly.

  "How could this happen?" Li Ran was stunned.

  "Husband, please live well." Su Bingyao's body was smoking, and the golden holy light was burning her skin mercilessly. She showed no signs of retreating.

  Li Ran suddenly realized something, and quickly let go of his wife's hand and pushed Su Bingyao out of the gate.

  At this moment, Li Ran's mood seemed to collapse, and tears could not stop pouring into his eyes.

  In fact, he always knew in his heart that the Aboriginal people might not be able to leave the copy.

  He had the idea of ​​giving it a try, but Su Bingyao was injured.

  Li Ran instantly felt extremely regretful and felt guilty.

  He really wanted to bring Su Bingyao back to the real world.

  Su Bingyao knew that she could not leave the dungeon.

  In order to be able to enter the Realm Gate with peace of mind, she answered Li Ran's request without hesitation and endured the pain of burning his skin to send him into the Void Avenue of the Realm Gate.

  Just so that Li Ran can survive!

  On the other side, the snake god's clone broke free from the shackles of the ghost-hand devil boy, and rushed towards the boundary gate with an extremely angry mouth open!
  But the flying snake body suddenly froze in the next second.

  Its tail was firmly grasped by a pair of huge ghost hands!
  "Dad, let's go!" The ghost-hand devil boy yelled, almost using all his strength to block the snake god clone.

  Li Ran was stunned again.

  Looking at his good son in the copy.

  At this moment, Li Ziyang is really brave, as if he has grown into an adult and knows how to protect others.

  Yes, only by growing stronger can you protect those around you!

  Even in the final farewell, Su Bingyao did not mention her deepest desire.

  "You must get out alive. If you have a chance, please resurrect me!"

  Su Bingyao's hidden voice echoed in Li Ran's mind and did not subside for a long time.

  But Li Ran knew that Su Bingyao was eager to return to the real world and escape from the copy.

  In his two lifetimes, he always thought that he would no longer be affected by worldly ties, but today's farewell to his wife and children seemed to inject a hot energy into his silent heart.

  My heart is hot and my tears are boiling!

  He grew up under the harsh baptism of a feeling he had never experienced before!
  For some reason, Li Ran had the idea of ​​resurrecting Su Bingyao deep in his heart, and this idea was deeply rooted in his heart.



  pass through the Golden Void Avenue of the Realm Gate.

  After walking for an unknown amount of time, a towering golden barrier appeared in front of Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi.

  A smile finally appeared on the tired cheeks of the two people. This time they really survived the copy of "Happy Home".

  These fifteen days of existence seemed longer than everything they had experienced in twenty years.

  Fortunately, they survived anyway.

  "I'm about to leave, and everything feels like a dream." Zhao Yingzhi glanced at the Holy Light Void behind her.

  Li Ran nodded. He had done his best to survive and experienced the dangers of death. He was also glad that he could leave alive in the end. He never wanted to see those ugly monsters again.

  When the two of them arrived in front of the light golden barrier, Li Ran reached out to touch it, and his palm passed through without any obstruction.

  Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi looked at each other and then passed through the golden barrier.

  When the golden holy light faded from their eyes, their eyes were bright and bright. When they saw the scene in front of them clearly, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

  "This is..."

  A huge white platform appeared in front of the two people.

  The platform is endless, with no end in sight.

  At this moment, there were all kinds of people walking on this platform.

  Moreover, lights kept flashing, and people walked out of it, increasing the number of people on the platform.

  Li Ran stared at the central area of ​​the platform with a face full of astonishment.

  In the distance, there is an extremely huge crystal cube. It stands like a mountain in the center of the platform, allowing people to see it at a glance from anywhere on the platform.

  But the next second, Li Ran didn't think it was a giant crystal Rubik's Cube, because it turned into a giant honeycomb.

  Just when he was confused, the giant honeycomb changed again and turned into an extremely huge crystal ball.

  After staring blankly for a while, Li Ran finally understood.

  The central area is a life sequence building composed of countless crystal cubes, which can appear in front of people's eyes in any form.

  Only when Li Ran turned on [Lookout] did he see more details. There was an image emerging on the surface of each cube, just like scenes from a movie appearing on its surface. There were countless such cube crystals, and they were arranged randomly. It is composed randomly, as if it were alive, forming a central landmark that changes form at any time.

  Zhao Yingzhi looked at the people who appeared out of thin air one by one, and asked in shock: "Could it be that they just came out of the dungeon like us?"

  Li Ran also had such doubts.

  He withdrew his gaze from the life sequence building.

  "Let's go and take a look." Li Ran said.

  The two of them walked towards the life sequence landmark on the platform with doubts.

  As I got closer, I realized how impressive this landmark was.

  Each cube is as big as a small house, and images are played on the surface. Countless cubes form an extremely shocking and magnificent scene. People standing below are as small as ants.

  "This is your first time coming out of the dungeon."

  At this time, a middle-aged man with a loud voice, a bearded face, and a cigar-colored jacket smelling of cigarette smoke came to Li Ran's side.

  Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi looked at the middle-aged man in the leather jacket suspiciously.

  The middle-aged man seemed to notice Li Ran's confusion. He spread his hands and shrugged, "When I first came out of the dungeon, the expression on my face was the same as yours." The middle-aged man took out a cigarette and lit it

  . , took a sip, exhaled a piece of smoke, and then pointed at the central landmark in front of him that was like a life sequence that was constantly changing into various forms: "We call the thing you see in front of you - reincarnation!" "Reincarnation?" Li Ran and Zhao

  Yingzhi With a look of astonishment on his face, he couldn't help but raise his head and look again. Every time he looked up, he was shocked by the densely packed images.

  "Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Sloan, from Suzaku." The middle-aged man in the leather jacket introduced himself cheerfully.

  "Suzaku Star?" The two looked shocked.

  Sloan pointed at the people on the platform with his cigarette between his fingers and said: "The people you see now are all from different worlds, but they have one thing in common, they are all human beings!" "You can also think of it as someone who can appear here

  . Everyone comes from a different universe."

  Sloan looked at the two of them, took a puff of cigarette and said: "They don't have time to deal with you newbies, so only people like me who have free time will come to guide you newbies. .”

  To be honest, Sloan's words had a great impact on Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi.

  They never thought that they would meet so many people who came out of the dungeon after leaving the dungeon, and these people were all from different worlds.

  "Of course, I also have selfish motives. Nowadays, the guild is very fierce in robbing people, even the newbies are not spared. Hehe, I am the same. This is my business card." Sloan handed a business card to the two of them.

  Business cards are business cards you see every day, nothing special.

  "Sloan, the vice-president of the Legend Guild." Li Ran looked at Sloan in surprise and couldn't help but said: "There are still guilds in the weird world?"

  Zhao Yingzhi was also shocked. They had just escaped from the terrifying copy. Twenty-five people only survived. Two people were killed, but when she came out, she found that many people were alive from the copy, and her cognition had been impacted.

  "Exactly, if you two still plan to continue challenging the dungeon, and if you have any questions about reincarnation, you can ask me. I am willing to help you relieve your worries. Of course, if you are willing to join my guild, I can explain it in more detail. ." Sloan smiled vulgarly.

  This obviously requires them to join the guild, otherwise who would be free to serve as a guide for Meng Xin.

  Li Ran couldn't digest the concepts of guilds, reincarnation, and multiverses for a while. Moreover, he couldn't join any guild for no reason. At least before he understood everything about this platform, he needed to choose carefully.

  Zhao Yingzhi also had the same idea.

  "We'll think about it again." Li Ran declined politely.

  Sloan was not in a hurry, and looked at Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi while smoking: "You two were the only ones who made it out of the dungeon alive?" "

  Well, our dungeon was too difficult, and we were almost wiped out." Zhao Yingzhi said bitterly.

  "It's difficult for you to be like this. I don't think you've ever seen anything difficult before." Sloan smiled disdainfully and continued: "Your world should have just opened the weird world. Judging from your behavior, you are two pure newbies. , no one will guide you, it’s good to be able to survive from an entry-level dungeon. The first dungeon I experienced back then was really difficult. I was the only one who survived!" "Actually, you can touch it if you enter a few more dungeons

  . Once you understand the routine inside, you will understand what is going on." Sloan said with a nonchalant look.

  "Is anyone really willing to enter the dungeon?" Zhao Yingzhi continued with a shocked and disbelieving look on her face: "It was a nightmare and hell. I don't think I will go there again." When Shilong heard this, he was happy: "Tsk,

  cute Newness is newness. When you return to the real world and find that your life has changed dramatically, you won't think so." "Can you really

  go back to the real world?" Zhao Yingzhi said excitedly.

  Sloan said: "Of course... Oh, you should have come out of the boundary gate. The dungeon time is not over yet." "It's

  almost time." Li Ran glanced at the time.

  "That's normal. There is a boundary gate in each copy. After passing through the boundary gate, you can come to the reincarnation space in advance. You can rest here for a while. You can also use points to exchange for what you want in the trading area. You can also choose to go back to The real world." Sloan said.

  Li Ran asked curiously: "Then when we return to the real world, can we still come here?"

  Sloan said: "Of course, players who are selected by the strange world to enter the dungeon and survive can freely travel back and forth between the real world and the reincarnation space. Waiting for the next step The opening of a dungeon."

  "Waiting for the opening of the next dungeon?" Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi secretly cried out.

  "You will understand when the dungeon time is over." Sloan finished smoking a cigarette, casually discarded it on the ground, rubbed it a few times with his Martin boots, and couldn't help but curious: "By the way, which dungeon have you been selected for?"

  He pointed at the life landmark of the reincarnation sequence and continued: "The difficulty of your dungeon can be judged by the reincarnation sequence. Look at the white light at the bottom, which represents the entry-level dungeon, followed by green, blue, purple, orange, and black. , the strange world you are in has just opened, and the copies of the experience should be located in the white and green areas."

  Hearing this, Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi froze as if struck by lightning.

  "What we experienced was just the lowest level copy?" Zhao Yingzhi said in disbelief.

  Sloan said disapprovingly: "This is normal. As the selected players in your world, you are already much better than most people by being able to survive, and even if you return to the real world, the treatment you receive is extraordinary. Yes, I should be satisfied if I can enjoy the first wave of bonuses."

  Li Ran also did not expect that the copy of "Happy Home" would be the lowest copy in the reincarnation sequence.

  Aren't the blue, purple, orange, and black level copies above the ultimate hell-level perversion?

  Is this really a dungeon that players can challenge?
  Even if he had a golden finger, he didn't think he could survive the subsequent dungeons. This was not a good game at all.

  Thinking of this, Li Ran collapsed. He waved his hand and said, "The difficulty of our copy... well, let's not mention it. After all, we are too weak."

  Zhao Yingzhi didn't want to say anything anymore, she was shocked.

  They survived a narrow escape, but were told that it was the simplest copy.

  Anyone else would not be able to accept it.

  Sloan patted Li Ran's shoulder with understanding and said with a smile, "You'll get used to it. Who hasn't been hit at first?" "


  At this moment, a broadcast sounded on the platform.

  [Congratulations to players Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi for successfully clearing the copy of "Happy Home"! ]

  [Passthrough score: SSS!

  The loud broadcast sounded, and immediately everyone who was coming and going in the reincarnation space stopped. They all pricked up their ears and looked up at the top of the reincarnation sequence.

  "Damn it, did I hear it right? A copy of Happy Home?"

  "Real or fake?" "

  Happy Home, clearance score SSS, a lie, right?"

  For a while, everyone in the reincarnation space began to talk, thinking that I heard wrongly.

  Sloan also frowned, and suddenly raised his head and stared at the top of the reincarnation sequence. At this time, the reincarnation sequence changed into a pyramid structure according to the color. He looked at the orange area of ​​the pyramid, and frowned: "Hiss~ Orange copy, SSS, is it BUG?!"

  Just when everyone was confused, another broadcast sounded.

  [Congratulations to players Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi for breaking the zero clearance rate of the copy of "Happy Home" and completing the copy tasks perfectly. The first pass reward will be distributed together with the clearance reward! ]

  The sound of the second broadcast instantly exploded in the reincarnation space!

  "Damn it, who are these Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi? They are so awesome?" "

  Awesome Plath, these two are definitely supreme super god-level bosses!" "

  The copy of "Happy Home" is not a zero pass. How did they survive?"

  "Break zero clearance, achieve SSS achievement, orange hell level copy, can anyone really complete it?"

  The reincarnation space was boiling with madness.

  Someone has even spread the news to various worlds that the copy of "Happy Home" has broken the zero clearance limit, and instantly several worlds exploded!

  Of course, this is something.

  At this moment, Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi saw something in Shi Long's shocked eyes.

  The copy of "Happy Home" they experienced was obviously not the so-called entry-level copy.

  Moreover, they also broke the zero pass rate.

  Li Ran thought of what Yu Peng said to him on the steps of the altar, and combined it with the present.

  It also confirmed his suspicion. He and Zhao Yingzhi broke the record for the first pass of a hell-level difficulty dungeon, and rated it SSS!

  At this time, the sounds of dungeon clearance also sounded in the ears of Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi.

  [Congratulations on clearing the copy of "Happy Home", SSS level clearing rewards are being distributed.

  【Completion reward: guile value +1000, points +10000, strength +1000, agility +1000, constitution +1000. ]

  [Prop rewards: Contract scroll*1, (rare) skill book*1, (rare) equipment*1] [

  First pass reward: (epic level) equipment*1]

  [SSS achievement reward: (epic level) card* 1]

  Just when Li Ran thought the mission reward was about to end, the sound of mission completion sounded in his ears again.

  [Complete the mission: Find the murderer of the mutton restaurant couple. ]

  [Completion reward: guile +100, points +1000, (excellent) equipment*1, (excellent) skill book*1]

  A series of mission completion sounds sounded one after another.

  Li Ran's face was full of astonishment, and immediately he felt extremely excited.

  All the mission rewards in that column were distributed to his storage space, and he couldn't see them at all at once.

  Zhao Yingzhi's face was also filled with astonishment. This was probably the most generous reward she had ever received since entering the dungeon.

  Sloan on the side stared in surprise at the two people who suddenly froze in place and stared straight ahead.

  As a veteran player and guild vice-president, I understand this situation all too well.

  This is a state where players are watching tasks and completing tasks.

  Because the rewards and tasks are only visible to the players themselves, they tend to stare blankly ahead.

  The two people in front of them were staring blankly ahead.

  Their actions were consistent with the first broadcast of "Happy Home" just now.

  The names of Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi on the radio sounded like they were a boy and a girl.

  The man and woman in front of them had just come out of the dungeon.

  Combining various chances and coincidences, Sloan opened his mouth wide and looked at the two people in disbelief.

  "Are you Li Ran?" Shi Long asked.

  Li Ran came back to his senses and replied calmly: "Yeah, what's wrong?"

  (End of Chapter)

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