Chapter 117 Just hold the candle and leave the rest to me!

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  Chapter 117 Just hold the candle and leave the rest to me!

  After the dark mask expires.

  Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi were injected with powerful anesthetics.

  "Can this thing really make people fall asleep?" Li Ran couldn't help but wonder.

  This was the first time in his life that he had been injected with anesthetics. He had seen it a lot on TV and in novels. People would lose consciousness not long after the injection.

  But he is very awake now, not even a trace of sleepiness.

  So, he was curious about how anesthetics put people to sleep.

  Just when he was confused, his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

  On the other side, Zhao Yingzhi also fell into a deep sleep.

  Only Little Red Tong and Little Demon Infant were left in the tree hole safe house.

  The fox and the cub were bored, so they had no choice but to lie down and fall asleep while watching over them.

  I don’t know how much time has passed.

  Li Ran heard a burst of noise around him.

  It was very chaotic, with the sound of smashing, the roar of beasts, and the "babble" of the little devil baby.

  Li Ran suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the tree hole in front of him.

  His eyes glazed over and there was a brief lapse in memory.

  I was wondering how I ended up in the tree hole.

  Soon, a flood of memories flooded into his brain.

  Happy home, dark palace, tree hole safe house.

  After his memory was restored, Li Ran sat up suddenly.



  Little Red Tong and the Little Demon Infant bared their teeth fiercely at the tree hole.

  Li Ran also heard a beast-like roar in the tree hole and the friction sound of hitting the tree wall.

  "A monster has gotten in!" Li Ran was shocked.

  He got up and ran to the tree hole. As soon as he got up, his head suddenly became dim and his hands and feet became stiff and numb. As soon as he got up, he fell again.

  "Damn, the effect of the anesthetic hasn't completely worn off yet." Li Ran felt bad.

  He lowered his head and looked at the time. He had been asleep for exactly ten hours, but the strong anesthetic effect was still there. His consciousness was awake, but his body was still in a state of paralysis and stiffness.

  He couldn't help but wonder, it seemed that the negative effects injected into the body could not be removed by the [Immunity Ring]. It seemed that only external negative effects could be removed.


  At this time, a beast roar came from the tree hole.

  Li Ran's expression changed drastically, and he crawled into the hole in the tree, which meant that all the defenses outside were defeated.

  The defenses laid out by the defensive shields, thunder kites, magic tree puppets, magic tree men, and magic vines all collapsed.

  "Little devil baby, put the Dark Door in the tree hole!" Li Ran shouted and gave the order.

  Li Ran believed that it was not only Xu who broke in, but also viruses.

  The slumber state was lifted, the effect of the dark mask disappeared, and when he woke up, he became the only target of the virus in the dark palace.


  The little demon baby waved his arms, and a dark force condensed in the tree hole. As a cloud of black mist exploded, an invisible door of darkness suddenly floated in the tree hole.

  Then, Li Ran heard bursts of wailing and beastly roars gradually fading away, as if he had entered another space.

  The Dark Portal is a safe house connected to the dark world, where countless terrifying monsters are imprisoned.

  In just a moment, Li Ran heard three or four screams coming from the tree hole.

  These monsters would have never imagined that what awaited them when they slid down from the tree hole was not delicious human flesh, but an even more terrifying monster prison.

  "What's going on?"

  At this time, Zhao Yingzhi also woke up.

  She stood up immediately after hearing the noise, but like Li Ran, the paralysis effect did not wear off and she collapsed directly to the ground.

  "Did Xu break in?" Zhao Yingzhi's face turned pale as she realized that the anesthetic effect on her body had not worn off.

  She also noticed that Li Ran was paralyzed on the ground, waiting for the paralysis effect to wear off.

  "Buzz buzz!!!"

  Suddenly, a buzzing sound like a swarm of bees came from the tree hole.

  Their expressions changed drastically at the same time.

  "It's a virus!" Zhao Yingzhi said with a frightened face.

  Use their guile value to escape or defend, and you can also fight against the void.

  But the virus cannot compete with the force value, and there is no point in escaping.

  Without props, without sleeping, you will be smelled by the virus.

  Zhao Yingzhi panicked instantly, feeling a huge sense of despair in her heart.


  The little devil baby flew to Li Ran's side and pointed at the tree hole and made gestures.

  Li Ran frowned: "Can't the Dark Gate hold on?"

  "It's okay." The little devil baby nodded.

  "Tie it up." Li Ran put the little devil baby aside.

  He moved his arms and felt that he could now move his limbs slightly.

  He took a candle out of storage.

  Zhao Yingzhi asked in confusion: "Why are you lighting a candle?"

  There was actually a lighting lamp in the tree hole, which was enough to illuminate this small area.

  And she didn’t understand what Li Ran’s waxing had to do with the virus.


  At this time, Xiao Chitong fed back the information.

  The dark door in the tree hole disappeared.

  "Buzz buzz!!!"

  The swarm-like virus crazily drilled into the tree hole, and the sound was amplified several times in the tree hole.

  Zhao Yingzhi's face was ashen.

  I have survived until now, but in the end I still couldn't survive to the end.


  Suddenly, a group of black swarm-like viruses emerged from the dark tree hole.

  Like hungry wolves, they split into two groups in the air and rushed towards Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi.

  When the virus came like a black swarm, Zhao Yingzhi didn't even know how to resist it.

  All she can do is close her eyes and wait for death to come!

  Although she was not sure whether she would die after contracting the virus, she knew that she would definitely turn into a terrifying monster.

  It is said that this virus is a desire virus, which will infinitely amplify people's inner desires.

  But what is her desire?

  Do you want to be a carefree student?
  In that case, if you contract the virus, you may become a salted fish spirit.

  Thinking of this, Zhao Yingzhi couldn't help but want to laugh.

  "Will I turn into a salty fish spirit?" Zhao Yingzhi laughed at herself.

  Is the process of infection so long?
  Is the process of death so painful?

  Just suffering without any pain?
  There is even a hint of warmth.

  Wait, what's going on with the flickering light in front of you?

  Zhao Yingzhi opened her eyes suddenly, and the tree hole in front of her was illuminated by candlelight. The warm candlelight enveloped the two people, one fox and one cub.

  Warm and comforting.

  And the virus that could turn her into a monster seemed to have lost its target and was hovering in the air at a loss.

  "Candlelight?" Zhao Yingzhi looked at the candle in Li Ran's hand in disbelief.

  Li Ran poured out some candle oil and dropped it on the ground, then inserted the candle into the candle oil and fixed it on top.

  He shook his still somewhat paralyzed right hand and held a lighter in his hand: "Fortunately, the feeling in the arm has returned. If it had been a step later, we would have been infected." Only then did Zhao Yingzhi realize that it was the light of the candle that dispelled the virus

  . .

  And the candle was actually a prop brought out by Li Ran.

  "Is this also a prop?" Zhao Yingzhi asked.

  "Yeah." Li Ran nodded.

  "The light of the Blessing Candle can dispel darkness, viruses, and curses. This is my last tool to fight against viruses. If you don't enter the world gate after the candle's effect expires, just die where you are." Li Ran said.

  "I believe you. If possible, I really want to open your storage space to see how many treasures are hidden in it." Zhao Yingzhi glared at him.

  She really didn't make any calculations along the way. From the beginning of the crazy night, Li Ran had brought them hope and vitality time and time again, and time and time again he came up with tools to solve the crisis like magic, and even had terrifyingly powerful combat capabilities.

  The fox's fighting power was even more terrifying than hers, and even though the little devil's cub was not very powerful, she could still see that the little devil's cub was extraordinary. When he grew up, his fighting power would probably be greater than that of the six-tailed fox.

  It was also a task. Where did Li Ran get so many boosters and props?

  Could it be that the weird world has a krypton gold interface?
  Otherwise, how to explain why he is so good as a player?

  Is this reasonable? It is obviously not reasonable.

  The more Zhao Yingzhi thought about it, the more she felt that Li Ran's identity was not simple.

  In the real world, there are rich second generations who go to the bottom to experience life, so maybe there are also some in the weird world.

  Li Ran must be the son of the God of Darkness who came to the bottom to experience life.

  Although it was ridiculous, Li Ran really shocked her too much.

  "You can just stay in the tree hole for a while. There should be monsters and viruses outside." Li Ran said uneasily.

  "The blessing candle is valid for one hour. At the last moment when it burns out, we must enter the gate."

  Once the candle fails, they will be infected by the virus immediately.

  The time when the candlelight expires and the gate opens is at the time.

  This is their last chance.

  I lingered for about half an hour.


  Suddenly, the tree hole shook violently.

  The expressions of the two people changed suddenly, and they stared uneasily at the tree wall in front of them.


  There was another dull crash, and a crack opened in the tree wall under the load.

  "Something is hitting the tree hole!"


  Li Ran frowned. He had just said that he would stay in the safe house, but now the tree hole safe house suddenly became unsafe.

  He looked up at the dark tree hollow.

  (If you go out at this time, you will be surrounded by Xu, but you will definitely die if you stay in the tree hole!)
  (Tip: Xu has awe of the altar. If you are strong enough, going to the altar is your only way to survive!)

  Two A prompt appeared in the tree hole in front of Li Ran.

  These two lines of prompts were the most dangerous that Li Ran had ever encountered. Even if there were prompts, Li Ran didn't think he had a chance to survive.


  Another huge crash echoed in the tree hole.

  The safe house in the tree hole was in turmoil, and broken soil and debris continued to fall from above.

  At this time, the anesthetic effect on Li Ran completely subsided, and he handed the [Blessing Candle] into Zhao Yingzhi's hands: "Take it carefully, don't let her extinguish it!" "Okay.


  At this moment, Zhao Yingzhi could only trust Li Ran completely.

  "Come out of the tree hole, go to the altar, and follow me closely!" Li Ran's eyes were extremely cold, and his voice was also a bit colder.




  The demonic energy in the sky dispersed like cloud gauze, revealing the long-lost moonlight.

  The cold moonlight shines on the ancient altar, covering it with a mercury-silver cloak, like a mysterious veil covering the altar.   "

  Xiaxiaxiaxia   !   "   A hill of monster corpses appears beneath the steps of the ancient altar.   The monsters all around surrounded the ancient altar.   Directly in front of the monster tide, a huge giant centipede monster stood proudly at the front. The green-faced and wild-bearded dragon head stared angrily at the mountain of monster corpses under the stairs.   It led the evil snake god cultists here to catch the thief who stole the underworld lamp.   But the little thief was very cunning and insidious, and actually laid multiple traps around him.   Just one trap near a tree stump cost them dearly.   At this time, the mountain of monster corpses moved!   That little thief is coming out!   The giant centipede monster widened its eyes and let out a low roar.   "Boom!"   Suddenly, the mountain of monster corpses exploded, and the monster's corpses scattered all over the sky.   A shadowy figure rushed out of the tree hole and landed on the steps of the ancient altar.   Immediately afterwards, two more figures emerged from the tree hole and landed next to the black shadow.

  At this time, Li Ran, who was possessed by the little devil baby, was surrounded by thick dark shadows, and the shadows surrounded him like a raging wave.

  Zhao Yingzhi held the sacred candle of blessing in one hand and blocked the dark wind with the other, trying her best to protect the brilliance of the candle.

  The little red pupil transformed into a ghostly six-tailed fox and stood next to Li Ran. The evil and cold handsome body and the exaggerated and gorgeous six-tailed dance were like a cold and arrogant evil king.

  "Just hold on to the candlelight and leave the rest to me!" Li Ran's voice was extremely cold.

  Zhao Yingzhi nodded her head like garlic, and at this moment she completely transformed into Li Ran's little crush.

  For some reason she didn't feel panic when faced with the torrent of monsters. Although she didn't know why Li Ran had the courage to face tens of thousands of monster legions alone, she knew that Li Ran never did anything he was unsure of.

  Moreover, along the way, Li Ran has never disappointed.

  When they saw Li Ran appearing on the steps of the altar, all the monsters went crazy.

  That despicable little thief dared to step onto their altar.

  "Roar!!" The giant centipede demon was furious.

  Not only did the little thief step on his head once, but now he stepped on the altar with his dirty feet?

  A roar like a blood beast roared from the giant centipede monster's mouth.

  Immediately, the giant centipede demon flew towards Li Ran on the altar.

  The long body of the centipede passed by, and its cave-like bloody mouth suddenly opened, trying to swallow up Li Ran, Zhao Yingzhi and the six-tailed fox on the stone steps!
  For this little meal, it didn't even need to chew. It just swallowed the little thieves directly into its belly and let its ninety-nine-segmented body slowly digest the two little thieves.

  It is guaranteed to allow the little thief to experience a way of death that he has never experienced before. After entering its esophagus, the little thief will not die all at once, but will slowly be digested and melted. During this process, the little thief is awake and can feel Every inch of skin is as painful as sulfuric acid corrosion until it becomes a part of its body. This method of death is extremely cruel!
  The huge mouth covered it, and you could see the human arms with teeth and claws deep in its esophagus. The big mouth just enveloped Li Ran and Zhao Yingzhi.

  "Stinky centipede, you really disgust me!"

  Li Ran's extremely cold voice echoed above the altar, and exploded like thunder in the giant centipede monster's mouth!

  The Giant Centipede Monster suddenly felt a terrible force bursting rapidly in its mouth. Then, it felt a terrible tearing feeling coming from the mouth. When it realized the danger, an unknown person was The demonic claws, magnified many times, tore apart its huge mouth and continued to tear towards its torso!

  The Giant Centipede Demon was about to enjoy its delicious food. If the little thief swallowed such a special being, its guile value would definitely increase greatly, but he did not expect that its bloody mouth would be easily torn into pieces by the little thief. What was even more terrifying Yes, the little thief actually wanted to tear its torso into pieces!


  The demonic shadow claw tore a vicious crack of more than ten meters in the centipede monster's body, and the lamp oil in the centipede monster's torso poured out.

  The giant centipede monster's entire body hit the steps of the altar heavily, and its head even smashed a hole in the altar.

  Before this, Li Ran would still be a little afraid of the giant centipede monster.

  This centipede giant demon is composed of ninety-nine long human skin lamps. The long torso and the green-faced and wild-bearded dragon head give people an evil and domineering feeling. In fact, this lamp demon is an A-level 2200 sly. Powerful garbage.

  Li Ran's own guile value reached 2630.
  Agility: 920
  Strength: 470
  Constitution: 450.
  The comprehensive guile value reached more than 3,000. With the addition of the little devil baby's soul, the guile value on his attribute panel soared to about 3,000.

  It's just a lamp demon, killing it is like cutting grass!
  As if he had not completely released the anger in his heart, Li Ran, surrounded by the demonic shadow, stared at the giant centipede demon lying on the ground twitching in pain. The giant demonic shadow hand on the claws was enlarged several times again, many times larger than the head of the giant centipede demon. As Li Ran's claws thrust forward, the giant centipede monster's green-faced and wild-bearded head was instantly grasped tightly by the ghost hands.


  Li Ran clenched his claws fiercely, and the giant centipede demon's head exploded!
  The fire light burst out, the lamp oil splashed, and in an instant, the giant centipede monster turned into a long worm swallowed by the flames.

  Zhao Yingzhi, who was holding the candlelight behind her, was already scared to death!

  She couldn't understand Li Ran's strength.

  Although the lamp demon is made of lamps, it is not so vulnerable.

  At least she couldn't cause substantial harm to the giant centipede monster, and even felt scared.

  However, Li Ran defeated the giant centipede monster with one claw. How terrifying is Li Ran's uncanny power?
  The monsters in the circle in front of the altar felt incredible when they saw that their dragon lanterns were destroyed by the little thief.

  This is what Li Ran wants.

  Instantly frightened all the monsters.

  But Li Ran knew that this was only short-lived.

  First, they have a reverence for the altar.

  Secondly, Li Ran's fighting power made them feel afraid.

  However, these monsters all work for the evil snake god. Li Ran ruined the sacrifice ceremony. How could the monsters let him go? It won't be long before they attack the group, and by then, it will be difficult for Li Ran to deal with them.

  But at this moment, there was a restlessness among the monsters.

  As if some great figure appeared behind them, the monsters retreated to both sides.

  I saw two people walking one behind the other in the forest.

  The leader is a burly snake man with a human head and a snake body!
  Its human head has a pair of evil blood-colored eyes, and under the strong nose is an extremely huge mouth. A snake is beating crazily outside the mouth, and its face is covered with purple and ferocious lines.

  Its lower body is a long and ferocious snake body, which can swim upright like a human.

  However, Li Ran had an extremely bad feeling in his heart. When he saw the snake man, his mind couldn't help but overlap the man's face with the face of the evil snake god Tianmu.

  The face of the snake man is exactly the same as the evil snake god!
  And the man behind the snake man has a sharp sword on his head!
  Li Ran's pupils trembled, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

  (Yu Peng)
  (S-level spiritually infected body)

  (Crookedness value: 2500)


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  (End of chapter)

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